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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Still active on Era, but decided to come back here as well. I just can't handle the constant nonsense and stupidity on display there. It's really pathetic.
Decided to change my username here since there are still some topics that have normal people in them that I'd like to stay active in, because face it, if they found out I'm posting here as well again I'm gonna my ass banned like there's no tomorrow.

So yeah, glad to be back and see some sanity and reasoning in discussions!


Rodent Whores
@minx is a Bears fan and a cop

He was perm'd here and on Era for defending cops in each situation I believe.

At least his last posts here were regarding the police.

I wonder what his ban reason was here.

EviLore EviLore was it justified or bullcrap?
I feel like these two sentiments are strongly tied together. Like, dealing with problematic stuff is per say not enjoyable imho. At least not in regards to the kind of stuff we are talking about here. This is not like overcoming a tough challenge and feeling like a puzzle solver in the process, which would be an exciting and fun thing to experience (and is actually a major source of enjoyment for many people who play videogames for that specific kind of challenge); this is about harsh, real life troubles that are not easily solved or going away, which more often than not you cannot do anything meaningful about in the short term, which feel exhausting and burdensome to deal with. So, the only layer of enjoyment that I can associate with that is if you do indeed feel a moral superiority complex of some kind, and if spotting and highlighting a game's troubled backgrounds feeds into this feeling of superiority, you get rewarded with a rush of endorphins.
I'll let you decide if this is healthy behaviour in the long run, but ultimately, it does come off like a self purpose rather than a true intent on dealing with and solving serious RL issues. You don't want to see problems solved, you want to see problems pop up so you can feel good about recognizing and acknowledging them and feel superior to the people who do not, don't want to or openly admit to simply not caring enough.
So basically, while you are mounting that moral high horse of yours, you are not riding it anywhere. Instead, you stay in the same place as everybody else, but feel better than them because you see yourself in a higher position - regardless the fact that you are not making more progress than anyone else.

great post


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I wonder what his ban reason was here.

EviLore EviLore was it justified or bullcrap?

BS. He was banned for six months for wrongthink in a police thread:

minx, 6 months, jerk, pushing back against "fuck the police" in the worst possible context

User visible ban message:
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=201425694 This is a bad post and you should feel bad about yourself as a person for having made it. Your attempt at tone policing internet discussion is beyond inappropriate in a discussion about this disgusting tragedy.

There were protests internally about the length of the ban, but he created an alt so it was upgraded to perm and the matter was set aside.

Unbanning him.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I've been on forums since the days of 2600 baud BBS's back in the 80's. Era is the most miserable bunch of people I've ever come across. I've been to suicide forums that were more fun.

This of course doesn't apply to everyone on Era, but you will see commonalities between a lot of them, especially the "power posters". They will have usually several of these traits:

  • Unemployed or on assistance. If they are employed, it is some shit job like retail, call center, level 1 IT, etc.
  • No (or very few) IRL friends. Even on social media, they have few friends/connections. Era is their only social outlet.
  • No romantic partners, regardless of gender, sexuality, etc. Many are not even just virgins, they are people that have never kissed someone or been on a date -- or even talked to someone they are interested in.
  • Sexual hangups -- either ultra-sexualized/into "deviant" acts or a total prude. There are a LOT of Era users who have skeletons in the closet, PedoEra being the most notable.
  • Estranged from their family. Ironic as many are totally dependent on them.
  • Have some sort of mental health issue. Note that I do not consider this a bad thing, I have them myself. But many Era assholes are self-diagnosed and are seeking no help for the issues, then they use it as an excuse for their shitty behavior.
  • In poor physical shape and/or still dress like 12 year old slobs.
  • Poor hygiene (they have to ask how often to shower).
  • Lack basic life skills like being able to cook, clean, etc.
  • No financial knowledge; constantly complain about being "poor" but are paying $1000 for an iPhone.
  • No common sense/real world experience; fall for scams very easily.
  • Have a sense of entitlement (I.e., my opinion is always right, anyone who disagrees is a Nazi).
  • No social skills, even minor things like interacting with salespeople/cashiers will send them into a panic.
So their lives are shit but they have no other outlet except for Era, and they will defend it with cult-like behavior. It will get even worse there now that the Trump boogeyman is gone, so they will need their outrage rush somewhere else.

The prude thing was odd to me. Back during my brief time there it was looked down upon to discuss sex candidly, or find biological women attractive. It was fine to make threads drooling over some male celebrity, but post a pic of a how woman and there's a good chance you'd get banned.

That was one of the first warning signs that the place wasn't truly liberal, but rather a facade of liberalism actually guided by a small handful of people that like to believe themselves liberal, but are actually just boring, prudish, and authoritarian.


Still active on Era, but decided to come back here as well. I just can't handle the constant nonsense and stupidity on display there. It's really pathetic.
Decided to change my username here since there are still some topics that have normal people in them that I'd like to stay active in, because face it, if they found out I'm posting here as well again I'm gonna my ass banned like there's no tomorrow.

So yeah, glad to be back and see some sanity and reasoning in discussions!
Ehh, I use the same username (and avatar) here and there.

If they ban me over the fact I had the nerve of posting somewhere else on the internet, so be it.

I'm sure there are people already sifting through my posts to find dirt on me.
There's a massive Shiron post that I can't even fit in a screenshot and I don't even understand why he's wrote it. I'll just copy and paste because it's too long and somebody can translate this. Be ready, it's a big one. Apologies for taking up the thread with this bullshit beforehand. Alright? Alright. Here it goes.

Shiron Post:
This is an odd-ban: shouldn't I be banned to under the logic for this ban? Why am I not? Especially when I'm quoted supposedly breaking the same thread rules. If not for that, then for linking Poodlestrike's old posts earlier in the thread, or something? Surely some of that would fall under the not-relitigating old incidents rule in the OP? This is just getting really confusing

Not that I want to be banned. Far from it.

Though I have become very disappointed in the staff, and do not trust them at all, and I have made that clear numerous times over, I DO NOT want to be banned.

Because the simple fact is... I have nowhere else to go. If I were to say, hypothetically be permanently banned from here, I don't know where to turn. Especially since I really don't like Discords and the like and as many problems as this site has, there are still so many wonderful people here and even if I mostly lurk and don't talk directly to them or anything, I don't want to lose that. There's no place I've found like this, and I severely doubt my own experience to find anything close.

Especially since all my old haunts, stuff like Serebii's message boards, BulbaGarden, Smogon's message boards, etc, while trying their best in their own ways, none of them are anywhere close to this site and the amount of love I feel for it and the amount of users on it that I dearly, truly appreciate and wish the best for, even if, as someone who's primarily a lurker, I don't express those feelings anywhere near as much as I should. The community here is awesome, and I don't want to lose it, and if I were to look for somewhere else, I wouldn't even know where to begin, and have severe doubts of by ability to find any such place, nevermind the fact that I wouldn't want to leave those fantastic people behind regardless.

NONETHELESS, while I am terrified of losing this place, I also can't help who I am.

