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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Of course,

She's attractive, successful.
Had the "Wrong" political opinion on something somewhere that wasn't America.
Every historical character must be played by an ethically accurate actor*.

Unless it's a white historical character then you can give those roles to minorities and it's OK!

If they cast a black or Arab woman then they'd be applauding it even tho Cleapatra was a white Greek woman. Why even read history?


I think we are giving lot of traffic to ERA lol

Always have been;



Someone was feeling lonely and needed some attention

An interesting, and probably quite depressing, aspect of a thread like this is that "coming out as a woman" is very likely the most positive reaction some of these folks ever get in their entire adult lives.

Imagine spending 20 or 30 or 40 years living as a dude and seeing nothing but criticism, mockery or just plain indifference towards your identity but the day you identify as a woman it's an instant bombardment of support and compliments and all this "you are valid" stuff.

Thats got to be a headwrecker.

On a personal level too some of the posters seem to be in their 30s and 40s and I'd bet coming out as trans was probably the first time they got compliments on their looks or their outfits etc etc. I wonder how strange that must be. To go from say posting pics of yourself on social media and getting no response to slapping on some make up and a dress and getting person after person saying how amazing you look now.

Can you imagine the same poster posting something along the lines of "media and people online are so mean to white people and men these days and as a white man I find it is degrading my sense of self worth"? They'd have an all out feeding frenzy where the BEST you could hope for is being told you should denounce masculinity or deconstruct whiteness or whatever.

I believe the whole thing with that thread is similar to, if not exactly the same as a cult recruitment method known as "love bombing".

Think of how many sad and lonely dudes on there would be looking in on that thread and thinking how drastically they could transition from being a member of a hated demographic into a loved and valid person buried under an unprecedented amount of compliment and support and love.

Its kind of sad when you realise that some of them are well into their 30s and 40s and only just now feeling that kind of affection without having the self awareness to think "hang on we actually treat men so horribly or at least with such indifference that I actually needed to identify as not a man to get some positive vibes in my life".

There's a lot of identifiable cult-like behavior surrounding that site.


Now I'm not here to complain about my ban. I see why it was valid. It was never my intention to comes off as a racist or eugenics supporter. For the ResetEra mods reading this thread, and I know you do, I apologize for my comment and any harm it caused.

Its a cult.

FFS look at yourself.

Coming over here to publicly grovel and apologise to mods who banned you from a videogame forum.

"Oh I see why my ban was so very valid and necessary and I apologise so very much for all the harm I caused".

Fuckin relax. Nobody thinks you are racist until its proven otherwise. You probably, hopefully, aren't racist at all so calm down.

Seriously what's with this?

You really care that much what those absolute cretins think of you? Enough to move over to another forum to publicly grovel and apologise to them?



ERA reminds me of playing Syndicate on my PC as a teen.

One mission you had to assassinate a mayor (I think?) during some parade with his motorcade going through the street.

I used the persuadeatron to brainwash every person lining the roads in support, gatherng them all together and simply self-detonated once his car was passing.

Never laughed so much in my life at all the persuaded npcs running around screaming and on fire after the explosion.

Brilliant game and sums ERA up so perfectly.

I plan on going on a mid-90s to mid-00s PC gaming journey next year so I can play all the games I missed out on then (I was gaming on PC then, but was almost exclusively into strategy games). I remember seeing Syndicate in magazines and being interested back then, hopefully it'll still hold up in 2021. It sounds a lot of fun from your description. I'll be sure to try the resetera mass brainwashing/suicide tactic :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Remember when a Greek born in Alexandria made a fantasy movie about gods of Egypt and this forum was convinced it's racist despite its characters being played by people from all around the world?
The sad thing about that Cleopatra thread is that the people who actually know a bit of history are too incompetent to shut the leftists down. Is it so hard to say ALEXANDER LIBERATED EGYPT FROM PERSIAN CONTROL AND EGYPTIANS THOUGHT HE WAS FUCKING AWESOME AND LIKED PTOLEMY I BECAUSE HE WAS ALSO FUCKING AWESOME AND DEFENDED AND EXPANDED EGYPT?


