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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Lol ResetEra is like a forum version of a banana republic failed state that goes door to door rounding up political dissidents and other undesirables.


Neo Member
For those who want to read the ERA Cyberpunk thread without all that shit being pushed to your face like intrusive porn ads:

1- Install uBlock Origin (everyone has this in Chrome)

2- right click ->block element -> the area that you want to block would be highlighted (this would be, the first ost by Android whatever that appears in every page and the disclaimer that appears before the reply box. You just have to do this once for each item, it will apply for all the pages).

3- Left click on "create" yellow button on the pop up in the right.

Once you do that, all the intrusive shit goes away.
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One of the craziest things about this is how TransEra constantly feels like they’re being persecuted by the staff, that the staff isn’t protecting them and doing good a job.

Let me try to break it down for the people over there reading this: That entire forum is catered to your whims. The staff has bent over backwards trying to appease your concerns. You’re the most protected group on that forum. The TOS basically doesn’t even apply to you. It almost makes me feel bad for the staff... I say almost because they did this to themselves, they cultivated this monster.

TransEra is pretty much running that forum now, that’s how much the staff has catered to them, yet they’re completely oblivious to that fact. The lack of self-awareness is astounding,


They are more like the Chinese communists who subjected the peasants to “Struggle sessions” where they were publicly shamed into submission.

Struggle sessions were a form of public humiliation and torture used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at various times in the Mao era, particularly during the years immediately before and after the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and during the Cultural Revolution. The aim of struggle sessions was to shape public opinion, as well as to humiliate, persecute, or execute political rivals and those deemed class enemies.[1]

In general, the victim of a struggle session was forced to admit various crimes before a crowd of people who would verbally and physically abuse the victim until they confessed. Struggle sessions were often held at the workplace of the accused, but they were sometimes conducted in sports stadiums where large crowds would gather if the target was well-known.[1]
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Gold Member
To be fair, the thing about Reeee is that it's accelerated into this pit of SJW and amazingly into a refuge for trans people to air out their attitude without people laughing at them.

How a video game forum whose original intent (even considering GAF as the pre-founder of Reeeee since many went there) into social issues first, gaming second is amazing.

That would be like a baseball forum where baseball is second fiddle and suddenly civil wars between African warlords and government became the hot topics. It doesn't make sense, but it transformed into that.

But the key reason why they feel this way protecting a home turf forum of isolation (which you'd think is the opposite of what they want which is inclusivity with everyone else) is because so many of them have a self centred and egotistical view that the majority of the population spends all day thinking and hating transgendered people.

Like it's everyone's number one priority in life when they wake up, and right down to the end when it's bed time.

So they huddle together like a militia buried in a forest protecting themselves thinking all the farmers and city dwellers are thinking all day how to find and oppress them.

What doesn't help are Gamestop No Maam guys acting ridiculous yelling at video game clerks making $10/hr forcing them to respect them in moronic ways just to make themselves feel better.

And when you got that kind of attention making a group look bad with everyone laughing, they have trouble countering it. So they dig deeper in their hole thinking because everyone on a gamer forum laughing at No Maam dude, they think everyone laughs at every trans person even if they are just walking down the street and nobody can even tell they are trans. But in their head, they think everyone can tell and can't wait to make fun.

Also, there's different types of reality IMO. You got real reality... family, friends, job, pay the bills, take care of kids. Everyone knows me. Then there's the kick back and chill reality with people on forums. Still real life. But really secondary. Nobody knows who each other are, nobody gives their real name, half the people disappear, another half are new join ups. It's like Second Life but on a forum instead of a video game.

Since many SJW feel so isolated, odd and loners, they treat forums are #1 priority reality. Then when it comes to jobs, paying off a mortgage (if they even have one), friends and fam it's distant. Forum comraderie is more important than face to face people and job.
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They don’t.

And I don’t say that with glee. Rather, something approaching pity.

They are unemployable, damaged, uneducated or, more importantly, incorrectly educated, losers. They likely have little in the way of meaningful friendships. The only value they seem to take in live is through these absurd crusades on matters that almost anyone sane gives zero shits about.

They are the product of cultural relativism and technological isolation. Their lives are meaningless.