I am an incredibly empathetic, person, to fault.

Like, even when I'm just watching something on Netflix/Crunchyroll/YouTube or whatever, when a character in a fictional work or something acts in a particularly heinous way or some other way that I I don't agree with it, I often have to pause the video and essentially "roleplay" as the characters to work out my feelings regarding the situation. Like I recently rewatched Code Lyoko for instance on Netflix recently, and despite knowing that Ulrich and Yumi are both tweens just discovering their sexuality for the first time and thus doomed to make mistakes, as so many of us do at that age when it comes to romance and trying to figure it out, I still had to pause it a lot because of how consistently they were idiots and kept making the same mistakes over and over again, even if I understood exactly what was happening and what they were going for. Despite them being fictional characters, my empathy for Ulrich's and Yumi's true feelings for each other was so strong I had to pause and just work out waaay better ways that could have gone, a lot.

And that's just FICTIONAL characters, nevermind when stuff like that happens with very real people, like the users of this site.

So the point being, while I DON'T want to banned in any way, well, I suppose you can say my empathy takes precedent there (NOTE: THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR MYSELF TO ACTUALLY BE BANNED IN ANY WAY).

And if I were, hypothetically, to be banned, in a fight to make this a better place for so many people who are clearly hurting, clearly being ignored (like just in this VERY THERAD FOR INSTANCE: so many people are trolling TransEra and other communities and getting absolutely no punishment for it, whereas members of these communities say even the slightest thing out of turn out of their frustration, and they get permanently banned, all while more people come in to "just ask questions" about the concerns of TransEra and other communities, and the cycle repeats), who have clearly been wronged...

I DON'T WANT TO put myself at risk in any way to protect them. That shouldn't be necessary, in any way.

But if I have to, if it's indeed necessary, despite the idea itself terrifying me and I'm scared about the idea of having to find a new online home and all that, I will ALWAYS put others like that ahead of myself and my own fears, because that's just who I am.

Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere
Not even Jupiter, [ruler of the Gods,] can find a lost opportunity.

Those are words I truly try my best to live by.

So while I'm honestly terrified to speak up (which I shouldn't be and itself is a clear demonstration of a problem), even if it puts myself at risk, if it helps TransEra, MuslimEra, AsianEra, and so many other communities at all, whatsoever, I will gladly shoulder that burden and take those risks if there's even the slightest chance of my own fight and my own words making the slightest difference at all.

I don't know what those chances are, and at this point, admittedly, am pretty skeptical.

But no matter how skeptical and cynical I become, at the same time, I know that chance is NOT 0%. Nowhere close.

No matter what, there's always a chance.

And that's something I'm not willing to give up on. For both the good of communities like TransEra, AsianEra, MuslimEra, among others, and indeed, even staff themselves.

To that end, I hope the staff are indeed reading this with open minds, and truly trying their best to take all of this to heart, and if you had to pick ANYTHING from this message as a takeaway, JUST ONE THING, I would say it would be this, which is what I myself learned as a moderator back in the day on NarutoFan forums when I was a super/global/whatever you want to call it moderator there and to not make the same mistakes I myself made there and to not make any decisions that would leave you with potential regrets in the future, as I still have to this day due to my own decisions from that time. This was originally posted in a ban-appeal ticket, and I don't mean to bring it up to relitigate that ban, far from it, see the ticket thread itself where I didn't even attempt to do that there, but that I mean what I say and mean to convey my own regrets and mistakes from my time as a moderator and hope the staff don't repeat my own mistakes from back then, that is all:

"To add one more thing to this, in addition to the whole subject of transphobia, I have to admit one more particular reason this bothers me is because of a particular mistake I made while I was a global mod/advisor of the NarutoFan forums.

While I was active there, one of the things that happened was legal Crunchyroll fansubs popped up for Naruto for the first time.

But of course not only that. At the same time, for lack of a better term, a "bootleg" group called BakaSubs I believe also popped up, whose whole thing was somehow managing to get access to Crunchyroll's fansubs before they actually went live, and releasing them early, through torrents and the like, while pretty much claiming them as their own work and getting internet fame off releasing other people's work, legal work, early.

Seeing this, I so badly wanted to bring up the idea of completely banning discussion/leaks to BakaSubs because fansubs were bad enough and still a thing at the time, but those were stolen official subs, and there was no reason for there to be links for them period instead of telling them to wait.

Moreover, because there were legal versions of subs, that is, Crunchryroll's actual stuff, I also pondered whether links to fansubs should be allowed at all.

Because yes, for most me, Crunchyroll's fansubs would be a week behind the Japanese release.

But it was still a legal way of watching the series, with no consequences.

So I so desperately wanted to bring up the discussion of banning not only links to BakaSubs, but banning links to Naruto fansubs in the Anime section period, as they were not only still obviously illegal but completely unnecessary and if someone can't wait one week, just one goddamn week, well, they can get fucked at that point, was my thought process.

But due to a combination of my social anxiety, being scared that I would be laughed out of the room, and knowing that even if the mod team somehow did agree with me and hear me out, Tazmo (the owner of both the forums and the main site at the time) would still have links to fansubs on the main site regardless gave me so much pause I never so much as actually broached the subject.

And this is all something that went down over 10 years ago at this point.

But I still regret not brining it up, because, well, of course, even bringing up the subject would have been a scary change from the status quo of weekly threads for that stuff and there's no way of knowing if I would have just been laughed out of the room, and even if I weren't, how such change would be received.

To put it in short, I know the thoughts going through my head were the right thing to do but my social anxiety and fear of change just made me do nothing and let problems like that continue to fester instead.

And my choice of inaction, not knowing what happens if I would have acted differently, if even if I hadn't fought against fansubs in general and the hard work put in the animation team, if I had at least stuck up for the hard work of the people working for Crunchyroll at the very least instead of passively letting thread after thread be made for BakaSubs each week instead and let them get credit for stealing their work just because they released it earlier...

It still haunts me from time to time, even all this time later, how things might be different had I at least opened my mouth and got a discussion going in the modroom.

The point of this whole diatribe?

I don't want anyone on the staff on the site to make the same type of mistakes I made, to potentially have the same regrets over inaction that I do even years after the fact. The wondering if they did the right thing or not. The wondering if they could have done something more.

Because that stuff doesn't go away, even years after you stop visiting a site like that.

At least it doesn't for me.

Because yeah, I can only speak to my personal case. But in that case, a decade later, those regrets and doubts and questions still linger.

And in my case, that's just over stuff about how we should handle a very particular type of illegal content on a fansite.

That ain't even touching on subjects like transphobia, attacks on people who they are as human beings which they have absolutely no control over. Something that has a very real affect on many members of the community's mental well being and sense of safety.

So yeah, the points of all that being, if I still have regrets over not speaking up over BakaSubs and perhaps fansubs in general on the fansite I moderated over a decade ago, I can't imagine how heavily some of the decisions that have to be made, one way or the one, are weighing on the staff right now, because if what I went through wasn't easy, I can't begin to imagine how the decisions on what to do or not do or whatever about this situation is

But the point being that whatever is decided, make sure it's something that you won't have any regrets over.