Never forget woke UN staffers petitioned to remove her from ambassador status in 2016

On their petition website, they wrote: "Although the original creators may have intended Wonder Woman to represent a strong and independent warrior woman with a feminist message, the reality is that the character's current iteration is that of a large breasted, white woman of impossible proportions, scantily clad in a shimmery, thigh-baring body suit with an American flag motif and knee high boots --the epitome of a pin-up girl."

The petition had attracted more than 44,000 supporters by Tuesday when the announcement was made that Wonder Woman's role would end.

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One thing that always strikes me with these cancellings is that the only difference between someone who is a POS worthy of cancelling and someone who isn't, is that you don't know enough about the person who isn't. Take the totality of anyone's life and run it though the purity checker and it's going to fail for something. Especially the way this stuff is seized upon and wilfully interpreted with the strongest possible preconceptions of guilt and then that one incidents comes to define your entire life. Imagine if everything you'd ever said and done was held under a microscope by people looking to find ways to attack you. Almost anyone would look like a horrible bastard in those conditions. It's just silly. And an order of magnitude worse when you then apply that cancellation to the company that employs that person. Every medium sized to big company on earth must have at least one questionable employee ffs.


She's been cancelled there for quite a while because she's pro-Israel -- a shocking stance for a Jewish person, especially one who was born and raised there. The fact that she's a successful attractive straight "white" female is just more ammunition for them. Remember that a large portion of their user base looks like this:


Actually, worse than that. I've seen the pictures, not going to post them here though.


An interesting, and probably quite depressing, aspect of a thread like this is that "coming out as a woman" is very likely the most positive reaction some of these folks ever get in their entire adult lives.

Imagine spending 20 or 30 or 40 years living as a dude and seeing nothing but criticism, mockery or just plain indifference towards your identity but the day you identify as a woman it's an instant bombardment of support and compliments and all this "you are valid" stuff.


No shit.

On a personal level too some of the posters seem to be in their 30s and 40s and I'd bet coming out as trans was probably the first time they got compliments on their looks or their outfits etc etc. I wonder how strange that must be. To go from say posting pics of yourself on social media and getting no response to slapping on some make up and a dress and getting person after person saying how amazing you look now.

Speaking specifically about trans trenders is the same mentality as Furries. Except rather that a fursuit they can't wear all day it's an acceptable woman suit they wear.

Think of how many sad and lonely dudes on there would be looking in on that thread and thinking how drastically they could transition from being a member of a hated demographic into a loved and valid person buried under an unprecedented amount of compliment and support and love.

I commented on this a couple of days ago, depending on how much attention that guy got "Coming out" will no doubt influence other there to also do the same. I think He had about 7 pages of "love bombing". Same thing as the suicide threads coming in batches.

There's a lot of identifiable cult-like behavior surrounding that site.
For sure and everyone keeps the bubble nice and tight, even those with good intentions can't see they are part of the problem. It's support the narrative or you're getting kicked out and branded.


I plan on going on a mid-90s to mid-00s PC gaming journey next year so I can play all the games I missed out on then (I was gaming on PC then, but was almost exclusively into strategy games). I remember seeing Syndicate in magazines and being interested back then, hopefully it'll still hold up in 2021. It sounds a lot of fun from your description. I'll be sure to try the resetera mass brainwashing/suicide tactic :messenger_tears_of_joy:

It's brilliant fun, go back to it every few years. Strategy (kinda) in it too, you'll have a blast.

Can't remember if you can name your agents (despite playing it so many times) but if you could name yourself 'Nepenthe' or 'Hecht' before you detonate it would be glorious, Hell any mod name. :D
One thing that always strikes me with these cancellings is that the only difference between someone who is a POS worthy of cancelling and someone who isn't, is that you don't know enough about the person who isn't. Take the totality of anyone's life and run it though the purity checker and it's going to fail for something. Especially the way this stuff is seized upon and wilfully interpreted with the strongest possible preconceptions of guilt and then that one incidents comes to define your entire life. Imagine if everything you'd ever said and done was held under a microscope by people looking to find ways to attack you. Almost anyone would look like a horrible bastard in those conditions. It's just silly. And an order of magnitude worse when you then apply that cancellation to the company that employs that person. Every medium sized to big company on earth must have at least one questionable employee ffs.

