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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!


Besides tier, no order. I flip flop on my favorite, but it's usually RE4.

Great: RE2, RE4, REmake
Good: RE5
OK: Rev1, Rev2, RE3
Bad: RE6, Code Vern, Zero

also my list would make this place crazy so no thanks

Throw caution into the wind. They're just games.
RE4>REmake>RE2>RE3>RE5>Revelations 2>RE0>RE6

2 & 3 flip around for me a lot though, and REmake is just a hair below 4--my last playthrough of both I actually had more fun with REmake. And I no longer dislike 6 after a replay (I just dislike a lot of parts of it). I still need to get around playing the OG RE and CVX at some point. Bums me out that the PSone Classic version on PSN is the one with the shitty soundtrack, but I suppose it will have to do.


Throw caution into the wind. They're just games.

Well, to some people certain games are more than just games and saying it's bad would have severe consequences.

Also, I think I may have posted a list in one of these Community Threads already.


Alright, since we're all doing lists, I'll do mine as well. I would like to make a quick note though, that (assuming you've played it), I think RE1 and REmake should both be included and have different placements on the list. They are completely different games, at least IMO, and both should have a place on any list. REmake really isn't a port or replacement for the original, at least to me.

Anyway, my rankings go like this...

1. RE4: the best of the action RE's, hands down. Incredibly well designed action game with a few moments of Horror here and there, and the best boss fights of the series. Terrible story though, albeit with fun and cheesy dialogue. Also the game that started it all with Mercenaries. Yes, RE3 has Mercs, but it's not really the same thing.

2. REmake: the best Survival Horror RE, hands down. Incredible level design, fun puzzles, cool enemy designs, Crimson Heads, Lisa Trevor, outstanding atmosphere, it's all just so good. The replay value is through the roof as well, with a dozen (!) endings, various weapons and costumes as unlockables, and a ton of different gameplay modes that actually feel like they had a lot of thought put into them, and are really fun as a result. Great game.

3. RE2: incredibly fun and well designed game, with some of my favorite monster design in Birkin. I love the A and B scenarios, and how different they are from one another. I will say that outside of the Police Station though, I find some of the other locations to be less memorable overall. I would prefer 3 to 2 honestly, if it weren't for one small thing...

4. RE3: I LOVE Nemesis, I love ammo crafting (it adds an almost RPG esque element where you choose the type of ammo you want to focus on) , and I love Raccoon City as a setting for the game. Mercs is also fun, albeit very different from later games. The main thing I hate about this game is the Dodge mechanic. Would it have been so difficult to put it on a button separate from the ones you use to aim and shoot!? I hate when I'm fighting fast aggressive enemies like dogs and Hunters, trying to shoot them, but Jill just keeps dodging and getting hit. Ugh, so frustrating.

RE1: REmake is better in many respects, but I still adore the original. It's still fun after all these years, and the voice acting is pure gold. Just brilliant Grade A cheese, as are the live action cutscenes. So hilarious, haha. One thing I will give it over REmake though, is the soundtrack. Seriously, I think it's the best OST of the series. It's eerie, atmospheric, foreboding, and occasionally very rock n' roll. So awesome and RE1's credits sequence is pretty much my favourite ever, as well. Love seeing all the highlights from the game with Still Dawn playing over it.

I'll place the rest in a different post.


Amazing to Good Tier

RE5 - my all time favorite. It's the perfect RE title to me, especially story wise. When I think RE, I think RE5.

RE1/REmake - For the sake of my sanity I'll just combine them. But RE1s flow is something I really like. It's a good blend of exploring, while still engaging to the player.

RE4 - Not much has to be said about this one really. Lower than 5 though due to the settings and lack of contextual melee moves for more situations (Such as stepping on them on the ground)

RE3 - Really liked the escape the city setting, story since it dealt with UBCS, and how Nemesis hunts you throughout. Also liked that the puzzles to me didn't seem to outlandish.

RE6 - A rough campaign with some great moments. But the main draw here is the gameplay which is just A+++. If I can ever get a new game with this gameplay and a better campaign, it'd probably be my number one.