Because whether it's a decision I agree with or not, I don't want any of the staff to go through what I did and have regrets about doing the right thing or not, regrets about being silent when you should have spoken up, or anything like that.

Even if it's not what I and others want to hear, I want to make sure that whatever decision is made is one that will allow for no regrets, because doing otherwise just isn't worth it.

So please. I know you probably don't need to hear any of this from me, and might even find this condescending, and I don't blame you if so, but I suppose this is a case of me myself not wanting to have any further regrets than I already do and not wanting to repeat the mistakes I personally made in the past, and not speak up when I could have.

Because the only way to know how things will go is if you do indeed speak up. Nothing starts until then.

As one of my favorite video game quotes go,

"Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere"

"Not even Jupiter can find a lost opportunity."

So please, whatever you do decide, don't let this be your own lost opportunity.

And that's all I want to say for now I guess.

Be well.


(And again, just to be clear, NONE OF THIS IS A CALL FOR ME TO ACTUALLY BE BANNED. I DO NOT WANT TO BE BANNED. FAR FROM IT. This is just me venting my feelings. That is all).


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Sony fans are everywhere because PlayStation is the console of choice for most people. So what you see as bias is basically reality. People gravitate and want to discuss the platform they bought and own. If you want to find a 'safe haven' for xclowns I'm sure there's a subreddit or 'xboxera' site to huddle in.

Not only did the platform outsell Microsoft's something like 2.5 to 1 (? roundabouts right?), Sony first party studios also put out a lot of highly acclaimed games as the generation wound down.

I enjoy my Xbox One X. I'm happy to have Game Pass Ultimate until December of 2021. But I find that most console discussion is dominated by Sony due to the fact that it seems like everyone owns a PS4/Pro, and every other month they pumped out an exclusive that was pushing boundaries and/or getting 85+ Metacritic scores. Microsoft was obviously gearing up for a renewed fight next gen leveraging Game Pass and all of those studios they gobbled up.


Gold Member
Sony fans are everywhere because PlayStation is the console of choice for most people. So what you see as bias is basically reality. People gravitate and want to discuss the platform they bought and own. If you want to find a 'safe haven' for xclowns I'm sure there's a subreddit or 'xboxera' site to huddle in.
I don't need a "safe haven" because I don't give a shit about manufacturers, that's the point I was making. Corporate tribalism is weird to me because neither Sony nor Microsoft nor Nintendo give a shit about you or me. Somehow trying to validate my overpriced $500 purchase by practicing corporate tribalism for a company I don't even work for is just weird to me.

EDIT: I do like some of the stuff everyone of these manufacturers are making (I mean the games) but that doesn't prevent me from calling them out for shit they are doing.
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I need a link to that. I’m going to burn my account for that. Fuck those fucking fucks!

It's the main CDPR callout thread.

They just need to pack it in, They've utterly lost the plot.

I mean sure, fine whatever get rid of all the Police. See how that works out long term when the strong assholes with zero qualms about doing you harm start grabbing power & you have no one to defend you.
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I've been on forums since the days of 2600 baud BBS's back in the 80's. Era is the most miserable bunch of people I've ever come across. I've been to suicide forums that were more fun.

This of course doesn't apply to everyone on Era, but you will see commonalities between a lot of them, especially the "power posters". They will have usually several of these traits:

  • Unemployed or on assistance. If they are employed, it is some shit job like retail, call center, level 1 IT, etc.
  • No (or very few) IRL friends. Even on social media, they have few friends/connections. Era is their only social outlet.
  • No romantic partners, regardless of gender, sexuality, etc. Many are not even just virgins, they are people that have never kissed someone or been on a date -- or even talked to someone they are interested in.
  • Sexual hangups -- either ultra-sexualized/into "deviant" acts or a total prude. There are a LOT of Era users who have skeletons in the closet, PedoEra being the most notable.
  • Estranged from their family. Ironic as many are totally dependent on them.
  • Have some sort of mental health issue. Note that I do not consider this a bad thing, I have them myself. But many Era assholes are self-diagnosed and are seeking no help for the issues, then they use it as an excuse for their shitty behavior.
  • In poor physical shape and/or still dress like 12 year old slobs.
  • Poor hygiene (they have to ask how often to shower).
  • Lack basic life skills like being able to cook, clean, etc.
  • No financial knowledge; constantly complain about being "poor" but are paying $1000 for an iPhone.
  • No common sense/real world experience; fall for scams very easily.
  • Have a sense of entitlement (I.e., my opinion is always right, anyone who disagrees is a Nazi).
  • No social skills, even minor things like interacting with salespeople/cashiers will send them into a panic.
So their lives are shit but they have no other outlet except for Era, and they will defend it with cult-like behavior. It will get even worse there now that the Trump boogeyman is gone, so they will need their outrage rush somewhere else.

From my experience there, that's an incredibly succinct summary. Sad part is, when you genuinely try to help someone, ie. not just tell them what they want to hear, but give them REAL, hard advice that has a chance to actually improve their lives, you'll get eviscerated and piled on for it. Likely banned.


Resetera is *not* a videogame forum. It's a hard left political forum that discusses political issues in videogames. Which is fine, I guess. But it should state that clearly rather than just banning anyone who *remotely* disagrees with them & then acts like it's the fault of the poster they got banned for not knowing the current groupthink.
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Shirion must have skipped every english class


you imagine

if I wrote

every post like this?
As someone who is studying English in college, Shiron's posts are also terribly written from a composition standpoint. He keeps repeating himself and he never figures out how to get his point across without going into constant digressions. Instead of saying, "I'm disappointed in Era's handling of transphobia." motherfucker goes into an entire analysis of Digimon or some shit and tries to connect it to his main point somehow. It's excessive and bloated for no reason.


Neighbours from Hell
I've been on forums since the days of 2600 baud BBS's back in the 80's. Era is the most miserable bunch of people I've ever come across. I've been to suicide forums that were more fun.

This of course doesn't apply to everyone on Era, but you will see commonalities between a lot of them, especially the "power posters". They will have usually several of these traits:

  • Unemployed or on assistance. If they are employed, it is some shit job like retail, call center, level 1 IT, etc.
  • No (or very few) IRL friends. Even on social media, they have few friends/connections. Era is their only social outlet.
  • No romantic partners, regardless of gender, sexuality, etc. Many are not even just virgins, they are people that have never kissed someone or been on a date -- or even talked to someone they are interested in.
  • Sexual hangups -- either ultra-sexualized/into "deviant" acts or a total prude. There are a LOT of Era users who have skeletons in the closet, PedoEra being the most notable.
  • Estranged from their family. Ironic as many are totally dependent on them.
  • Have some sort of mental health issue. Note that I do not consider this a bad thing, I have them myself. But many Era assholes are self-diagnosed and are seeking no help for the issues, then they use it as an excuse for their shitty behavior.
  • In poor physical shape and/or still dress like 12 year old slobs.
  • Poor hygiene (they have to ask how often to shower).
  • Lack basic life skills like being able to cook, clean, etc.
  • No financial knowledge; constantly complain about being "poor" but are paying $1000 for an iPhone.
  • No common sense/real world experience; fall for scams very easily.
  • Have a sense of entitlement (I.e., my opinion is always right, anyone who disagrees is a Nazi).
  • No social skills, even minor things like interacting with salespeople/cashiers will send them into a panic.
So their lives are shit but they have no other outlet except for Era, and they will defend it with cult-like behavior. It will get even worse there now that the Trump boogeyman is gone, so they will need their outrage rush somewhere else.
And ironically, they are the people who think they know the most about the world. People who haven't even experienced it.


