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Resident Evil 4 - January 11'th

Gah, I just remembered that Jungle Beat is coming out early next year as well. This might be the best first-quarter line-up we've seen in a very long time.
JC10001 said:

Paper Mario 2
Metroid Prime 2
Donkey Konga
Star Fox 2
Baten Kaitos (Namco published)

Still not that bad imo. Losing RE hurts but it might still might sell some systems in the first quarter of '05. Zelda and RE next year ensures that ...


I agree. Next years line up is Stellar to say the least. Xbox will have day in the sun in 2004. 2005 belongs to the Cube. :p


It may turn out like Ninja Gaiden -- missing the holiday crush to put an extra layer of polish on the game. Then releasing in 1st quarter as a AAA title with little competition. Ninja Gaiden sold quite well in March, so RE4 could do the same in early 2005. Jan. 11th is much too close to the post-Xmas slump though. They should push it back to Feb or March.
Yeah, I doubt it will actually come out in January.

Saying that the sales will take a big hit is questionable. Sonic Heroes did pretty well in January, and in the last two years we've seen Ninja Gaiden and Wind Waker perform very well in early spring. Resident Evil Remake did better as a spring release than RE0 did as a holiday title. OTOH, Pandora Tomorrow seems to have been hurt by not being a big holiday title like the first Splinter Cell was.

You can find plenty of examples both ways. It will likely come down to what kind of competition there is at the time of release, and what kind of advertising push the game gets.


That's so close to Christmas that it's not even funny. They're purposely delaying it to distance it from Nintendo's upcoming Christmas lineup. It's probably smart, as it's so close to Christmas that it'll still sell, but damn! Kinda funny actually.


Link316 said:
this delay might be good for existing GC owers in spacing out the software, but alot of consoles are sold in Nov/Dec, RE4 could've helped shift some of those sales towards the GC which it aint gonna do now

That basically sums it up. RE4 was going to sell whenever it came out its just that in Nov/Dec it could move more hardware than in Jan/Feb.


RE4 would've been trampled during the holidays. It'll probably pull off about 400,000, like RE0 and REmake.


A lot of people are ringing their hands over "missing the holidays by three weeks." They are missing it by far more than three weeks. The bulk of the holiday sales would be in the days following Thanksgiving. A launch just before Christmas (as some of you suggest) would be of little consequence.

Besides, it has always been my belief that certain GameCube owners have been a bit overzealous with their RE4 sales estimates. This game was not going to move more than 500,000 copies in the US, and it was not going to push that many systems. Resident Evil Remake and Resident Evil 0 were just as likely to start a rush on systems, and neither did the trick. Between PS2 and Xbox, you have games that fit the bill within the survival horror genre (Silent Hill 4, Doom 3, etc.). Therefore, the drawing power of another Resident Evil game is suspect at best.

Resident Evil 4 was going to sell primarily to existing GameCube owners, and it still will.


It'll end up getting delayed to Feburary or March, that's what they did to Resident Evil 2 and Code Veronica, respectively.


If my memory serves me right Sonic Heros came out January 6th on the cube and sold next to 600k copies to this day...


actually this is good news for me since I thought the initial delay was around march.

And comon, If the capcom programmers just work alittle harder they could have gotten this game out of the door like 4 weeks earlier. Could this mean that capcom "want" to release at this time, and not around the holidays?


"We've always said that it is coming out in the winter and this has not changed."

Awesome damage control/PR spin. They'll be telling us the same thing in March too.


Culex said:
Matt @ IGN just updated the GC board.

Insiders, go HERE


EDITED: Link up now

Aw buddy. This sucks for Capcom, RE, and Nintendo fans.

As far as GCN though, I never saw RE4 as a big title that would help Nintendo move systems. GCN is still basically in the same position with PM2, SF, and MP2: E. Those are the only Nintendo releases that have a chance of making the top 10 this fall. Well, that Shark Tales game could end up extra big like Shrek 2 and Harry Potter did and sneak in too.
Odysseus said:
A lot of people are ringing their hands over "missing the holidays by three weeks." They are missing it by far more than three weeks. The bulk of the holiday sales would be in the days following Thanksgiving. A launch just before Christmas (as some of you suggest) would be of little consequence.

