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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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No one is owed anything. No majority or minority is owed anything.
The Cis "community" and the Trans "community" are not owed the labour of CD Projekt Red, especially since a game is not a manifesto, certainly not a pamphlet approved by a bureaucrat for the supposed betterment of society.

Moreover, individual Trans people exist, but the trans community is merely an abstraction, an amorphous aggregate. So just like you would never attempt to Represent white males, because there is nothing in common between millions of white males other than their sex and complexion, there is nothing in common among Trans people either. Tell me , what do Libertarian Trans men and Leninist Trans men have in common that bears representing? What do Trans theists and Trans atheists have in common? You are de facto de-humanising Trans people by reducing their entire humanhood to a single attribute - gender - ignoring all other dimensions of their personality and identity and still grouping them all up in one supposedly monolithic "community" that can be represented by a character or cast of characters.

There is nothing to represent.

Doubtlessly, some Trans people are great human beings, others are so and so and others still are not that recommendable. Some are hard working, others are mediocre and others still lazy. Some are very bright and articulate others may be on par with Forest Gump. There is nothing to represent. And if there is nothing to represent then Representation itself is a well-meaning but ultimately misguided and counterproductive effort which should be rejected altogether as fallacious.

Since there is nothing to represent, there cannot possibly exist "right" representation. Additionally, the role of fiction isn't to mirror reality. Essay, philosophy, those are the ideal domains for systematically and truthfully examining and explaining reality. Fiction is downright a terrible medium for that goal. It's like attempting to drink Cherry coke though a vacuum cleaner tube.

Representation is a profoundly mistaken concept.

What does change minds and touches hearts is direct contact with Trans people and realizing, fundamentally, they are no different, no better and no worse than any other arbitrary group of human beings.

Define sexualization in objective terms and explain why it's" bad".

That's their own shortcoming.

Provide good arguments and indeed be prepared to defend them.

Beautiful post, couldn't have said it better myself.

And this is the sort of nuanced discussion on the topic that would get you labeled as an alt-right nazi and permanently banned from ResetERA.
Reeeturners are already shaming peoples' tastes and interests to fit back to their echo chamber.

Ignore and move on.

I shit on the Quartering. Am I "reeeeturner"? Almost 100% of my posts in this place are passionately shitting on resetera, and deservedly so, because they're insane. I also think The Quartering is a douchebag and doesn't provide any value to anything, most of his videos are worthless clickbait that he grinds out multiple a day.

Both those things can be true at the same time. I have no love for 90% of the people he mocks, but that doesn't automatically mean I have to like him. Stop trying to pigeonhole, makes you no better than the Reees.

Moving on...


So can someone explain this one to me? Should there be no people in wheelchairs in the game? Or should all wheelchair bound people have a protective shield around them making them immune to all damage? Do these fucking morons realize that you also, oh I dunno, MURDER people in the game?

Holy fuck.
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So can someone explain this one to me? Should there be no people in wheelchairs in the game? Or should all wheelchair bound people have a protective shield around them making them immune to all damage? Do these fucking morons realize that you also, oh I dunno, MURDER people in the game?

Holy fuck.

Yes but don't murder THESE people.

Or these.

Just the CIS white males. Those are OK.
80% of trans murders occur in South and Central America. It’s such a shame that those Central American people learned transphobia from playing Polish videogames. Also odd how that influence didn’t rub off anywhere else, just So/C America. But yes let’s blame the Polish game developers for violence happening on the other side of the world.

It's like here in western Europe, a lot of leftists mostly want to talk about homophobia in a general sense or amongst white men and Christians. You want to discuss why the Islamic community has so much more homophobia and why that's a problem here? Tough luck because you're an islamophobe now.
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Well, I haven't ben banned from the site so guess they stopped or it's on a case by case basis.

(I have the exact same username and avatar)
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might as well post what I got the ban for:

" So, I have been reading and reading. Damn, near a week now.

Cyberpunk 2077 is problematic and is nigh on banned from approved discussion and this situation (the polite term) has been begging the question: Has there been any discourse on how future releases are to be treated moving forward? Surely, if this CD Projekt Red game deserves this amount of scrutiny, most of the upcoming major releases should be treated the same, right? Logic would dictate. Is this enthusiast games forum open to banning discussion of, say, GTA VI? You know that game is going to be a powder keg for this community. Why hasn't discussion of Ubisoft products been banned as well for so, so, so many reasons? Fallout '76 also seemed to be problematic. Shouldn't that have been a prohibited title along with other Bethesda releases? Or on that note should not all Microsoft-published games be banned from discourse what with the ZeniMax acquisition? Guilt by association is convenient; the guillotine silences all.