When you have to use continous formatting such as bold, underscoring, italics just to get your point across usually means you're just a teeny weeny bit unstable.


Gold Member
ShironRedshift: writes a 8,000-word post

Mods having to read that shit unpaid:

Oh ya. That giant post. I remember someone saying it was 7,000 words

I had to see for myself. I cut and pasted his post into Word.

7,087 words across 19 pages.

To be fair, he pasted so many links (that show a giant paragraph) that counts to the length. I deleted them, and it still showed 15 pages of text at roughly 5,700 words. So even his fucking links were worth 1,400 words?!?!?

Amazing. When was last time any of you wrote something that long.

I did. Surely some case study in university over 20 years ago.
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There's a massive Shiron post that I can't even fit in a screenshot and I don't even understand why he's wrote it. I'll just copy and paste because it's too long and somebody can translate this. Be ready, it's a big one. Apologies for taking up the thread with this bullshit beforehand. Alright? Alright. Here it goes.

Shiron Post:
This is an odd-ban: shouldn't I be banned to under the logic for this ban? Why am I not? Especially when I'm quoted supposedly breaking the same thread rules. If not for that, then for linking Poodlestrike's old posts earlier in the thread, or something? Surely some of that would fall under the not-relitigating old incidents rule in the OP? This is just getting really confusing

Not that I want to be banned. Far from it.

Though I have become very disappointed in the staff, and do not trust them at all, and I have made that clear numerous times over, I DO NOT want to be banned.

Because the simple fact is... I have nowhere else to go. If I were to say, hypothetically be permanently banned from here, I don't know where to turn. Especially since I really don't like Discords and the like and as many problems as this site has, there are still so many wonderful people here and even if I mostly lurk and don't talk directly to them or anything, I don't want to lose that. There's no place I've found like this, and I severely doubt my own experience to find anything close.

Especially since all my old haunts, stuff like Serebii's message boards, BulbaGarden, Smogon's message boards, etc, while trying their best in their own ways, none of them are anywhere close to this site and the amount of love I feel for it and the amount of users on it that I dearly, truly appreciate and wish the best for, even if, as someone who's primarily a lurker, I don't express those feelings anywhere near as much as I should. The community here is awesome, and I don't want to lose it, and if I were to look for somewhere else, I wouldn't even know where to begin, and have severe doubts of by ability to find any such place, nevermind the fact that I wouldn't want to leave those fantastic people behind regardless.

NONETHELESS, while I am terrified of losing this place, I also can't help who I am.

I am an incredibly empathetic, person, to fault.

Like, even when I'm just watching something on Netflix/Crunchyroll/YouTube or whatever, when a character in a fictional work or something acts in a particularly heinous way or some other way that I I don't agree with it, I often have to pause the video and essentially "roleplay" as the characters to work out my feelings regarding the situation. Like I recently rewatched Code Lyoko for instance on Netflix recently, and despite knowing that Ulrich and Yumi are both tweens just discovering their sexuality for the first time and thus doomed to make mistakes, as so many of us do at that age when it comes to romance and trying to figure it out, I still had to pause it a lot because of how consistently they were idiots and kept making the same mistakes over and over again, even if I understood exactly what was happening and what they were going for. Despite them being fictional characters, my empathy for Ulrich's and Yumi's true feelings for each other was so strong I had to pause and just work out waaay better ways that could have gone, a lot.

And that's just FICTIONAL characters, nevermind when stuff like that happens with very real people, like the users of this site.

So the point being, while I DON'T want to banned in any way, well, I suppose you can say my empathy takes precedent there (NOTE: THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR MYSELF TO ACTUALLY BE BANNED IN ANY WAY).

And if I were, hypothetically, to be banned, in a fight to make this a better place for so many people who are clearly hurting, clearly being ignored (like just in this VERY THERAD FOR INSTANCE: so many people are trolling TransEra and other communities and getting absolutely no punishment for it, whereas members of these communities say even the slightest thing out of turn out of their frustration, and they get permanently banned, all while more people come in to "just ask questions" about the concerns of TransEra and other communities, and the cycle repeats), who have clearly been wronged...

I DON'T WANT TO put myself at risk in any way to protect them. That shouldn't be necessary, in any way.

But if I have to, if it's indeed necessary, despite the idea itself terrifying me and I'm scared about the idea of having to find a new online home and all that, I will ALWAYS put others like that ahead of myself and my own fears, because that's just who I am.

Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere
Not even Jupiter, [ruler of the Gods,] can find a lost opportunity.

Those are words I truly try my best to live by.

So while I'm honestly terrified to speak up (which I shouldn't be and itself is a clear demonstration of a problem), even if it puts myself at risk, if it helps TransEra, MuslimEra, AsianEra, and so many other communities at all, whatsoever, I will gladly shoulder that burden and take those risks if there's even the slightest chance of my own fight and my own words making the slightest difference at all.

I don't know what those chances are, and at this point, admittedly, am pretty skeptical.

But no matter how skeptical and cynical I become, at the same time, I know that chance is NOT 0%. Nowhere close.

No matter what, there's always a chance.

And that's something I'm not willing to give up on. For both the good of communities like TransEra, AsianEra, MuslimEra, among others, and indeed, even staff themselves.

To that end, I hope the staff are indeed reading this with open minds, and truly trying their best to take all of this to heart, and if you had to pick ANYTHING from this message as a takeaway, JUST ONE THING, I would say it would be this, which is what I myself learned as a moderator back in the day on NarutoFan forums when I was a super/global/whatever you want to call it moderator there and to not make the same mistakes I myself made there and to not make any decisions that would leave you with potential regrets in the future, as I still have to this day due to my own decisions from that time. This was originally posted in a ban-appeal ticket, and I don't mean to bring it up to relitigate that ban, far from it, see the ticket thread itself where I didn't even attempt to do that there, but that I mean what I say and mean to convey my own regrets and mistakes from my time as a moderator and hope the staff don't repeat my own mistakes from back then, that is all:

"To add one more thing to this, in addition to the whole subject of transphobia, I have to admit one more particular reason this bothers me is because of a particular mistake I made while I was a global mod/advisor of the NarutoFan forums.

While I was active there, one of the things that happened was legal Crunchyroll fansubs popped up for Naruto for the first time.

