Buggy Loop
No man, they need to have a place or they'll come here.
Uh, their baptism on gaf would be something like this i imagine..

No man, they need to have a place or they'll come here.
Absolute fucking loonies lmao
This whole clusterfuck would make Mary Shelly proud.
The monster they created over there has torn free and they do not know how to deal with it. With a small push the other inmates at the asylum will want a bigger piece for themselves and they can all tear themselves apart.
Is this even a reason to ban?
Seems to be a shit forum. I'd be scared to say anything in there. And why is the trans community getting away with dictating what's OK to say and what isn't? That's the opposite of a safe space for anyone else!
This reeks of perceived self-importance that's just taken as the rule of the land because of something about gender.
Will be hard to do.I expect Cyberpunk 2077 will be added to their banned list at some point.
It tipped into parody a long time ago. The problem being that all the trans members of era who post in that thread are so assured that this game is actually transphobic, none of them have the ability to back down and say "maybe we should wait and see"The attacks have stopped and now it's just a few people trying to publicly make the case that Black Chamber shouldn't be allowed to make the OT now or make any other Cyberpunk thread. So now the demands that have been mentioned are...
- No OT
- No discussion of Cyberpunk period
- Have an OT, but make sure it's not made by Black Chamber
- Have an OT made by a mod and have it ONLY have information about trans rights
- Black Chamber needs to be banned
Lunacy doesn't even begin to describe it.
"Daddy will be in right after he's finished pretending to be trans on the Internet"Haha Lamptramp is still going! dude have you put your kids to bed yet or is your wife raising them while you bitch about this bullshit?
Haven't kept up. What's going on with Reee and 2077? I saw their spoiler thread and the 2077 Black Chamber thread is 150 pages long which I'm not going to sift through.
Safe to say if you reply to that thread you are going to get banned. Some guy is exactly right, and got banned for "tone policing" yeah just what I wanted, a inbox full of angry delusional people.
Oh look, I called itIn the same day Beth Cyra says she will quit Resetera, now she says it only ask for a 90 days ban.
Tomorrow she will change her mind again, and will only ask for 1 day ban, the day Cyberpunk is released.
Im dying from laughing so hard. This is priceless
It’s McSpook’s time to shine! Maybe this was all a long con to get them in a position of real authority.They want to change Resetera Staff, and put Trans People as new Moderators.
Is this for real? I would love to see that
Jokes on you asshole, you can't eat a car!Don't be sleeping on what the bees nest of Cyberpunk has kicked up in Off Topic tonight!
We're living in a modern day Depression.
Don't let them tell you we're simply in another "recession". That is intentionally softer rhetoric to keep the public placated. We're absolutely in a modern day Depression. Just look at these two pictures and then tell me the difference: So everyone has cars now, swell. Humans can't eat...www.resetera.com
Totally the same thing!
Fucking hell I got excited over nothing, smh lol.In the same day Beth Cyra says she will quit Resetera, now she says it only ask for a 90 days ban.
Tomorrow she will change her mind again, and will only ask for 1 day ban, the day Cyberpunk is released.
Im dying from laughing so hard. This is priceless
More than that, they outright admitted they're an alt account:Basically confirms thats a troll account and a really low-effort one at that.
It is great you show respect to people by using their correct pronouns. But at the same time, why are you insulting Black Chamber so much, who is a super nice, dedicated person? Posts from Black Chamber are always full of happiness, good intentions and good vibes. If you can't treat people with respect in one way, don't expect to receive respect in an other. You're not the only one making these mistakes, so I am not speaking exclusively to you. It always saddens me to see people fighting for a good cause here, in this case trans-rights, but fail to realize hatred should not be fought with hatred, but with love instead. Hatred just makes everything worse, it has always been that way in human history and the angry reactions on Era prove it every time. It will lead to absolutely nothing and you know this, which in turn gets you even more angry which resulted into that post of yours.
Yes welcoming and accepting. Unless you're a white male, republican, conservative, libertarian ETC. Disagree with anyone that is part of the circle jerk on here. You will get banned and attacked. China is more welcoming to minorities than this place is. What a welcoming place this is. Derailing threads that people are trying to discuss a game. A GAME on a gaming website. What a CRAZY concept that is. You people who derailed that thread have destroyed the hype for some people who just wanted to talk about a fucking game. Attacked people who had a different opinion than you respectively. You also attacked content creators who don't get paid shit for creating an OT. This isn't communist China, where you can force shit down peoples throat and expect a response that you like. Never will you win by forcing shit down peoples throats. You liberal elitist losers will never learn that. I'm ALL for trans rights and the rights of EVERYONE. I know people from all walks of life living in NYC. But those people don't force shit down my throat like you guys do here all day. They also don't give one fuck about bullshit in a video game. If any of you are actually adults. Get a fucking life holy shit. I came to this site to read about games and post about games. All fucking day long all I see is how this is racist and this is racist etc. You guys even made the KATANA racist, are you fucking kidding me?? No one cares about this crap but you. You live in a bubble and a cesspool of a hivemind. You're a joke and everyone knows it but you guys. I don't give one fuck about getting banned, I don't want to post on this site ever again or visit ever again. You have ruined the experience for those who just wanted to relax and talk about the game. Congrats on making a cause that is needed to be known about not the issue and instead being pure assholes who attack people. Making it ALL about you, the whole LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME BS. That's how a cause disappears and turns you into the enemy. This post isn't about trans people, this post is about the assholes who made your cause into a joke on this site. You people should be angry at them and not people like Black Chamber. Because they alienated a whole group of people who were in support of you and will always be in support of you, but not on this retarded site for scumbags. I'm tired of walking on egg shells here and not being able to have an opinion of my own. This place isn't welcoming or accepting. This place is a fucking circus. PS. F YOU to the commie libtards here who get people banned for voicing their opinion. Who run to the mods like 5 year old kids running to their parents and teachers. You guys need to get a life and fuck off.
imagine a forum where the first thing you have to state is "I'm a cis white male"Another troll
Cyberpunk 2077 Night City WIRE: Episode 5 |OT| Time moves in one direction, memory in another [Media Impressions, Console Footage & Discussion] OT
A bit late on this reply, and a few people have touched on it, but I just caught up on the thread. I'm a cis white male. I like to think of myself as an ally of marginalized people and I always try my best to listen and support them. However, as a cis white male I also recognize that there are...www.resetera.com