What's funny is...
Do you remember when REEE was started and they all said that they wouldn't be banning any political affiliation?
Comical what happened in the years that followed. That lasted all of about a second, and once you started seeing the ban hammer fall everyone else just went silent. You basically have a silent majority over there that only post on topics that interest them and stay far away from the insane asylum. The lunatics over there even get upset when the results of polls show that people are highly interested in games like CDPR and Harry Potter which doesnt align with their political fervor
I still can't believe how poorly
Black Chamber
was treated...you had people wanting to get him actively banned for failing to acknowledge a land mind thrown in his lap...it was comical. Like, really? You're going to ban someone for not acknowledging your agenda?

You know we have a right in this country to engage in whatever dialogue we want...