But of course not only that. At the same time, for lack of a better term, a "bootleg" group called BakaSubs I believe also popped up, whose whole thing was somehow managing to get access to Crunchyroll's fansubs before they actually went live, and releasing them early, through torrents and the like, while pretty much claiming them as their own work and getting internet fame off releasing other people's work, legal work, early.

Seeing this, I so badly wanted to bring up the idea of completely banning discussion/leaks to BakaSubs because fansubs were bad enough and still a thing at the time, but those were stolen official subs, and there was no reason for there to be links for them period instead of telling them to wait.

Moreover, because there were legal versions of subs, that is, Crunchryroll's actual stuff, I also pondered whether links to fansubs should be allowed at all.

Because yes, for most me, Crunchyroll's fansubs would be a week behind the Japanese release.

But it was still a legal way of watching the series, with no consequences.

So I so desperately wanted to bring up the discussion of banning not only links to BakaSubs, but banning links to Naruto fansubs in the Anime section period, as they were not only still obviously illegal but completely unnecessary and if someone can't wait one week, just one goddamn week, well, they can get fucked at that point, was my thought process.

But due to a combination of my social anxiety, being scared that I would be laughed out of the room, and knowing that even if the mod team somehow did agree with me and hear me out, Tazmo (the owner of both the forums and the main site at the time) would still have links to fansubs on the main site regardless gave me so much pause I never so much as actually broached the subject.

And this is all something that went down over 10 years ago at this point.

But I still regret not brining it up, because, well, of course, even bringing up the subject would have been a scary change from the status quo of weekly threads for that stuff and there's no way of knowing if I would have just been laughed out of the room, and even if I weren't, how such change would be received.

To put it in short, I know the thoughts going through my head were the right thing to do but my social anxiety and fear of change just made me do nothing and let problems like that continue to fester instead.

And my choice of inaction, not knowing what happens if I would have acted differently, if even if I hadn't fought against fansubs in general and the hard work put in the animation team, if I had at least stuck up for the hard work of the people working for Crunchyroll at the very least instead of passively letting thread after thread be made for BakaSubs each week instead and let them get credit for stealing their work just because they released it earlier...

It still haunts me from time to time, even all this time later, how things might be different had I at least opened my mouth and got a discussion going in the modroom.

The point of this whole diatribe?

I don't want anyone on the staff on the site to make the same type of mistakes I made, to potentially have the same regrets over inaction that I do even years after the fact. The wondering if they did the right thing or not. The wondering if they could have done something more.

Because that stuff doesn't go away, even years after you stop visiting a site like that.

At least it doesn't for me.

Because yeah, I can only speak to my personal case. But in that case, a decade later, those regrets and doubts and questions still linger.

And in my case, that's just over stuff about how we should handle a very particular type of illegal content on a fansite.

That ain't even touching on subjects like transphobia, attacks on people who they are as human beings which they have absolutely no control over. Something that has a very real affect on many members of the community's mental well being and sense of safety.

So yeah, the points of all that being, if I still have regrets over not speaking up over BakaSubs and perhaps fansubs in general on the fansite I moderated over a decade ago, I can't imagine how heavily some of the decisions that have to be made, one way or the one, are weighing on the staff right now, because if what I went through wasn't easy, I can't begin to imagine how the decisions on what to do or not do or whatever about this situation is

But the point being that whatever is decided, make sure it's something that you won't have any regrets over.

Because whether it's a decision I agree with or not, I don't want any of the staff to go through what I did and have regrets about doing the right thing or not, regrets about being silent when you should have spoken up, or anything like that.

Even if it's not what I and others want to hear, I want to make sure that whatever decision is made is one that will allow for no regrets, because doing otherwise just isn't worth it.

So please. I know you probably don't need to hear any of this from me, and might even find this condescending, and I don't blame you if so, but I suppose this is a case of me myself not wanting to have any further regrets than I already do and not wanting to repeat the mistakes I personally made in the past, and not speak up when I could have.

Because the only way to know how things will go is if you do indeed speak up. Nothing starts until then.

As one of my favorite video game quotes go,

"Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere"

"Not even Jupiter can find a lost opportunity."

So please, whatever you do decide, don't let this be your own lost opportunity.

And that's all I want to say for now I guess.

Be well.


(And again, just to be clear, NONE OF THIS IS A CALL FOR ME TO ACTUALLY BE BANNED. I DO NOT WANT TO BE BANNED. FAR FROM IT. This is just me venting my feelings. That is all).
HOLY SHIT! TLDR? I ain't reading all that.


There's a massive Shiron post that I can't even fit in a screenshot and I don't even understand why he's wrote it. I'll just copy and paste because it's too long and somebody can translate this. Be ready, it's a big one. Apologies for taking up the thread with this bullshit beforehand. Alright? Alright. Here it goes.

Shiron Post:
This is an odd-ban: shouldn't I be banned to under the logic for this ban? Why am I not? Especially when I'm quoted supposedly breaking the same thread rules. If not for that, then for linking Poodlestrike's old posts earlier in the thread, or something? Surely some of that would fall under the not-relitigating old incidents rule in the OP? This is just getting really confusing

Not that I want to be banned. Far from it.

Though I have become very disappointed in the staff, and do not trust them at all, and I have made that clear numerous times over, I DO NOT want to be banned.

Because the simple fact is... I have nowhere else to go. If I were to say, hypothetically be permanently banned from here, I don't know where to turn. Especially since I really don't like Discords and the like and as many problems as this site has, there are still so many wonderful people here and even if I mostly lurk and don't talk directly to them or anything, I don't want to lose that. There's no place I've found like this, and I severely doubt my own experience to find anything close.

Especially since all my old haunts, stuff like Serebii's message boards, BulbaGarden, Smogon's message boards, etc, while trying their best in their own ways, none of them are anywhere close to this site and the amount of love I feel for it and the amount of users on it that I dearly, truly appreciate and wish the best for, even if, as someone who's primarily a lurker, I don't express those feelings anywhere near as much as I should. The community here is awesome, and I don't want to lose it, and if I were to look for somewhere else, I wouldn't even know where to begin, and have severe doubts of by ability to find any such place, nevermind the fact that I wouldn't want to leave those fantastic people behind regardless.

NONETHELESS, while I am terrified of losing this place, I also can't help who I am.

I am an incredibly empathetic, person, to fault.

Like, even when I'm just watching something on Netflix/Crunchyroll/YouTube or whatever, when a character in a fictional work or something acts in a particularly heinous way or some other way that I I don't agree with it, I often have to pause the video and essentially "roleplay" as the characters to work out my feelings regarding the situation. Like I recently rewatched Code Lyoko for instance on Netflix recently, and despite knowing that Ulrich and Yumi are both tweens just discovering their sexuality for the first time and thus doomed to make mistakes, as so many of us do at that age when it comes to romance and trying to figure it out, I still had to pause it a lot because of how consistently they were idiots and kept making the same mistakes over and over again, even if I understood exactly what was happening and what they were going for. Despite them being fictional characters, my empathy for Ulrich's and Yumi's true feelings for each other was so strong I had to pause and just work out waaay better ways that could have gone, a lot.