One of the funniest stories in that regard has to be their handling of the Girlfriend Reviews channel on YouTube. They came out of nowhere with very well delivered, thought-out and polished videos, to a point that people suspected (since they didn't reveal their faces for the longest time) they might be some other well-known content creators in disguise. This started a bit of a witch hunt on Era, where folks were determined to shit up every thread about them looking into everything they may or may not be involved be with, trying to find flaws in a channel that... really didn't have much wrong, it was safe and fine humor that never really went too much into shaming devs, body types or whatnot ofor jokes, but they also didn't refrain from using popular memes.

Their first "mistake" was... using Pewdiepie's name in a throwaway joke. Users caught on this, others swear that there's even alt-right folks who retweeted their content (it happens, when they make millions of views per video). After that, for a while, all threads were shat up because they are nazis or friends with nazis at the very least, so the website has finally found a reason to truly paint them as horrible human beings. They also got criticized for the fact it's mostly the guy in the couple writing the words, that they once threw Anita Sarkeesian's name in for an inoffensive joke, and all the threads about them became a race to see who could find the most outrageous thing about them. For 6 months or so, all their threads were full of people calling them nazis.

It eventually culminated when they did a face reveal, alongside a stream in which some commenter pointed out how they're being called nazis on ResetEra, something they called out openly on a stream with a lot of viewers, to which the pair reacted very negatively at the kind of person that would spread such accusations based on namedropping someone they don't even watch or getting retweeted by random folks. Only now, when the website has been openly called out, moderators stepped in, starting to ban folks calling them nazis and shitting up all the threads dedicated to their videos. Keep in mind they ignored staff messages and reports about this in the same timeframe, this only became an issue when folks outside of ResetEra started pointing out their community is literally calling random folks nazis. The link in this paragraph is quite a ride. Though, of course, those who criticized the community a bit more harshly saw bans too, just to make sure people don't get too cocky. I suggest looking into the escalation of accusations in chronological order, it paints a very clear picture of how some things work over there.

Unfortunately, not everyone gets their redemption tale once bullshit accusations are thrown their way (this isn't to diminish the serious accusations directed at Naughty Dog, Rockstar, etc., but the throwaway "fuck off nazis" like this based on a joke), and their names tend to remain forever tainted in what is a large and, for better or worse, influential place. I stand by the community calling out problematic behaviour, I really do, but instead of barking at the right tree, they decide to go a bloodthirsty rampage where nobody is safe, trying to filter everyone through a 'holier than thou' approach by analyzing every single social media post, comment, leaning or opinion they might have in a race for who finds something objectable about a famous person quicker. As if these very same people have never ever cracked an inappropriate joke, believed in dumb conspiracies in the past and so on. Everyone is bad, really bad.

Except China. China is cool.
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One of the funniest stories in that regard has to be their handling of the Girlfriend Reviews channel on YouTube. They came out of nowhere with very well delivered, thought-out and polished videos, to a point that people suspected (since they didn't reveal their faces for the longest time) they might be some other well-known content creators in disguise. This started a bit of a witch hunt on Era, where folks were determined to shit up every thread about them looking into everything they may or may not be involved be with, trying to find flaws in a channel that... really didn't have much wrong, it was safe and fine humor that never really went too much into shaming devs, body types or whatnot ofor jokes, but they also didn't refrain from using popular memes.

Their first "mistake" was... using Pewdiepie's name in a throwaway joke. Users caught on this, others swear that there's even alt-right folks who retweeted their content (it happens, when they make millions of views per video). After that, for a while, all threads were shat up because they are nazis or friends with nazis at the very least, so the website has finally found a reason to truly paint them as horrible human beings. They also got criticized for the fact it's mostly the guy in the couple writing the words, that they once threw Anita Sarkeesian's name in for an inoffensive joke, and all the threads about them became a race to see who could find the most outrageous thing about them. For 6 months or so, all their threads were full of people calling them nazis.

