Master of Disguise
I for one am shocked that a pen and paper game created by a black man is not in immediate, total agreement with iconic skinhead slogan "ACAB".
I for one am shocked that a pen and paper game created by a black man is not in immediate, total agreement with iconic skinhead slogan "ACAB".
I'm still not clear on what caused the recent exodus from REEEEE other than people waking up to what a narcissistic, deranged and totalitarian shithole it is. I'd rather most of them don't migrate to be honest. People with minds that weak and easily influenced will only pollute a space free for critical debate by incensing and reverting to their tribalistic tendencies. Stick to the echo chambers of Twitter, please and thanks.
In the last year alone, I can think of at least a dozen exchanges on this board, where a member--or members--and I started at a point of contention and ended up either at a point of contented, thoughtful disgreement or even amiability. You'd be banned after the first contentious comment on REEEEE. And anyone who condoned that nonsense in the first place doesn't deserve a safe harbour here. Go fuck yourself. Sorry, not sorry.
I'll be honest, I enjoyed Era and I enjoyed the fact that it constantly highlighted social issues within video games and explored those topics in depth. I still fully support many of the Era communities that are marginalized and highlighted those issues for discussions.
Viewing video games through a critical lens and being able to put a spot light down so many different avenues of interest and how they tie back into the real world, etc. adds a layer of enjoyment that just doesn't seem to be there when you look at video games through these child-like goggles that so many people do and who only consume them at face value. If that makes any sense?
Ultimately, I disagree that Era doesn't want to chat about games or have a good time. Era wants to be a place where being critical and highlighting those issues doesn't get swept under the rug or dismissed, and that's an important space to have, because at the end of the day - We all want to be heard when we think we have something good to share.
CONCLUSION: Didn't last long there.![]()
This is precious.
CONCLUSION: Sad, desperate attempt at self-shaming failed.After being dogpiled on for comparing the mods to police:
Have some self-respect, ffs...![]()
I love this narrative that one day majority of GAFers were like "huh there's a new URL to type into my browser hmm guess I'll just roll with it because that's where all the discussion went" as if that's the only piece of knowledge they had prior to making the exodus to ResetERA.You’re a 1 year old GAF baby..
Most of us have been hanging since the original gaming-age all the way back in 1998 or perhaps even before than I can recall. Most of us just wanted a gaming forum with insiders and a big flow of discussions, no politics (at least not politics leaking into gaming discussions)
You have to realize that GAF in 2017 was pretty much a light version of what resetera is today, with rogue mods being fucking insane with the bans.
The exodus, if we can even call it that (big raise in new posters in past weeks?) will be mostly with peoples who liked gaming discussions without walking on eggshells. The extremists that keep turning era into Reeee won’t even touch this forum with a ten foot pole.
GAF doesn't care about your political alignments, that's the major difference. It's not that GAF "allows political views outside the far left", it's that GAF sends all that to the Politics board where it belongs and keeps it out of Gaming and OT. dismissing someone out of hand because they are such-and-such political alignment is not tolerated, not even on the Politics board. On other forums, it's the opposite (you quietly get banned for having Wrongthink).I see that H Hobbess appeared overnight. Fair play to be able to poke a little bit of fun at yourself. I disagree with your point that there's fun to be had in the critical analysis of games on ResetEra, but I do see how there's value to those discussions. The problem, as many replies here have already pointed out, is that there is no discussion to be had on Era. It's either you have the correct opinion, or you're gone.
GAF has its warts, but the ability to post freely far outweighs all of that. Politically-speaking, this isn't the "alt-right hate site" that it's been made out to be; political views outside of the far left are allowed here, and that's really the only major difference. I still consider myself a liberal Democrat (even though I don't agree on much with the current American Left or the Democratic Party, but I feel like my politics haven't changed; the Left has just gone off the deep end). I don't like Trump and I never voted for him, but I think he's more of a jackass and a clown than the evil boogeyman much of the left sees him as. I voted a woman for president in the last two elections (Hillary and Jorgensen), which I think makes me more progressive than most. But the fact that I didn't vote for Joe Biden would be a big "no-no" over there, something that I wouldn't feel comfortable posting. To me, that's not a "me" problem, that's a ResetEra problem.
