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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Be a shame if Resetera found out about Taysan being a digital sex-pest.


Gold Member

This is where era constantly makes themselves look like fucking idiots. They sit there huffing their own ass emanations, writing 7,000 word posts because they think they are creatives. They present ths facade of being educated while at the same time making these massive flowery posts and on the other hand trying to control all language. Then they take something as benign as this, which would probably be on a grade school reading comprehension test and try to inject sinister meanings and double entendre's into it so they can all move onto the next screamathon. I think 'screamsheets' was a direct reference to articles on resetera. Care bears was well ahead if its fine with representation

Fantastic post. I agree with every word. For example, as someone who leans left (who believes resetera as a whole is clinically insane), I've decided I don't want to frequent the Politics forum here, because I honestly find it a cesspool and not worth engaging in. It would not give me any pleasure, and I doubt I would change anyone's mind after a million words, and vice versa. And that's fine. But if I wanted to, I'm sure I could, without the danger of being nuked in a few seconds.

Gaf is a lot more left than people believe (want you to believe). Just most of us (and now you guys) are bothered about politics in nothing more than a passing passion. And you won't find people making any excuses for shit lefty policies. Meanwhile the centre right are being grouped with the extreme right and forced into more concentrated and 'specialist' forums. I think the Politics forum only represents the stifling of discussion for contentious topics rather than gives an impression of what alignment most of the forum is. The rest of us are mainly in games and OT.

Overall I find the talking about games to have turned toxic by these people because they speak as though they are above the fanbase. They seem to think only they can appreciate all these nuances and high level art in games, and the rest of the people are just filth who need to ascend, and be told/directed on how to do that. What is the phrase, GamersTM? It's an entertainment product at the end of the day, mainly targeted at teens and early twenties college students. That's how we got into them. We're probably that first generation of proper gamers that is growing older, and trying to validate a pasttime. Who the fuck cares if I spend my time controlling a little digital guy hunting down space crystals? People watch shit like I'm a celebrity etc. They are literally this gif:


If anything, they are asking for a market towards mature/senior games. Some games cover that off quite well. They are not directly targeted at that demograph but they have cross generation appeal, like Dr. Who, The Mandolorian for example. The reason is simple, we're a small demograph. As people get older, we play less, have families, real things to do. My weekend can't be spent playing cyberpunk. I have to get my ass in the attic to clean shit, go the gym, cook, tidy the house etc.

Schreier can eat a turd as well. Every software company has a 'backlog' or 'bug list' that is parked and non critical. It usually is a preapproved overtime pool. So if you're bored and have 4 hours on a Saturday, you might dial into work, take a quick peek at the list and earn a couple hundred while you're doing nothing urgent. They just give out redemption tokens for bonus cuts. These people are the worst, they are basically the Tories in sheep's clothing. A race to the bottom. Where everyone just comes into work and treats it flippantly like college until the clock rolls round to 4/4:30 and check out. They want to be lazy but not miss out. If people work hard, they should be rewarded. If other people have free time and want to earn extra money by picking up work, why shouldn't they be allowed, or held in good graces because they use their free time to help the project rather than watch Netflix?

They all remind me of graduates wandering round a room, taking bites from an apple throwing round these crazy high level 'ideas' that they think will change the world and lack any specificity. When it comes to actually doing or working implementation though they all disappear and contribute nothing. Anyone working in any high pressure delivery based organisation knows their type.
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You mean, the more diverse views that are on GAF? I don't feel this place is extreme at all, more balanced if anything. There are extremists on both sides, but I have never witnessed a place as extreme as I have ResetERA, where every thread is infected with weak, victim-minded people that have absolutely no tolerance for outside views or discussion. Which is hilarious because they claim to be so tolerant an open minded about everyone in their echo chamber of "diversity".

Even as a liberal you have to admit that ResetERA is FARRRR more extreme than this place. Any place that considers 50% of the US population to be racist, hateful, nazis is totally naive and out of touch. It's so bad that I'm sure posters over there alienate friends and family on the basis of political fervor, and that's downright sad. The difference with GAF is that this place may have some very right-wing posters, but I would posit that the vast majority of them do not wish even the most far left posters to be banned from here just for stating their opinion on a topic.

Oh, I didn't mean to say it's an alt-right cesspool or anything of the sort, not even that the majority of the posts are extreme. Merely that they exist, and that I can live with them because I'm not a child, I can engage with people sharing drastically different views than mine. And yes, Era is becoming more and more extremist too, with a difference though; for them it's an act. They act all in the consumers' interest, stand up against bad labor conditions and discrimination, wish death and insult on anyone who isn't 100% on board with them...

... then they proceed to buy and enjoy all the products they called problematic.


Okay, the performative stunt is over, the game is out, the OT is open again and the people are talking about the game as nothing happened. Life goes on.