It eventually culminated when they did a face reveal, alongside a stream in which some commenter pointed out how they're being called nazis on ResetEra, something they called out openly on a stream with a lot of viewers, to which the pair reacted very negatively at the kind of person that would spread such accusations based on namedropping someone they don't even watch or getting retweeted by random folks. Only now, when the website has been openly called out, moderators stepped in, starting to ban folks calling them nazis and shitting up all the threads dedicated to their videos. Keep in mind they ignored staff messages and reports about this in the same timeframe, this only became an issue when folks outside of ResetEra started pointing out their community is literally calling random folks nazis. The link in this paragraph is quite a ride. Though, of course, those who criticized the community a bit more harshly saw bans too, just to make sure people don't get too cocky. I suggest looking into the escalation of accusations in chronological order, it paints a very clear picture of how some things work over there.

Unfortunately, not everyone gets their redemption tale once bullshit accusations are thrown their way (this isn't to diminish the serious accusations directed at Naughty Dog, Rockstar, etc., but the throwaway "fuck off nazis" like this based on a joke), and their names tend to remain forever tainted in what is a large and, for better or worse, influential place. I stand by the community calling out problematic behaviour, I really do, but instead of barking at the right tree, they decide to go a bloodthirsty rampage where nobody is safe.

Except China. China is cool.

"forever tainted in what is a large and, for better or worse, influential place.".

Do you honestly believe that?

You drank the Kool-Aid but it'll wear off pretty quickly if you follow this thread.

Also the "Free Hong Kong", post was a drive-by and user was only warned. Had nothing to do with the thread. Poster deserved that.
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Gold Member
She's been cancelled there for quite a while because she's pro-Israel -- a shocking stance for a Jewish person, especially one who was born and raised there. The fact that she's a successful attractive straight "white" female is just more ammunition for them. Remember that a large portion of their user base looks like this:


I would, it’s a six pinter though :messenger_beaming:

Well, you asked for it. (NSFW)


This ones definitely a ten pinter...

Joking aside, it’s really hard to keep up with who they are hating isn’t it!


One of the funniest stories in that regard has to be their handling of the Girlfriend Reviews channel on YouTube. They came out of nowhere with very well delivered, thought-out and polished videos, to a point that people suspected (since they didn't reveal their faces for the longest time) they might be some other well-known content creators in disguise. This started a bit of a witch hunt on Era, where folks were determined to shit up every thread about them looking into everything they may or may not be involved be with, trying to find flaws in a channel that... really didn't have much wrong, it was safe and fine humor that never really went too much into shaming devs, body types or whatnot ofor jokes, but they also didn't refrain from using popular memes.

Their first "mistake" was... using Pewdiepie's name in a throwaway joke. Users caught on this, others swear that there's even alt-right folks who retweeted their content (it happens, when they make millions of views per video). After that, for a while, all threads were shat up because they are nazis or friends with nazis at the very least, so the website has finally found a reason to truly paint them as horrible human beings. They also got criticized for the fact it's mostly the guy in the couple writing the words, that they once threw Anita Sarkeesian's name in for an inoffensive joke, and all the threads about them became a race to see who could find the most outrageous thing about them. For 6 months or so, all their threads were full of people calling them nazis.

It eventually culminated when they did a face reveal, alongside a stream in which some commenter pointed out how they're being called nazis on ResetEra, something they called out openly on a stream with a lot of viewers, to which the pair reacted very negatively at the kind of person that would spread such accusations based on namedropping someone they don't even watch or getting retweeted by random folks. Only now, when the website has been openly called out, moderators stepped in, starting to ban folks calling them nazis and shitting up all the threads dedicated to their videos. Keep in mind they ignored staff messages and reports about this in the same timeframe, this only became an issue when folks outside of ResetEra started pointing out their community is literally calling random folks nazis. The link in this paragraph is quite a ride. Though, of course, those who criticized the community a bit more harshly saw bans too, just to make sure people don't get too cocky. I suggest looking into the escalation of accusations in chronological order, it paints a very clear picture of how some things work over there.