And that's just FICTIONAL characters, nevermind when stuff like that happens with very real people, like the users of this site.

So the point being, while I DON'T want to banned in any way, well, I suppose you can say my empathy takes precedent there (NOTE: THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR MYSELF TO ACTUALLY BE BANNED IN ANY WAY).

And if I were, hypothetically, to be banned, in a fight to make this a better place for so many people who are clearly hurting, clearly being ignored (like just in this VERY THERAD FOR INSTANCE: so many people are trolling TransEra and other communities and getting absolutely no punishment for it, whereas members of these communities say even the slightest thing out of turn out of their frustration, and they get permanently banned, all while more people come in to "just ask questions" about the concerns of TransEra and other communities, and the cycle repeats), who have clearly been wronged...

I DON'T WANT TO put myself at risk in any way to protect them. That shouldn't be necessary, in any way.

But if I have to, if it's indeed necessary, despite the idea itself terrifying me and I'm scared about the idea of having to find a new online home and all that, I will ALWAYS put others like that ahead of myself and my own fears, because that's just who I am.

Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere
Not even Jupiter, [ruler of the Gods,] can find a lost opportunity.

Those are words I truly try my best to live by.

So while I'm honestly terrified to speak up (which I shouldn't be and itself is a clear demonstration of a problem), even if it puts myself at risk, if it helps TransEra, MuslimEra, AsianEra, and so many other communities at all, whatsoever, I will gladly shoulder that burden and take those risks if there's even the slightest chance of my own fight and my own words making the slightest difference at all.

I don't know what those chances are, and at this point, admittedly, am pretty skeptical.

But no matter how skeptical and cynical I become, at the same time, I know that chance is NOT 0%. Nowhere close.

No matter what, there's always a chance.

And that's something I'm not willing to give up on. For both the good of communities like TransEra, AsianEra, MuslimEra, among others, and indeed, even staff themselves.

To that end, I hope the staff are indeed reading this with open minds, and truly trying their best to take all of this to heart, and if you had to pick ANYTHING from this message as a takeaway, JUST ONE THING, I would say it would be this, which is what I myself learned as a moderator back in the day on NarutoFan forums when I was a super/global/whatever you want to call it moderator there and to not make the same mistakes I myself made there and to not make any decisions that would leave you with potential regrets in the future, as I still have to this day due to my own decisions from that time. This was originally posted in a ban-appeal ticket, and I don't mean to bring it up to relitigate that ban, far from it, see the ticket thread itself where I didn't even attempt to do that there, but that I mean what I say and mean to convey my own regrets and mistakes from my time as a moderator and hope the staff don't repeat my own mistakes from back then, that is all:

"To add one more thing to this, in addition to the whole subject of transphobia, I have to admit one more particular reason this bothers me is because of a particular mistake I made while I was a global mod/advisor of the NarutoFan forums.

While I was active there, one of the things that happened was legal Crunchyroll fansubs popped up for Naruto for the first time.

But of course not only that. At the same time, for lack of a better term, a "bootleg" group called BakaSubs I believe also popped up, whose whole thing was somehow managing to get access to Crunchyroll's fansubs before they actually went live, and releasing them early, through torrents and the like, while pretty much claiming them as their own work and getting internet fame off releasing other people's work, legal work, early.

Seeing this, I so badly wanted to bring up the idea of completely banning discussion/leaks to BakaSubs because fansubs were bad enough and still a thing at the time, but those were stolen official subs, and there was no reason for there to be links for them period instead of telling them to wait.

Moreover, because there were legal versions of subs, that is, Crunchryroll's actual stuff, I also pondered whether links to fansubs should be allowed at all.

Because yes, for most me, Crunchyroll's fansubs would be a week behind the Japanese release.

But it was still a legal way of watching the series, with no consequences.

So I so desperately wanted to bring up the discussion of banning not only links to BakaSubs, but banning links to Naruto fansubs in the Anime section period, as they were not only still obviously illegal but completely unnecessary and if someone can't wait one week, just one goddamn week, well, they can get fucked at that point, was my thought process.

But due to a combination of my social anxiety, being scared that I would be laughed out of the room, and knowing that even if the mod team somehow did agree with me and hear me out, Tazmo (the owner of both the forums and the main site at the time) would still have links to fansubs on the main site regardless gave me so much pause I never so much as actually broached the subject.

And this is all something that went down over 10 years ago at this point.

But I still regret not brining it up, because, well, of course, even bringing up the subject would have been a scary change from the status quo of weekly threads for that stuff and there's no way of knowing if I would have just been laughed out of the room, and even if I weren't, how such change would be received.

To put it in short, I know the thoughts going through my head were the right thing to do but my social anxiety and fear of change just made me do nothing and let problems like that continue to fester instead.

And my choice of inaction, not knowing what happens if I would have acted differently, if even if I hadn't fought against fansubs in general and the hard work put in the animation team, if I had at least stuck up for the hard work of the people working for Crunchyroll at the very least instead of passively letting thread after thread be made for BakaSubs each week instead and let them get credit for stealing their work just because they released it earlier...

It still haunts me from time to time, even all this time later, how things might be different had I at least opened my mouth and got a discussion going in the modroom.

The point of this whole diatribe?

I don't want anyone on the staff on the site to make the same type of mistakes I made, to potentially have the same regrets over inaction that I do even years after the fact. The wondering if they did the right thing or not. The wondering if they could have done something more.

Because that stuff doesn't go away, even years after you stop visiting a site like that.

At least it doesn't for me.

Because yeah, I can only speak to my personal case. But in that case, a decade later, those regrets and doubts and questions still linger.

And in my case, that's just over stuff about how we should handle a very particular type of illegal content on a fansite.

That ain't even touching on subjects like transphobia, attacks on people who they are as human beings which they have absolutely no control over. Something that has a very real affect on many members of the community's mental well being and sense of safety.

So yeah, the points of all that being, if I still have regrets over not speaking up over BakaSubs and perhaps fansubs in general on the fansite I moderated over a decade ago, I can't imagine how heavily some of the decisions that have to be made, one way or the one, are weighing on the staff right now, because if what I went through wasn't easy, I can't begin to imagine how the decisions on what to do or not do or whatever about this situation is

But the point being that whatever is decided, make sure it's something that you won't have any regrets over.

Because whether it's a decision I agree with or not, I don't want any of the staff to go through what I did and have regrets about doing the right thing or not, regrets about being silent when you should have spoken up, or anything like that.

Even if it's not what I and others want to hear, I want to make sure that whatever decision is made is one that will allow for no regrets, because doing otherwise just isn't worth it.

So please. I know you probably don't need to hear any of this from me, and might even find this condescending, and I don't blame you if so, but I suppose this is a case of me myself not wanting to have any further regrets than I already do and not wanting to repeat the mistakes I personally made in the past, and not speak up when I could have.

Because the only way to know how things will go is if you do indeed speak up. Nothing starts until then.

