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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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bdubs really likes the word bitch.







there are actually a few more that im not gonna bother linking. he also calls them sluts. i love how the biggest white knights turn out to be the worst of the lot. thats why i never pretend to be a saint. everyone has said something stupid online over the years. you just have to stop pretending you are better than everyone else.
He likes bitches, she-males, niggas, raw-dogging and anal. Also likes to defend Bill Clinton and if I remember correctly there is also some stuff about age of consent in there. Let's just say it's a bit YIKES.


It all seems shockingly arbitrary.

B-Dubs makes sexist and racist comments anywhere from 3-7 years ago "oh that was way in the past he's grown now"
Black Chamber Black Chamber makes a MAGA joke like 3 years ago and it's all "DID YOU VOTE FOR TRUMP???!?!?!" followed by a perma-ban.

I truly hope people from Era are reading this thread and can see the hypocrisy on display here.
Let us be completely honest.

99% of ResetEra already know what happened to Black Chamber Black Chamber is total bullshit.

They just aren't willing to give up their membership and move on over it.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Last year a leaked script for Joker was going around and I got my hands on a copy. B-Dubs tried to shake me down and have me reveal the name of the person spreading the script around. I had to cite the California Shield Law to scare him off.
wtf. what does he care who leaked it?


I literally said yesterday, if they find out you post here, they WILL ban you. I was only half joking. Those people belong in a fucking loony bin.
I should make it clear. I basically found out I was banned by over 200 dm's on twitter and my email FROM that forums members who were mad about it and offered to keep watching the videos.
It's now WAY way way above that.
I have no clue whats going on there but to see dm's from people in that thread who questioned why I was banned dm'ing me to say sorry something odd is for sure occurring.
I should make it clear. I basically found out I was banned by over 200 dm's on twitter and my email FROM that forums members who were mad about it and offered to keep watching the videos.
It's now WAY way way above that.
I have no clue whats going on there but to see dm's from people in that thread who questioned why I was banned dm'ing me to say sorry something odd is for sure occurring.

I don't care what happens, I've been watching your content for a long time and I won't be stopping anytime soon. I've always thought you a straight shooter and an honest dude.


And their list of CDPR's 'crimes' is just... so fucking bizarre.

All of it is so fucking tame. Kindergarten shit. The tweet was years ago, the ad too. Nothing happened to trans people because of it. Yet they keep bringing it up.

You can't play a man with a female voice. Who would want to do that anyway? Millions of males roleplay as females in RPGs and they are fine (most females characters are played by males in mmos). You don't have to roleplay as yourself.

If that's "transphobia" then they have very privileged and cozy lives.
I really can't believe they think BC was a trojan horse, that for 3 years planned to attack era and crumble it down. It's fucking hysterical, the fact they believe it just shows the absolute lunacy and how demented some people really are. Even worse is that it's hard to even tell who's a troll and who legit is just that mentally unstable.
When you ban every active poster for shit they do there, they need to get their kicks elsewhere.
Actually pisses me off how ignorant they all are. And completely oblivious to it. They think they're woke, they think they know it all, they disregard any kind of evidence that goes against what they say, and for some reason, they think they're right.

They are not woke. They are not progressive. They are just extremists. This is not how you fight your war, at least if you want to be taken seriously. Guess they just like being the clowns of the internet.


All of it is so fucking tame. Kindergarten shit. The tweet was years ago, the ad too. Nothing happened to trans people because of it. Yet they keep bringing it up.

You can't play a man with a female voice. Who would want to do that anyway? Millions of males roleplay as females in RPGs and they are fine (most females characters are played by males in mmos). You don't have to roleplay as yourself.

If that's "transphobia" then they have very privileged and cozy lives.
My favorite one is the last one claiming that this tweet is a "transphobic joke":

Literally what.


Gold Member
Hey all! I've been lurking here for a while but all the insane drama in the past few days finally convinced me that I should join in the fun.

Black Chamber Black Chamber : I wasn't particularly interested in Cyberpunk before but after seeing your sheer enthusiasm for it, all the bullshit Era put you through, and the eventual happy ending of you coming to post here, I can't wait to play it. It's been said dozens of times over at this point, but: it's very clear you did nothing wrong. I hope you don't take any of it to heart. They're the crazy ones.

