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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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It's extremely hypocritical to see that commentary over there, for sure. But he kinda has a point about blocking gameplay footage for reviews. It's a pretty shady practice that hides what the final product looks like outside of the controlled environment the developer showed.

Yup, using cherry-picked footage was not cool.

Still, my point was about missing the irony when RE is currently doing something that's even worse.


Gold Member
If Tomo is a troll they're outstanding. They are being completely respectful and not rude, and are just using the only allowed CyberPunk thread to discuss the game and they are INFURIATING people. Holy shit

wow....so Tomo was "threadbanned" . That's a new twist.


Appreciated? Why is she pretending there is a choice? You don't discuss anything about the game unless she says so. She runs this show.

This is resetera now. They might as well rename the site to TransEra as so many have called that sector of the community. But that is the only voice allowed.
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This is just disgusting behaviour by the mods. They have literally created a honeytrap with that thread. They let unsuspecting people post in there, the Tran Gang get to feast and satisfy their ego then BANG banned. Seriously the moderation over there is beyond despicable.

What an absolutely vile despicable place.

Green Saber

Remember liking a video game is the same as liking a murderer.




Gold Member
The cherry on the cake now would be a poll thread...maybe not CP that would be too obvious but maybe something about the Harry Potter game. A little hype thread for that "hey guise just checking hype levels for this, looks amazing, been waiting for this since I was a kid etc etc" then three options

I'm hyped
Harry potter sucks

Everyone will know it's a referendum on the CP fiasco


wow....so Tomo was "threadbanned" . That's a new twist.


Appreciated? Why she pretending there is a choice? You don't discuss anything about the game unless she says so. She runs this show.

This is resetera now. They might as well rename the site to TransEra as so many have called that sector of the community. But that is the only voice allowed.
He likes to use corporate speak so they can screech at people LOOK HOW NICE HE'S BEING AND YOU COULDN'T EVEN DO X. HE'S SO NICE AND RESPECTFUL

They were screeching that the other day when the PM leaked of look how perfect and welcoming that message he sent to Black Chamber was about shitting up his thread.
once i realized i had 50 users on Ignore. it was time to leave. I can only take so many terrible mentally ill ppl with he/him they etc...under their anime avatar saying crazy shit and not getting banned. They just all start blending together. Its like there is 2 of them that just have 100 alts. A handful say vile shit and then their henchmen swing thru and cosign.

and then this behavior is enabled by the mods.


This is just disgusting behaviour by the mods. They have literally created a honeytrap with that thread. They let unsuspecting people post in there, the Tran Gang get to feast and satisfy their ego then BANG banned. Seriously the moderation over there is beyond despicable.

What an absolutely vile despicable place.

Pathetic really. This is the "solution" they found so far.

Let´s re-direct everyone to this one thread where posting anything other than saying you are going to donate to a charity or how you are not buying the game anymore and that fuck CDPR will get you banned in 5 minutes for "being dismissive".
Era lurker here, who occasionally posted there.

I knew that there were always two sides, and i knew that people said "Era is banning everyone, you can't have your opinion there". But i always dismissed this, and wanted to participate on Era myself. Mainly because a lot of people got their gaming news from there, and a lot of industry figures are also signed up there. Now i know what those people were talking about.

Aside from the fact that Era got in a hostage situation, which it's owners can't even admit and still cater to those crazy people, its mainly the fact how they treat their users there.
Some of you joked about the fact that one could write a thesis about this, but you really could. They are actively banning people just like that, treating them like they are subhumans. And their valid criticism is being dismissed as "trolling". They are creating an "us vs them" situation, which frankly pushes a lot of members away, even genuine innocent people.

And even worse is the fact, that nobody will stand up for you, unless you made yourself a name and people are aware of who you are. "Casual" posters are not worth being listened to. A lot of posters are afraid to say what they actually want to, and those are actively avoiding topics where they know they will be 100% banned. I know certain members who are hyped as hell for Cyberpunk 2077, and they even have an active Twitter account where they hype people up. Usually this members are also participating in the hype threads on era, but now they avoided all the CP2077 that were posted entirely. And literally nobody is able to stand up and say something, because they know they will get banned and have a lot to lose (especially if you are working in the gaming industry yourself).

E.g. Shinobi can get hyped up on Twitter, but see how he never posted in the CT2077 threads? BC got banned for literally being hyped on the game and got perma banned for it (along with other weird reasons). Now somebody posted Shinobis hype tweet and wanted to call him out (at least he/she was being consistent), but apparently "that was not it"?!.

You can tell that Era has mods/admins who love to abuse their "power", and its getting to the extreme. Banning people just like that equals to the Prison Industrial complex in the US. A lot of people are being banned for reasons they can't comprehend. And there is no way to sort this out, as there is no possibility to explain yourself. Hell, i once posted a link and someone told me that its forbidden to post certain source/user/youtuber/etc. People have to actively resort to a ban list, and they have to find this themselves.