One interpretation for Cyberpunk 2077 necessitating thousand-word mod posts (and lord knows how much effort and back-and-forth from the poor moderation staff) would be that trans' rights seem to trump misogyny and good, old-fashioned racism on this website, though that is not my take, I see the argument and I see the debate team hats coming out. Isn’t Ubisoft an equally hateful company when compared to CD Projekt Red? More so? Harry Potter games are just a given for the ban-pile, I assume, probably releasing with a promised "text-only," mod-written thread, if at all. God forbid we get a Kingdom Come sequel.

If these numerous releases are even approved for discussion, what about the users who play them and comment? Did they happen to get a copy from Amazon.com? This is a company that openly exploits its workers to the point of suicide. This is a company that uses forced-labor camps in Uighur China. Literal slave labor. Surely users who use Amazon, WalMart, Cost Co., Best Buy, LG, Toshiba, Verizon, Apple, TCL, Sony, Microsoft, Ford, Corsair, MSI, Valve, Intuit, FIS, Google, Razer, Qualcomm, Alphabet, Facebook, Instagram, Intel, AT&T, Cisco, Comcast, Toyota, GE, WhatsApp, Adobe, Netflix, nVidia, AMD, Texas Instruments, Samsung, Insignia, General Motors, Philips, Oculus, Hewlett-Packard, or IMB products deserve a permanent ban because using these problematic company's products condones these problematic company's practices? These transgressions should surely be more prominent on this forum than say, a Mix It Up ad, the treatment of prisoner stereotypes, or sexual character designs, right? These are companies who actually make money from slave labor, yet this forum is writing 7,000-word posts about the lack of inclusiveness in a microcosm of a pass-time that requires users to throw money at the companies listed above (though, to be fair, I may have left one or two off that list but surely you get the point). This seems like a double-standard and this seems like hypocrisy and this seems like bullshit.

I guess my question is this: is equality important to the folks who frequent this website? I appreciate the political ramifications of this site's treatment of the year's biggest game release, but it needs to do the same for all titles moving forward or this becomes a hollow, one-note hill to die on, and, congratulations, people here picked a hill to die on, but it was the wrong damn hill.

And I guess my point is this: why does the opinion of a minority group get carte-blanche to dictate policy on this site, when there are issues in play that affect every single person here, not just a percentage? Where are the torches and pitchforks for the death toll a release like the PlayStation 5 induced? If you want to take a stance, good; take that stance, believe in something; fight the power. Good for you. Remember though, there are often much larger issues at play, and your time could be better spent on a street corner protesting the things you believe in rather than cross-checking which ResetERA users cross-post on NeoGAF. Set the bar a bit higher for yourself.

I mean not to belittle the politics of this community but more-so the manner in which it chooses to push them.

So. What do we do about upcoming games? Is there a discussion about this? And more importantly for the average ResetERA user: is there a transparent discussion – perhaps a sticky? - between moderation staff and the general users about what this website is rapidly devolving into that does not involve "trials by Discord," doxxing, or behind the scenes chicanery?

I'd like to know. Maybe a few others would, too.

Much love to every single one of you. "

Yeah, its "whatabouttism" at its finest, but I think its also a valid criticism of the double-standard they have over there.

Saw someone here mention I'm a "bit too grandiose" ... fair - very fair. But I was trying to go toe-to-toe with the crazy dissertations already posted so ... this feels tame!
Fucking hate speech if I've ever seen it.
You are such a chud.

So can someone explain this one to me? Should there be no people in wheelchairs in the game? Or should all wheelchair bound people have a protective shield around them making them immune to all damage? Do these fucking morons realize that you also, oh I dunno, MURDER people in the game?

Holy fuck.

This is the flipside of Representation I didn't mention. When you view fictional characters not merely as devices for storytelling purposes but as representatives of real-life groups of people in the millions, then anything you endowed them with or do to them in the story can, under Representation, be seen as an indictment or a punishment of these real-life groups.

The example I usually offer involves a black writer in a prominent writing Podcast confessing he was reading a lot of novels where minority protagonists simply had no flaws. A flawless protagonists is the mortal enemy of good story telling and those novels sucked big time. His explanation for the fact was that the authors were fearful of being labelled racists for endowing their protags with shortcomings.