Meh to Hate Tier

RE2 - I know this is like everyone's favorite, but I'm not a fan of it at all. I think a big part is the police station setting, which just feels out of place for a lot of the games puzzles. Even if they tried to make sense of it with a crazy police chief.

REV 2 - Have talked about this one multiple times. But some of the story beats I really dislike, and the budget along with trying to be Horror & Action while failing at both isn't too my liking.

REV 1 - Same problems as Rev 2, except the story is really boring.

CVX - My least favorite RE game, but funnily enough it's due more to it aging terribly. If this ever got a remake, it'd definitely move up for me.

As you can tell scares, and puzzles (at least in their difficulty). Do not factor into what makes a RE game good for me.


6. Code veronica: I enjoy the story, the classic RE gameplay design, and Wesker. Too much backtracking, and too many puzzles though. There can be too much of a good thing, and CV is proof of that.

7: RE5:. Fun evolution of 4's gameplay, and one of my favorite stories in the series. Tons of huge Revelations for the series lore here, and this was pretty much the ending of the series story up to that point. Co-op was alot of fun, as was Mercs. The DLC was also very solid. Single-player can be very frustrating due to the ai, however, and I don't think the campaign overall is of the same quality as 4. It's also much shorter.

8. RE0: probably the worst of the classic style games. Partner system and ai can lead to cool moments in combat, as well as dumb and frustrating moments. The level design and puzzles feel more simplistic and linear than previous games, too. Also, the inventory system is downright stupid. Being able to drop items anywhere is great, but the lack of item boxes? Not so much, and it leads to more backtracking than ever. Finally don't even get me started on the boss design (Giant Bat, anyone?). Still, it's a classic RE, I like Becky and Billy, and it's downright gorgeous.

9. RE6: fantastic gameplay brought down by not one, but four poorly designed campaigns. It does shine in Mercs, but due to poor level design, pacing, and an overabundance of QTE's and awful set pieces, I would say that this game overall has the worst campaign of the main series. Terrible overarching story as well, albeit with great individual moments for it's many characters. Really mixed bag, this one.

10. Revelations 2: great story and characters, and much better gameplay than the first Revelations. Terrible enemy designs though, and very forgettable environments. Additionally, the game just isn't as fun to play as 4, 5, and 6, and can't capture the scares and tension, nor the fun of exploration from the older games, either. It and the first REV exist in this wierd middle ground between the two extremes of RE, and can't match the highs of either style.

11. Revelations 1: very cool setting, and it looks and plays great... for a 3DS game. Compared to other games in the series, it just doesn't hold up gameplay wise, and like REV 2, it can't capture the appeal of either Survival Horror or action RE. The story is really dumb too.

I haven't played enough of the various RE spin-offs to list them, so I'll leave this as it is.


RE4>REmake>RE2>RE3>RE5>Revelations 2>RE0>RE6

2 & 3 flip around for me a lot though, and REmake is just a hair below 4--my last playthrough of both I actually had more fun with REmake. And I no longer dislike 6 after a replay (I just dislike a lot of parts of it). I still need to get around playing the OG RE and CVX at some point. Bums me out that the PSone Classic version on PSN is the one with the shitty soundtrack, but I suppose it will have to do.

It's a bit pricier than buying it off PSN, but this is the version of RE1 Director's Cut that has the original soundtrack, and also comes with a short demo for RE2. I played the DualShock version all these years, and never realized what I was missing. Having tracked down this version last year, I will say that it really is worth it to play RE1 with the original music, as it makes the overall experience much better. (There's a different, and very awesome credits sequence for this version as well). This version should work with any PS3, too. The only thing you'll miss out on is rumble, and being able to play with an analog stick.


I'd go RE3>RE2>RE1>RE4>RE5>Umbrella Chronicles>RE6>Operation Raccoon City

Those are the only ones I've completed, but for ones I've played, put Code Veronica between 4 and 5, then RE0, then put Umbrella Corps after Operation Raccoon City, then REmake between 3 and 1

I don't know where I'd rank Revelations


Just got the coin and now I am ready for this. Man if all the puzzles/way to finish this game are this convoluded. Heh... Getting pretty excited now.
It's a bit pricier than buying it off PSN, but this is the version of RE1 Director's Cut that has the original soundtrack, and also comes with a short demo for RE2. I played the DualShock version all these years, and never realized what I was missing. Having tracked down this version last year, I will say that it really is worth it to play RE1 with the original music, as it makes the overall experience much better. (There's a different, and very awesome credits sequence for this version as well). This version should work with any PS3, too. The only thing you'll miss out on is rumble, and being able to play with an analog stick.

