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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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H Hobbess

A fair amount of us do lean left. I voted for Bernie twice over: I would know. We just feel genuine discussion should supercede all else - letting the good ideas naturally overtake the bad. Who knows, ya' might even learn sometthing. We're not nearly as one-sided as you've been led to believe. More and more Era users join here daily. They've also realized this and stuck around. Myself included.

The more you recover from your Era whiplash, the more you'll see just how blatantly hilarious a thread like this is. We're not obsessed, and nobody is living "rent free in our heads" (except for TaySan TaySan , if you consider my head to be his parents' house), but Resetera is a site which inarguably has a symbiotic relationship/history with GAF, and the longer you're outside of Era, the more you can acknowledge "the other site" as the neverending circus it is. Almost like a soap opera. We're commentating on, and shooting shit here like we do in every other thread.

Modern GAF is the most fun I've ever had in an online community, without a doubt. Even moreso than old GAF. Why do we have a thread on Era? It's like Jessica Rabbit said, "He makes me laugh."


Just wanna talk about gaming and avoid our political commentary? Hell, we do too. That's why politics is in its own sub-forum.

You do you, and stay well. One way or the other. Looks like I'm not alone in loving to have you around though.

See ya, space cowboy.

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Respectfully, internet forums just aren't fun to be on, and I don't see eye to eye with probably the majority of people who post here. Not that I need an echo chamber, but more so the fact that I don't think there's any value in the conversations to have outside of this very brief one. I'm not gonna spend the time to defend my point of view, nor do I necessarily care to persuade anyone to "my side."

I don't think its dwelling. Morbid curiosity more than anything. I still don't understand why a thread like this exists, nor why I have any significance in being highlighted. Maybe I myself am just blind to my own status but I am unironically aligned on the belief that I am a nobody who just posts on an internet forum.

I'll be honest, I enjoyed Era and I enjoyed the fact that it constantly highlighted social issues within video games and explored those topics in depth. I still fully support many of the Era communities that are marginalized and highlighted those issues for discussions.

Viewing video games through a critical lens and being able to put a spot light down so many different avenues of interest and how they tie back into the real world, etc. adds a layer of enjoyment that just doesn't seem to be there when you look at video games through these child-like goggles that so many people do and who only consume them at face value. If that makes any sense?

Ultimately, I disagree that Era doesn't want to chat about games or have a good time. Era wants to be a place where being critical and highlighting those issues doesn't get swept under the rug or dismissed, and that's an important space to have, because at the end of the day - We all want to be heard when we think we have something good to share.



I am not going to be a GAF regular. While I fully recognize that the majority of posts about me are just taking the piss (and they're funny!), there are many posts that I've seen over this last year of randomly visiting that I can't condone, and as I'm sure you're all aware, being on the moral high horse is my personality.


I think this is one of the major problems you have (and a lot of people do), you only see discourse as battles where you have to fight and submit the other person to your line of thinking. It's part of why REEEEEERA its such a shithole, no one can speak or exchange ideas. It's solely about premade narratives and being a good soldier and following it. You seem to enjoy being in that same space, you want an evil to point to blame your problems on rather than talking with another point of view and trying to grow. It's only when you view interactions as only battles where you have to win and subjugate the other person are things not fun and is actually an impediment to growing and becoming a better person.

The second part I know you'll disagree with but they definitely don't want fun. There might be a small subset that still hopes for that but you should be able to tell from just the Cyberpunk fallout that it's nothing but doxing people, digging up old posts on other platforms, screaming down others who want to talk about video games on a video game forum and constantly degrade, talk down to, and belittle anyone who doesn't have the exact viewpoint as you. Not sure what sane person would call any of that fun. I'm sure the mentally ill who harass and dox others are getting their kicks out of it but not sure I would say that most people on ERA just want to have a good time.


Gold Member
I think this is one of the major problems you have (and a lot of people do), you only see discourse as battles where you have to fight and submit the other person to your line of thinking. It's part of why REEEEEERA its such a shithole, no one can speak or exchange ideas. It's solely about premade narratives and being a good soldier and following it. You seem to enjoy being in that same space, you want an evil to point to blame your problems on rather than talking with another point of view and trying to grow. It's only when you view interactions as only battles where you have to win and subjugate the other person are things not fun and is actually an impediment to growing and becoming a better person.