Casual people like me, who are fine with the issues people have with the game, are not welcomed there after this, and it couldn't have been more clear. You are not able to talk about games in the forum that describes itself as the "pulse of the gaming industry". This so called digital "safe space" only keeps on brainwashing you, until you literally "become one of them". Sry, but i am a normal dude, living a normal life as a student, who appears to love video games. I don't need the problems/negativity you all have with your life forced upon me, because i have my own.
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The funniest thing was reading the CP OT when the crazies entered the thread to post shit about the game and the normal posters kept talking about the game and not responding to the nutters. It was like they had them all on ignore and you could see the anger rising, and rising that people wernt taking their bait.


The funniest thing was reading the CP OT when the crazies entered the thread to post shit about the game and the normal posters kept talking about the game and not responding to the nutters. It was like they had them all on ignore and you could see the anger rising, and rising that people wernt taking their bait.
literally happened in the kingdom come threads as well. Its not even about taking the bait, it's just mostly people not wanting to discuss the same issues over and over again.
Greetings and salutations!

I‘ve known about ResetEra and it’s less than stellar reputation for sometime now and decided to take a look for myself about a week ago. Since then I have been lurking about watching the madness unfold the same way and anthropologist might watch a tribe in the Amazon slowly destroy itself from a safe distance and behind a wall made of plexiglass and concrete.

What I’ve observed these past few days has been nothing short of pure unadulterated insanity gone unchecked and unregulated.

The amount of Backbending this site has shown towards very small but exceedingly vocal trans community makes me wonder who it is that’s really running things. (spoiler alert: I‘m pretty sure I already know who it is)

First the community is given their own thread giving them a “safe space” to vent their irritation, offense, and anger at the marketing campaign of CP2077. They had full freedom to rant and trash and dunk and throw as much shade on the game, it’s developers and anyone involved it’s creation and marketing, and ban anyone who says otherwise.

You’d think this would’ve made them happy.

It didn’t.

Soon they demanded for all the other threads regarding the game to be close down.

They still weren’t happy.

Before long , the thread centered around the developer’s alleged transphobia is given the special privilege of being tacked onto the top of the page so that everyone accessing the gaming form will immediately see it, in hopes of further spreading their own particular message regarding the game itself.

Surely being afforded thatExtra privilege, which is like a sort of abstract form of currency to some of these more extreme progressives, would have calmed things down but as before, these people still weren’t happy.

Days later, all except that one stream has been closed down, users have been banned while others have been unbanned (I’ll leave you to guess which), promises and platitudes thrown out left and right from throughly whipped admins and mods hoping to both keep their positions without being tarred and feathered.

And yet despite all of this, there are now calls for these same admins and mods to either step down or hand over the proverbial keys to the castle in the form of granting the trans community full control over all gaming topics.

I swear, this has to be the most clear-cut example of what happens when an unstoppable force collides with an immovable object I have ever scene in the history of gaming culture!


Uh telling me to be friends with CDPR and their personal army of goons and forums posters? After the damage they've done to the world? Mods can we get a ban please

Those people claim to be inclusive while hating everyone around them, I remember when Neogaf started feeling more like a police state rather than a gaming forums due to them dominating it, I'm really glad things have come full circle, and I really hope they stay that way.

Not all of us have to agree with one another, but it's important for us to learn how to accept each others differences.
on era.

Trump.....bad. evil. nazi.
Also--- please dont mention that Biden voted for the Iraq war. Please dont mention that Biden was VP when Obama drone striked innocent ppl at a wedding. Please don't mention Biden voting against desegragating schools.
because thats Whataboutism

Cyberpunk---bad. evil. Has soda ad with chick with a dick
Also---- please dont mention all the way more questionable content in all the animes we like, and the weeb JRPGs we play. And all the other games that we've deemed ok.
because thats Whataboutism

I had never even heard "what aboutism" until recently. on that hell site. They have a label for everything. A catchphrase and buzzword for everything.

It seemingly just boils down to, "we are huge hypocrites and have no defense...so fuck u get banned"


> Why MUST the game be discussed on site, unless the only true concern is how many clicks/ad views it will get?

On a gaming forum. Guess that's all you need to know about Era today.
An OT will be posted by the end of the day


My suggestions for the title should be "OT - Cyberpunk 2077 - all suicide posts here" Because anyone posting in the OT that doesn't bend to the Trans Gang are gonna get their arses dogpiled and banned. If you value your account at Resetera (not quite sure why you would at this point) then it is will be account suicide going anywhere near that topic,


on era.

Trump.....bad. evil. nazi.
Also--- please dont mention that Biden voted for the Iraq war. Please dont mention that Biden was VP when Obama drone striked innocent ppl at a wedding. Please don't mention Biden voting against desegragating schools.
because thats Whataboutism

Cyberpunk---bad. evil. Has soda ad with chick with a dick
Also---- please dont mention all the way more questionable content in all the animes we like, and the weeb JRPGs we play. And all the other games that we've deemed ok.
because thats Whataboutism

I had never even heard "what aboutism" until recently. on that hell site. They have a label for everything. A catchphrase and buzzword for everything.