This is a direct result of Representation. If the fictional Asian character is standing in for millions of real-life Asian people, for example, then his selfishness or cowardice are an indictment of millions of real-life Asians as egoists or cowards.

Representation is both fallacious and fatal to good storytelling.
Jesus f'ing Christ. First off, I havnt been back of Gaf in years. Ive used Resetera for news since its launch.

Ive just been looking for Cyberpunk impressions cause Im on the fence about the game. I guess Im pretty behind on all the uproar about this game.

Try to read the OT but its got more warning signs than I care to scroll through. I check the Kinda Funny OT as Im a fan of their vids. It just been people blasting them for not bringing up trans issues in their impressions. I go to the Easy Allies OT, someone in there is also blasting them for not bringing up the trans issues.

Its. fucking. bonkers.

The site has always been nuts. Ive been banned multiple times. For hilarious reasons. Most recently I got a body shaming warning for asking why Boba Fett is now so fat. And it wasnt just a warning. I had to 'agree' to their warning to get this giant paragraph off the top of every page.

But I have never seen them go this hard with shutting down anything that doesnt 100% agree with them or talk about the exact things that they want to hear. Its fucking absurd.
Authoritarian groups like facists, communists and Resetera don't just start killing Jews or educated people straight away. There is a gradual move to it.
Bit by bit until before you know it you are unloading Jews from trains at some camp in Poland.
The same is what has happened on Resetera. Bit by bit it turned into an authoritarian bigoted site ran by facists.


Tbf “F them kids“ was the most popular response on this pathetic thread:

Not surprising they aspire to this ideal...



guess it's safe to say that ResetEra are xenophobes for attacking a polish dev team since they most likely are americans but don't let them hear / see this or else their brains might implode


Bit by bit until before you know it you are unloading Jews from trains at some camp in Poland.
I know u probably didnt mean any harm, but just to educate ppl who dont know much about this stuff, back then when Germans made their death camps, for jewish ppl, and slavic ppl too, basically any1 who wasnt considered true German/Arian race, there was no Poland, we were literally under occupation of Nazi Germany(and i dont mean figurative Nazi resetera forum uses, but real soldiers with machineguns, bombers, and tanks killing us Poles, including polish Jewes(who were actually polish ppl too, there was no Israel back then, and some of them lived in our country for centuries, if u count their families/predecessors).
I know its offtopic here, but overall comparision u made is quite fitting actually, with just that one disclaimer :)


might as well post what I got the ban for:

" So, I have been reading and reading. Damn, near a week now.

Cyberpunk 2077 is problematic and is nigh on banned from approved discussion and this situation (the polite term) has been begging the question: Has there been any discourse on how future releases are to be treated moving forward? Surely, if this CD Projekt Red game deserves this amount of scrutiny, most of the upcoming major releases should be treated the same, right? Logic would dictate. Is this enthusiast games forum open to banning discussion of, say, GTA VI? You know that game is going to be a powder keg for this community. Why hasn't discussion of Ubisoft products been banned as well for so, so, so many reasons? Fallout '76 also seemed to be problematic. Shouldn't that have been a prohibited title along with other Bethesda releases? Or on that note should not all Microsoft-published games be banned from discourse what with the ZeniMax acquisition? Guilt by association is convenient; the guillotine silences all.

One interpretation for Cyberpunk 2077 necessitating thousand-word mod posts (and lord knows how much effort and back-and-forth from the poor moderation staff) would be that trans' rights seem to trump misogyny and good, old-fashioned racism on this website, though that is not my take, I see the argument and I see the debate team hats coming out. Isn’t Ubisoft an equally hateful company when compared to CD Projekt Red? More so? Harry Potter games are just a given for the ban-pile, I assume, probably releasing with a promised "text-only," mod-written thread, if at all. God forbid we get a Kingdom Come sequel.