Many, many games have sold well in December. FFX came out only a few days ahead of Christmas. The original J&D came out in December as did Ghost Recon (PS2 - crap game almost at a million units sold), Dragon Ball Z, & Super Smash Bros Melee.

As long as you get it out before the last weekend before Christmas and it's a big game. It's gonna sell.


Junior Member
Who the fuck cares if they miss sales, dudes on gaming message boards? Im gonna play the game and enjoy it like everyone else who buys it in 05'.

No need to rush games this year, there are tons of awesome releases coming out to hold us over...


sonycowboy said:
Many, many games have sold well in December. FFX came out only a few days ahead of Christmas. The original J&D came out in December as did Ghost Recon (PS2 - crap game almost at a million units sold), Dragon Ball Z, & Super Smash Bros Melee.

As long as you get it out before the last weekend before Christmas and it's a big game. It's gonna sell.

Final Fantasy is a huge franchise in America, so is DBZ and Tom Clancy. J&D had a huge marketing campaign as well (and came out at a time when a lot of people were buying systems due to MGS2, GT3, and FFX, after that long drought). SSBM was also two weeks after the GC launch, and treated as a launch title.

Resident Evil, while still a big franchise, is nowhere near the level it used to be. Being around Halo, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto, and even Jak and Tom Clancy would have shown that more than ever.


I hate these announcements...there is really no really good news involved, but it's definitely not a catastrophe in any way.


No one mentioned it in the thread so I will.
What is the actual release date of the Japanese domestic version ?
If it's November, I want to know why our version get's such a big delay when it should
have definately been targeted towards Xmas.


Zenny said:
No one mentioned it in the thread so I will.
What is the actual release date of the Japanese domestic version ?
If it's November, I want to know why our version get's such a big delay when it should
have definately been targeted towards Xmas.
If it is Nov., that's a good point considering RE's consistently sold more in the US on GCN.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Odysseus said:
A lot of people are ringing their hands over "missing the holidays by three weeks." They are missing it by far more than three weeks. The bulk of the holiday sales would be in the days following Thanksgiving. A launch just before Christmas (as some of you suggest) would be of little consequence.

Actually the bulk of holiday sales occurs in the week leading up to Christmas. Nearly 60%.

Li Mu Bai

Why are you all of you so surprised? I've been saying this. This title will sell regardless, 500,000? Only 100k more than RE:Remake & RE:0? Check the current userbase, especially after the holiday season. What did the Cube have last Christmas? MKDD and VJ? This holiday season is quite literally overloaded, & many titles will get left behind. Not that RE4 would, but the multitude of "AAA" titles definitely would impact its sales. So people don't receive money & gift certificates as presents anymore? I could've sworn I got a Best Buy giftcard last year.

It's Twin Snakes all over again.

Narcotic use is detrimental to your health tm.

RE4 would've been trampled during the holidays. It'll probably pull off about 400,000, like RE0 and REmake.

Ani, what was your Soul Calibur II GC prediction again? I have been wrong before as well, regarding my MGS:TTS estimates. But RE4 is a whole different breed. You played it as I did at E3, it will push systems regardless of when it is released IMO. Gratuitous violence & graphic whoredom hold a very strong place among mainstream gamers. Releasing in arguably the GC's strongest exclusive software library year, 400k is lowballing this title. Hell, FF:CC (with its hw prerequisites) will reach 400k before this year's end.


Li Mu Bai said:
Ani, what was your Soul Calibur II GC prediction again? I have been wrong before as well, regarding my MGS:TTS estimates. But RE4 is a whole different breed. You played it as I did at E3, it will push systems regardless of when it is released IMO. Gratuitous violence & graphic whoredom hold a very strong place among mainstream gamers. Releasing in arguably the GC's strongest exclusive software library year, 400k is lowballing this title. Hell, FF:CC (with its hw prerequisites) will reach 400k before this year's end.

I don't recall making SC II estimates. I do remember predicting TTS to sell 280k for 2004 in the US.

As fun and good as it may be, I just don't think the series has any steam left on the GC. Kinda like Onimusha 3 on the PS2.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
iirc, Resident Evil 2 came out in January, too, and sold like crazy. sounds like Capcom's going for a repeat performance.
Could they be considering a RE bundle, if so I will wait to replace my damaged GC. I believe it will sell systems if it was part of a bundle like MP2:E and as a stand alone product. A demo of course would be in the bundle. I'll play MP2:E on my brothers GC.
Considering that it was being said that it wouldn't come until February or March...This news makes me happy. Regardless of sales, I'm happy by the news to know I'll be playing RE4 that much earlier.


