Fucking hell fire, those 3D Realms threads....
Everything is so disgusting to these people.
"I'm not a white supremacist, I just don't mind giving one my money to finance his agendas. Let's separate the art from the artist." Resetera, the left wing of the gamer community.
Here’s a tip, if you don’t like the place then why don’t you just fuck off somewhere else? Nobody is holding you hostage and you won’t miss the “disgusting” forum.
And WTF kind of bollocks is a “capital G gamer?”, stop being a capital T twat.
First off, that game looks awesome and I can't wait to play it.
Next, I am really getting sick of these assholes who seem to think they are some group of "industry watchdogs" or something.
Look, if you want to make sure the industry is doing right or you want to be an ethical gamer then maybe start with the hardware.
Where is it made and by whom and in what kind of conditions. Where are the materials sourced and manufactured etc.
THAT is where anyone interested in ethics or justice in videogames should be looking FIRST.
I personally do not have the time to look into every single developer for every game I have a passing interest in.
So I Googled 3D Realms looking for any widely publicized controversy and it turns out this is the same developer as Ion Fury (awesome game btw) and the controversy was that in the game a soap bottle had been labelled "Ogay". So a Family Guy level joke at worst. Not hateful or malicious. OK.
Like, it's not nearly controversial enough for me to even care about it, nevermind keep it in mind so that the next time I see a game from the same devs (where their logo appears briefly and the start and end of the trailer among a bunch of other logos) I immediately recoil in horror and vow to never buy it.
This is just silly. So I should allow a bunch of over-reacting man-babies, identifying as man-ladies, to dictate my purchases based on stupid shit? Piss off. It's a daft joke. Looks like there was an apology and some donations to charity. End of.
They do the same shit with THQ Nordic.
Forgetting the fact that I'd not really look too much a who makes or publishes a game outside of a select few, why would I even care if they haven't done something egregiously wrong?
Oh they had an AMA on 8Chan? OK, I know 8chan has a bad reputation but otherwise have never been on it.
They apologized though, right? Yeah? So where is the problem?
The problem there seems to be that the person who did it wasn't fired.
So they want someone's job over a simple mistake that was followed by a full apology but somehow THQ Nordic are the bad guys?
No way I am deep diving into the background of each and every developer and publisher just in case they fucked up some time in the past.
If they did something spectacularly awful then I am sure I will hear about it.
If I have to Google the controversy and then find out that these idiotic wee guys online are actually exaggerating and blowing up the controversy on purpose then honestly I am more inclined to support the developer and at least I get a new videogame out of it.
Buh buh but they are Alt-Right! What the fuck does that even mean?
Someone who works there labelled a bottle as "Ogay". I thought the alt-right was all about race or some shit.
So not only do I need to coalesce my understanding of the blatantly nebulous use of the term "alt right" but I also then need to keep up to speed on which developers are apparently "alt-right" even though those devs certainly do not identify as such? So self-identification isn't important after all? Weird that.
Guys these devs don't seem to identify as alt-right.
"Reeeeee! Just look at them WE say they are alt-right what they identify as is irrelevant".
Ok then so Incelsiorlef is just a dude in a dress, right? I mean, just look at him.
DukeNukum said: If you are coming into this thread posting “this looks cool” and choosing to ignore that 3D Realms is a fucking trash fire of a company because you “like Hexen”, you are a shitty human being. If you choose to buy the game because you “like Hexen” and want to ignore where your money is going, then you are a shitty human being.
Oh just fuck off.
It's ALWAYS all or nothing over there. Yet, only when it suits them.
Can you really claim to be an ethical person, who cares about where their money is going to the extent that others who don't care as much as you are "shitty human beings", and own any of the current gaming consoles?
Those naughty devs said some naughty words?
OK. Still buying their game though.