Unfortunately, not everyone gets their redemption tale once bullshit accusations are thrown their way (this isn't to diminish the serious accusations directed at Naughty Dog, Rockstar, etc., but the throwaway "fuck off nazis" like this based on a joke), and their names tend to remain forever tainted in what is a large and, for better or worse, influential place. I stand by the community calling out problematic behaviour, I really do, but instead of barking at the right tree, they decide to go a bloodthirsty rampage where nobody is safe, trying to filter everyone through a 'holier than thou' approach by analyzing every single social media post, comment, leaning or opinion they might have in a race for who finds something objectable about a famous person quicker. As if these very same people have never ever cracked an inappropriate joke, believed in dumb conspiracies in the past and so on. Everyone is bad, really bad.

Except China. China is cool.
"Should your boyfriend post on Resetera?"


"I'm so much happier as an ugly broad than I was as a decent looking dude!"

I don't get it. Maybe I'm too superficial or something.


Gold Member
Finally got permabanned at reset and in all honesty I feel a giant sigh of relief. They will call me a piece of shit for disagreeing with being able to separate the art from the artist.

It's super sad. They allowed a thread to be created, about what David Jaffe thought on the PS5/Xbox series x. I don't follow social media drama like twitter and all that and I guess he had some shitty things to say on some topics or some shit about rape etc... I don't know. But if he's banned then why the fuck allow the thread to be created? Just to have everyone jump and drive by saying he's a piece of shit?

Like i thought they dont allow drive by's? yet those people are not banned.

You can't be both.

I wanted to talk about jaffe's work on games, and the topic, others didn't and I got permabanned. Seriously if someone like me gets banned where I've never had any ill wil towards anyone, then that place is a time bomb.

But anyway the thread was about a video he put up talking about both consoles, the literally first couple people who replied were just" fuck that guy". I was like can we talk about the topic? They said no he's a piece of shit. I said yea he probably is, but his insight on the industry isn't any less? He made 2 super identifiable IP's and knows a shit ton of people in the industry. So his view on said industry he was part in to me has some merit.

People brought up JK, I said I dont know the whole story with her views, but I do know she wrote harry potter and that they were read by millions. ANd were influential in fantasy genre. I said you could be a shitty person and still have made something of relevancy.

Someone then brought bill cosby into it, and I said the guy's is rapists piece of shit, but it doesn't undo the things he helped for African Americans and comedians in the 60-70's.

Like in my mind, if you think that someone like thomas eddison couldn't be a shit-monster, and still be a genius you obviously live in a perfect fantasy world.
Welcome back


Tuff McNutt

"I'm so much happier as an ugly broad than I was as a decent looking dude!"

I don't get it. Maybe I'm too superficial or something.

It isn't about looks or being a woman for most of them, it's an excuse for their problems/failures and allows them to ascend to the top of the oppression Olympics while still technically being straight white males - notice how many of them stay pre-op (keep their penis) and say they're lesbian...

Didn't get that job you applied for? They're transphobic.
Someone ghosted you on Tinder? They're transphobic.
Your family doesn't invite you to holiday gatherings? They're transphobic.
Someone looked at you funny? They're transphobic.

I mean he is right about her being a shitty actress :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

I'll forgive because she is so hot. No one (besides ultra comic book nerds) is watching superhero movies for the great acting anyway.
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Gold Member
It isn't about looks or being a woman for most of them, it's an excuse for their problems/failures and allows them to ascend to the top of the oppression Olympics while still technically being straight white males - notice how many of them stay pre-op (keep their penis) and say they're lesbian...

Didn't get that job you applied for? They're transphobic.
Someone ghosted you on Tinder? They're transphobic.
Your family doesn't invite you to holiday gatherings? They're transphobic.
Someone looked at you funny? They're transphobic.

I'll forgive because she is so hot. No one (besides ultra comic book nerds) is watching superhero movies for the great acting anyway.
Not me, i don't give a fuck about the original source because i don't read comics so yeah, i appreciate when in these films there is some good acting.
It makes the absolute trash stories a little better to digest.
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One of the funniest stories in that regard has to be their handling of the Girlfriend Reviews channel on YouTube. They came out of nowhere with very well delivered, thought-out and polished videos, to a point that people suspected (since they didn't reveal their faces for the longest time) they might be some other well-known content creators in disguise. This started a bit of a witch hunt on Era, where folks were determined to shit up every thread about them looking into everything they may or may not be involved be with, trying to find flaws in a channel that... really didn't have much wrong, it was safe and fine humor that never really went too much into shaming devs, body types or whatnot ofor jokes, but they also didn't refrain from using popular memes.