The second part I know you'll disagree with but they definitely don't want fun. There might be a small subset that still hopes for that but you should be able to tell from just the Cyberpunk fallout that it's nothing but doxing people, digging up old posts on other platforms, screaming down others who want to talk about video games on a video game forum and constantly degrade, talk down to, and belittle anyone who doesn't have the exact viewpoint as you. Not sure what sane person would call any of that fun. I'm sure the mentally ill who harass and dox others are getting their kicks out of it but not sure I would say that most people on ERA just want to have a good time.
No sane person thinks that would be fun at all.

But for the average Reeeee user who is miserable, broke, and cares more about a game's social identity than being a bunch of bits and bytes of graphics and gameplay to kill an hour of time, they need that combative spirit to make themselves feel better.

Not everyone on Reeee or GAF has a great job or life, but it sure seems the avg GAFFER seems more chill. The worst you have is maybe about 10 hardcore fan warriors fighting for which piece of plastic is the best. Just about everything else is people talking games, politics, OT and chilling.

However, even though I have no proof of this, I am 100% confident the avg GAF user is more level headed, has a better job, and more $. That's probably why many of us don't really give a shit what the whiney peasant crowd complains about. We got other things to think about. I'm in the middle of job interviews to boost up my career (wish me luck!), what the hell do I care whether a CD Twitter dude cracks a dumb trans joke two years ago? And considering the type of counter attacks, doxing, and dumb shit the hard left liberal Reee user supports, a couple dumb trans jokes (I don't even remember what the guy said) is in no way worse than the hateful rhetoric that is allowed on Reeee. On GAF, mods will delete posts, warn, or ban people for even joking about killing someone. On Reeee, it's free bird time as long as it fits the political spectrum.
Viewing video games through a critical lens and being able to put a spot light down so many different avenues of interest and how they tie back into the real world, etc. adds a layer of enjoyment that just doesn't seem to be there when you look at video games through these child-like goggles that so many people do and who only consume them at face value. If that makes any sense?

Ultimately, I disagree that Era doesn't want to chat about games or have a good time. Era wants to be a place where being critical and highlighting those issues doesn't get swept under the rug or dismissed, and that's an important space to have, because at the end of the day - We all want to be heard when we think we have something good to share.
This is a long post I already regret writing. But what the heck.

The problem is the cult-like tendencies. Politics and religion have a tendency to devolve into dogma and open hostility towards heresy. You end up with lists of acceptable beliefs. Discussion them is seen as just as bad, or worse than disagreeing outright. It is absolutely mental that Era has reached a point where people's private voting choices will get them permanently banned from the community. That is untenable. That is the complete collapse of all pretense of a functioning community. That is "let's expel the Catholics to create our perfect Protestant Utopia"-tier stuff.

That is what cults do. They isolate themselves. They expel the unbelievers, "unbelievers" expands to encompass everyone who disagrees with increasingly tangled dogma.

Gamers can be giant babies when their precious videogames are criticized. Whether that's criticizing game mechanics or arguing that a game's character portrayals are sexist or demeaning or whatever. Gaming communities have fostered uncritical consumption -- preorder now! But on the flipside, what happens in a dogmatic community is that people do not discuss issues such as sexism. They merely nod their heads at the dogma. If someone makes a thread on Era saying, "I think this is racist," people who say, "No, it is not racist, and here is why..." get banned. It happened repeatedly with Cyberpunk. It has been happening for years.

And trolls have fostered it. Like this thread which was created by a known troll. He pulled this kind of ban-bating trolling for a long time, and everyone who pointed out he was a troll had their posts removed and were banned. Era loves banning people who back up their allegations with links. And their posts are always nuked to prevent users being allowed to decide the merits for themselves.
It happens all the time. Disagreeing is not allowed. Polls have been defacto banned because people throw a tantrum when they see polls results they don't like.