Everyone else: I originally wrote a much longer post here, but I reread it a few times and then deleted it. tl;dr: I'm a lifelong progressive liberal and these psychopaths on Era don't represent me. I don't know what to call them, but it's not liberal and it's certainly not progressive. I left my old gaming forum because it was slowly going down the same road that Era is going down now, and the discourse there was making me feel like I was this terrible crazy person. I was starting to feel like, if I valued free speech, valued truth and evidence, and didn't care for hive minds, I had no place in gaming. Reading the stories in this thread has helped convince me that I'm not crazy after all. Thank you.
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Neo Member
I should make it clear. I basically found out I was banned by over 200 dm's on twitter and my email FROM that forums members who were mad about it and offered to keep watching the videos.
It's now WAY way way above that.
I have no clue whats going on there but to see dm's from people in that thread who questioned why I was banned dm'ing me to say sorry something odd is for sure occurring.

they are pissed at you because you quoted a post with the person saying they were looking forward to a review ''without that tranny shit'' or something and you didn't acknowledge that or call it out, and just said your review is coming.

that's what i am seeing mostly.
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When they find out you can’t be a chick with a dick in Harry Potter they will go nuclear. No stopping this crazy train.
Last I checked, JK Rowling isn't even involved in the writing/development for Hogwarts Legacy. She will get some royalties, for sure, but will it be as crazy as Cyberpunk 2077 has been in that community?

ERA posters hate women, every topic will be filled with "vile TERF!"
Hey all! I've been lurking here for a while but all the insane drama in the past few days finally convinced me that I should join in the fun.

Black Chamber Black Chamber : I wasn't particularly interested in Cyberpunk before but after seeing your sheer enthusiasm for it, all the bullshit Era put you through, and the eventual happy ending of you coming to post here, I can't wait to play it. It's been said dozens of times over at this point, but: it's very clear you did nothing wrong. I hope you don't take any of it to heart. They're the crazy ones.

Everyone else: I originally wrote a much longer post here, but I reread it a few times and then deleted it. tl;dr: I'm a lifelong progressive liberal and these psychopaths on Era don't represent me. I don't know what to call them, but it's not liberal and it's certainly not progressive. I left my old gaming forum because it was slowly going down the same road that Era is going down now, and the discourse there was making me feel like I was this terrible crazy person. I was starting to feel like, if I valued free speech, valued truth and evidence, and didn't care for hive minds, I had no place in gaming. Reading the stories in this thread has helped convince me that I'm not crazy after all. Thank you.

Welcome, I’m a life long progressive liberal as well. They aren’t liberals or progressives, they are just plain mentally ill. And I hope nobody associates them with the actual left, or actual people from the lgbtq+ community.
they are pissed at you because you quoted a post with the person saying they were looking forward to a review ''without that tranny shit'' or something and you didn't acknowledge that or call it out, and just said your review is coming.

that's what i am seeing mostly.
The poster in question said "X's review is almost entirely dedicated to trans shit nobody cares about. And then talks about the game a little." They did not use a slur. I would understand people being upset if Jeremy had seen a slur, quoted the post, and seemingly approved the use of language in doing so, but this isn't one of those cases.

If Polygon had posted a review that spent a decent chunk of time talking about Cyberpunk's portrayal of religion, particularly Christianity, and someone (perhaps unfairly) said "the review was almost entirely dedicated to religious shit nobody cares about", I don't think they'd be upset at all. The fact Cyberpunk is potentially offensive to religious people (I think there's a quest where you hammer nails through someone's hands and feet?) has gone completely unremarked upon, and I imagine trying to bring it up on Era would quickly get you banned as a "troll account". (Even comparing these two scenarios would get you yeeted from Era for "Inflammatory false equivalency to bigotry" or some similar gem.)
Actually pisses me off how ignorant they all are. And completely oblivious to it. They think they're woke, they think they know it all, they disregard any kind of evidence that goes against what they say, and for some reason, they think they're right.

They are not woke. They are not progressive. They are just extremists. This is not how you fight your war, at least if you want to be taken seriously. Guess they just like being the clowns of the internet.

Because they are stupid and insane. Once the entertainment factor dies down - just ignore these guys. Not worth the effort - there will always be insane people and you’re not gonna convince them that’s what they are. So... allow them to implode. Maybe they’ll get it - likely not.


Neo Member
The poster in question said "X's review is almost entirely dedicated to trans shit nobody cares about. And then talks about the game a little." They did not use a slur. I would understand people being upset if Jeremy had seen a slur, quoted the post, and seemingly approved the use of language in doing so, but this isn't one of those cases.

If Polygon had posted a review that spent a decent chunk of time talking about Cyberpunk's portrayal of religion, particularly Christianity, and someone (perhaps unfairly) said "the review was almost entirely dedicated to religious shit nobody cares about", I don't think they'd be upset at all. The fact Cyberpunk is potentially offensive to religious people (I think there's a quest where you hammer nails through someone's hands and feet?) has gone completely unremarked upon, and I imagine trying to bring it up on Era would quickly get you banned as a "troll account". (Even comparing these two scenarios would get you yeeted from Era for "Inflammatory false equivalency to bigotry" or some similar gem.)

My fault, I thought there was a slur in there. That's my fault Karak Karak I guess I should have taken a quick glance at the post in question. Too hasty I guess.

