When you're being a litteral piece of shit to other people, it will eventually get back to you full force. Internet or real-life, it's basic shit. Karma, poetic justice... whatever you want to call it.
Some think they can avoid it, by not being caught or staying in power, until they can't even look at themselves in a mirror and let it loose one way or another. That's exactly what's happening to Nepenthe (and others). Life will get back at you, one way or another. Sometime you think you're safe from problems, the other day you're looking at a wall, feeling completely empty without any reasons.
Sometimes you wonder how hard it is to just be nice, considerate, patient, fair... and trying to behave like a balanced individual ?
All those moderators have mental breakdown for reasons : they all endorsed some vile shit. Dog pilling on members, insulting people over their opinion, baiting them into getting banned from the community, mods protecting prominent members over others, calling people nazi if they sneeze the wrong way, letting unhinged posters getting away with bad attitude...
Resetera is a hateful place, that not even longtime members are happy to post-on, unless they're under the umbrella of an admin or a moderator, or have a Nintendo avatar. I can understand wanting to build an enclosed leftist community, that's entirely fair. Building a place full of injustice and endorsing resentful people to go nuclear-hate on other posters is something else. It's just internet, unless real feelings are involved and I can bet many people over Resetera felt a level of injustice. The Staff think they're smarter and wiser than life, but those people struggles to even get a hold on themselves. Just be humble and stop acting like stasi general, life will get easier from there.