What next for our CP2077 hating heroes?
Will they feel the subtle dread of voluntarily confining themselves in a thread-ghetto? A "there's no time here, not anymore" moment?
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Scotty W


We should also not use electronics maufactured in sweatshops, or oppressive governments, or use metals mined in unethical conditions.

You cannot be a consumer and at the same time be sure that every link in your supply chain matches your ethical standards. But isn’tthat what their mantra says? THERE IS NO ETHICAL CONSUMPTION UNDER CAPITALISM.
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Dick Jones


Another good point against CDPR by this poster who is boycotting the game. The streets are frequently dead because of all the transpeople who are (edit: not capatilised) LITERALLY dying on the streets.

Oh wait I read that wrong, I meant this brave poster boycotting the game said "I certainly wish I had that Series X version"
I also appreciate the complaint that the advertisements are pixilated. You know, the advertisements that are transphobic are pixilated and that's now a knock on CDPR
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It just sucks we have to hear this shit about our luxury consumer goods. The incessant whining from games journalists over having to do their job is the worst thing about the hobby.

Like a video game is wholly an unnecessary product. It is a luxury item. Game journalists are paid to essentially promote luxury consumer goods. This is their real job.

Yet they have this fucking ego about them where they think they are truth tellers or something. No! You people sell fucking toys to middle and upper middle and upper class people. You sell inessential luxury goods to the privileged. Just shut the fuck up and sell the toys. Don’t pretend you have figured out that toys are bad. If you thought that then you wouldn’t have your job be selling toys. You would be building houses or delivering medicine to people or something If you actually wanted to “make the world better”. You are full of shit posturing that your job is something other than what it really is. You are a toy salesman. You are a glorified clerk. Game journalists are there to serve the same function as a poster on the wall in GameStop. You exist to move product. The sooner you grok this and get the fuck over your bullshit need to moralise your actions the better this will be for all of us.

Seriously I’m just fucking sick of this shit. Imagine if car reviewers were complaining that cars are getting promoted in a magazine about new cars. Fucking retarded.

Do your jobs you toy salesmen.
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It just sucks we have to hear this shit about our luxury consumer goods. The incessant whining from games journalists over having to do their job is the worst thing about the hobby.

Like a video game is wholly an unnecessary product. It is a luxury item. Game journalists are paid to essentially promote luxury consumer goods. This is their real job.

Yet they have this fucking ego about them where they think they are truth tellers or something. No! You people sell fucking toys to middle and upper middle and upper class people. You sell inessential luxury goods to the privileged. Just shut the fuck up and sell the toys. Don’t pretend you have figured out that toys are bad. If you thought that then you wouldn’t have your job be selling toys. You would be building houses or delivering medicine to people or something If you actually wanted to “make the world better”. You are full of shit posturing that your job is something other than what it really is. You are a toy salesman. You are a glorified clerk. Game journalists are there to serve the same function as a poster on the wall in GameStop. You exist to move product. The sooner you grok this and get the fuck over your bullshit need to moralise your actions the better this will be for all of us.

Seriously I’m just fucking sick of this shit. Imagine if car reviewers were complaining that cars are getting promoted in a magazine about new cars. Fucking retarded.

Do your jobs you toy salesmen.

This started in the 2000's when writing for games magazines was an easy "in" to either working for your favorite games company or writing for a credible outlet. Now it seems to be an "in" for building up your social media followers.

I've had to play shit, broken, unfinished games as part of my job in the past. I just reality checked myself that it was better than sitting in a soulless corporate cubicle farm as I have done in the past and get on with it.



We should also not use electronics maufactured in sweatshops, or oppressive governments, or use metals mined in unethical conditions.

You cannot be a consumer and at the same time that every link in your supply chain matches your ethical standards. But isn’tthat what their mantra says? THERE IS NO ETHICAL CONSUMPTION UNDER CAPITALISM.
Kotaku :pie_roffles::pie_roffles::pie_roffles:

Dick Jones

Someone with an account please call out kyuuji saying “imagine boycotting a game for transphobia only to play through the game” his hypocrisy needs to be called out
While I agree with you, you are looking at it the wrong way.

I would send the following:
"I would like to commend Kyuuji on her brave stance against the transphobes in CDPR and because of her boycotting the game, I have also boycotted the game. We have to take a stand, it's hypocritical to do otherwise.

I am not angry, just disappointed in the other posters for being suckered in to play the game. I know that you're aren't transphobic but I hope that you stop playing and promoting this hate fuelled game. I am relieved that some in ERA have shown leadership at all times and boycotted the game like Kyuuji."

