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RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard | OT | BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil


ok, i held off from spoiling myself buy I couldn't resist watching snippets of the GB QL. are most of the enemies bullet sponges? I can't stand that shit.


ok, i held off from spoiling myself buy I couldn't resist watching snippets of the GB QL. are most of the enemies bullet sponges? I can't stand that shit.

I think I'm about halfway through. The boss fights certainly are, but the "standard" enemies I've seen so far require a simple headshot or two


Top 3 in the genre to me. So good, I'm very surprised.

end stats


Also, there's some legit scary and tense moments in this. Gave me more than any game I've ever played. Then again I have a fear of
Wait you can do that? I just need to get one in a tight hallway but I didn't want to use ammo. Thanks!

Yes, it's surprisingly easy to circle strafe out of their lunges/attacks while you keep slashing away at it. Or if you don't think you can dodge, guarding against their attack does less damage than you would think. (unless you're on madhouse, then I don't know. I'm playing on normal.)


Holy fuck the third boss

I was feeling so good going into it... now I have almost no ammo and almost no health. Fuck. I love it so much.


I'm afraid to simply run past the Molded because I'm not sure where I'm even going. I don't wanna get lost and then end up being cornered. Unlike zombies, these things are fast and will go through doors.


I just realized that smashing the bobbleheads clearly does something, but no idea what.

Without spoiling too much, what do they do?


So how far am I in? I'm just under 5 and half hours in and I'm just about to enter
the party. Am I half way done or is there still quite a ways to go.
I'm actually doing well with ammo but seriously what is up with this
section full of molded

I know you can knife them but it seems hard as fuck. I was managing clearing out rooms until
fucking 3 spawn behind a door.
like what

Any pro MLG strats, friends?
I just got to the first safe room. That's not a spoiler, right? Went outside to find myself back in that hallway. Had to turn it off for a bit. It's too late and I'm too tired. Great game that I'll probably have to beat in hour long chunks.


I'm actually doing well with ammo but seriously what is up with this
section full of molded

I know you can knife them but it seems hard as fuck. I was managing clearing out rooms until
fucking 3 spawn behind a door.
like what

Any pro MLG strats, friends?



Alright I put about 3 hours into the game and I can safely say, this game is trash and the reviewers are praising it the same way they praise "Sundance film festival" movies.

This is NOT resident evil (yes I've played them all and RE 1 is my favorite game)

This IS amnesia/outlast with a smidge of resident evil thrown in. Aiming is terrible, enemies are completely boring and it's literally "oh no run away" every 15 minutes.

Anyone who says this isn't amnesia/outlast is a damn liar and you should be ashamed for getting people to buy this game without being truthful to what it actually is.

Ammo isn't sparse at all, the problem is enemies are bullet sponges to the point of being ridiculous. Really 5 shots to the head for basic enemies? Oh no crazy red neck dude is here, better put 30 bullets into him

Boss fights or fights with the bakers are extremely poorly done. Do I fight? Am I even supposed to fight? Is this one of those "oh you're gonna get caught anyways moments? Did I waste a bunch of ammo shooting for no reason? Do I... Run to a certain spot to "make" the boss remember he's supposed to be triggered to do something different?

Hide from the crazy people, who tend to always mosey their way into your area while hiding... Ya know because it adds "tension".

I'm glad you guys seem to enjoy it but there is literally no point in giving the player a gun in this game, it's useless. I can shoot what his face 10 times in the head and all I did was waste 10 bullets for no reason. The atmosphere is fantastic.

If this is the direction of resident evil then I'm out after 6 games and spin offs.

Yes I'm ranting... Because I wanted resident evil and I was excited. If they got rid of the stupid ass run away shit every 15 min and added more than one enemy type... This game would be gold.
Boo :'(

Jack doesn't seem to take that many bullets but I will agree that 3 headshots (or approximations of headshots because these things are goo and dancing constantly) is a bit much for basic enemies.

Plenty of ammo it seems.

(Also it doesn't seem like the game is giving me the prompt to close doors half the time which is annoying for running)


I'm actually doing well with ammo but seriously what is up with this
section full of molded

I know you can knife them but it seems hard as fuck. I was managing clearing out rooms until
fucking 3 spawn behind a door.
like what

Any pro MLG strats, friends?

