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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Gold Member
How is this not EXTREMELY alarming? And no one there sees anything wrong with it? Seriously?

Being in an internet community is not supposed to take this kind of toll on people. It's absurdly unhealthy both physically and mentally. And people want to prop up Era as a place that cares about mental health? Are you fucking kidding me?

This has gone beyond malice. These people are sick. It's like 2 steps up from an incel community. Cerium has found a hell of a community to exploit and it's only going to get worse. It was amusing for a while, but now it's just depressing. I truly hope at least a few of these people can escape because happiness is pretty much impossible if they stay there, at least as regulars.

It’s so good for getting your drama/cringe fix though lol




Gold Member

your weekly “fuck capitalism” thread

funnily enough, there is actually pushback in this thread for regular Era members. But every single time, the same retort “we need to seize the means of production.”

the sentiment in these threads is remarkably similar to incels - incels feel as if their owed sex by women. These people think they’re owed a luxury life simply for existing.

I remember the thread where the question was posed that if you didn’t have to work, would you? Around 90% straight up said no. Uhhhhhh...so we’d be paying higher taxes for you to sit at home “earning” your UBI while contributing literally nothing to society??

every single day I am alive, I will be working to ensure capitalism remains as the framework of our society.

Millennial topic #293858, lol

The kid says he’s only $10k in debt at that. Just get a job and he would have that paid off in a year.


For fuck sake at this point I really believe they’re trolling. No way in hell there’s actually a full community that actually types this fucking nonsense. When they die, they’ll die from their insanity. Send them to gothams asylum since they’re living outside the real world...


For fuck sake at this point I really believe they’re trolling. No way in hell there’s actually a full community that actually types this fucking nonsense. When they die, they’ll die from their insanity. Send them to gothams asylum since they’re living outside the real world...

We show you the world.

The world as it truly is.

Join with us the enlightened.

Together we will create a new society.

Just hold on a moment while we rip each others faces off to expose all the Nazis.


For fuck sake at this point I really believe they’re trolling. No way in hell there’s actually a full community that actually types this fucking nonsense. When they die, they’ll die from their insanity. Send them to gothams asylum since they’re living outside the real world...

It’s a modern day mental asylum and the patients are painting the walls with their own shit


Seriously. Dude says being a mod is the hardest thing he ever did? How? How is that even possible, even in the most passive, innocuous of existences.

Like, dude. It's a bunch of people talking about video games in between sessions of jerking off to hentai. Quit trying to attach some semblance of merit to it, ya fuckin' weirdo.

When the hardest thing you do in a month is getting up from bed to collect your check, of course moderating a mental institution like resetera feels like climbing the Everest naked


I feel sorry for Finale Fireworker just based off those posts and what I remember of them. They might have done some heinous things I don't know about, but from those posts and what I remember of others from them they seem like a pretty good but very misguided person.

Nepenthe though I have no sympathy for. They're a bigot who I have never seen make a single intelligent post. The kind of mod to go to bat for a fuckwit who put people's lives in danger driving under the influence, claiming to do BAC tests over the internet to protect one of their friends on the forum then bailing from the thread like the coward they are. They should have been demodded long ago, Royalan getting demodded while Nepenthe stays on is a disgrace.


Rapid Response Threadmaker

For a forum that thinks their life is on the line everyday when they post, did they just gaslight this OP? Anti-gay is a poor thing? Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates are all extremely wealthy and have "same sex relations" as a crime punishable by death.

The Cis G's apparently no longer have protected status. You've been thrownout to make room for others.


Gold Member
Wow, the thread meltdown over there is insane. Soooooo many locked threads in page 3 :p

I especially like that the mod locks all the star wars threads by saying "take it to the OT" yet any trans related thread gets to stay open as bait instead of getting the same treatment.

Granted, the seriousness of the content is quite different but still, rules for you and different rules for me!