Era does not have a conservative community of any stripe. American, British, Australian, New Zealand -- nobody This is glaringly obvious in every single thread about a celebrity who says something "conservative". Insults, mockery, putdowns. Nobody dares step out of line. Almost everyone in the short-lived conservative Era community thread is banned, including the moderator who oversaw it.

Era is actively hostile towards black men from America who are not Democrat voters. It is considered acceptable to call them the n word and to call them c**ns. It is considered acceptable to call women deeply misogynistic terms if those women voted wrong.

Era does not have a religious community. They were all banned, pushed out, made virulently unwelcome. Being openly religious on Era (which encompasses billions of people) is asking to be banned.

This ties into Era's unspoken demand that people all over the world support the American Democrat party or be banned. The issue of single issue voters comes up. People who reluctantly vote for a party over an issue they really care about. Anti-abortion people are the go-to example. It's a deciding factor for millions in the US. On Era, instant permaban for any user who says anything negative about abortion, from what I've seen. Even saying you reluctantly voted Democrat despite their platform on abortion would instantly get you banned by someone like Morrigan who has a massive bee in her bonnet about anti-abortioners being "misogynists", and thus immediately gives them permanent "Misogyny" bans. That's the kind of top-tier, spirit of the ToS realized through moderation transparency that everyone loves from Era.

Era needed to own up and say, "We are a community with these very hardcore, dogmatic beliefs and we do not welcome anyone who questions them. You will only support these political parties, these political stances, you will not be a practicing member of any of these religions, etc." But Era projects this false image of being a place of respectful discussion, civility, and definitely not a cult oriented around American politics. There's a jarring disconnect between the "welcoming bonfire" bullshit and the actual site culture. Worse, people who join Era expecting to be able to discuss issues of sexism in the gaming community, harassment, etc. instead find a bunch of users totally okay with harassment as long as the victim is acceptable, and where you can't actually discuss harassment. The amount of harassment that Era is fine with, and the people who get permabanned for "false equivalency" when they call it out is bizarre.

GAF has issues. But you will not be permabanned from GAF for disagreeing with the "Off Topic" types when they lurch over onto the gaming side. You can say, "I don't think the US election was a fraud." You can say, "I'm American and I voted for the Democrats despite my reservations because I think their economic plan will get more people through this crisis." You won't be banned for that. But the merest RUMOUR of not being a US Democrat supporter on Era will get you banned. Invariably. That is a cult. No normal community behaves that way. And this current meltdown has been brewing and brewing for years as the extremism that has come to define Era grew more and more hostile. The intersectionalism was always a sham. A vicious, petty, backbiting sham.
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H Hobbess It is addictive isn't it? Much like being back in middle school , being known and being recognized. Class President, or just popular person. Message boards are so much the same. Everyone wants to see their name pop up in the favorite poster threads, or to have someone mention their name or be recognized by the all mighty mods and admins. They draw you in with the feeling of being in a sea of familiar, kind of like a sci fi con without the smell and the flu like after effects. THEN THEY FUCKING SCREW YOU OVER AND ROB YOU OF YOUR CYBERPUNK 2077 PRIZE WHEN YOU PUT YOUR HEART AND SOUL INTO YOUR ART!!!!!!
Sadly shit is ephemeral, and one wrong move it is all erased like a fart in the wind.
That chinese stuff with Blizzard was some serious cunt work. I am sure you meant well in the beginning and then it snowballed like all causes do on Re. See how long that lasted? Anything strike you as familiar about the whole thing with CDPR? Have your opinions, hell have your causes. Unlike Re I believe that everyone DOES have a right to have their opinion and speak on it. I do not have to agree, I do not have to listen. It is an amazing system.
Nobody should be forced one way or the other, and nobody should be made to feel uncomfortable to speak or repressed just for the sake of another. (Unless they are being assholes and hateful for the sake of being assholes and hateful but that is a different issue).
As people have said....take a break, rub one out, watch some anime...come and go as you please. It is a great time to be a gamer. Sometimes, just for a little while, that is enough to be.


