Virtue signaling because you're pouty that you weren't able to virtue signal last month is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard of.
I don't really care what Reeeee has to say but to me it is ridiculous to not recast. The actor died of cancer, not an on-set accident or something. And quite frankly he was the least impressive part of BP IMHO. I can think of quite a few black men who could do the part.![]()
Kevin Fiege announces that they will not be re-casting T’Challa (Black Panther 2 July 18th, 2022)
Just announced on the Disney stream. So no more T’Challa stories. 😭
Someone explain this to me.. it's racist to not recast a black character or what's racist here?
This has to be a joke. They have been attacking EVERY MEMBER for wanting to play the game and now they are the only ones allowed to play it and discuss it? My brain hurts this is too much.![]()
My brain is having such a hard fucking time keeping up with all the loopholes, exceptions, justifications, etc.
So gender fluid/trans/non-binary ppl should NOT be shamed for buying/playing the game, but everyone else should be, correct? Just making sure I'm fully up to date on the rulings.
I hate the fucking "talk down to" expression. It's used to stifle and debate or disagreement, and they can apply it selectively as needed. This guy is quite the piece of work.
LOL so the troons can brigade and attack people but how dare you point out that they bought and enjoy the game? Figures the guy talking about a friends non binary wife is doing mental gymnastics of why he's not transphobic for playing and enjoying cyberpunk. #oneofthegoodones![]()
My brain is having such a hard fucking time keeping up with all the loopholes, exceptions, justifications, etc.
So gender fluid/trans/non-binary ppl should NOT be shamed for buying/playing the game, but everyone else should be, correct? Just making sure I'm fully up to date on the rulings.
I hate the fucking "talk down to" expression. It's used to stifle all debate or disagreement, to be applied selectively as needed to "protect" any "community". This guy is quite the piece of work.
You can't reinstall what you never uninstalled![]()
Bets on when he will reinstall it again? Tomorrow? Sunday? Next week? Uninstalling and reinstalling repeatedly should at least keep him busy and give meaning to his life.
What a fucking clown.
Bets on when he will reinstall it again? Tomorrow? Sunday? Next week? Uninstalling and reinstalling repeatedly should at least keep him busy and give meaning to his life.
What a fucking clown.
It's such a circlejerk now. I peeked back a few times (and found that my account still wasn't banned, so they must be getting lazy) and the commentary is so sterile and monotonous. It's not intellectually engaging for me anymore.![]()
Bets on when he will reinstall it again? Tomorrow? Sunday? Next week? Uninstalling and reinstalling repeatedly should at least keep him busy and give meaning to his life.
What a fucking clown.
What kills me is, they are attacking people who want to support them because....... Well I'm not sure. Maybe they aren't as militant? I don't know. But the whole "you aren't an ally enough" mentality is doing absolutely nothing to help their cause, and in reality is hurting it.
The left will eat itself....
It was predicted.
Yup, I'm going with it's all a performance again and he never "uninstalled" itYou can't reinstall what you never uninstalled
These guys are blatant bullshitters
People like this have severe problem to handle any social relationship, just try to imagine an attitude like this in real life not ending with a jump kick on the teeth.
I don't find this to be true necessarily. I mean just because a few insane people are pushing myself and others away from the cause doesn't mean we will suddenly become transphobes and fight against them. It just means we will have to do it differently. I still support the base message. That transphobia needs to be called out. What I don't support is taking it to this extreme where OTs are closed, the can't be talked about or other threads made. It's just way way to far
I'm reminded of when gay rights was the big cause du jour, and shows like Queer Eye came out. At a time when gay people were still openly discriminated against, there was a huge push to show the public that gay people were just regular people. And beyond just being regular, it highlighted a ton of positive character traits! They'd come remodel your house. They'd teach you how to cook. They'd teach you about culture, fashion, and self-care. They openly demonstrated why the world was a better place with them in it.
The trans movement you see on places like Era (and I want to emphatically state that this DOES NOT represent transpeople as a whole) demonstrates the opposite. They constantly push transpeople as being miserable, uptight dictators who force people to walk on eggshells around them, and they have the audacity to say they speak for the community as a whole. In doing so, they're accomplishing exactly the opposite of what they claim to be fighting for.
The OT is frozen for 24 hours to honour the trans injustices, but you can talk about the game in the thread saying CDPR are transphobic and we should ban the game on the board. Yeah, I didn't write that incorrectly. If the original boycott went as poorly as this one, Charles Boycott's family would still be in Ireland.Wait, so is Cyberpunk discussion really banned at RE?
My brain is having such a hard fucking time keeping up with all the loopholes, exceptions, justifications, etc.
So gender fluid/trans/non-binary ppl should NOT be shamed for buying/playing the game, but everyone else should be, correct? Just making sure I'm fully up to date on the rulings.