Oh hey, I'm in the exact situation with likely the exact same molded. I can't play rn but we'll get through this.
Alright I put about 3 hours into the game and I can safely say, this game is trash and the reviewers are praising it the same way they praise "Sundance film festival" movies.

This is NOT resident evil (yes I've played them all and RE 1 is my favorite game)

This IS amnesia/outlast with a smidge of resident evil thrown in. Aiming is terrible, enemies are completely boring and it's literally "oh no run away" every 15 minutes.

Anyone who says this isn't amnesia/outlast is a damn liar and you should be ashamed for getting people to buy this game without being truthful to what it actually is.

Ammo isn't sparse at all, the problem is enemies are bullet sponges to the point of being ridiculous. Really 5 shots to the head for basic enemies? Oh no crazy red neck dude is here, better put 30 bullets into him

Boss fights or fights with the bakers are extremely poorly done. Do I fight? Am I even supposed to fight? Is this one of those "oh you're gonna get caught anyways moments? Did I waste a bunch of ammo shooting for no reason? Do I... Run to a certain spot to "make" the boss remember he's supposed to be triggered to do something different?

Hide from the crazy people, who tend to always mosey their way into your area while hiding... Ya know because it adds "tension".

I'm glad you guys seem to enjoy it but there is literally no point in giving the player a gun in this game, it's useless. I can shoot what his face 10 times in the head and all I did was waste 10 bullets for no reason. The atmosphere is fantastic.

If this is the direction of resident evil then I'm out after 6 games and spin offs.

Yes I'm ranting... Because I wanted resident evil and I was excited. If they got rid of the stupid ass run away shit every 15 min and added more than one enemy type... This game would be gold.

Yeah, everyone besides you is a liar and/or wrong. You're a totally reasonable and rational human being.

Anyone who says this isn't amnesia/outlast is a damn liar and you should be ashamed for getting people to buy this game without being truthful to what it actually is.

It's nothing like them, it shares more in common with classic RE and 70's horror movies than anything else. I'm completely ashamed of saying this by the way, (wtf?) thanks for the shitty criticism though.

Also want to point at this for how ridiculous it is
this game is trash and the reviewers are praising it the same way they praise "Sundance film festival" movies.
...Sounds like someone doesn't understand art. Comical ignorance on display, pal.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I'm actually doing well with ammo but seriously what is up with this
section full of molded

I know you can knife them but it seems hard as fuck. I was managing clearing out rooms until
fucking 3 spawn behind a door.
like what

Any pro MLG strats, friends?

You have ammo to kill things. So the strat is to use your ammo and kill things.


I'm actually doing well with ammo but seriously what is up with this
section full of molded

I know you can knife them but it seems hard as fuck. I was managing clearing out rooms until
fucking 3 spawn behind a door.
like what

Any pro MLG strats, friends?

I suggest you explore other areas that you should be able to unlock

speaking of, the shotgun seems absurdly good. One shot headshots are killing even the big mutant guys
So guys, ElfArmy is complaining about regular enemies taking 5 headshots and wants old Resident Evil back.

Someone wanna remind him how many shots regular zombies took in RE1?


ok, i held off from spoiling myself buy I couldn't resist watching snippets of the GB QL. are most of the enemies bullet sponges? I can't stand that shit.

Regular enemies require ~3 headshots and are slow so you have time to aim. Bosses can definitely be spongy.


How the fuck are people doing this in VR? Seriously. AND immersive headphones?
Its so hard, I keep playing in bursts the tension is too much. But the game is so good, i keep going back. Im going to have to buy a cbd strain tomorrow to keep my anxiety down
New strat for molded, hot off the presses


*not pictured: dying on the second one you attempt it on. But I was feeling real good about that first one


You're probabaly 2 rooms away from
a gun that kills those enemies in a single blast, good luck with the other varieties tho.

I finished it, best RE.

I assume you're talking about "second" gun you get? Have it, used all the bullets on sir redneck which... Didn't do much lol


I assume you're talking about "second" gun you get? Have it, used all the bullets on sir redneck which... Didn't do much lol
why are you wasting your time shooting him.

most of the areas you have to go through is not guarded by him. The second area was similar - very little in the way of hiding... largely tense exploration and combat.


The trailer in the yard? Weird, don't see them anywhere.

I could be wrong, but I think
that was a secret spot where you need to get the treasure map photo for it to have it revealed, at least that how I guessing those treasure map spots work. The toilet is alongside the storage box and save part of the trailer.
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