When you have hooked someone who points out Kyuuji has played the game, go the "Red Mercury" route and act dumb about it saying that wouldn't make sense and that poster shouldn't be smearing Kyuuji good name. Keep acting dumb and clogging the thread up
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I'm so confused. It's not even used in that context. Literally the next sentence it talks about how they rob you. Literally the next fucking sentence. Trap is objectively a transphobic slur, I completely get that, but YOU NEED THE PROPER CONTEXT FOR IT TO BE A SLUR. OTHERWISE IT'S JUST ANOTHER FUCKING WORD. It's not even talking about trans people!! My god this is making me angrier than I thought. These people are legitimately damaging to trans activists who actually fucking fight for them. They just cannot be serious. Am I going insane? Is that-am I wrong about that?

Huh, so mouse traps were transphobic this whole time. The more you know.
They somehow found a way to spin this thread into homophobia and claim it's problematic.
LOL, and MercuryFred from PoliERA also jerking off to the oppression of the gay man because eating ass is disgusting. What kind of mental illness do you need for these logical leaps.



We should also not use electronics maufactured in sweatshops, or oppressive governments, or use metals mined in unethical conditions.

You cannot be a consumer and at the same time be sure that every link in your supply chain matches your ethical standards. But isn’tthat what their mantra says? THERE IS NO ETHICAL CONSUMPTION UNDER CAPITALISM.
I so wish we could just cut out China as the pariah they are to the rest of the world. Unfortunately I know far too many companies and countries look at the Chinese economy and realize that won't happen because "There's way too much money to be made." for that to happen. (It's basically impossible to avoid even if you want to be responsible.)
Hey everyone! I'm another from the reeexodus. Had to make a new account as my old one was banned but I'm fine not using the same name as on resetera. Have fun, lurkers - I bet you're in cold sweats trying to figure out which account to ban!

I haven't posted there in quite a while because I got so fed up having to walk on eggshells. It's just exhausting being required to find everything offensive. I've been following this drama though and have read tons of pages here. CP2077 is clearly not for me but the way they've treated Black Chamber Black Chamber is just... it's all been so brazen that I can't help but laugh. Transera wanted the OT banned and couldn't get that so the next best thing would be to get the two TCs banned right before launch so they can't make it. So they got Vestan banned for defending BC and then went in search of grounds to get BC banned. Mods were played like puppets. Transera clearly coordinated this plan behind the scenes on discord.

Resetera's problems started with overzealous moderation. I can understand the desire to foster quality debate through forum rules, but when you start banning for whataboutism, false equivalence, dismissing concerns, concern trolling, drive-by, defensiveness, tone-policing, disingenuity, etc. it actually stifles discussion. They end up treating adults like kindergarteners at playtime, which is patronizing. Nobody benefits from that except the powerhungry who harness it to get rid of people who disagree with them. Watching people in the stickied thread whine about how everybody ignores them and doesn't engage was too funny. What did you expect? People know it's a trap - and before you screech, no, I literally just mean you're setting up ban-traps for them with baiting replies.

Of course all the crybullies are playing it now after their cousin's friend's nonbinary uncle who works at sony gave them a free copy. Of course. Because they were disingenuous and only care about attention and power. Tell me, if you're really feeling "unsafe and unwelcome" because of the existence of threads about a Problematic game, hence needing to restrict the number of them down to 1, how does a blurb saying "transera are truly the most victimized victims that ever victimed" suddenly make you feel safe and happy to be in that 'deeply bigoted' game world? Discussion was restricted because it supposedly made you feel unwelcome that resetera was passively endorsing such a horrible game that made you unsafe. :pie_invert:

They've twisted mods around their finger (while insulting them the whole time!) so nobody can point and say the emperor has no clothes. These people are nuttier than a fruitcake, except no one wants to bring them to christmas dinner.
If they banned black chamber for a jokey twitter post they need to do the same to this guy
Yeah but his joked about being a Trump supporter, and being a Trumper is the worst thing anybody could possibly ever be in the history of the world. /s

Hey everyone! I'm another from the reeexodus. Had to make a new account as my old one was banned but I'm fine not using the same name as on resetera. Have fun, lurkers - I bet you're in cold sweats trying to figure out which account to ban!

I haven't posted there in quite a while because I got so fed up having to walk on eggshells. It's just exhausting being required to find everything offensive. I've been following this drama though and have read tons of pages here. CP2077 is clearly not for me but the way they've treated Black Chamber Black Chamber is just... it's all been so brazen that I can't help but laugh. Transera wanted the OT banned and couldn't get that so the next best thing would be to get the two TCs banned right before launch so they can't make it. So they got Vestan banned for defending BC and then went in search of grounds to get BC banned. Mods were played like puppets. Transera clearly coordinated this plan behind the scenes on discord.