If these numerous releases are even approved for discussion, what about the users who play them and comment? Did they happen to get a copy from Amazon.com? This is a company that openly exploits its workers to the point of suicide. This is a company that uses forced-labor camps in Uighur China. Literal slave labor. Surely users who use Amazon, WalMart, Cost Co., Best Buy, LG, Toshiba, Verizon, Apple, TCL, Sony, Microsoft, Ford, Corsair, MSI, Valve, Intuit, FIS, Google, Razer, Qualcomm, Alphabet, Facebook, Instagram, Intel, AT&T, Cisco, Comcast, Toyota, GE, WhatsApp, Adobe, Netflix, nVidia, AMD, Texas Instruments, Samsung, Insignia, General Motors, Philips, Oculus, Hewlett-Packard, or IMB products deserve a permanent ban because using these problematic company's products condones these problematic company's practices? These transgressions should surely be more prominent on this forum than say, a Mix It Up ad, the treatment of prisoner stereotypes, or sexual character designs, right? These are companies who actually make money from slave labor, yet this forum is writing 7,000-word posts about the lack of inclusiveness in a microcosm of a pass-time that requires users to throw money at the companies listed above (though, to be fair, I may have left one or two off that list but surely you get the point). This seems like a double-standard and this seems like hypocrisy and this seems like bullshit.

I guess my question is this: is equality important to the folks who frequent this website? I appreciate the political ramifications of this site's treatment of the year's biggest game release, but it needs to do the same for all titles moving forward or this becomes a hollow, one-note hill to die on, and, congratulations, people here picked a hill to die on, but it was the wrong damn hill.

And I guess my point is this: why does the opinion of a minority group get carte-blanche to dictate policy on this site, when there are issues in play that affect every single person here, not just a percentage? Where are the torches and pitchforks for the death toll a release like the PlayStation 5 induced? If you want to take a stance, good; take that stance, believe in something; fight the power. Good for you. Remember though, there are often much larger issues at play, and your time could be better spent on a street corner protesting the things you believe in rather than cross-checking which ResetERA users cross-post on NeoGAF. Set the bar a bit higher for yourself.

I mean not to belittle the politics of this community but more-so the manner in which it chooses to push them.

So. What do we do about upcoming games? Is there a discussion about this? And more importantly for the average ResetERA user: is there a transparent discussion – perhaps a sticky? - between moderation staff and the general users about what this website is rapidly devolving into that does not involve "trials by Discord," doxxing, or behind the scenes chicanery?

I'd like to know. Maybe a few others would, too.

Much love to every single one of you. "

Yeah, its "whatabouttism" at its finest, but I think its also a valid criticism of the double-standard they have over there.

Saw someone here mention I'm a "bit too grandiose" ... fair - very fair. But I was trying to go toe-to-toe with the crazy dissertations already posted so ... this feels tame!
Im literally shaking and no longer feel safe. How can I feel safe with this kind of post ON THE INTERNET let alone just on Reset...and now here! You have invaded my silo of safe where I'm free to hate educate other members on things they should be educated about and bend to my will hopefully listen and learn.

welcome to gaf


Im literally shaking and no longer feel safe. How can I feel safe with this kind of post ON THE INTERNET let alone just on Reset...and now here! You have invaded my silo of safe where I'm free to hate educate other members on things they should be educated about and bend to my will hopefully listen and learn.

welcome to gaf
stay safe!


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Has someone posted this yet? It describes some of our friends at the Ree quite succinctly:

The researchers call it the Tendency for Interpersonal Victimhood (TIV), which they define as “an ongoing feeling that the self is a victim, which is generalized across many kinds of relationships.”
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While it says "Democratic Socialist Convention" im pretty sure this is exactly how a Resetera convention would be.

Funny shit.

This is hilarious as all hell and sad at the same time. They're so aggressive with each other! That's definitely how the resetera summits go lmao.

I wouldn't call that liberalism tho, it's more modern leftism.
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Walking around cyberpunk (when it's not crashing 🤔) with my swinging dick looking at the posters.

I'm such a bad person. Best gan owa to the thread on Reeee to find out why I'm wrong for enjoying it.
You know what's super fucked up? For a game like this, people would be showing their V's off like crazy. Proud of their creations. But no one is. I'm not posting mine because I made them a transfemale. And I would bet money I would be ostracized becuase I'm a cis male I have no right to play a transgender character. Even if she is a sexy bad ass who doesn't take shit from anyone!
They’re going in pretty hard on Kinda Funny for not mentioning the cyberpunk “issues”. Doubt KF will ever respond or mention it though, they’re too far down the hype train and it would hurt any statement or discussion they try to have. Although I don’t agree with it, I do hope KF keeps getting dog piled for it because of how hypocritical they are. They got into bed with these morons, and now they’re being turned on just like clockwork. It’ll be madness on Ree next time KF calls out bigots and transphobia while sitting in their cyberpunk chairs.


