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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Read the first 3 pages, thread swings all over the place and is a mess.

Don't see anyone attacking the OP though unless I'm missing something?


Fucking hell fire, those 3D Realms threads....



Everything is so disgusting to these people.

Here’s a tip, if you don’t like the place then why don’t you just fuck off somewhere else? Nobody is holding you hostage and you won’t miss the “disgusting” forum.

And WTF kind of bollocks is a “capital G gamer?”, stop being a capital T twat.

First off, that game looks awesome and I can't wait to play it.

Next, I am really getting sick of these assholes who seem to think they are some group of "industry watchdogs" or something.

Look, if you want to make sure the industry is doing right or you want to be an ethical gamer then maybe start with the hardware.
Where is it made and by whom and in what kind of conditions. Where are the materials sourced and manufactured etc.
THAT is where anyone interested in ethics or justice in videogames should be looking FIRST.

I personally do not have the time to look into every single developer for every game I have a passing interest in.

So I Googled 3D Realms looking for any widely publicized controversy and it turns out this is the same developer as Ion Fury (awesome game btw) and the controversy was that in the game a soap bottle had been labelled "Ogay". So a Family Guy level joke at worst. Not hateful or malicious. OK.

Like, it's not nearly controversial enough for me to even care about it, nevermind keep it in mind so that the next time I see a game from the same devs (where their logo appears briefly and the start and end of the trailer among a bunch of other logos) I immediately recoil in horror and vow to never buy it.

This is just silly. So I should allow a bunch of over-reacting man-babies, identifying as man-ladies, to dictate my purchases based on stupid shit? Piss off. It's a daft joke. Looks like there was an apology and some donations to charity. End of.

They do the same shit with THQ Nordic.
Forgetting the fact that I'd not really look too much a who makes or publishes a game outside of a select few, why would I even care if they haven't done something egregiously wrong?
Oh they had an AMA on 8Chan? OK, I know 8chan has a bad reputation but otherwise have never been on it.
They apologized though, right? Yeah? So where is the problem?

The problem there seems to be that the person who did it wasn't fired.
So they want someone's job over a simple mistake that was followed by a full apology but somehow THQ Nordic are the bad guys?

No way I am deep diving into the background of each and every developer and publisher just in case they fucked up some time in the past.

If they did something spectacularly awful then I am sure I will hear about it.
If I have to Google the controversy and then find out that these idiotic wee guys online are actually exaggerating and blowing up the controversy on purpose then honestly I am more inclined to support the developer and at least I get a new videogame out of it.

Buh buh but they are Alt-Right! What the fuck does that even mean?
Someone who works there labelled a bottle as "Ogay". I thought the alt-right was all about race or some shit.

So not only do I need to coalesce my understanding of the blatantly nebulous use of the term "alt right" but I also then need to keep up to speed on which developers are apparently "alt-right" even though those devs certainly do not identify as such? So self-identification isn't important after all? Weird that.

Guys these devs don't seem to identify as alt-right.
"Reeeeee! Just look at them WE say they are alt-right what they identify as is irrelevant".
Ok then so Incelsiorlef is just a dude in a dress, right? I mean, just look at him.

DukeNukum said: If you are coming into this thread posting “this looks cool” and choosing to ignore that 3D Realms is a fucking trash fire of a company because you “like Hexen”, you are a shitty human being. If you choose to buy the game because you “like Hexen” and want to ignore where your money is going, then you are a shitty human being.

Oh just fuck off.

It's ALWAYS all or nothing over there. Yet, only when it suits them.

Can you really claim to be an ethical person, who cares about where their money is going to the extent that others who don't care as much as you are "shitty human beings", and own any of the current gaming consoles?

Those naughty devs said some naughty words?
OK. Still buying their game though.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Whilst simultaneously saying "OH MY GOD PERSONA 5 IS SO GOOD!"

That always gets me. I mean Atlus games are generally awesome even if some of them start pinging my uh oh radar. Etrian Odyssey is all kinds of awesome old school fun but certainly some, peculiar, artistic choices. And Persona is no exception, it's traditionally awesome smt game play with a schoolgirl dating sim bolted on. But somehow that doesn't seem to register over there.