Doesn't seem that hard to mod. Target insults and direct attacks. Watch out for illegal activity. Everything else can be handled by an ignore list and just keeping hot button topics in specific OTs so the few folks that care can just circle jerk each other undisturbed.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads

your weekly “fuck capitalism” thread

funnily enough, there is actually pushback in this thread for regular Era members. But every single time, the same retort “we need to seize the means of production.”

the sentiment in these threads is remarkably similar to incels - incels feel as if their owed sex by women. These people think they’re owed a luxury life simply for existing.

I remember the thread where the question was posed that if you didn’t have to work, would you? Around 90% straight up said no. Uhhhhhh...so we’d be paying higher taxes for you to sit at home “earning” your UBI while contributing literally nothing to society??

every single day I am alive, I will be working to ensure capitalism remains as the framework of our society.
My thing is apparently if you make over 60K a year you are considered rich and apparently didn't work for it. Both my wife and I have our masters degress, been hard working teachers for years and finally both had a good amount to pay off half the program plus take a small loan which is about to be paid off as well. So apparently I was handed everything and didn't work jack shit for it, or I don't work as "hard" as them. The mental gymnastics is actually scary. Even people are richer than me to say they didn't work for it is kind of baffling. I understand there are some circumstances where wealth can be passed down, but what about the people who started form nothing? Just a bunch of what about me-ism, no drive or dedication from some people.


Gold Member
My thing is apparently if you make over 60K a year you are considered rich and apparently didn't work for it. Both my wife and I have our masters degress, been hard working teachers for years and finally both had a good amount to pay off half the program plus take a small loan which is about to be paid off as well. So apparently I was handed everything and didn't work jack shit for it, or I don't work as "hard" as them. The mental gymnastics is actually scary. Even people are richer than me to say they didn't work for it is kind of baffling. I understand there are some circumstances where wealth can be passed down, but what about the people who started form nothing? Just a bunch of what about me-ism, no drive or dedication from some people.

A lot of these people got conned into liberal arts degrees like gender studies or puppetry and are bitter that they can’t find jobs with those.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Wow, the thread meltdown over there is insane. Soooooo many locked threads in page 3 :p

I especially like that the mod locks all the star wars threads by saying "take it to the OT" yet any trans related thread gets to stay open as bait instead of getting the same treatment.

Granted, the seriousness of the content is quite different but still, rules for you and different rules for me!

Doesn't seem that hard to mod. Target insults and direct attacks. Watch out for illegal activity. Everything else can be handled by an ignore list and just keeping hot button topics in specific OTs so the few folks that care can just circle jerk each other undisturbed.
Considering what they are asked or aiming to do, it is pretty difficult, because they are supposed to judge people rather than postings alone. When you see people complaining about transphobia being rampant on the site, then it is impossible to validate this by taking into account only unmoderated postings by face value, because anything that can be regarded as transphobia directly by the choice of words will be moderated, and swiftly. To make sure no one gets to post anything transphobic, one would need to be able to judge people's non-disclosed opinions based on vague subtext over a posting history, where no posting is in violation of the rules. In other words: What is demanded of the mods by some members of the trans community is pretty much impossible. The fact that they actually do try to catch subtle hints towards this - in a forum where many people post who are not even native speakers - while trying not to hand out unfair bans indicates that they are setting out to do the unachievable.

As a consequence, independent of how misguided an attempt to moderate opinions that are not being stated is, moderators who deal with those issues are in a constant struggle and will necessarily fail everyone. The people requesting a moderation that ensures no one can even post transphobic content in the first place can never be satisfied and will cry foul where there was no way for moderation to know in advance, where on the other hands, moderators are constantly criticised for overmoderation and sanctioning postings that are very clearly within a normal range of discourse. Adding to that a moving of goalposts, a demand of purity on all platforms and reaching to the past (Remember royalan's demodding. So he had a questionable, yet not exactly hateful position in 2017, expressed on a different website... What kind of petty person can demand of any person to NEVER and NOWHERE have ever said anything they deem offensive?), there is an insane pressure on moderators if they truly try to be fair and satisfy the more sensitive members of some minorty groups. Add to that the fact that there are clearly some among those groups who play up their vulnerability in a power play, as demonstrated by them deliberately exposing themselves to outside sources to collect "incriminating" material on their subjects under investigation and then applying personal pressure on mods, be it through the website or discord channels or personal communication, and I can see why many moderators have a hard time with their positions.