Neo Member
Viewing video games through a critical lens and being able to put a spot light down so many different avenues of interest and how they tie back into the real world, etc. adds a layer of enjoyment that just doesn't seem to be there when you look at video games through these child-like goggles that so many people do and who only consume them at face value. If that makes any sense?
adds a layer of enjoyment
So where's the enjoyment? All I ever see when people view video games through a critical lens is them being fucking miserable and whining about everything.
Ultimately, I disagree that Era doesn't want to chat about games or have a good time. Era wants to be a place where being critical and highlighting those issues doesn't get swept under the rug or dismissed
They only seem to have a good time when they're making others miserable with their shitty abusive behavior. Specifically trans-era (trans rights btw I know that cesspool does not represent trans people as a whole, just the worst of them.)
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So where's the enjoyment? All I ever see when people view video games through a critical lens is them being fucking miserable and whining about everything.
An example that comes to mind for me is Far Cry 5. People who understood the religious/political subtext of the story tend to regard it more highly than people who took it at face value and didn't understand what was going on. I think that having an understanding of real-world politics enriches enjoyment of something like OG Deus Ex or Invisible War, or even the Eidos Montreal titles. But I think there's an issue is that as with videogames in general "critical" ended up being equated with "negative" not "looking really closely and trying to understand it". I think that understanding 1960s racism greatly enhances Mafia 3. There's a lot of layers there about the Black American experience that mean more with "critical" context.

But "critical" became equated with "people being massive killjoys about everything and making arguments that are a stretch, and getting super hostile when people argue that they're reaching." People are too defensive in general. Too defensive of media, and too defensive of their own criticisms of media.


Rodent Whores
Before I never think of this place or Era ever again, and crawl back into the basement dwelling obscurity that I spent years pretending that I wasn't in, I do just want to say that in all the times I've come to this place as a result of someone telling me that GAF was talking about me, the meme comments dunking on me and my chosen profession (among other things) have been pretty funny.

Anyways, I'm gonna sign off and enjoy some Cowboy Bebop or something.
Whether this is actually you, or someone else just having some fun with your name, I hope this break from forums gives you some time to breathe, meditate, and improve your well being. Good luck in your journey.


Viewing video games through a critical lens and being able to put a spot light down so many different avenues of interest and how they tie back into the real world, etc. adds a layer of enjoyment that just doesn't seem to be there when you look at video games through these child-like goggles that so many people do and who only consume them at face value. If that makes any sense?
Like all art, video games are subjective. Discussing the nuances and the meanings is well and good and makes for great conversation, until it becomes less about discussing and more about proving your opinions. You see things one way, the next person may not see it the same or may not even care. That does not make them wrong and it is the ability to keep it at a friendly chat level is what far too many have forgotten. People are far too quick to view things through a critical lens to the point where for many it is more important than the game itself. Instead of sitting back and enjoying a ride they have their notepad out looking for their next talking points, and counting pixels and counting skin colors and sexes. This is what gaming has fallen to for way too many and it is kind of sad. People have forgotten how they felt when they would come home and someone had a new game waiting and you would pop it in a lose hours without a thought or a care in the world.


Neo Member
An example that comes to mind for me is Far Cry 5. People who understood the religious/political subtext of the story tend to regard it more highly than people who took it at face value and didn't understand what was going on. I think that having an understanding of real-world politics enriches enjoyment of something like OG Deus Ex or Invisible War, or even the Eidos Montreal titles. But I think there's an issue is that as with videogames in general "critical" ended up being equated with "negative" not "looking really closely and trying to understand it". I think that understanding 1960s racism greatly enhances Mafia 3. There's a lot of layers there about the Black American experience that mean more with "critical" context.

