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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Howdy there gamers, took a while for this account ot get approved, but I wanted to thank you all for the excellent resource this thread has been for ResetEra Takes 2.0, I probably wouldn't post half the stuff i do if this and the KiwiFarms didn't point at the "best" threads, so yeah, that's basically all i wanted to say. Anyway, who else is hyped for the Cyberpunk threads?

Not fooling me, copper.
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I believe in fuck white people too.
Here's my list.
Scarlet Johansson
Olivia Wilde
Angelina Jolie
90s Tiffany Amber Theisen
Trish Stratus
More to follow...



The walrus is back with another woe is me thread! What’s this, 2 in the last week?



The walrus is back with another woe is me thread! What’s this, 2 in the last week?

He's feeling "Stress" about now owning all the latest electronics. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


The walrus is back with another woe is me thread! What’s this, 2 in the last week?


Dick Jones

Gold Member
The walrus is back with another woe is me thread! What’s this, 2 in the last week?



Loool. The OT/review threads are gonna be something.

I am still hopeful that they will ban discussion of the game entirely but lets wait and see.

The dream scenario is that the game gets a 96 or 97 review rating on Metacritic but my suspicion is that a number of outlets will mark the game down over this "transphobia".

I honestly don't see it though. Nothing really hateful has come from CDPR and if anything I'd say they've actively pandered to the trans community only to see it blow up in their faces.

Like the in game poster everyone is mad about SHOULD be seen as a positive but because they portrayed a *gasp* hot chick with a dick its seen as degrading and sexualizing. What they really wanted is to see something like Jim Sterling in badly done make up and a dress.

We want to see trans people in video games!

Noooooooo! This one is too hot! Reeeeeee!

Fuckin eejits.

Oh and the "did you just assume my gender" thing? The hyper SJW, Tumblrite, members of the trans community brought this on themselves. If your going to stupidly overreact when you are "mis-gendered" then people will see you as a bit of a stuck up cunt and will rightly take the piss. It's not transphobic. It's poking fun at a society where assuming someone's gender is becoming a perilous thing to do.

They always want to have their cake and eat it too.

How many genders are there?
"Oh infinitely many."
OK, what do I need to do to be one gender or another?
"Nothing you can self identify as anything you like. It's all good, you do you, be brave and bold and be what you want to be."
OK. I identify as an attack helicopter.

If trans women are women then why are these folk constantly making sure you know that they are trans? Why not just identify as a woman and leave it at that. You and I must identify them as women but they openly identify themselves as trans.

They will get pissy if you use the wrong pronouns. If you rib them about assuming your gender though they will throw a hissy fit. It's OK to just assume that I am a dude but absolutely not OK for me to assume anything about them.

I don't think it's cool to just endlessly dunk on trans people. It's better to try to understand and be kind.

However, a lot of posters over there are aggressive and unpleasant and I don't see any reason to treat them kindly if they are constantly looking for an excuse to kick off and constantly trying to corner people with their contradictory bullshit.

Which is really what they are trying to do with CDPR. The people developing the game think "we'll let players do whatever they want with body types, it is cyberpunk after all, and let's mess with the traditional gender binary with some in game artwork etc". Then these wee fannies decide to throw a mega hissy fit because it's not 100% exactly what they want.

Then after all that they still consider the average gamer to be some kind of screeching man-baby.


The walrus is back with another woe is me thread! What’s this, 2 in the last week?

Ok, now I’m fully convinced he’s a troll. Just has to be

Dick Jones

Gold Member
I heard ERA are not having any suicide threads by non-trans persons during Trans Awareness week. Such courage.

CDPR if Exhausted Walrus can refrain from making a suicide thread for 7 days, why can't you put more than one vagina in a game where the playable character can be trans compared to almost 99% of games?

I'm literally shaking just thinking about it.
Cyberpunk 2077 --- Black Dog by Samurai [Refused]

You guys are missing out on some cute drama here.

Nasty fucking mods. Fucking trolls are allowed to come into every single CP2077 thread and shit on it, attempting to detail things and shit up the thread, and nobody can say a fucking thing. Breaking every single fucking rule from "drive-by", "shit-posting", "thread derail", etc. But it doesnt matter.

Its like being kicked over and over again, and getting banned if you ask them to stop. What a filthy, miserable place.


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Nasty fucking mods. Fucking trolls are allowed to come into every single CP2077 thread and shit on it, attempting to detail things and shit up the thread, and nobody can say a fucking thing. Breaking every single fucking rule from "drive-by", "shit-posting", "thread derail", etc. But it doesnt matter.

Its like being kicked over and over again, and getting banned if you ask them to stop. What a filthy, miserable place.


It's all good tho, the mods did those users a favor.


Dude definitely has a much newer/better TV then I do (I have a $200 TCL TV I bought in 2008) and I don't have any of the newly released consoles. Should I kill myself?

Edit: The guy has literally every system except the ones that literally came out days ago and most people haven't been able to even find in stock and a 4K TV. This is why he's crying and saying woe is me?

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As always I say invite the sane ones to the sane place. Come on in bit_reactor the water is fine.
Thanks, lol. I took that advice and came to the forum actually.

Fun fact even in the posts there I pm'd another user I knew from the forum and said "I'm going to get banned for mansplaining, watch." and here we are.

I just want to actually talk about games without deflection of moot points with shoddy retorts. Thanks for the invitation, hope I can have some good convos here.


Well after that mod smack down I reckon he’ll be opening another thread asking for a perm ban, or will make another pity party thread later this week.

That thread about the posters wife not getting a job and then jumping straight to the race card is one of my pet peeves. Zero evidence to back up their claims, and it’s generally the very first thing they say if something doesn’t go their way. Typical woke snowflakes.
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Can't screenshot right now but there's some great responses in this stupid thread.

You just know the mods are debating bans before/after they lock. Some savage replies.

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advanced basic bitch
Thanks, lol. I took that advice and came to the forum actually.

Fun fact even in the posts there I pm'd another user I knew from the forum and said "I'm going to get banned for mansplaining, watch." and here we are.

I just want to actually talk about games without deflection of moot points with shoddy retorts. Thanks for the invitation, hope I can have some good convos here.
Welcome. Have fun. It's allowed here.


Gold Member
That last Exhausted Walrus thread is almost too good, painting himself as “poor” and “unlucky” yet having a 4K TV and every single previous gen console, only because he didn’t get a PS5 launch week.

Really puts his other constant attention seeking threads to perspective. He just craves for that “oh poor you, we love you” validation he gets on the forum for his self pity threads. Makes this backfire even more delicious.



I'm lol'ing pretty hard at this.

Everything is 'concern trolling' or 'gaslighting' on that site.

A few days ago there was a topic about some Korean girl group hugging a panda..and the Chinese were really pissed.

Person A: Lol, that seems a bit hypocritcal of the Chinese
Person B: fuck off with your 'fuck china' anti-asian sentiments
Person A: I meant that fucked up government
Person C: Stop gaslighting Asian members of Era!

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Everything is 'concern trolling' or 'gaslighting' on that site.

A few days ago there was a topic about some Korean girl group hugging a panda..and the Chinese were really pissed.

Person A: Lol, that seems a bit hypocritcal of the Chinese
Person B: fuck off with your 'fuck china' anti-asian sentiments
Person A: I meant that fucked up government
Person C: Stop gaslighting Asian members of Era!

"dismissive commentary" too
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