All things considered Catherine is the most acceptable of their recent games but they are always bashing it.


The truth of the matter is that self improvement is the only way you can overcome depression and nobody can do that for you. Drugs can numb whatever chemical imbalance youmay have, but they'll never be able to better your living situation. Only hard work can do that.

This is... extremely wrong. When it comes to genuine, medically diagnosed depression, anyway. There are people in the world who have it all - money, success, great relationships, etc. and they can suffer from depression, because it's a medical condition just like any other. Would you say to a cancer patient that bettering their living situation would make their cancer better? No. Real depression, bipolar, and anxiety have a root cause in chemical imbalances in the brain that can't be wished away. They require medical intervention. I've known people with apparently everything who have genuinely been in hell because of their mental state, and have only been helped with SSRIs.

Don't confuse the bleating stupidity of entitled Era posters with those who are suffering from a condition that's very real, and isn't solved by self improvement. Of course, if you can take steps to improve your quality of life it can help with depression a great deal, but it isn't as easy as that for many who suffer with the condition, and to say so is wrong.
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Oh just fuck off.

It's ALWAYS all or nothing over there. Yet, only when it suits them.

Can you really claim to be an ethical person, who cares about where their money is going to the extent that others who don't care as much as you are "shitty human beings", and own any of the current gaming consoles?

Those naughty devs said some naughty words?
OK. Still buying their game though.
It goes even deeper. That approach of "If you buy X, you fund bigotry" is a highly flawed way of thinking for a number of reasons:

1. Not all your money goes to a single person. Like, if a studio has a shitty person (or rather, a person who once said something shitty), your money does not go to that person alone. If we are talking about standard retail, there's a number of jobs and people involved. So all these people should miss out on that business because you dislike one individual?
2. Number 1 dictates logically that you should assume that there are more okay than shitty people in the world, hence the chance of punishing innocent / undeserving people with a boycott is very high. Likewise, if you don't assume that there are more okay than shitty people, but it's the other way around, you literally cannot buy anything anymore, because each purchase would likely "fund bigotry".
3. What's the extent of that philosophy? Okay, so I stop buying from a person because they're a bigot, or rather, like they put it, I stop giving money to a bigot, because you cannot fund bigotry. Which means that ideally, nobody should give them their money, because nobody should fund bigotry! Okay, so now they have no customer left and make no money off them whatsoever. What happens next? Why of course, they need to be fired from their job, because otherwise, their employer would be guilty of - you guessed it - funding bigotry. Ah, great, so now that they lost their customers and their income, that person has become a welfare case, good job. But wait, there's more! There really shouldn't be any kind of welfare or benefit from the state for those people - after all, cannot be funding bigotry, right? So, no money for you, Mister! And there goes your income, your job, your welfare - well, now they're finally in their rightful place, shunned by the entire world and waiting for a slow and painful death by starvation or freezing, because they've got nothing left and cannot be offered a chance to redeem themselves, since we really cannot fund bigotry in any way.
Or long story short: bigots (read: people I don't agree with) deserve to die. Please, continue with the lecture about what attitudes make (other) people shitty human beings.
4. Separating the art from the artist is a thing, and it must be. Because if I cannot enjoy art from an artist I dislike, I also cannot dislike art from an artist I like, which would obviously be moronic.
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Real depression, bipolar, and anxiety have a root cause in chemical imbalances in the brain that can't be wished away.

Drugs can numb whatever chemical imbalance youmay have, but they'll never be able to better your living situation. Only hard work can do that.

As someone who was diagnosed with depression at an early age, I'm going to politely agree to disagree with you here.


Cheers. Now let's make fun of some reeeeeee please.
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My mother is bi polar/schizo and was diagnosed as such in the 70s or so. Back when manic depression was the less PC way of putting it. She very often makes trips to the loony bin. This was a huge part of my childhood.

She was on Lithium for decades. It screwed up her kidneys to the point of them now functioning only at 13% efficiency. She's terminal. I'm currently taking care of her in my home, as a result, due to a very long story involving her getting booted from various group homes which I'd rather not share on GAF.