But "critical" became equated with "people being massive killjoys about everything and making arguments that are a stretch, and getting super hostile when people argue that they're reaching." People are too defensive in general. Too defensive of media, and too defensive of their own criticisms of media.
I get what you're saying, but you never really saw stuff like that on resetera. You just saw people whining about how problematic things were. Like whining about no corrupt cops in ps4 spiderman, failing to realize that there were in fact corrupt cops in the opening level, and that, had Kingpin been a major protagonist in the game, there would have absolutely been corrupt cops, like there were in netflix's daredevil. Plus Norman's private military company basically forced a police state onto New York.
I get what you're saying, but you never really saw stuff like that on resetera. You just saw people whining about how problematic things were. Like whining about no corrupt cops in ps4 spiderman, failing to realize that there were in fact corrupt cops in the opening level, and that, had Kingpin been a major protagonist in the game, there would have absolutely been corrupt cops, like there were in netflix's daredevil. Plus Norman's private military company basically forced a police state onto New York.
Videogames have a problem with people taking a 5-100 hour long piece of media and having opinions on it despite never having played it, only having played a tiny bit, or just skimmed through it. Discussion of the political themes in a game's story is often dreary because people miss super obvious stuff, and come up with out of context understandings of a game's themes, messages, or representations of ideologies or groups.

The way in which people engage with games and talk about games makes discussion of games a lot more unpleasant than it should be. This isn't just politics, either. If you have a "black sheep" game, you'll get people endlessly misrepresenting something they never played.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
I see now they're targeting the depiction of police and its cars in Cyberpunk on RE. They're surrounded by imaginary enemies 😆

How far will this go? Can't wait to find out! Hopefully crunchyrol buys the rights and makes an anime out of it. A shounen specifically.
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I see now they're targeting the depiction of police and its cars in Cyberpunk on RE. They're surrounded by imaginary enemies 😆

How far will this go? Cant wait to find out! Hopefully crunchyrol buys the rights and makes an anime out of it.

Wait, why are they upset about the depiction of the police? The police is almost entirely depicted as violent, corrupt, and unwilling to do their jobs
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Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Wait, why are they upset about the depiction of the police? The police is almost entirely depicted as violent, corrupt, and unwilling to do their jobs

If someone wants to take a look it's in the official dystopian trans OT sticked about Cyberpunk on the gaming section.

Also Kyuuji is back stronger than before helming this crazy new conspiracy about the devs and police.

To think Kyuuji is sacrificing her mental health by playing 300 hrs of Cyberpunk to make justice for all of us... the hero we all needed and that Corps fear.
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I love driving around in the cop car busting up gangs and shooting them in the face

I'd prefer this game if it were just like Future Cop Simulator 2077 maybe

Wtf...i didn’t realise there was a 3rd offshoot from era

I know metacouncil was pc masterace that got pissed off with reee but what the hell is joyfreak???....sounded very pedoish


Wtf...i didn’t realise there was a 3rd offshoot from era

I know metacouncil was pc masterace that got pissed off with reee but what the hell is joyfreak???....sounded very pedoish

Never alive forum that had a template ripped off from Era. He tried to pimp it here and was banned.
As someone who also posted a lot on Era, I can understand where Hobbes is coming from. After a while, it becomes a vicious cycle. You see folks getting banned for saying the slightest controversial thing, the community making an outrage about the smallest detail in a game, users congratulating you for unveiling the most venial shit or posting minor revealing news about social issues.

All this eventually makes you start reasoning with Era's rules and habits. Oh, that user got banned for saying he voted Trump, so I can report this guy I don't agree with who also says he's voting Republican. No need to engage, I can get him banned. I see people showering with praise the user who posted a story about discrimination somewhere. I also saw a news piece like this from my country, may as well share it and get recognition for it. The site almost canceled a game for one problematic character - there's a game I played and disliked that had far worse, may as well get other folks riled up about it.

In hindsight, it's a pretty toxic and reeks of self-validation, something most of us need. I mean, we can all act tough and pretend we're big shots with superexciting lives, but then again we're fuckin' nerds getting our blood pressure up reading other people's opinions about videogames. None of us come from a particularly high horse, but Era cultivated a dangerous side of many of us, telling us that we're perfect the way we are, especially if we constantly stand up and show support for the most irrelevant battles instead of making a difference in real life.
Before I never think of this place or Era ever again, and crawl back into the basement dwelling obscurity that I spent years pretending that I wasn't in, I do just want to say that in all the times I've come to this place as a result of someone telling me that GAF was talking about me, the meme comments dunking on me and my chosen profession (among other things) have been pretty funny.