Makes the ban even more silly.
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Karak Karak just to confirm what Trishul is saying, there were two screenshots. One was a post reply here in GAF where someone said they wanted you to review CP2077 and you said “IT WILL HAPPEN”. The other is a tweet where you replied to someone saying “Who cares about Polygon” and you said something like “No one who matters”. I’m quoting your responses in the manner in which you said them, which is not getting my wrapped up in the previous discussion.

Over at Era they didn’t do that. The focussed instead on you not getting involved in other elements of what you were replying to as “evidence” of wrong-doing. If it sounds like I’m leaving something out, I’m not.

After that, people chimed in with comments like “I’ve always suspected”, and unless I missed anything about the end of it the admins took that as reason enough to be banned.

I don’t know at what point that one poster started saying you’re a nazi for merely existing here, and given that he considers every single member to be a nazi it couldbe any time.

Maybe someone can chime in with whether or not it’s this case or the Black Chamber case where GAF is referred to as Stormfront. So many things get said that it starts to blur into one.


You know something I'm the most proud of from my ResetEra days?

Aside from all my Cyberpunk content on both the gaming and Etcetera sides; it's the fact that I was allowed to make 5 threads that I deemed OTs [ordinarily there, they would have been basic news threads] for my Night City WIRE threads.

I only say that because obviously people enjoyed them enough for the administration/moderation team [who probably enjoyed them too] to not correct it and say "We're removing your 'OT' because they are not OTs".

[They only waited until they were about to ban me to say that😏]

I remember once in the OT claim thread that TheMoon said to me "I don't know why you keep claiming these; they're just news threads" and that's when I knew that they must be something special, because no mod ever removed the "OT" from the titles. It felt pretty good to be creating something that everyone liked to enjoy - well, almost everyone...

I bet even ZeoVGM, messofanego, that jackal Hobbes, Kyuuji, Surfinn, Redcrayon, Purseowner...all of Team Worthless probably enjoyed them as well💯

That's sad to hear because, honestly, I've avoided nearly every Cyberpunk thread because of the names you listed in the bottom.
Hey all! I've been lurking here for a while but all the insane drama in the past few days finally convinced me that I should join in the fun.

Black Chamber Black Chamber : I wasn't particularly interested in Cyberpunk before but after seeing your sheer enthusiasm for it, all the bullshit Era put you through, and the eventual happy ending of you coming to post here, I can't wait to play it. It's been said dozens of times over at this point, but: it's very clear you did nothing wrong. I hope you don't take any of it to heart. They're the crazy ones.

Everyone else: I originally wrote a much longer post here, but I reread it a few times and then deleted it. tl;dr: I'm a lifelong progressive liberal and these psychopaths on Era don't represent me. I don't know what to call them, but it's not liberal and it's certainly not progressive. I left my old gaming forum because it was slowly going down the same road that Era is going down now, and the discourse there was making me feel like I was this terrible crazy person. I was starting to feel like, if I valued free speech, valued truth and evidence, and didn't care for hive minds, I had no place in gaming. Reading the stories in this thread has helped convince me that I'm not crazy after all. Thank you.

To me, somehow it devolved into a fascinating case of a lot of insecure people with ban power trying to force an agenda over a video game.
I like your Kenshiro avatar!

Fist of the North Star [Hokuto No Ken] is one of my favorite animes - movies + seies🤘
I find it hilarious that no one can tell if thats a troll post or not. :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

If that is legitimate. Look it’s an online forum and they can run it how they want - but damn. That’s some next level Orwellian bullshit. At some point they must realize they are actual authoritarians right? Like textbook authoritarians. They’re not even hiding it - like somehow they seem almost proud of it.

EDIT: The positive to this is these type of communities, they always have a moment where they come crashing down. So don’t worry it’ll come some day. It’s an inherently flawed system that will backfire.
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I am going to say a bunch of stuff in a way that comes off as pretentious as possible. Most of it is useless banter and flag waging with a side kick of smugness. The Metacritic score/reviews for Cyberpunk shows that most review sites do not really care about catering to social minority issues and hiring journaslist in drove for that reason, outside the obvious select few but damn this will sound good here. The Last of Us 2, blah blah blah. bladdy blah, blah blah.


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Sgt. Pinback

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
I should make it clear. I basically found out I was banned by over 200 dm's on twitter and my email FROM that forums members who were mad about it and offered to keep watching the videos.
It's now WAY way way above that.
I have no clue whats going on there but to see dm's from people in that thread who questioned why I was banned dm'ing me to say sorry something odd is for sure occurring.
When I read that you'd been banned, I thought there was no way it could be real - of all of the Youtube reviewers, you are the one who seems to be held in the highest esteem, and one of the only ones that I can tolerate for any length of time.

The fact that you got banned from there indicates that they have truly gone off the deep end. Your channel rules - I really like your stuff, and you are infinitely better off without them. They are insane.
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