It seemingly just boils down to, "we are huge hypocrites and have no defense...so fuck u get banned"
Oh, and pretend that Biden doesn't touch women and young girls inappropriately in front of TV cameras and national audiences.

We're the party that cares about women's rights and sexual assault, but let's be hypocritical bastards for political expediency - acknowledging reality just isn't convenient right now!
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on era.

Trump.....bad. evil. nazi.
Also--- please dont mention that Biden voted for the Iraq war. Please dont mention that Biden was VP when Obama drone striked innocent ppl at a wedding. Please don't mention Biden voting against desegragating schools.
because thats Whataboutism

Cyberpunk---bad. evil. Has soda ad with chick with a dick
Also---- please dont mention all the way more questionable content in all the animes we like, and the weeb JRPGs we play. And all the other games that we've deemed ok.
because thats Whataboutism

I had never even heard "what aboutism" until recently. on that hell site. They have a label for everything. A catchphrase and buzzword for everything.

It seemingly just boils down to, "we are huge hypocrites and have no defense...so fuck u get banned"

gives me flashbacks to a discord server I was once in and had this kind of .... system... and they'd twist your words and call you all kinds of label (white supremacist, racist, bigot etc) and would ban or kick you out if they felt like with under any pretenses they felt like


My suggestions for the title should be "OT - Cyberpunk 2077 - all suicide posts here" Because anyone posting in the OT that doesn't bend to the Trans Gang are gonna get their arses dogpiled and banned. If you value your account at Resetera (not quite sure why you would at this point) then it is will be account suicide going anywhere near that topic,

I'll be in it. not to intentionally antagonize anyone, but just to talk about the reviews and gameplay. if talking about the biggest game in the last 12-18 months doesn't have a place there, then I guess I don't either.
I should say, if you're a trans person reading this and you're cool, I'll be fucking delighted.

I've just never seen it.
It goes like this here.
New Poster "Hey, I'm new here and I'm trans"
GAF reply "Umm, ok. Didn't ask but anyway, do you agree the PS5 is better than XSX?"

Just kidding, not console warring.


Era lurker here, who occasionally posted there.

I knew that there were always two sides, and i knew that people said "Era is banning everyone, you can't have your opinion there". But i always dismissed this, and wanted to participate on Era myself. Mainly because a lot of people got their gaming news from there, and a lot of industry figures are also signed up there. Now i know what those people were talking about.

Aside from the fact that Era got in a hostage situation, which it's owners can't even admit and still cater to those crazy people, its mainly the fact how they treat their users there.
Some of you joked about the fact that one could write a thesis about this, but you really could. They are actively banning people just like that, treating them like they are subhumans. And their valid criticism is being dismissed as "trolling". They are creating an "us vs them" situation, which frankly pushes a lot of members away, even genuine innocent people.

And even worse is the fact, that nobody will stand up for you, unless you made yourself a name and people are aware of who you are. "Casual" posters are not worth being listened to. A lot of posters are afraid to say what they actually want to, and those are actively avoiding topics where they know they will be 100% banned. I know certain members who are hyped as hell for Cyberpunk 2077, and they even have an active Twitter account where they hype people up. Usually this members are also participating in the hype threads on era, but now they avoided all the CP2077 that were posted entirely. And literally nobody is able to stand up and say something, because they know they will get banned and have a lot to lose (especially if you are working in the gaming industry yourself).

E.g. Shinobi can get hyped up on Twitter, but see how he never posted in the CT2077 threads? BC got banned for literally being hyped on the game and got perma banned for it (along with other weird reasons). Now somebody posted Shinobis hype tweet and wanted to call him out (at least he/she was being consistent), but apparently "that was not it"?!.

You can tell that Era has mods/admins who love to abuse their "power", and its getting to the extreme. Banning people just like that equals to the Prison Industrial complex in the US. A lot of people are being banned for reasons they can't comprehend. And there is no way to sort this out, as there is no possibility to explain yourself. Hell, i once posted a link and someone told me that its forbidden to post certain source/user/youtuber/etc. People have to actively resort to a ban list, and they have to find this themselves.

Casual people like me, who are fine with the issues people have with the game, are not welcomed there after this, and it couldn't have been more clear. You are not able to talk about games in the forum that describes itself as the "pulse of the gaming industry". This so called digital "safe space" only keeps on brainwashing you, until you literally "become one of them". Sry, but i am a normal dude, living a normal life as a student, who appears to love video games. I don't need the problems/negativity you all have with your life forced upon me, because i have my own.
A well articulated and detailed post, but it only requires a simple response.

"Welcome to Gaf."
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