Anyways, I'm gonna sign off and enjoy some Cowboy Bebop or something.
Go enjoy some non internet time

hopefully the time will help you realise that We are not actually attacking you but the stupid decision you keep making by crawling back to that miserable place....many people have seen the light and are enjoying the freedom to talk about games and subjects that would be locked and you would be banned for.

I have gifted you gaf gold in the hopes you will pull up a seat and a bucket of popcorn and enjoy the show from the outside as we are not the trump loving nazis they would have you believe

we all make mistakes in life....you have the chance to redeem yourself here
As someone who also posted a lot on Era, I can understand where Hobbes is coming from. After a while, it becomes a vicious cycle. You see folks getting banned for saying the slightest controversial thing, the community making an outrage about the smallest detail in a game, users congratulating you for unveiling the most venial shit or posting minor revealing news about social issues.

All this eventually makes you start reasoning with Era's rules and habits. Oh, that user got banned for saying he voted Trump, so I can report this guy I don't agree with who also says he's voting Republican. No need to engage, I can get him banned. I see people showering with praise the user who posted a story about discrimination somewhere. I also saw a news piece like this from my country, may as well share it and get recognition for it. The site almost canceled a game for one problematic character - there's a game I played and disliked that had far worse, may as well get other folks riled up about it.

In hindsight, it's a pretty toxic and reeks of self-validation, something most of us need. I mean, we can all act tough and pretend we're big shots with superexciting lives, but then again we're fuckin' nerds getting our blood pressure up reading other people's opinions about videogames. None of us come from a particularly high horse, but Era cultivated a dangerous side of many of us, telling us that we're perfect the way we are, especially if we constantly stand up and show support for the most irrelevant battles instead of making a difference in real life.

My life is exciting..


so i see they have learned a new word over there recently "sus". its really annoying to see it be used over and over again. They should try having a bit of individuality , bloody pawns the lot of them over there not an original thought between them.
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Rodent Whores
Go enjoy some non internet time

hopefully the time will help you realise that We are not actually attacking you but the stupid decision you keep making by crawling back to that miserable place....many people have seen the light and are enjoying the freedom to talk about games and subjects that would be locked and you would be banned for.

I have gifted you gaf gold in the hopes you will pull up a seat and a bucket of popcorn and enjoy the show from the outside as we are not the trump loving nazis they would have you believe

we all make mistakes in life....you have the chance to redeem yourself here


You know I have a story from Soviet Russia that kind of sums up resetera
There was some local party speech I don't know where it was but at the end of the speech everyone is expected to applaud and so everyone did and they continued to applauding for minutes like 15 minutes and then one guy finally stopped applauding
And since he stopped applauding Evernote see how slow down and the Applause ended the guy who stopped the flooding first was escorted out by the secret police never to be seen again
I think everyone on resetera wants to avoid being that guy


Viewing video games through a critical lens and being able to put a spot light down so many different avenues of interest and how they tie back into the real world, etc. adds a layer of enjoyment that just doesn't seem to be there when you look at video games through these child-like goggles that so many people do and who only consume them at face value. If that makes any sense?
and as I'm sure you're all aware, being on the moral high horse is my personality.
I feel like these two sentiments are strongly tied together. Like, dealing with problematic stuff is per say not enjoyable imho. At least not in regards to the kind of stuff we are talking about here. This is not like overcoming a tough challenge and feeling like a puzzle solver in the process, which would be an exciting and fun thing to experience (and is actually a major source of enjoyment for many people who play videogames for that specific kind of challenge); this is about harsh, real life troubles that are not easily solved or going away, which more often than not you cannot do anything meaningful about in the short term, which feel exhausting and burdensome to deal with. So, the only layer of enjoyment that I can associate with that is if you do indeed feel a moral superiority complex of some kind, and if spotting and highlighting a game's troubled backgrounds feeds into this feeling of superiority, you get rewarded with a rush of endorphins.
I'll let you decide if this is healthy behaviour in the long run, but ultimately, it does come off like a self purpose rather than a true intent on dealing with and solving serious RL issues. You don't want to see problems solved, you want to see problems pop up so you can feel good about recognizing and acknowledging them and feel superior to the people who do not, don't want to or openly admit to simply not caring enough.
So basically, while you are mounting that moral high horse of yours, you are not riding it anywhere. Instead, you stay in the same place as everybody else, but feel better than them because you see yourself in a higher position - regardless the fact that you are not making more progress than anyone else.
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Go enjoy some non internet time

hopefully the time will help you realise that We are not actually attacking you but the stupid decision you keep making by crawling back to that miserable place....many people have seen the light and are enjoying the freedom to talk about games and subjects that would be locked and you would be banned for.