Ah my PS3 is dead so Vita is my only source to play it unfortunately.
Just got the coin and now I am ready for this. Man if all the puzzles/way to finish this game are this convoluded. Heh... Getting pretty excited now.

I mean, they won't be. That's not even the way to finish the demo, the demo is actually pretty straight-forward to finish. The coin is like a weird side thing. The main game may have something similar to that, though.


I mean, they won't be. That's not even the way to finish the demo, the demo is actually pretty straight-forward to finish. The coin is like a weird side thing. The main game may have something similar to that, though.

Yeah I finished the demo blind without watching anything beforehand. It was pretty short and a bit disappointing, but it also felt like I must have missed almost half of it.
Ah my PS3 is dead so Vita is my only source to play it unfortunately.

Create a japanese account (All you need nowadays is an existing postal code, no full, fake address.) and buy from there. They got the regular Director's Cut with the original soundtrack up on PSN. Added bonus: You get the uncut intro and Kenneth's half eaten skull.

I think EU PSN has just the normal Director's Cut, so no new soundtrack.

That too, but nowadays I could never go back to shitty PAL conversions. The entire game runs noticably slower.
I mean, they won't be. That's not even the way to finish the demo, the demo is actually pretty straight-forward to finish. The coin is like a weird side thing. The main game may have something similar to that, though.

It'd be great if they had secrets like this in the main game which unlocked the remake 2 trailer haha
Please don't consider this off topic but I have to ask having so much knowledge in here-

What are you all's thoughts on The Evil Within? I'm purchasing a new computer soon and since I think almost all of us can agree RE4 is one of the best there is that we revisit as even years pass, would you play The Evil Within? Did you? Did you like it enough to replay it? I'm big on replay value and a challenge. Haven't paid attention to a bit of information about it on purpose, waiting for a chance to play.
Also, to get in on the list game.

1. Resident Evil 4 - Maybe the closest to flawless a video game can get. It feels like the developers worked on this under the assumption that it was to be the last action game in human history, so they had to put everything in there.

It's telling that you get a campaign that lasts between 10-20 hours but it doesn't feel nearly that. And that I can remember every single encounter in this game.

The controls work perfectly as well. If I had to pick one flaw I guess Seperate Ways isn't all that great, but that was a later addition so it doesn't count.

2. Resident Evil: Director's Cut - Arranged/Advanced Mode (Name differs depending on which exact version you play, but they're the same.) as Chris is to me the pinnacle of the classic RE formula.

3. Resident Evil 2 - Maybe a bit of a style over substance thing. The pacing is great, no doubt, it has some neat unlockables. But most of my reasons for treasuring this game so much are in hindsight purely cosmetical. I love the soundtrack, the look of it all, the characters, the enemy design (William's body horror mutations.) and the atmosphere is tense.

The A and B scenarios were great too. And it was the first game in the series to introduce actual rankings to encourage replays. The game has one big problem though and that's it's non-existing difficulty if you've played any classic RE before.

4. Resident Evil 6 - I'm not gonna lie, this game is an unpolished mess at times and could've used at least a couple of months more development time but I had way too much fun across all campaigns and Mercenaries. But I have a high tolerance for jank in shooter anyway, loved Binary Domain as well. Anyway, the mechanics in this are fun and the good parts outweigh the bad.

5. REmake - It's a great game but I feel like it drags a bit too much compared to the Original.

6. Resident Evil 5 - Let down by being too much like RE4 but not as good, except for the Melee system. Also brought down by the AI if you're playing Solo. Still fun though.

7. Resident Evil 3 - Not much to say here. Good game, but...well obviously not as good as the aforementioned titles, some things you just can't explain.

