You know something I'm the most proud of from my ResetEra days?
Aside from all my Cyberpunk content on both the gaming and Etcetera sides; it's the fact that I was allowed to make 5 threads that I deemed OTs [
ordinarily there, they would have been basic news threads] for my Night City WIRE threads.
I only say that because obviously people enjoyed them enough for the administration/moderation team [
who probably enjoyed them too] to not correct it and say "
We're removing your 'OT' because they are not OTs".
They only waited until they were about to ban me to say that
I remember once in the OT claim thread that TheMoon said to me "
I don't know why you keep claiming these; they're just news threads" and that's when I knew that they must be something special, because no mod ever removed the "OT" from the titles. It felt pretty good to be creating something that everyone liked to enjoy - well, almost everyone...
I bet even ZeoVGM, messofanego, that jackal Hobbes, Kyuuji, Surfinn, Redcrayon, Purseowner...
all of Team Worthless probably enjoyed them as well