Anyways, I'm sure you'll realize for yourself how beneficial your time away from a toxic online community will be. You'll be welcome on GAF should you choose to post here again.
Respectfully, internet forums just aren't fun to be on, and I don't see eye to eye with probably the majority of people who post here. Not that I need an echo chamber, but more so the fact that I don't think there's any value in the conversations to have outside of this very brief one. I'm not gonna spend the time to defend my point of view, nor do I necessarily care to persuade anyone to "my side."
I don't think its dwelling. Morbid curiosity more than anything. I still don't understand why a thread like this exists, nor why I have any significance in being highlighted. Maybe I myself am just blind to my own status but I am unironically aligned on the belief that I am a nobody who just posts on an internet forum.
I'll be honest, I enjoyed Era and I enjoyed the fact that it constantly highlighted social issues within video games and explored those topics in depth. I still fully support many of the Era communities that are marginalized and highlighted those issues for discussions.
Viewing video games through a critical lens and being able to put a spot light down so many different avenues of interest and how they tie back into the real world, etc. adds a layer of enjoyment that just doesn't seem to be there when you look at video games through these child-like goggles that so many people do and who only consume them at face value. If that makes any sense?
Ultimately, I disagree that Era doesn't want to chat about games or have a good time. Era wants to be a place where being critical and highlighting those issues doesn't get swept under the rug or dismissed, and that's an important space to have, because at the end of the day - We all want to be heard when we think we have something good to share.
I am not going to be a GAF regular. While I fully recognize that the majority of posts about me are just taking the piss (and they're funny!), there are many posts that I've seen over this last year of randomly visiting that I can't condone, and as I'm sure you're all aware, being on the moral high horse is my personality.
You’re a 1 year old GAF baby..
Most of us have been hanging since the original gaming-age all the way back in 1998 or perhaps even before than I can recall. Most of us just wanted a gaming forum with insiders and a big flow of discussions, no politics (at least not politics leaking into gaming discussions)
You have to realize that GAF in 2017 was pretty much a light version of what resetera is today, with rogue mods being fucking insane with the bans.
The exodus, if we can even call it that (big raise in new posters in past weeks?) will be mostly with peoples who liked gaming discussions without walking on eggshells. The extremists that keep turning era into Reeee won’t even touch this forum with a ten foot pole.
Hopefully, you'll be able to acknowledge the fundamental difference between GAF and ERA. You were allowed to register. You were allowed to post. Your post has not been deleted. On the contrary, you post has been highlighted. You have not been banned.
Nothing remotely similar would be possible on ERA. Picture someone across the political aisle from you posting there. They wouldn't last one post.
Here you'll be able to make your case. Indeed, some members are aligned with you and do not shy away from expressing themselves. Know that you and everyone else has to defend their views rationally. Fallacies are usually called out, as they definitely should be.
Enjoy your time here.
Best wishes.
Well this imo is why you see such as disconnect from people who post/posted there.
What is NeoGAF? A Gaming Forum/Discussion Board. What is Resetera? A place where...
The community at NeoGAF decides what it is about, incredibly fluid. The select few from Resetera decides what it is about. Now neither is right or wrong. It is just important to be upfront with the information. Resetera operates way more comparable to a Religion/Church than a open forum.
And being able to highlight critical issues isn't anything that isn't or can't be done anywhere else on the internet. However controlling the conversation isn't something anyone can do all over the internet.
There's that one guy who could suddenly afford $2500 for a new gaming set up after saying he said he hated being poor lolThe site's owner should rename it PlayStationEra becaue the place is like it's sponsored by Sony Entertainment.