No need to put the rest in there, I don't care for Zero and CV, barely remember REV and my REV2 playthrough is too recent. I'd probably put it between RE5 and RE3 though.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Please don't consider this off topic but I have to ask having so much knowledge in here-

What are you all's thoughts on The Evil Within? I'm purchasing a new computer soon and since I think almost all of us can agree RE4 is one of the best there is that we revisit as even years pass, would you play The Evil Within? Did you? Did you like it enough to replay it? I'm big on replay value and a challenge.

You will hear radically different takes on The Evil Within. It may be the biggest love/hate horror game out there. It's not just a case where it's somewhere in the middle, you will find about an even split of people who adore the game, who loathe it, and everything in-between. There's some people who don't just seem to dislike it, but seem to actively hate it. While there's others who don't just like it, but consider it one of the best overall games to have come out during the last console generation.

I'm in the loved it crowd, but I would say it's actually not very much like RE4. It's got moments and elements that will both remind you of REmake and RE4, but it's kind of its own thing and shifts tones multiple times through its course. It certainly has some good challenge to it (I think it's normal difficulty is equivalent to hard difficulty in most horror games, being someone who plays hard difficulty for most horror games my first time through), and do know the game has replay value definitely. Your upgrades carry over between playthroughs on the same difficulty level, so there is New Game+, plus the game has several unlockables when you first beat it, including harder difficulties. The harder difficulties past normal remix several encounters and add additional elements to the gameplay to make them more challenging, it's not just normal difficulty but harder (one example is in the first chapter when you're defenseless they add barricades only your stalker can remove so you can't just run for it, and they have some late-game enemies appearing in earlier chapters as an example). There's also a number of secrets, some of which I doubt you'd figure out without either being lucky or looking it up. Like there's a pretty well hidden little side-quest in both Chapters 3 & 4 I doubt most players would find without pure chance, to trigger it you need to shoot a window or something like that. And the game has a lot of weird secrets like that.

Many complaints boil down to people being frustrated with design elements of the game and the sort of flatline story, and for some it wasn't the successor to RE4 they wanted it to be or felt as tightly designed to them.
Please don't consider this off topic but I have to ask having so much knowledge in here-

What are you all's thoughts on The Evil Within? I'm purchasing a new computer soon and since I think almost all of us can agree RE4 is one of the best there is that we revisit as even years pass, would you play The Evil Within? Did you? Did you like it enough to replay it? I'm big on replay value and a challenge.

From it's controls, all the way down to how aiming feels, and it's mechanics, TEW feels very, very similiar to The Last of us, moreso than RE4, just so you know what to expect. But it has much more focus on gameplay than narrative so that's a big plus. And I think it's ultimately the better game of the two. TEW sometimes creates tension by throwing big one-hit-kill enemies at you in already dangerous enviroments which some people view as cheap, but imo it works. It's definitly challenging alright. The pacing is close to RE4, whereas the game is always throwing new challenges at you and no encounter resembles the last. But the encounters aren't quite on RE4's level.

The game has new game plus, bonus weapons to unlock under various conditions, an unlockable difficulty for masochists (Even less ressources and every enemy can kill you in one hit.) so there's your replay value.


Please don't consider this off topic but I have to ask having so much knowledge in here-

What are you all's thoughts on The Evil Within? I'm purchasing a new computer soon and since I think almost all of us can agree RE4 is one of the best there is that we revisit as even years pass, would you play The Evil Within? Did you? Did you like it enough to replay it? I'm big on replay value and a challenge.

Evil Within is a super divisive game here on GAF and elsewhere, so it's hard to say if you would enjoy it or not. I think the game has great atmosphere and aesthetics (very similar to RE4 and REmake), and gives off a Mikami vibe the whole way through. It also has great pacing and a ton of variety, and is a fairly lengthy game (12-15 hours). That's where the RE4 similarities end. The gameplay is very different, with a focus on stealth early on. Eventually it becomes more of an action game, but even then, your melee is trash and aiming is deliberately awkward (far more so than RE4), and EW also has some of the worst hit detection I've seen in some time. I once watched as a shotgun blast just seemed to clip through a dude at point blank range, and he proceeded to clobber me to death.