When I was younger I was diagnosed with a fair amount of the same. Depression, anxiety, paranoia, etc. Lord forbid I told any shrink about my mom, theyd immediately jump to other conclusions.

At first, I was willing to give Xanax a shot. Especially a a drug loving teen, and all it did was cloud my shit up. They wanted to prescribe me so much more.

As a result, I politely told the 'experts' off, and decided I'd better myself. I havent needed any type of medication or therapy since. I'm fairly normal, and have been through hell taking care of my mother, now terminal, due to side effects from her medication.

To say I have personal experience and differing viewpoints on the subject would be an understatement.

I dojt take medicine for it. I don't spend all day whinging about the hand I was dealt. Instead, I take care of my shit. I eat super fucking healthy, exercise as much as I can, and meditate. I haven't beaten my shitbfully, but it's a hell of a lot better than being some drugged up zombie.

My experience isn't everybody's, and I understand if this makes me sound ignorant, but this is all very real to me. It's literally something I've dealt with my whole life.

Cheers. Now let's make fun of some reeeeeee please.

Good for you 👍 Everyone’s experience is different, as you say. And I‘m sorry you and your mother are going through what you are. I can relate unfortunately. Best wishes.


I don't know man. You seen the thread by @M1chl where he explains his health issues and how masks protect people like him? I felt fucking ashamed of the things I was reading. No compassion seen in that thread.
He came off as a bossy asshole in that thread. I would have added my opinion to it but there was no point since he didn’t care about anything that was counter to his point and immediately dismissed it. That was my take, anyway.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
He came off as a bossy asshole in that thread. I would have added my opinion to it but there was no point since he didn’t care about anything that was counter to his point and immediately dismissed it. That was my take, anyway.

What do you expect. He's an immunocompromised individual in a mask negationist website. He's got a right to be bossy.


What do you expect. He's an immunocompromised individual in a mask negationist website. He's got a right to be bossy.
I addressed what somebody else brought up in this topic. Don’t use that as an opportunity to drag that topics conversation in here. You’ve said enough in the other topic and if I felt there was going to be a conversation without hostility I would have posted there.

Again: don’t drag that drama into this topic.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I addressed what somebody else brought up in this topic. Don’t use that as an opportunity to drag that topics conversation in here. You’ve said enough in the other topic and if I felt there was going to be a conversation without hostility I would have posted there.

Again: don’t drag that drama into this topic.

That's a mods call, not yours. We don't need no backseat modding.
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So apparently Uncle Fester was a pedophile because you can now just project things that you want

Also self proclaimed pedo member of resetera was too afraid to wave back at a kid waiving at them because the world might find out about their pedophilia.

This is only the first fucking page of their OT. There’s probably more but they really seem focused on pedophilia this morning.


What do you expect. He's an immunocompromised individual in a mask negationist website. He's got a right to be bossy.
Here is the problem right here u think this is a “mask negationist website”. I don’t really agree with that and you thinking it and saying it is the exact attitude that puts people on the defensive.

It’s just too political of a topic. If you say anything against masks being the ultimate cure all then you must obviously never wear masks ever and be a moron. If you have any criticism or show a single study that goes against the grain people like you jump to “you all hate masks and want people to die” it’s impossible to have a nuanced discussion in that environment. Then it’s just a back and forth of who lives in a “dumb country who didn’t do anything” a bunch of uninformed takes and blame thrown around. It just turns into a game of “you don’t believe this is real” infighting. As if you either buy 100% into all the mainstream views or you are a knuckle dragging morons who thinks the whole thing is fake. Impossible to discuss this under those binary conditions.

Also the masks thing is perhaps the most controversial issue right now and “Wear the damn mask” is how that thread was titled. Which is very confrontational language. We see this shit all day long by the authorities so seeing it from a peer kind of sets me off. At any rate the title and OP itself was kind of an open call for people to respond in kind. Maybe OP meant it as a personal experience thread but by making it about forcing other people to do things they were asking for blowback.

Imo expecting THAT topic to be discussed with full civility is patently insane. It’s just a radioactive topic.
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
So apparently Uncle Fester was a pedophile because you can now just project things that you want

Also self proclaimed pedo member of resetera was too afraid to wave back at a kid waiving at them because the world might find out about their pedophilia.

