Being a creep
why is this so arousing to me, help
Being a creep
So I've played it twice. The demo is enjoyable, and I'll absolutely get it day one, but it doesn't have the fell of a Resident Evil game. I look forward to more details.
So, theory I have. In the Resident Evil 6 trailer, most of the areas are from what we've seen of the demo, but there are additional rooms that haven't been found yet.
HOWEVER, in the trailer there are a few split second flashes of ghost appearances from areas in the demo.
I have an idea. Since the ghost appears around the tape level, maybe she disappears and reappears elsewhere. Maybe you need to spot her each time to trigger something.
Maybe there's also more clues in the trailer?
The mannequin finger end kind of looks like a key if you look at it.
Honestly, after the last couple of RE games I'm really glad that it;s nothing like those.
"Resident Evil 7 is set after the events of Resident Evil 6, taking place in modern day and revolving around a foreboding, derelict plantation mansion in rural America. Players must explore and survive the horrors within the mysterious, sprawling estate."
So far I fail to see any relevance to any Resident evil, both story/characters wise and gameplay, it would be nice if devs could shine some light as to me it was one of the most anticipated E3 games.
Fuck this game in VR.
I would never.
What if we are all dumb and we are meant to take an hour to play through the demo section...and then something happens...
Why would you want this stuff spoiled? I'd rather find out what the connections are myself when playing the game.
So where's this axe?
So I've found three mannequins you can destroy. There has to be a reason to do so right? Maybe there's more just waiting to be found.
Here's a list.
1.On the second floor. After going towards where the headphones are in the tape a fourth mannequin will spawn in the room. You can destroy this one.
2.In the room with the phone.
3.On the first floor near where you got the tape. I have no clue how I got this one to spawn.
Really confused (unless I'm misunderstanding) by people saying you cant watch the tape in order to get the fuse. I can only get into the hidden room if I watch the tape, I just exit the tape at the point then I can get it but there is no key then. Have not tried watched the video to the end after that.
I love this not only because it means RE is going back to horror but also for the fact that it'll piss off these "fans" of the franchise who thought RE6 was a Resident Evil game, and also Konami if the game is a success, fuck Konami.
at least an idea of the plot would be nice, what happened to Leon and the others. What about neo umbrella? Is there an outbreak happening in the town and why isn't the BSAA getting involved with this? You think after the events that occurred with tall oaks and China people would be fully aware of the zombies by now and wouldn't just dismiss it for ghosts
Regardless it's still part of the main series and resident evil always had action elements with horror in it. Making it an amnesia style game with supernatural elements is just completely straying away from what resident evil started to begin with
the axe is in a table in the trailer too...
Just use the lever under the fireplace to acces that part without watching the tape.
The mannequin finger end kind of looks like a key if you look at it.
I'm glad you already played the full game.
load the tape
in the kitchen by the microwave is a lockpick
I can't find it.
Pretty cool, liked the demo. Feels good. It actually feels like old Resident Evil, with a new twist (and the setting feels like a movie).
I'm intrigued, and will keep an eye on it. Hopefully you get weapons and the like later on.
EDIT: Totally forgot, this game is going to be crazy in VR. Holy shit.
Ugh, I have scoured this tape forward and back and still haven't found anything. I think it has something to do with those headphones but nothing I've done has triggered anything around them.
There's no pressing need to know what happened to anyone in BIO6, their stories were self-contained and resolved in that game.
Neo Umbrella is gone. This is an isolated incident that the BSAA doesn't know about yet. They're not really dismissing them as ghosts, they haven't actually seen them. The paranormal crew are attracted to it for the usual ghost shit, like weird sounds and maybe the occassional flash of something that looks vaguely humanoid.
There is no paranormal aspect to the BIO universe, but there's no reason people in that universe can't believe in it. The apparent ghost sightings in the game currently are probably hallucinations due to the camerman being knocked out and infected, hence "welcome to the family."
If you look at the trailer shot of the table, it looks like there are more chairs there than there should be. Like others have been added to "the family."
So its some weird cult thing thats obsessed with infecting people? It just seems like this should have just been a spin off instead of making it a mainline title. I'm keeping my doubts mainly because it strays too far away with what resident evil was meant to be.
The more unhappy fans of 4, 5 and 6 are with 7, the better a game it will be.