So yeah, the game is janky, lol. All that said, I enjoyed my time with the game, and have replayed a few times since it's release. I really enjoy it's atmosphere, and the sheer, insane amount of variety it has to offer. The combat is also enjoyable when it works. As for the story, I liked it, but just know that it won't make much sense without playing the DLC which, sadly, has never been discounted or bundled with the game to the best of my knowledge. A shame, because it's actually pretty solid. Anyway, I'd recommend it, but just know that you could end going either way in terms of your feelings towards it.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
From it's controls, all the way down to how aiming feels, and it's mechanics, TEW feels very, very similiar to The Last of us, just so you know what to expect. But it has much more focus on gameplay than narrative so that's a big plus. The game creates tension by throwing a lot of one-hit-kill enemies at you in already dangerous enviroments which some people view as cheap, but imo it works. It's definitly challenging alright. The pacing is close to RE4, whereas the game is always throwing new challenges at you and no encounter resembles the last. But the encounters aren't quite on RE4's level.

The game has new game plus, bonus weapons to unlock under various conditions, an unlockable difficulty for masochists (Even less ressources and every enemy can kill you in one hit.) so there's your replay value.

One thing I'll correct is while you do unlock Akumu difficulty (the one-hit kill wonder mode where any attack kills you), you also unlock Hard difficulty when you beat the game, which is basically Akumu difficulty but without one-hit kill attacks.

But both Hard and Akumu difficulty remix elements of the game (not to each other, to Normal difficulty, Akumu is just hard difficulty but everything kills you in one hit).


Uh lets see, out of the main titles I have beaten: RE4 > RE3 > Rev 2 > Rev 1 > RE6

....Yeah it is a bit weird.XD I be planning on giving REmake another round later on this year, and then revisit RE2 again via REmake 2.


Ah my PS3 is dead so Vita is my only source to play it unfortunately.

Ah, that sucks man. Well, I played the DualShock version (AKA the Clowns farting in the basement version) for 20 years, and still loved it, lol. At least take the time to give the OST a listen on YouTube, though. It's really great stuff. Also, watch the original credits sequence, as it's completely different from what you'll get in DualShock. Instead of a black screen with names scrolling by, you get to watch highlights of Chris/Jill kicking ass throughout the game while rock n' roll music plays in the background. It's pretty badass.
One thing I'll correct is while you do unlock Akumu difficulty (the one-hit kill wonder mode where any attack kills you), you also unlock Hard difficulty when you beat the game, which is basically Akumu difficulty but without one-hit kill attacks.

But both Hard and Akumu difficulty remix elements of the game (not to each other, to Normal difficulty, Akumu is just hard difficulty but everything kills you in one hit).

That's true. And one thing I want to mention in particular...these unlockable difficulties work more like in RE4 as compared to the newer RE titles...meaning you have to start fresh and can't just bring your collected skills and weapon with you to higher difficulties. That's kinda nice.

Ah, that sucks man. Well, I played the DualShock version (AKA the Clowns farting in the basement version) for 20 years, and still loved it, lol. At least take the time to give the OST a listen on YouTube, though. It's really great stuff. Also, watch the original credits sequence, as it's completely different from what you'll get in DualShock. Instead of a black screen with names scrolling by, you get to watch highlights of Chris/Jill kicking ass throughout the game while rock n' roll music plays in the background. It's pretty badass.

Just so my previous comment about this doesn't drown before Fancy Clown has a chance to see it...no-one has to suffer the DualShock OST. Both the japanese and european PSN stores have the normal Director's Cut with the original music. Europe gets a shitty PAL conversion though, so the game runs slower. I'd grab it from the JP store.
Please don't consider this off topic but I have to ask having so much knowledge in here-

What are you all's thoughts on The Evil Within? I'm purchasing a new computer soon and since I think almost all of us can agree RE4 is one of the best there is that we revisit as even years pass, would you play The Evil Within? Did you? Did you like it enough to replay it? I'm big on replay value and a challenge. Haven't paid attention to a bit of information about it on purpose, waiting for a chance to play.