Yep. You'll notice that whenever any of the more vocal ones makes a post about their personal life, it always tends to be the same. Depression, zero friends, zero social life, no relationship with family, and just mad at everything and hating themselves. No productive output. At best, minimum wage job. Typically also on some kind of social assistance or mental health/disability compensation, hence all the free time. This is why virtue signalling is screeching at others online is so critical to their existence. Literally all they have in order to feel good about themselves.
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Someone posted the Launch Trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 on the OT

The first response:

Imagine trying to have a conversation about the game there

I think that even Anita Sarkeesian would say "sis, chill a bit"
Putting this in here from the other thread:

I think we need to be better and show that place what true respectful discourse/Discussion looks like. The fact that nobody here will be banned for having an opinion should be a red flag in how they are moderating/treating people at that site.

Silencing opinions doesn't help your movement or the LGBTQ, all it shows is you are not tolerant. ANd for a movement to grow or have some kind of new progress made you have to be tolerant. History has shown this with Minority's, Gay community ect.

The problem is that the fundamental disagreement, in my case at least, begins way before that. Two very distinct conceptions of rights are on the table. So I would need for everyone to be extremely precise about what exactly they mean, for example, when they talk about "trans rights" before signing up. Because straights, whites, males, Trans people,. Asexual people, , lesbians, Asians, gipsies, Germans and albinos all have the exact same rights, which essentially boil down to the right to be left alone to pursue their happiness, according to their values, as long as they don't infringe upon anybody else's.

In that specific sense, there are no Cis rights, just like there are no Trans rights, or Heterosexual rights. Universal rights exist with no exceptions and no special concessions.

Gay rights and Civil rights didn't happen over night. And we are in a new era no pun intended of discourse where talking behind a monitor and keyboard is not the same as directly talking to someone face to face.[

Labeling people as Nazi's regardless of your hardships as a person either it be gay, trans, minority foreign or domestic will not make you feel stronger or ignite people to flock behind you to understand your plight.

I would reserve the term [neo]-Nazi for people who endorse Nazism.

Being open minded, and accepting of different opinions/religion/race for discussion is the way to go. It's how democracy works. Losing your shit over a piece of fiction that is meant to be a fantasy for you to escape in and tell a story isn't going to help you or your fight for equal rights.

It all comes back to a rational conception of rights.

No one is owed anything. No majority or minority is owed the labour of other people. CDPR is not morally obliged to portray this or that group under this or that light. It's their IP: No one should act as though they have any right over the intellectual property of others simply because of who they are.

They don't.

If someone thinks Trans people need to be portrayed under a certain light, that feeling doesn'0t suddenly turn into a right laid at the feet of CDPR. They can go make their own game, spend and risk their own money in the process. They do not have the right to manage other people's money. It's not theirs for them to manage. Demanding this or that is de facto managing CDPR's money.

It's sad that no one understands this over there. It's sad that they don't realize why people criticize them, even the GAY community is very vague in some groups on whats is going on with social media and the transgender movement.
If there are holes easily poked because there's not enough research and data on the subject so people can get correct help/healthcare for what ever it may be(transitioning ect). Then that should be a indicator that more open discussion is needed for more understanding, more research to basically help have better acceptance

It would help if the arguments being presented would be addressed, instead of simply dismissed with slanderous accusations of Nazi sympathies or flirtatious behaviour with racism or transphobia.

I wish everyone to be safe, and hope everyone the best from both community's.

I don't see how the term "safe" remotely applies to online forums as though there were any equivalence between violence and harsh discourse.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I don't actually subscribe to any video game review YouTube channels (I stick to news, arts & culture, history, science), but I'm throwing my insignificant sub Karak's way. I wonder if messofawhatever is already harassing him on Twitter?

Dick Jones

Someone posted the Launch Trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 on the OT

The first response:

Imagine trying to have a conversation about the game there

I think that even Anita Sarkeesian would say "sis, chill a bit"

Is Anita still in exile on ERA for facilitating a sexual predator because she was grifting money off him?
Or did they handwave her doing LITERALLY nothing about real toxicity.



I was laughing when they banned 2077 topics and threads. Because that goes against free speech, and against what forums typically are about. Voicing opinions. But banning Karak...or anybody else for posting here. is like a new low. Especially when all those fucks came from here.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I was laughing when they banned 2077 topics and threads. Because that goes against free speech, and against what forums typically are about. Voicing opinions. But banning Karak...or anybody else for posting here. is like a new low. Especially when all those fucks came from here.

I vaguely remember a prominent poster likening Era to being more of a news machine with a ultra moderated comment section than a discussion board.

They don't really want discussion so much as they want everyone to be on one very specific page.