I have gifted you gaf gold in the hopes you will pull up a seat and a bucket of popcorn and enjoy the show from the outside as we are not the trump loving nazis they would have you believe

we all make mistakes in life....you have the chance to redeem yourself here
Some people are too far gone sadly...

Dick Jones

A wild H Hobbess appeared while I was asleep. Fair play to you on actually making an appearance. Step 1 of the redemption arc. If you do make a return, we want your opinion on the double standards of @Kyuuji and Cyberpunk. The biggest instigator of hatred for Cyberpunk playing Cyberpunk through the day of locked OT and through the trans era battle with the mods.

Since he did turn up, taking the piss out of him has lost its sheen a bit. At least there is Nepenthe the racist midget, she'll never change. I can comfort myself with that.
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Neo Member
I can't see Kyuuji as anything other than a troll now. Otherwise they've literally disrupted the conversation of an entire forum because of their own feelings, only to give in to FOMO at the first hurdle.

Imagine being one of these "allies" right now. Babysitting this insane idiot is not being a trans ally, encouraging this shit is actively damaging to the public image of trans people.


Gold Member
This is a long post I already regret writing. But what the heck.

The problem is the cult-like tendencies. Politics and religion have a tendency to devolve into dogma and open hostility towards heresy. You end up with lists of acceptable beliefs. Discussion them is seen as just as bad, or worse than disagreeing outright. It is absolutely mental that Era has reached a point where people's private voting choices will get them permanently banned from the community. That is untenable. That is the complete collapse of all pretense of a functioning community. That is "let's expel the Catholics to create our perfect Protestant Utopia"-tier stuff.

That is what cults do. They isolate themselves. They expel the unbelievers, "unbelievers" expands to encompass everyone who disagrees with increasingly tangled dogma.

Gamers can be giant babies when their precious videogames are criticized. Whether that's criticizing game mechanics or arguing that a game's character portrayals are sexist or demeaning or whatever. Gaming communities have fostered uncritical consumption -- preorder now! But on the flipside, what happens in a dogmatic community is that people do not discuss issues such as sexism. They merely nod their heads at the dogma. If someone makes a thread on Era saying, "I think this is racist," people who say, "No, it is not racist, and here is why..." get banned. It happened repeatedly with Cyberpunk. It has been happening for years.

And trolls have fostered it. Like this thread which was created by a known troll. He pulled this kind of ban-bating trolling for a long time, and everyone who pointed out he was a troll had their posts removed and were banned. Era loves banning people who back up their allegations with links. And their posts are always nuked to prevent users being allowed to decide the merits for themselves.
It happens all the time. Disagreeing is not allowed. Polls have been defacto banned because people throw a tantrum when they see polls results they don't like.

Era does not have a conservative community of any stripe. American, British, Australian, New Zealand -- nobody This is glaringly obvious in every single thread about a celebrity who says something "conservative". Insults, mockery, putdowns. Nobody dares step out of line. Almost everyone in the short-lived conservative Era community thread is banned, including the moderator who oversaw it.

Era is actively hostile towards black men from America who are not Democrat voters. It is considered acceptable to call them the n word and to call them c**ns. It is considered acceptable to call women deeply misogynistic terms if those women voted wrong.

Era does not have a religious community. They were all banned, pushed out, made virulently unwelcome. Being openly religious on Era (which encompasses billions of people) is asking to be banned.

This ties into Era's unspoken demand that people all over the world support the American Democrat party or be banned. The issue of single issue voters comes up. People who reluctantly vote for a party over an issue they really care about. Anti-abortion people are the go-to example. It's a deciding factor for millions in the US. On Era, instant permaban for any user who says anything negative about abortion, from what I've seen. Even saying you reluctantly voted Democrat despite their platform on abortion would instantly get you banned by someone like Morrigan who has a massive bee in her bonnet about anti-abortioners being "misogynists", and thus immediately gives them permanent "Misogyny" bans. That's the kind of top-tier, spirit of the ToS realized through moderation transparency that everyone loves from Era.