Resetera's problems started with overzealous moderation. I can understand the desire to foster quality debate through forum rules, but when you start banning for whataboutism, false equivalence, dismissing concerns, concern trolling, drive-by, defensiveness, tone-policing, disingenuity, etc. it actually stifles discussion. They end up treating adults like kindergarteners at playtime, which is patronizing. Nobody benefits from that except the powerhungry who harness it to get rid of people who disagree with them. Watching people in the stickied thread whine about how everybody ignores them and doesn't engage was too funny. What did you expect? People know it's a trap - and before you screech, no, I literally just mean you're setting up ban-traps for them with baiting replies.

Of course all the crybullies are playing it now after their cousin's friend's nonbinary uncle who works at sony gave them a free copy. Of course. Because they were disingenuous and only care about attention and power. Tell me, if you're really feeling "unsafe and unwelcome" because of the existence of threads about a Problematic game, hence needing to restrict the number of them down to 1, how does a blurb saying "transera are truly the most victimized victims that ever victimed" suddenly make you feel safe and happy to be in that 'deeply bigoted' game world? Discussion was restricted because it supposedly made you feel unwelcome that resetera was passively endorsing such a horrible game that made you unsafe. :pie_invert:

They've twisted mods around their finger (while insulting them the whole time!) so nobody can point and say the emperor has no clothes. These people are nuttier than a fruitcake, except no one wants to bring them to christmas dinner.
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I've decided I don't want to frequent the Politics forum here, because I honestly find it a cesspool

I live in a Red State so I go there occasionally to see what my QAnon sticker toting neighbors are probably thinking. Other than that, I avoid it,

Jokes aside, as cormack12 cormack12 mentioned, the Politics subforum is not representative of the forum as a whole.

I'm so confused. It's not even used in that context. Literally the next sentence it talks about how they rob you. Literally the next fucking sentence. Trap is objectively a transphobic slur, I completely get that, but YOU NEED THE PROPER CONTEXT FOR IT TO BE A SLUR. OTHERWISE IT'S JUST ANOTHER FUCKING WORD

Yes, trap is absolutely a slur, but to your point I fail to see how anyone in good faith can read that text and not assume they are using "trap" in the dictionary, Merriam-Webster sense of the word. They are grasping at straws now.


Politics is a shitfire right now no matter where you go. I put the politics forum on ignore once the election fraud bullshit started going down. I don’t think you will find a single place on the internet where it isn’t a shitshow
It's been such a shit show that I felt the only reasonable action is to just cut all that garbage out for the next couple of months. Yes that means no youtube, facebook, or any news including sports. Video games are fine though :messenger_grinning: (I'm not like the resterati who talk ill of something and then keep engaging with it.)


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Wait they really ban you for praising the game?

They easily ban everyone based purely on the menstruations of their mods. I've been writing on any kind of gaming forums from decades and I swear I never saw such violence pushed (and glorified) toward anyone having simply a different educated opinion than that of a passing mod. They want to play liberal and open minded but they're just a bunch of repressed nazi. It's the only place where I felt discriminated in and out the web in my whole life, LMAO!
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Huh, so mouse traps were transphobic this whole time. The more you know.

LOL, and MercuryFred from PoliERA also jerking off to the oppression of the gay man because eating ass is disgusting. What kind of mental illness do you need for these logical leaps.

If anyone is being homophobic in that thread it's MercuryFred for assuming every gay eats ass and that's it's a "gay" thing. Thanks for associating me with ass eating Fred!


They easily ban everyone based purely on the menstruations of their mods. I've been writing on any kind of gaming forums from decades and I swear I never saw such violence pushed (and glorified) toward anyone having simply a different educated opinion than that of a passing mod. They want to play liberal and open minded but they're just a bunch of repressed nazi. It's the only place where I felt discriminated in and out the web in my whole life, LMAO!

There's someome on the site that can menstruate?


The thing to remember is that their site is going to only get worse especially from this point forward. The Cyberpunk debacle was a major tipping point and showcased to the real Era-brained core members exqctly how to exploit the moderation and get what they want. Next comes Harry Potter, and who knows what else moving forward.

To all Era members/drifters stumbling on this thread: you're welcome here. We're not the community you've been told we are, in fact we encourage the growth and diversity of opinion.

Believe me, I still post in your Discords and left Era by choice. GAF is simply leagues better, just smaller. Help us fix that.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
They end up treating adults like kindergarteners at playtime, which is patronizing.

Which is especially ironic when you consider the place most of the mods are in terms of their personal and professional lives. It's hard to swallow having some uneducated fucking loser trying their best to be pedantic while talking down to their betters.

Anyway, welcome to the party pal. This place has been fucking blowing up lately. Those crybullies in that trans thread is the best thing to happen to Ree users in a long time, whether the mods realize it or not. They keep this up and in three months pretty much all discussion is going to be brow beaten pussies walking on eggshells begging retail-working Nepenthe for the small mercy to create a harmless thread about <insert game here>.
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