Terrible idea.. hopefully Capcom comes to their senses and gets it out the door a few weeks earlier.


Sucks at viral marketing
OG_Original Gamer said:
Could they be considering a RE bundle, if so I will wait to replace my damaged GC. I believe it will sell systems if it was part of a bundle like MP2:E and as a stand alone product. A demo of course would be in the bundle. I'll play MP2:E on my brothers GC.
I wouldn't count on it. Not in the US. Capcom USA either hates Nintendo or is the sorriest bunch of morons in gaming. There's no other way to explain their past actions. If a bundle happens, it because Nintendo went over CapUSA's head and straight the head office.

I don't know the japanese calender, but doesn't Jan. 11th still within the holiday season, over there?

Li Mu Bai

AniHawk said:
I don't recall making SC II estimates. I do remember predicting TTS to sell 280k for 2004 in the US.

As fun and good as it may be, I just don't think the series has any steam left on the GC. Kinda like Onimusha 3 on the PS2.

You did, I remember reading the thread on the old GAF. (you lowballed it) Onimusha 3 is nothing like the complete redesign & character gameplay additions of RE4. You're also forgetting a very important word: Hype. From the gaming media to just about anyone who's played it. It will be heavily marketed, & will easily outsell its predecessors. Did Onimusha 3 have any hype or commercials even? Typically, when a game has no steam left, its sequel (or prequel in this case) sales half or more though not equalling its predecessor. This is Onimusha's scenario, not RE's.


Oh well, the delay could have been much worse.

If BioHazard 4 makes it out in December, that'll be just as good for me.


Well, if you play Paper Mario 2 casually, by the time you finish, you can purchase Resident Evil 4.

(this attempt at spin has been brought to you by the letters G, D, and F)
Lost Weekend said:
Well, if you play Paper Mario 2 casually, by the time you finish, you can purchase Resident Evil 4.

(this attempt at spin has been brought to you by the letters G, D, and F)

Paper Mario 2? I'm sure you mean Metroid Prime 2.


How stupid of Capcom, and Nintendo by extension. This was the biggest Resident Evil title that they were to get with all the money they paid for the exclusivity deal. They didn't have the brains to stipulate that it needed to launch by Xmas 2004?

This move is bad for business in Sega-esque proportions.


Littleberu said:
You wouldn't had time to play RE4 anyway with Metroid Prime 2. Because you're all gonna buy it RIGHT?

I don't think I will.
The feeling is we are pretty much gonna get more of the same...
reworked maps on the same engine. . . - even if this isn't so . . . there's not much enticing me.

Now, if Geist gets delayed, then that IS a delay. The release date is still "Q4 2004," which they can't spin as having meant "2005" all along...


Teddman said:
How stupid of Capcom, and Nintendo by extension. This was the biggest Resident Evil title that they were to get with all the money they paid for the exclusivity deal. They didn't have the brains to stipulate that it needed to launch by Xmas 2004?

This move is bad for business in Sega-esque proportions.

It's not a Sega-esque move. RE4 is a game that requires careful programming and such. The delay is only 10 days, no big deal.


Teddman said:
This move is bad for business in Sega-esque proportions.

Comparing to SEGA i think RE4 would be their best decison ever :p

Its unlikely it will come out in winter IMO. I hope they do take thier sweet time. 2005 will be one hell of a year with both Zelda and RE4 coming.


Kobun Heat said:

Now, if Geist gets delayed, then that IS a delay. The release date is still "Q4 2004," which they can't spin as having meant "2005" all along...

You know, Nintendo's E3 Press Kit lists RE4 as a Q4 2004 release.


It's not a Sega-esque move. RE4 is a game that requires careful programming and such. The delay is only 10 days, no big deal.
Missing Xmas IS big, stop the denial. You're telling me that working a little overtime from now until the holidays wouldn't allow enough time for the "careful programming" to be done by the all-important shopping season? Nintendo can't lean on Capcom to that end? If it's "only 10 days" that'd be entirely possible.

This kind of "that's OK, that's OK" enabling by fans doesn't help Nintendo or push them to become more competitive.
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