This is only the first fucking page of their OT. There’s probably more but they really seem focused on pedophilia this morning.
To paraphrase a line in Hamlet "The paedophile doth protest too much, methinks!"


Game companies should take games that are finished and throw them away because of protests. Yes we have an OP arguing that AAA gaming should cater to the whims of any group that gets loud enough

23 minutes ago
I know the game was made before the protests, but how could anyone involved not notice that it was problematic? And then how could they release that trailer during the protests without putting 2 and 2 together?


May contain jokes =>
This is... extremely wrong. When it comes to genuine, medically diagnosed depression, anyway. There are people in the world who have it all - money, success, great relationships, etc. and they can suffer from depression, because it's a medical condition just like any other. Would you say to a cancer patient that bettering their living situation would make their cancer better? No. Real depression, bipolar, and anxiety have a root cause in chemical imbalances in the brain that can't be wished away. They require medical intervention. I've known people with apparently everything who have genuinely been in hell because of their mental state, and have only been helped with SSRIs.

Don't confuse the bleating stupidity of entitled Era posters with those who are suffering from a condition that's very real, and isn't solved by self improvement. Of course, if you can take steps to improve your quality of life it can help with depression a great deal, but it isn't as easy as that for many who suffer with the condition, and to say so is wrong.

This is very simplistic thinking, and if your understanding of the cause of depression is indistinguishable from the cartoon in a Prozac commercial you might want to reevaluate things a bit.

As with basically every single human illness, depression and anxiety are multifactorial. Genetics, environment, behavior. Some individuals may be more predisposed towards the dyfunctional neurotransmitter regulation that leads to these conditions, but it is basically impossible to differentiate this from changes resulting from a mental state, not the cause of them. How do you tell the difference?

People who "have it all" are actually much more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression because these conditions increase proportionally with success and how easy your life is. There are very few clinically depressed people in active warzones or living in primitive tribes.

It may be true for some people that they are the victim of dysfunctional brain chemistry, however to push SSRIs as a cure for this implies that 1) the cure has a positive benefit/risk profile (not likely) and 2) there is nothing else you can do to mitigate the problem.


This is very simplistic thinking, and if your understanding of the cause of depression is indistinguishable from the cartoon in a Prozac commercial you might want to reevaluate things a bit.

As with basically every single human illness, depression and anxiety are multifactorial. Genetics, environment, behavior. Some individuals may be more predisposed towards the dyfunctional neurotransmitter regulation that leads to these conditions, but it is basically impossible to differentiate this from changes resulting from a mental state, not the cause of them. How do you tell the difference?

People who "have it all" are actually much more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression because these conditions increase proportionally with success and how easy your life is. There are very few clinically depressed people in active warzones or living in primitive tribes.

It may be true for some people that they are the victim of dysfunctional brain chemistry, however to push SSRIs as a cure for this implies that 1) the cure has a positive benefit/risk profile (not likely) and 2) there is nothing else you can do to mitigate the problem.

Did you even read the post I was replying to? Of course depression has many causes. I was pointing out to the other guy that it can’t just be solved with lifestyle changes. And here you come in claiming I’m saying only drugs can help? I never said anything of the sort, only that some people with depression use them, and benefit from them. Which is the truth.

Seriously, did you read either post? Or are you just so intent on making the point you want to about SSRIs that you merely skimmed a conversation between two other people, before sticking your oar in?
I saw someone call American McGee a Nazi. What’s that about?

He made his stance on free speech clear, which made him the enemy of a lot of anti-gamergate people during its height.

Then his sister was kidnapped and most likely killed (she's still declared missing IIRC) and only gamergate people actually sympathized with him while all the anti-gg people told him to go fuck himself over it. So his view is obviously going to skew one way over the other.
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
He made his stance on free speech clear, which made him the enemy of a lot of anti-gamergate people during its height.

Then his sister was kidnapped and most likely killed (she's still declared missing IIRC) and only gamergate people actually sympathized with him while all the anti-gg people told him to go fuck himself over it. So his view is obviously going to skew one way over the other.

