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Resident Evil 4 - January 11'th


Teddman said:
Missing Xmas IS big, stop the denial. You're telling me that working a little overtime from now until the holidays wouldn't allow enough time for the "careful programming" to be done by the all-important shopping season? Nintendo can't lean on Capcom to that end? If it's "only 10 days" that'd be entirely possible.

This kind of "that's OK, that's OK" enabling by fans doesn't help Nintendo or push them to become more competitive.

Teddman is right.
What's stopping them from cramming the 10 days of work so it meets the Xmas period?
I've seen how some of those Japanese programmers work, around the clock with sleeping bags.
- This is going to be a blockbuster title. - what is Nintendo/Capcom doing ?
Especially if the Japanese domestic version is released in Nov, I can't understand some of the decision making at Capcom America and NOA.
BuddyChrist83 said:
You know, Nintendo's E3 Press Kit lists RE4 as a Q4 2004 release.
True, but Capcom can claim that Nintendo misinterpreted their meaning. Nintendo can't claim that about themselves.
Zenny said:
What's stopping them from cramming the 10 days of work so it meets the Xmas period?
One answer would be that it's not actually coming on the 11th. If you miss Christmas, what's another month or two?

You know, in all this hubbub I completely forgot how much I hate Resident Evil. It's been a while since I played one and I nearly thought for a second that I cared about it.


Kobun Heat said:
One answer would be that it's not actually coming on the 11th. If you miss Christmas, what's another month or two?

You know, in all this hubbub I completely forgot how much I hate Resident Evil. It's been a while since I played one and I nearly thought for a second that I cared about it.

Lies! Burn him!

Li Mu Bai

If RE4 does release in January, (or later) what exactly is its competition gents? Do people magically stop buying games after the holidays? If so, then that's news to me. All the big guns would've already been released.


If I were Capcom, (and assuming the game is actually coming out in early Jan) I would just go gangbusters with commercials and print adverts announcing Resident Evil 4 as coming soon or coming Jan 10th or whatever. Blow the doors down with the adverts , and the people will buy it anyway. It might miss the Christmas trees, but at least it'll be there for the cash granny sent.
I'm not too worried about this "delay". As long as this game gets the marketing it deserves it should still do well. As a gamer I have enough games to play at Xmas anyway..


I'm betting that the game is very near completion, and January 11th is some strategic placement, or something. I think it's stupid, but Capcom obviously believes more people will notice the game, and in turn buy the game in January.

Of course, reality is WE will buy the game any damn time, so what they should do is get as many "mommy, I want THAT for Christmas!" purchases from young & casual gamers.


NotMSRP said:
RE4 is an M-rated game intended for adults, and adults don't care about the calendar but only their wallets. Wouldn't the games most impacted by the Xmas fever be E and T games?

So adults don't play E and T games? Guess again.


Teddman said:
Missing Xmas IS big, stop the denial. You're telling me that working a little overtime from now until the holidays wouldn't allow enough time for the "careful programming" to be done by the all-important shopping season? Nintendo can't lean on Capcom to that end? If it's "only 10 days" that'd be entirely possible.

This kind of "that's OK, that's OK" enabling by fans doesn't help Nintendo or push them to become more competitive.

Missing X-Mas IS big, but nothing "Sega-esque" like you said.

Geez, most RE fans before me have been waiting for this title since 1999... 10 or 21 won't kill most of you.
Zenny said:
I don't think I will.
The feeling is we are pretty much gonna get more of the same...
reworked maps on the same engine. . . - even if this isn't so . . . there's not much enticing me.

Ok. I just didn't hear that. It's best for everyone.


Lost Weekend said:
If I were Capcom, (and assuming the game is actually coming out in early Jan) I would just go gangbusters with commercials and print adverts announcing Resident Evil 4 as coming soon or coming Jan 10th or whatever. Blow the doors down with the adverts , and the people will buy it anyway. It might miss the Christmas trees, but at least it'll be there for the cash granny sent.

I hope they do that too. It worked really well for Sega with Sonic Heroes for Gamecube, s I don't see any reason why it won't do the same here. I imagine Capcom will spend more than Sega did advertising this.

Li Mu Bai

I wonder if Halo 2, GT4, or MGS3 had missed the holiday season would it impact their sales as much as we're making this out to be? Exclusives sell well upon any system, but especially well upon the GC. Many gamers (based upon Gamestats, various gaming internet polls, etc.) said this was a definite purchase, some even said it would be their only GC purchase here on the GAF. So does this delay change their minds? The aforementioned games would sell phenomenally no matter when they were released during the year, LOZ is the same way. All possess tremendous amounts of hype, this RE sequel is no different.
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