Era needed to own up and say, "We are a community with these very hardcore, dogmatic beliefs and we do not welcome anyone who questions them. You will only support these political parties, these political stances, you will not be a practicing member of any of these religions, etc." But Era projects this false image of being a place of respectful discussion, civility, and definitely not a cult oriented around American politics. There's a jarring disconnect between the "welcoming bonfire" bullshit and the actual site culture. Worse, people who join Era expecting to be able to discuss issues of sexism in the gaming community, harassment, etc. instead find a bunch of users totally okay with harassment as long as the victim is acceptable, and where you can't actually discuss harassment. The amount of harassment that Era is fine with, and the people who get permabanned for "false equivalency" when they call it out is bizarre.

GAF has issues. But you will not be permabanned from GAF for disagreeing with the "Off Topic" types when they lurch over onto the gaming side. You can say, "I don't think the US election was a fraud." You can say, "I'm American and I voted for the Democrats despite my reservations because I think their economic plan will get more people through this crisis." You won't be banned for that. But the merest RUMOUR of not being a US Democrat supporter on Era will get you banned. Invariably. That is a cult. No normal community behaves that way. And this current meltdown has been brewing and brewing for years as the extremism that has come to define Era grew more and more hostile. The intersectionalism was always a sham. A vicious, petty, backbiting sham.
Found my old troll account in this thread

and a fave post of mine:
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Respectfully, internet forums just aren't fun to be on, and I don't see eye to eye with probably the majority of people who post here. Not that I need an echo chamber, but more so the fact that I don't think there's any value in the conversations to have outside of this very brief one. I'm not gonna spend the time to defend my point of view, nor do I necessarily care to persuade anyone to "my side."

I don't think its dwelling. Morbid curiosity more than anything. I still don't understand why a thread like this exists, nor why I have any significance in being highlighted. Maybe I myself am just blind to my own status but I am unironically aligned on the belief that I am a nobody who just posts on an internet forum.

I'll be honest, I enjoyed Era and I enjoyed the fact that it constantly highlighted social issues within video games and explored those topics in depth. I still fully support many of the Era communities that are marginalized and highlighted those issues for discussions.

Viewing video games through a critical lens and being able to put a spot light down so many different avenues of interest and how they tie back into the real world, etc. adds a layer of enjoyment that just doesn't seem to be there when you look at video games through these child-like goggles that so many people do and who only consume them at face value. If that makes any sense?

Ultimately, I disagree that Era doesn't want to chat about games or have a good time. Era wants to be a place where being critical and highlighting those issues doesn't get swept under the rug or dismissed, and that's an important space to have, because at the end of the day - We all want to be heard when we think we have something good to share.



I am not going to be a GAF regular. While I fully recognize that the majority of posts about me are just taking the piss (and they're funny!), there are many posts that I've seen over this last year of randomly visiting that I can't condone, and as I'm sure you're all aware, being on the moral high horse is my personality.

How do you feel about ResetEra labeling people nazis, transphobes and bigots?


yuck I read his wall of text Hobbes can fucking have Era “internet needs a place to be critical” lol fuck that Era isn’t a place to be critical it is a place to dogpile shit. Hobbes acting like there aren’t a million places on the internet to discuss this shit without calling people nazis nah fuck that. there are millions of places on the internet where people are critical of media. that isn’t exactly a high bar to cross. it is practically what the entire internet is made of. Era is no more special than YouTube or twitter or Gamefaqs or a million other sites on the internet where people talk about media.

every pet issue regurgitated by Reetards turns up regurgitated by game journalists so the site isn’t even needed tbh. could probably see the same controversies on Twitter alone. Era is an outrage aggregator. outside of your Kyuu style cancel crusades most of the stuff originated elsewhere.

when he said he doesn’t know why this thread exists lol. yeah he belongs with those nutbags
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