They’re going in pretty hard on Kinda Funny for not mentioning the cyberpunk “issues”. Doubt KF will ever respond or mention it though, they’re too far down the hype train and it would hurt any statement or discussion they try to have. Although I don’t agree with it, I do hope KF keeps getting dog piled for it because of how hypocritical they are. They got into bed with these morons, and now they’re being turned on just like clockwork. It’ll be madness on Ree next time KF calls out bigots and transphobia while sitting in their cyberpunk chairs.



He’s even excited to play it now! Pretty sure they’re now all playing this game that is literally responsible for the murders of trans people. Funny how that works.

The funniest thing is how all the people in the sticky thread have access to play THIS game for free....huh....what a coincidence.

why should anyone believe anything they’ve ever said about trans representation in this game when they can’t even hold themselves back from playing it lmao

Performative wokeness and permanent victimhood - the thread.

Dick Jones

They’re going in pretty hard on Kinda Funny for not mentioning the cyberpunk “issues”. Doubt KF will ever respond or mention it though, they’re too far down the hype train and it would hurt any statement or discussion they try to have. Although I don’t agree with it, I do hope KF keeps getting dog piled for it because of how hypocritical they are. They got into bed with these morons, and now they’re being turned on just like clockwork. It’ll be madness on Ree next time KF calls out bigots and transphobia while sitting in their cyberpunk chairs.
I despise Tim Gettys with a passion, King Shill Greg is a pain. I actual like Nick Scarpino but not enough to listen to the other two chucklefucks. I hope its aimed at Tim and Greg.
I know u probably didnt mean any harm, but just to educate ppl who dont know much about this stuff, back then when Germans made their death camps, for jewish ppl, and slavic ppl too, basically any1 who wasnt considered true German/Arian race, there was no Poland, we were literally under occupation of Nazi Germany(and i dont mean figurative Nazi resetera forum uses, but real soldiers with machineguns, bombers, and tanks killing us Poles, including polish Jewes(who were actually polish ppl too, there was no Israel back then, and some of them lived in our country for centuries, if u count their families/predecessors).
I know its offtopic here, but overall comparision u made is quite fitting actually, with just that one disclaimer :)
Yeah thanks for that.
I only used the country as that was where Auschwitz was.
No harm meant.
The Nazis were bad to everyone.


How pathetic does life have to be for these people who forgot how to enjoy living.
I am not a big Fortnite or Halo fan but let's be honest as a gamer it is pretty fucking epic to have the map and chief in the game.
But no fun allowed because they fixate on Ninja who must have killed some gay children and red vs blue who must have gassed some black handicapped folks. It used to be about the games and the hype, now everything apparently has to be weighed in the scales of wokeness before you are supposed to be allowed to crack a smile.
It is not progressive it is destructive and embarrassing.

(By the way I just want to repeat that I was robbed in the art giveaway)


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
It's also worthy of note that we're not just signing up/coming back here because we're not allowed there.

NeoGAF is the OG video game forum. So many forum traditions, mainstays and even copycat sites arose from this very place. It was the go-to site to not only talk about videogames and entertainment in general; but also to get the scoop on the latest news, gossip and rumours as well as leaks - and any developer, director, or media personality worth their salt was a member here, or at least looked at it often.

I remember when Neil Druckmann name-dropped NeoGAF on-stage. You don't hear any influencers or developers name-dropping ResetEra.

There's a reason for that.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member



"Can't run the game!" "Well, I guess I'll hand over access to my whole account to my friend who I know is bothered by this game and let him play it!"

That totally happened. Yep.

Going to be funny to see what stories the others make up about how they got the game without buying it or pirating it, or otherwise totally offset their purchases with donations to local trans charities!
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It is ok because Seph is gay.
I swear to christ that people can not just hesitate from saying the stupidest and inane shit.
It is like being in some back woods middle school sometimes. Every time there is a step forward, people coming in, a positive outlook and more other people just open their mouth and prove that while there is some potential here, much of the stigma that still sticks here is true.


Unconfirmed Member
I swear to christ that people can not just hesitate from saying the stupidest and inane shit.
It is like being in some back woods middle school sometimes. Every time there is a step forward, people coming in, a positive outlook and more other people just open their mouth and prove that while there is some potential here, much of the stigma that still sticks here is true.
Why does an obvious shitpost trigger you this much?
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