McGee had a number of stepfathers when growing up until his mother finally settled into a relationship with a transgender woman. When McGee was sixteen, he came home from school and found his house empty and abandoned; the only things left were his bed, his books, his clothes and his Commodore 64 computer. His mother had sold the house to pay for two plane tickets and the fee for her girlfriend's sex reassignment surgery, leaving him on his own. He packed up his computer, dropped out of high school and took a variety of odd jobs, finally settling on a Volkswagen repair shop.[4]


Just thought that was a crazy back story for this dude



This thread about the highest profile news story of the weekend in the UK has sunk several pages after only a few replies. Why is this? The person arrested is black. The person murdered is a gay white man.

When the narritive doesn't fit, the voices keep silent.

Daffy Duck


This thread about the highest profile news story of the weekend in the UK has sunk several pages after only a few replies. Why is this? The person arrested is black. The person murdered is a gay white man.

When the narritive doesn't fit, the voices keep silent.

Nah, it’s because it’s the U.K. who gives a fuck about what happens in the U.K.? The Yanks certainly don’t.


He's kinda right in the sense that everything can be seen as problematic. Even this post.
He's right in parts in a microcosm type of way.

Yes. Negativity will breed negativity. Era is an endless spiral of examples and they have no clue that they are their own creation of destruction and negativity.
The larger point is that he fails to see that it's all absolutely pointless.
Forest through the trees

The shit they go on about in the gaming side i.e representation, gender politics etc etc, is completely worthless and fixes nothing for your average day to day person.
They just identify issues in a larger world and try to graft them onto things more familiar to them. Games.
The rise of the "modern gamer" stinks to me of desperation of trying to justify what was considered childish to actually having some sort of cultural relevance or worth simply because it's what they know.

It's like that one guy that listens to that really obscure band that no one else likes but he keeps going on about how complex the music is and how deep the lyrics are.
You keep explaining to him that it's fine to like that band and anyone that disproves of him liking the band is probably a dick. But he won't let it go until the band gets a following and he's justified.

It's always seemed to me an insecurity thing. Game journalists harping on about the dangers of being a female dev or the importance of representation, elevated into insane levels over the years.

Gaming has grown far larger over the past decade but it's core is still fundamental the same. Company want's to offer you entertainment in exchange for cash.


The rise of the "modern gamer" stinks to me of desperation of trying to justify what was considered childish to actually having some sort of cultural relevance or worth simply because it's what they know.

Remember when this was only seen in "Are games art?" discussions.



Can someone read this and tell me what on earth this 5 star general of faggotness is talking about?



Can someone read this and tell me what on earth this 5 star general of faggotness is talking about?
Why are they all autistic? How the fuck is saying you can make smores with a chocolate bar similar to getting drunk off of cough syrup?

Edit: Now he's talking about huffing whipped cream. The fuck is he talking about that smores are inapproriate?
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Why are they all autistic? How the fuck is saying you can make smores with a chocolate bar similar to getting drunk off of cough syrup?

Edit: Now he's talking about huffing whipped cream. The fuck is he talking about that smores are inapproriate?

In fairness he's getting called out for being a retard.
The best cure for depression is exercise, nutrition, and tough love

I had an ex who never quite got over her mother and sister passing a few years prior to us dating. She'd do weird things like start talking about suicide randomly in public, or cry during sex. Her friends would encourage her to hit the bong and listen to sad music to cope. I suggested exercise, and spending more time outside. She dumped me as a result and accused me of 'gaslighting'. Some people just wanna bask in those negative emotions eternally. So be it.
I was in a really dark fucking place after graduating college with good grades, in a worthwhile degree, and not only not being qualified for an entry level professional job, but being overqualified for the warehouse work I was doing before going to school. Working part time in food service, drinking too much, living at home at 28, and slowly getting more and more bitter.

After a drunken conversation with my stepfather one day he asked me if I ever thought about driving a semi. I didn't have an answer, so I started doing research. Six months later I was on a bus going half-way across the country to the company that was going to pay me to train me.

Six years later I can firmly say that a meaningful, productive career does absolute wonders for one's mental health.


Maybe I can figure out a way to grab it on 360 still.

Alice and Diablo 2 were my two favorite pc games growing up. It's been too long

Ty nush nush
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