Can someone explain to me, why every time when I try to play the game higher res than 1920x1080, it kinda goes into a matrix slowdown effect?
I wonder if they consciously did that to compensate for a mouse being more accurate than a controller? Make you have to move slower?
It's really dumb and I want it gone, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was their mindset
Basically, whenever the game drops below whichever fixed frame rate you have selected, it slows down to output the requires frames, rather than dropping frames. If you drop the fixed frame rate to 30, for example, the problem should disappear.Can someone explain to me, why every time when I try to play the game higher res than 1920x1080, it kinda goes into a matrix slowdown effect?
Anyone else experiencing audio synching issues during cutscenes?
A really common texture and...that just don't look right :/
see post 6 on there and make sure you're using that version or newer.
this might be a stupid question, but how do I quit the game to the main menu? it seems for me that the only options I have is to restart from the beginning, reload og reload last checkpoint?
Reset Game.
Anyone else experiencing audio synching issues during cutscenes?
Me, i had this happen when i took a screenshot with the Steam screenshots.
Out of curiosity: people who have been getting 60 fps constantly: any of you have 8x AA enabled? Just to check because it seems it's the big cause of the slow-motion a lot of users are having.
Ugh, got home to play on my home PC just to realize the porting is pretty bad
How and why am I not able to max this? i3-2100, HD5850, 8GB DDR3, SSD. Can't maintain above 60FPS so I get the weird slowmo thing. RE5 sure hell ran way better.
Eh, fuck it. I splurged and bought this.
Has anyone else noticed that the animation for reloading a rifle runs at 30fps?
Haha I know you're currently working on MGR - I'm very much looking forward to it!
Keep up the good work dude.
Also, certain options like the Vsync setting seems to be re-enabled everytime you start up the game again, even after explicitly disabling it in the config.ini file located in the "\Documents\My Games\Capcom\RE4" folder.
Set it to Read-Only to prevent the game from changing it back again. The games own Vsync seems to be Double buffered not Triple buffered so drops from 30 will go down straight to 20, then 15, etc.
I haven't totally settled on what control scheme to use. Mouse + keyboard is tempting, but seems like it will undermine the challenge a bit. But I've always had trouble adjusting to precise aiming with my left thumb, so it's looking like gamepad config Type III will be the way to go.
Is this from the ultimate edition or a mod? Looks fantastic if you ask me.
So should I expect 60 fps the whole way through with an i5 2500K (@4.0ghz) and a 1GB 6950 with all settings on except blur and post processing? Does anyone know how much vram the HD textures use?
Mod, was linked right above my post.
560ti SLI
easy 1080p/60FPS performance. Get about 40% on each card. 300-400 MB VRAM usage.
So even though I have 1 card comparable to your two I should be good to go?
Anyone???I've been trying to figure this out for awhile now: how do you rotate items for your case using the kb&m? Trying to buy the rocket launcher to fight el gigante, but the damn thing won't fit
So I want to play this today but I only have my laptop. I'm sure it would run fine but I only have the laptop keyboard and Apple Magic Mouse available as control options. How's the kb/m controls? Am I going to have a bad time?
More like UK boxart edition.I could see the post-process effect thing being amusing. I took the simple two-color gradient from above and quickly made a modification.
Resident Evil 4: Virtual Boy Edition!
Resident Evil 4: Virtual Boy in video form in stunning 60fps!
Page Up and Page Down.
Controls are fine, just remember that it's RE4, and that when you aren't aiming the mouse isn't going to turn Leon, just move the camera around. You turn with the A and D keys. The game was built around these controls, and while it doesn't control like modern third person shooters, it controls really well with mouse and keys for what the game is supposed to be.
Even on an analogue thumb stick, there wasn't analogue turning.
More like UK boxart edition.
Anyone else experiencing audio synching issues during cutscenes?
Looking at Grief's post earlier, I take it this is SLI friendly? Gtx 670 SLI here.
Not out of the box
Using this bit in Nvidia Inspector, same one as older MTFramework games such as DMC4 and RE5
Game runs fine on my laptop but for some reason i'm getting some serious screen tearing whenever I move the camera around.
Anyone have any ideas as to why?