There are 2 things here,

Banning is nothing, they can do what they want. It’s always taken as more as a serious think on here/there than anywhere else on the internet.


A public figure, (700k or so subs) has been banned and they’ve let him be publicly labelled as a Nazi for posting on Neogaf.

He needs to see an attorney in my opinion because it’s incredibly libellous and they’ve let it happen.
Feel bad for all the era members who just want to legit talk about the game and have to basically remain in their hermit crab shells.

It'd be hilarious to see Era's reaction over a libel claim.
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For those who want to read the ERA Cyberpunk thread without all that shit being pushed to your face like intrusive porn ads:

1- Install uBlock Origin (everyone has this in Chrome)

2- right click ->block element -> the area that you want to block would be highlighted (this would be, the first ost by Android whatever that appears in every page and the disclaimer that appears before the reply box. You just have to do this once for each item, it will apply for all the pages).

3- Left click on "create" yellow button on the pop up in the right.

Once you do that, all the intrusive shit goes away.

Lol thank you

Why yes TransEra, the inconvenience of having to scroll more than I should DOES affect me more than the perceived injustice of a poster in the game. Have a nice day.


Wow so many unhappy campers? What was the deal with Poli-Era? Was it comprised of the same people who were in PoliGAF back in the day?

During the Dem primary the rift between Liberals and Leftists reached new heights.

A lot of people were banned and I believe the discord server died.

playing devil's advocate:

- the 'did you assume my gender' tweet is shit, lazy banter and mocks trans people's right to assign themselves a different gender to the one they were born with. Having that mockery promoted by CDPR normalises it and encourages others to follow suit, leading to actual trans people being mocked. Sacking the person responsible does not really do anything to allay this harm.

- the 'mix it up' ad fetishizes trans people at a time when trans representation in media is still very low. Placing inappropriate emphasis on the sexuality of trans people reinforces the harmful view that transitioning is all about sex as in fucking rather than sex as in self-identification of gender. This is harmful, reductive and possibly incitement to sexual assaults. Doubling down on the ad with the cosplay thing just reinforces that as well as adding a freakshow element.

- not allowing more flexible voice and pronoun options will force some trans people to misgender themselves. At a time when they may have a fragile psychological state, playing 100 hours of first person videogame as a virtual, idealised yet misgendered version of themselves, could be damaging.

- CDPR's resistance to engage on issues raised has allowed the situation to escalate to the point we are in now, where people are being forced to pick sides over the game and one side has a 'amazing' new game as an incentive and the other just has vulnerable people. People who want to play the game but who previously had no ill opinion on trans people are being influenced against them by the situation that CDPR has allowed to develop.

Pulled that out of my arse

Can I just commend you for being one of the few here to actually get why TransEra is mad and not just post cringe anti-trans remarks.

I do feel TransEra has a point on some of their critiques. This current fiasco is not on them, but the mods.

Instead of making a clear decision on CP2077 early on, they allowed this shit to burn on for months while they played both sides.


Rodent Whores
During the Dem primary the rift between Liberals and Leftists reached new heights.

A lot of people were banned and I believe the discord server died.
I see. A few of them had a hard time reconciling the ideals and principles of actually being liberal with the corporate goals of the Democratic Party.


They are more like the Chinese communists who subjected the peasants to “Struggle sessions” where they were publicly shamed into submission.

Struggle sessions were a form of public humiliation and torture used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at various times in the Mao era, particularly during the years immediately before and after the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and during the Cultural Revolution. The aim of struggle sessions was to shape public opinion, as well as to humiliate, persecute, or execute political rivals and those deemed class enemies.[1]

In general, the victim of a struggle session was forced to admit various crimes before a crowd of people who would verbally and physically abuse the victim until they confessed. Struggle sessions were often held at the workplace of the accused, but they were sometimes conducted in sports stadiums where large crowds would gather if the target was well-known.[1]

2020 American version:



During the Dem primary the rift between Liberals and Leftists reached new heights.

A lot of people were banned and I believe the discord server died.

Can I just commend you for being one of the few here to actually get why TransEra is mad and not just post cringe anti-trans remarks.

I do feel TransEra has a point on some of their critiques. This current fiasco is not on them, but the mods.

Instead of making a clear decision on CP2077 early on, they allowed this shit to burn on for months while they played both sides.

They have absolutely zero point in this critique. They’re hating on a supposed (not confirmed) trans character on an in game poster having a dick but looking sexy.

They aren’t even remotely close to being right in this instance, they’re factually wrong.
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