Their first "mistake" was... using Pewdiepie's name in a throwaway joke. Users caught on this, others swear that there's even alt-right folks who retweeted their content (it happens, when they make millions of views per video). After that, for a while, all threads were shat up because they are nazis or friends with nazis at the very least, so the website has finally found a reason to truly paint them as horrible human beings. They also got criticized for the fact it's mostly the guy in the couple writing the words, that they once threw Anita Sarkeesian's name in for an inoffensive joke, and all the threads about them became a race to see who could find the most outrageous thing about them. For 6 months or so, all their threads were full of people calling them nazis.

It eventually culminated when they did a face reveal, alongside a stream in which some commenter pointed out how they're being called nazis on ResetEra, something they called out openly on a stream with a lot of viewers, to which the pair reacted very negatively at the kind of person that would spread such accusations based on namedropping someone they don't even watch or getting retweeted by random folks. Only now, when the website has been openly called out, moderators stepped in, starting to ban folks calling them nazis and shitting up all the threads dedicated to their videos. Keep in mind they ignored staff messages and reports about this in the same timeframe, this only became an issue when folks outside of ResetEra started pointing out their community is literally calling random folks nazis. The link in this paragraph is quite a ride. Though, of course, those who criticized the community a bit more harshly saw bans too, just to make sure people don't get too cocky. I suggest looking into the escalation of accusations in chronological order, it paints a very clear picture of how some things work over there.

Unfortunately, not everyone gets their redemption tale once bullshit accusations are thrown their way (this isn't to diminish the serious accusations directed at Naughty Dog, Rockstar, etc., but the throwaway "fuck off nazis" like this based on a joke), and their names tend to remain forever tainted in what is a large and, for better or worse, influential place. I stand by the community calling out problematic behaviour, I really do, but instead of barking at the right tree, they decide to go a bloodthirsty rampage where nobody is safe, trying to filter everyone through a 'holier than thou' approach by analyzing every single social media post, comment, leaning or opinion they might have in a race for who finds something objectable about a famous person quicker. As if these very same people have never ever cracked an inappropriate joke, believed in dumb conspiracies in the past and so on. Everyone is bad, really bad.

Except China. China is cool.

There are very few of the, what I would call, apolitical Videogame YouTubers that they haven't gone after in some way.

AVGN, SkillUp, Angry Joe, NakeyJakey, Dunkey, Girlfriend Reviews.

They have issues with Red Letter Media etc also.

I've always believed that this is because they see pop culture and political activism as two things that MUST be intertwined.

So we cant have people just out there enjoying content and not making a big political song and dance about it.

Cos if you see them having fun with gaming and ignoring politics then you might think it's OK to do that too.

Hell, even Digital Foundry got dragged through the mud for the crime of covering a game that had devs who made some jokes.

Sacred Symbols is an EXCELLENT PlayStation podcast, not political at all, and I believe it is banned outright over there. Why? Well the presenter made a joke about women on Twitter YEARS AGO and he never apologised.

Like you have to be seen to be calling everything out all the time or else!


advanced basic bitch
There are very few of the, what I would call, apolitical Videogame YouTubers that they haven't gone after in some way.

AVGN, SkillUp, Angry Joe, NakeyJakey, Dunkey, Girlfriend Reviews.

They have issues with Red Letter Media etc also.

I've always believed that this is because they see pop culture and political activism as two things that MUST be intertwined.

So we cant have people just out there enjoying content and not making a big political song and dance about it.

Cos if you see them having fun with gaming and ignoring politics then you might think it's OK to do that too.

Hell, even Digital Foundry got dragged through the mud for the crime of covering a game that had devs who made some jokes.

Sacred Symbols is an EXCELLENT PlayStation podcast, not political at all, and I believe it is banned outright over there. Why? Well the presenter made a joke about women on Twitter YEARS AGO and he never apologised.

Like you have to be seen to be calling everything out all the time or else!
Coilin is an outspoken conservative outside of the podcast though. Reason enough for the limp dicks to cancel him.
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