As one of my favorite video game quotes go,

"Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere"

"Not even Jupiter can find a lost opportunity."

So please, whatever you do decide, don't let this be your own lost opportunity.

And that's all I want to say for now I guess.

Be well.


(And again, just to be clear, NONE OF THIS IS A CALL FOR ME TO ACTUALLY BE BANNED. I DO NOT WANT TO BE BANNED. FAR FROM IT. This is just me venting my feelings. That is all).

Banned ERA members are so much they literally filled three forum at least, Metacouncil, Joyfreak and this, not counting those who are back on GAF.

Resetera, an healthy forum. Also videogame forum.
I imagine a new forum catering to the queer community will be next, which will spin off into two more forums because that group is prone to drama and self-destruction.


There's a massive Shiron post that I can't even fit in a screenshot and I don't even understand why he's wrote it. I'll just copy and paste because it's too long and somebody can translate this. Be ready, it's a big one. Apologies for taking up the thread with this bullshit beforehand. Alright? Alright. Here it goes.

Shiron Post:
This is an odd-ban: shouldn't I be banned to under the logic for this ban? Why am I not? Especially when I'm quoted supposedly breaking the same thread rules. If not for that, then for linking Poodlestrike's old posts earlier in the thread, or something? Surely some of that would fall under the not-relitigating old incidents rule in the OP? This is just getting really confusing

Not that I want to be banned. Far from it.

Though I have become very disappointed in the staff, and do not trust them at all, and I have made that clear numerous times over, I DO NOT want to be banned.

Because the simple fact is... I have nowhere else to go. If I were to say, hypothetically be permanently banned from here, I don't know where to turn. Especially since I really don't like Discords and the like and as many problems as this site has, there are still so many wonderful people here and even if I mostly lurk and don't talk directly to them or anything, I don't want to lose that. There's no place I've found like this, and I severely doubt my own experience to find anything close.

Especially since all my old haunts, stuff like Serebii's message boards, BulbaGarden, Smogon's message boards, etc, while trying their best in their own ways, none of them are anywhere close to this site and the amount of love I feel for it and the amount of users on it that I dearly, truly appreciate and wish the best for, even if, as someone who's primarily a lurker, I don't express those feelings anywhere near as much as I should. The community here is awesome, and I don't want to lose it, and if I were to look for somewhere else, I wouldn't even know where to begin, and have severe doubts of by ability to find any such place, nevermind the fact that I wouldn't want to leave those fantastic people behind regardless.

NONETHELESS, while I am terrified of losing this place, I also can't help who I am.

I am an incredibly empathetic, person, to fault.

Like, even when I'm just watching something on Netflix/Crunchyroll/YouTube or whatever, when a character in a fictional work or something acts in a particularly heinous way or some other way that I I don't agree with it, I often have to pause the video and essentially "roleplay" as the characters to work out my feelings regarding the situation. Like I recently rewatched Code Lyoko for instance on Netflix recently, and despite knowing that Ulrich and Yumi are both tweens just discovering their sexuality for the first time and thus doomed to make mistakes, as so many of us do at that age when it comes to romance and trying to figure it out, I still had to pause it a lot because of how consistently they were idiots and kept making the same mistakes over and over again, even if I understood exactly what was happening and what they were going for. Despite them being fictional characters, my empathy for Ulrich's and Yumi's true feelings for each other was so strong I had to pause and just work out waaay better ways that could have gone, a lot.

And that's just FICTIONAL characters, nevermind when stuff like that happens with very real people, like the users of this site.

So the point being, while I DON'T want to banned in any way, well, I suppose you can say my empathy takes precedent there (NOTE: THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR MYSELF TO ACTUALLY BE BANNED IN ANY WAY).

And if I were, hypothetically, to be banned, in a fight to make this a better place for so many people who are clearly hurting, clearly being ignored (like just in this VERY THERAD FOR INSTANCE: so many people are trolling TransEra and other communities and getting absolutely no punishment for it, whereas members of these communities say even the slightest thing out of turn out of their frustration, and they get permanently banned, all while more people come in to "just ask questions" about the concerns of TransEra and other communities, and the cycle repeats), who have clearly been wronged...

I DON'T WANT TO put myself at risk in any way to protect them. That shouldn't be necessary, in any way.

But if I have to, if it's indeed necessary, despite the idea itself terrifying me and I'm scared about the idea of having to find a new online home and all that, I will ALWAYS put others like that ahead of myself and my own fears, because that's just who I am.

Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere
Not even Jupiter, [ruler of the Gods,] can find a lost opportunity.

Those are words I truly try my best to live by.

So while I'm honestly terrified to speak up (which I shouldn't be and itself is a clear demonstration of a problem), even if it puts myself at risk, if it helps TransEra, MuslimEra, AsianEra, and so many other communities at all, whatsoever, I will gladly shoulder that burden and take those risks if there's even the slightest chance of my own fight and my own words making the slightest difference at all.

I don't know what those chances are, and at this point, admittedly, am pretty skeptical.

But no matter how skeptical and cynical I become, at the same time, I know that chance is NOT 0%. Nowhere close.

No matter what, there's always a chance.

And that's something I'm not willing to give up on. For both the good of communities like TransEra, AsianEra, MuslimEra, among others, and indeed, even staff themselves.

To that end, I hope the staff are indeed reading this with open minds, and truly trying their best to take all of this to heart, and if you had to pick ANYTHING from this message as a takeaway, JUST ONE THING, I would say it would be this, which is what I myself learned as a moderator back in the day on NarutoFan forums when I was a super/global/whatever you want to call it moderator there and to not make the same mistakes I myself made there and to not make any decisions that would leave you with potential regrets in the future, as I still have to this day due to my own decisions from that time. This was originally posted in a ban-appeal ticket, and I don't mean to bring it up to relitigate that ban, far from it, see the ticket thread itself where I didn't even attempt to do that there, but that I mean what I say and mean to convey my own regrets and mistakes from my time as a moderator and hope the staff don't repeat my own mistakes from back then, that is all:

"To add one more thing to this, in addition to the whole subject of transphobia, I have to admit one more particular reason this bothers me is because of a particular mistake I made while I was a global mod/advisor of the NarutoFan forums.

While I was active there, one of the things that happened was legal Crunchyroll fansubs popped up for Naruto for the first time.

But of course not only that. At the same time, for lack of a better term, a "bootleg" group called BakaSubs I believe also popped up, whose whole thing was somehow managing to get access to Crunchyroll's fansubs before they actually went live, and releasing them early, through torrents and the like, while pretty much claiming them as their own work and getting internet fame off releasing other people's work, legal work, early.

Seeing this, I so badly wanted to bring up the idea of completely banning discussion/leaks to BakaSubs because fansubs were bad enough and still a thing at the time, but those were stolen official subs, and there was no reason for there to be links for them period instead of telling them to wait.

Moreover, because there were legal versions of subs, that is, Crunchryroll's actual stuff, I also pondered whether links to fansubs should be allowed at all.