In the end though, with the standards Resetera tries to conform to it would be the site administration's job to compensate moderators for their tasks and to clearly communicate the rules according to which moderation happens - and take responsibility for unpopular decisions, because otherwise they put their moderators into the hot water whenever there is a crisis of some sort.
Your skin color, gender... whatever, shouldn't matter when being a moderator on a forum

The thing is, you set up a book of rules. Thats it. You enforce the rules. Thats it. The problem becomes when you have unwritten rules, standards with an oppression slider.

You don't need to have played professional Baseball to be a Baseball Umpire ffs.



36 minutes ago
I really don't understand how we can be mid-apocalypse and people still want to insist that capitalism is working. The pursuit of profit and power is killing us all.
TIL we are "mid-apocalypse"

like LOL even the nuttiest Evagelists will tell you the apocalypse is coming, not that it is actually in progress. these people are crazier than religious fundamentals.


The users aren't doing so great either:

Those people are fucking miserable. But rather than change themselves for the better, it's the world that needs to change. It's just lazy.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
A lot of these people got conned into liberal arts degrees like gender studies or puppetry and are bitter that they can’t find jobs with those.
People also have to realise with life you are not going to have the same experiences as someone else for obvious reasons. There are hundreds of thousands of people with a better job than me and I don't care, not everything is going to be equal like their fantasy. That's like me yelling at the guy who drives his Porsche by me everyday and blaming everyone else and him for not having one. I realise I may never have one and who the hell cares.


Jelly Belly
When you're being a litteral piece of shit to other people, it will eventually get back to you full force. Internet or real-life, it's basic shit. Karma, poetic justice... whatever you want to call it.

Some think they can avoid it, by not being caught or staying in power, until they can't even look at themselves in a mirror and let it loose one way or another. That's exactly what's happening to Nepenthe (and others). Life will get back at you, one way or another. Sometime you think you're safe from problems, the other day you're looking at a wall, feeling completely empty without any reasons.

Sometimes you wonder how hard it is to just be nice, considerate, patient, fair... and trying to behave like a balanced individual ?

All those moderators have mental breakdown for reasons : they all endorsed some vile shit. Dog pilling on members, insulting people over their opinion, baiting them into getting banned from the community, mods protecting prominent members over others, calling people nazi if they sneeze the wrong way, letting unhinged posters getting away with bad attitude...

Resetera is a hateful place, that not even longtime members are happy to post-on, unless they're under the umbrella of an admin or a moderator, or have a Nintendo avatar. I can understand wanting to build an enclosed leftist community, that's entirely fair. Building a place full of injustice and endorsing resentful people to go nuclear-hate on other posters is something else. It's just internet, unless real feelings are involved and I can bet many people over Resetera felt a level of injustice. The Staff think they're smarter and wiser than life, but those people struggles to even get a hold on themselves. Just be humble and stop acting like stasi general, life will get easier from there.

This is a good post.



your weekly “fuck capitalism” thread

funnily enough, there is actually pushback in this thread for regular Era members. But every single time, the same retort “we need to seize the means of production.”

the sentiment in these threads is remarkably similar to incels - incels feel as if their owed sex by women. These people think they’re owed a luxury life simply for existing.

I remember the thread where the question was posed that if you didn’t have to work, would you? Around 90% straight up said no. Uhhhhhh...so we’d be paying higher taxes for you to sit at home “earning” your UBI while contributing literally nothing to society??

every single day I am alive, I will be working to ensure capitalism remains as the framework of our society.
I like how the only solution they could come up with is "burn it down". On the bright side, even most of them realized socialism isnt perfect either and not too many were staning for communism. Overall, I could sum up the thread with " I dont like my current place in life or the system at hand but have no good ideas to fix anything so I'm just going to complain ".
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