I've got a PS5 - I love it. But jesus over there they are obsessive about the console and it was the same with PS4. One person said the other day that he "can't stop just sitting and staring at his PS5".
It's like a forum populated by 12 year olds I swear to god.
I love this narrative that one day majority of GAFers were like "huh there's a new URL to type into my browser hmm guess I'll just roll with it because that's where all the discussion went" as if that's the only piece of knowledge they had prior to making the exodus to ResetERA.
I mean, even taking it at face value that doesn't sound like a crowd that will generate interesting conversation.
I'm not forgetting it at all. Which is why I cannot fathom why people followed that exact ideology over to ERA.You're forgetting the part about the ban hammers and GAF being a lite version of what Era is today. Literal discussion about gamergate or Sarkassian or whatever the fucking drama was there in 2017, was side eyed and had warnings/bans.
See above. The notion that ERA started off sane and slowly went off the rails is self-delusion.I mean, i cannot find all the "story time" posts byEviLore , but at least a short one on the mods back then, should be enough to show why some users just went with the exodus for continuing discussions. And i guess for a while, it was fine until the insanity crept up on Era, while GAF got steered back by EviLore.
Wait a sec. Resetera hate that but are against Trump and pro Biden? I mean seriously?![]()
Real warriors fight on the true frontlines of oppression--in CDPR threads! Using real weapons--their keyboards!
You are some good eggs apart from a few who are fucking weirdos
Oh no, you're confused. They're totally for law and long as their side is in charge.lord forbid you believe in law and order in 2020/2021
fuck 'em
yeah I realise that now. I was told about GAF by someone on Reddit because I was fed up with how any post over there gets gobbled up quickly because it’s busy with Witcher 3 screenshots.It takes a couple of weeks to make sure all the stalking is complete. Gaf registrations are like this nowadays when peopel escape reee
My only negative about GAF - and for the record, as a newbie I'm enjoying this place a hella lot. You are some good eggs apart from a few who are fucking weirdos but you get that in every corner of the internet.
What was I saying? Yeah my only negative is that when I registered, it took fucking ages to get approved. I had to send two messages to the site as well. Then I gave up. And magically, one day, my registration was approved I am.
So yes - for newcomers, the registration system needs to be actioned a little quicker or people will just go elsewhere.
Then please accept my apologies! I feel honored nowIt took you less than two weeks to get approved. Back in the day I would do account approvals in six month intervals.
The admin strategy of staying silent and letting them scream and yell until they lose interest, leave and/or self-destruct seems to be working.The constructive community thread is much less active now. People post only one comment every ten minutes instead of ten comments every minute.
Look, I don't care about this franchise at all but right now it became my most awaited game ever just to see how RE psychos will deal with it.
That's not fun, Harry Potter can't come soon enough.The constructive community thread is much less active now. People post only one comment every ten minutes instead of ten comments every minute.
Dude thought he could reason with them. Btw when shit goes down, who are these people calling, Goku?![]()
Kyuuji, is that you?Hey guys I’m back from playing one of the greatest games of all time!
So, what did I miss?
You just admitted to being super lazy.It took you less than two weeks to get approved. Back in the day I would do account approvals in six month intervals.
The site's owner should rename it PlayStationEra becaue the place is like it's sponsored by Sony Entertainment.
I've got a PS5 - I love it. But jesus over there they are obsessive about the console and it was the same with PS4. One person said the other day that he "can't stop just sitting and staring at his PS5".
It's like a forum populated by 12 year olds I swear to god.
I haven’t noticed it at all but I’m new so I’m still green of course.GAF's Sony bias is equally as blatant.
Speaking as a PC/Xbox guy, I'm proud to represent the outlier opinion in this community.
They were absolutely livid when Nintendo added it to the banned words list.They really do think "ACAB" is the majority opinion outside of their bubble.