Because yes, for most me, Crunchyroll's fansubs would be a week behind the Japanese release.

But it was still a legal way of watching the series, with no consequences.

So I so desperately wanted to bring up the discussion of banning not only links to BakaSubs, but banning links to Naruto fansubs in the Anime section period, as they were not only still obviously illegal but completely unnecessary and if someone can't wait one week, just one goddamn week, well, they can get fucked at that point, was my thought process.

But due to a combination of my social anxiety, being scared that I would be laughed out of the room, and knowing that even if the mod team somehow did agree with me and hear me out, Tazmo (the owner of both the forums and the main site at the time) would still have links to fansubs on the main site regardless gave me so much pause I never so much as actually broached the subject.

And this is all something that went down over 10 years ago at this point.

But I still regret not brining it up, because, well, of course, even bringing up the subject would have been a scary change from the status quo of weekly threads for that stuff and there's no way of knowing if I would have just been laughed out of the room, and even if I weren't, how such change would be received.

To put it in short, I know the thoughts going through my head were the right thing to do but my social anxiety and fear of change just made me do nothing and let problems like that continue to fester instead.

And my choice of inaction, not knowing what happens if I would have acted differently, if even if I hadn't fought against fansubs in general and the hard work put in the animation team, if I had at least stuck up for the hard work of the people working for Crunchyroll at the very least instead of passively letting thread after thread be made for BakaSubs each week instead and let them get credit for stealing their work just because they released it earlier...

It still haunts me from time to time, even all this time later, how things might be different had I at least opened my mouth and got a discussion going in the modroom.

The point of this whole diatribe?

I don't want anyone on the staff on the site to make the same type of mistakes I made, to potentially have the same regrets over inaction that I do even years after the fact. The wondering if they did the right thing or not. The wondering if they could have done something more.

Because that stuff doesn't go away, even years after you stop visiting a site like that.

At least it doesn't for me.

Because yeah, I can only speak to my personal case. But in that case, a decade later, those regrets and doubts and questions still linger.

And in my case, that's just over stuff about how we should handle a very particular type of illegal content on a fansite.

That ain't even touching on subjects like transphobia, attacks on people who they are as human beings which they have absolutely no control over. Something that has a very real affect on many members of the community's mental well being and sense of safety.

So yeah, the points of all that being, if I still have regrets over not speaking up over BakaSubs and perhaps fansubs in general on the fansite I moderated over a decade ago, I can't imagine how heavily some of the decisions that have to be made, one way or the one, are weighing on the staff right now, because if what I went through wasn't easy, I can't begin to imagine how the decisions on what to do or not do or whatever about this situation is

But the point being that whatever is decided, make sure it's something that you won't have any regrets over.

Because whether it's a decision I agree with or not, I don't want any of the staff to go through what I did and have regrets about doing the right thing or not, regrets about being silent when you should have spoken up, or anything like that.

Even if it's not what I and others want to hear, I want to make sure that whatever decision is made is one that will allow for no regrets, because doing otherwise just isn't worth it.

So please. I know you probably don't need to hear any of this from me, and might even find this condescending, and I don't blame you if so, but I suppose this is a case of me myself not wanting to have any further regrets than I already do and not wanting to repeat the mistakes I personally made in the past, and not speak up when I could have.

Because the only way to know how things will go is if you do indeed speak up. Nothing starts until then.

As one of my favorite video game quotes go,

"Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere"

"Not even Jupiter can find a lost opportunity."

So please, whatever you do decide, don't let this be your own lost opportunity.

And that's all I want to say for now I guess.

Be well.


(And again, just to be clear, NONE OF THIS IS A CALL FOR ME TO ACTUALLY BE BANNED. I DO NOT WANT TO BE BANNED. FAR FROM IT. This is just me venting my feelings. That is all).

... and then he woke up and realized that he's an npc inside an Ubisoft-game.


Gold Member
ShironRedShift is not bad at English. Nor is he bad at composition. He is, however, bad at remembering if he is trans or not.

He is a troll.

Those long posts are to troll the moderators.
That's some dedication. Everyone likes to troll here and there, but spend all day doing text and finding links worth 7,000 words???


JUST STOP already for Christs sake! What the fresh hell is wrong with these people? Poster asks for moderation of language, but is instantly & totally shut down. You can not preach tolerance by being so utterly hate-filled towards average people you haven't met, discussed anything with or have zero context of. (Read: Average, not sodding neonazi's!)

They love to point out this "Less than X posts" or "Junior phase" (Even if they're long term lurkers) - Maybe because they're so terrified of speaking anything they just don't bother? (Like why do you think I'm posting this here and not there?)

(Edit: With images)


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I imagine a new forum catering to the queer community will be next, which will spin off into two more forums because that group is prone to drama and self-destruction.

Has happened before, look up the SA riot. The person who set it up left it pretty quickly and went back to SA.
JUST STOP already for Christs sake! What the fresh hell is wrong with these people? Poster asks for moderation of language, but is instantly & totally shut down. You can not preach tolerance by being so utterly hate-filled towards average people you haven't met, discussed anything with or have zero context of. (Read: Average, not sodding neonazi's!)

They love to point out this "Less than X posts" or "Junior phase" (Even if they're long term lurkers) - Maybe because they're so terrified of speaking anything they just don't bother? (Like why do you think I'm posting this here and not there?)

(Edit: With images)


HATE HATE HATE. The radical 'liberal' left. They're too stupid for words.


Neighbours from Hell
JUST STOP already for Christs sake! What the fresh hell is wrong with these people? Poster asks for moderation of language, but is instantly & totally shut down. You can not preach tolerance by being so utterly hate-filled towards average people you haven't met, discussed anything with or have zero context of. (Read: Average, not sodding neonazi's!)

They love to point out this "Less than X posts" or "Junior phase" (Even if they're long term lurkers) - Maybe because they're so terrified of speaking anything they just don't bother? (Like why do you think I'm posting this here and not there?)

(Edit: With images)


Respond and tell Earthbound if you're a cop, thank you for your service and your heroism is appreciated.


HATE HATE HATE. The radical 'liberal' left. They're too stupid for words.

I just can't put up with it any more. It's just so, so unnecessary & so angry for no reason. If the guy had come in spouting all sorts of hateful garbage or was a known hate speaker then that's one thing - But simply asking for respect to be given both ways with no obvious agenda behind it does not in any way warrant it.

I rarely post, but I'm a long time lurker over there. They sometimes have some good gaming threads. But anything I post will just be slapped back with "Junior phase"
Any other forum you'd be allowed to call this terrible behaviour out - Over there it'll net you a ban.
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What really gets on my nerves, too:

EVERY time someone posts something that the resetera hive mind/admins/mods disagree with, that person is banned with the ban reason being: "Troll account".

Bloody hell, having an opinion you dislike doesn't make the other person a troll! WTF

Just happened here where a user true to the wokeness of Resetera pointed out that "bastard" is a discriminatory slur, too, and should be respected as much as the transphobia. But no, he's a troll account. Because ... BECAUSE.

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