I hate the fucking "talk down to" expression. It's used to stifle all debate or disagreement, to be applied selectively as needed to "protect" any "community". This guy is quite the piece of work.
Thread is still on the first pageAnd it continues
Be A Better Cyberpunk - a bundle of cyberpunk games, music, TTRPGs, and zines - support independent, BIPOC, LGBTQ+ creators! Some great articles on why CDPR and CP2077 are damaging linked in there
Thread is still on the first page
People are so enthusiastic
What kills me is, they are attacking people who want to support them because....... Well I'm not sure. Maybe they aren't as militant? I don't know. But the whole "you aren't an ally enough" mentality is doing absolutely nothing to help their cause, and in reality is hurting it.
Imagine being exited to engage with all that transphobia....fucking bigot,lol.He’s even excited to play it now! Pretty sure they’re now all playing this game that is literally responsible for the murders of trans people. Funny how that works.
Seems like his Ree posting got wore after his ban thoughHe's two faced.
On this board he has no balls and does subtle jabs trolling people. Hit and run tactics.
On Reeeee, he opens up how he really feels because he's in a safe space and can badmouth GAF and do his SJW and cussing over there. He never did that here.
This has to be a joke. They have been attacking EVERY MEMBER for wanting to play the game and now they are the only ones allowed to play it and discuss it? My brain hurts this is too much.
I don’t think that mouth-breather is even trans.
Spineless cunt or masterful troll.....I think the jury is out on this one,lol.Whoever reads this on ERA should let Kyuuji know she's a spineless cunt with a lack of morals. Imagine protesting the game for "transphobia".......just to pour her heart and soul into 100%ing the game on release day. It's funny to overhaul the OT and remember days dedicated to trans people, but forget about supposed boycotts and protests once the game is actually out.
Can a wife even be non-binary...I thought non-binary wasn't either male or female....I don't know,I'm too old for this shit,lol."His wife is non binary" is my favorite part
Well there's an innate difficulty that comes with trans issues over others in the LGBT umbrella.
"I'm a lesbian and I love women" - okay that's easy
"I'm a gay man and I love men" - also easy
"I'm bi and I love both" - sure that's simple enough
"I'm trans so I was born the wrong gender so now I need an operation to 'correct' the mistake that I feel has been made. Also I can choose to not ever have the operation since I'm happy dressing as the opposite gender but I should still get to use any bathroom I want despite my appearance. Also also these are now my pronouns that you must learn and use and everything you have ever learned about sex and gender is wrong." - wait what?
So that's why I've never really been able to understand why people are so quick to call people "literal nazis" when they don't immediately feel comfortable upending their entire understanding of sex and gender in society because 0.3% of the population demands it. It's asking a whole hell of a lot more than any other minority in society.
Again, there are levels to this.Trans can also be simple too, it's someone who medically transitioned from one sex to another, and any good person will respect their pronouns. But lately there's loads of people muddying the waters and making all kinds of discussions taboo. On the other hand, trans isn't like being gay which doesn't require you to modify your body, transgenderism is more complex and requires discussions around things such as when it's appropriate to put children on puberty blockers, or surgery, it also makes you sterile so you need to be really sure you're actually trans before you go through with it, some kids also grow out of their gender dysphoria. Those discussions shouldn't be shut down with accusations of transphobia and nazi, psychologist and other professional shouldn't feel the pressure of hardcore activists because of feels or politics, that just ends up with people getting misdiagnosed.
I feel like it's mostly the they/thems that are the loudest screamers and making things unnecessarily confusing, and some trans people follow them sadly.
Trans can also be simple too, it's someone who medically transitioned from one sex to another, and any good person will respect their pronouns. But lately there's loads of people muddying the waters and making all kinds of discussions taboo. On the other hand, trans isn't like being gay which doesn't require you to modify your body, transgenderism is more complex and requires discussions around things such as when it's appropriate to put children on puberty blockers, or surgery, it also makes you sterile so you need to be really sure you're actually trans before you go through with it, some kids also grow out of their gender dysphoria. Those discussions shouldn't be shut down with accusations of transphobia and nazi, psychologist and other professional shouldn't feel the pressure of hardcore activists because of feels or politics, that just ends up with people getting misdiagnosed.
I feel like it's mostly the they/thems that are the loudest screamers and making things unnecessarily confusing, and some trans people follow them sadly.
Funny how they want everyone to accept them but so flippantly reject everyone without a second thought
Are they cancelling hasanabi? If so, lmao. Nobody's gonna like these people. They're just gonna be bitter and angry about everyone if they hate a cool guy with progressive opinions that plays a popular video game he's interested in.*Some leftist guy plays Cyberpunk on twitch or whatever and basically says y'all retarded it ain't transphobic and it makes sense in the world*