It takes itself way too seriously but was worth the $8 (including DLC) I've spent on it. No desire to replay through it or the DLCs unless if they add an Unlimited Ammo option. I'd recommend it to RE4 fans if you can get it during one of the big sales.

I finished the game not too long ago and you can read my thoughts if you want.
Btw, you can turn the letterbox off now, but I'd at least try it with the default setting and only turn it off if you can't stand the narrow FOV at all. The look it gives does work for the dreamlike setting and the transition from gameplay to cutscene is less obvious that way.
Man my list will catch heat around here.

1. REmake
2. RE5
3. RE1
4. Revelations 2
5. Revelations 1
6. RE3
7. RE6(Chris & Ada)
9. RE4
10. RE0(jumped RE2 in my recent playthrough.)
11. RE2

Based on personal enjoyment only.


Man my list will catch heat around here.

1. REmake
2. RE5
3. RE1
4. Revelations 2
5. Revelations 1
6. RE3
7. RE6(Chris & Ada)
9. RE4
10. RE0(jumped RE2 in my recent playthrough.)
11. RE2

Based on personal enjoyment only.

I forgot all about 0 lol. After replaying this year. I would put it under 6 in my list.


I really wanted to like TEW but I always got so frustrated and in the end I gave up. I admire the art (and artbook) though, really great design. I always wanted to have a sequel that corrects all the things I have problems with, but I guess it's never happening.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Man my list will catch heat around here.

1. REmake
2. RE5
3. RE1
4. Revelations 2
5. Revelations 1
6. RE3
7. RE6(Chris & Ada)
9. RE4
10. RE0(jumped RE2 in my recent playthrough.)
11. RE2

Based on personal enjoyment only.

I think you'd catch more heat in a Gaming Side Resident Evil topic. Some people judge hard of your opinions on the RE series, rather than just accepting there's difference in taste. I'd actually say more people in the RE community topic are open to different aspects.

One thing I love about the series is that I think there's something to like about every entry in the series. Even if it's not popular to like, say Umbrella Corps or Operation Raccoon City, and people will exaggerate how bad they are, there are still things to like about them and fun to be had in them.

I'm very curious where RE7 ends up on people's RE series chart. And I say wait a bit since as any game release, sometimes the immediate hot take upon beating it isn't the best one. Some games once settled you realize were worse than you thought, and others you come to like more over time.

I really wanted to like TEW but I always got so frustrated and in the end I gave up. I admire the art (and artbook) though, really great design. I always wanted to have a sequel that corrects all the things I have problems with, but I guess it's never happening.

Never say never, Tango is 100% working on a game right now and have been for the last couple years. It's still not announced, but very likely to be announced this year. And they said they wanted Evil Within to be a franchise, not just a single game, Evil Within sold well, and both the main game and the DLC even hint more than a little strongly at a sequel. Plus Bethesda keeps on listing Evil Within as one of their major brands whenever they show their IP collection, it appears anytime Bethesda show their companies starring franchises (and The Keeper & Laura, the sort of unofficial mascots of Evil Within, keep on showing up in Bethesda promotional material, like the E3 invitations or art for their company), and I doubt they'd be doing that if Evil Within was a one-off and a sequel wasn't in the works.


I actually had hoped it would show up at the bethesda E3 2016 conference, since there were rumors floating around. It's weird I don't like that game more, as I always wanted a stealth horror game since it seemed like a natural extension to the formula to me. It did just not work for me, I tried to start it over for like 5 times but ended up stopping it right at the first big area with the big guy. Not because of that guy, but other small things just did not work out for me at all. :(
I watched a lot of videos and I love every enemy design and area, also watching someone play is much less frustrating and almost pushed me over to try again a few times, but nope.
I think you'd catch more heat in a Gaming Side Resident Evil topic. Some people judge hard of your opinions on the RE series, rather than just accepting there's difference in taste. I'd actually say more people in the RE community topic are open to different aspects.

One thing I love about the series is that I think there's something to like about every entry in the series. Even if it's not popular to like, say Umbrella Corps or Operation Raccoon City, and people will exaggerate how bad they are, there are still things to like about them and fun to be had in them.

I'm very curious where RE7 ends up on people's RE series chart. And I say wait a bit since as any game release, sometimes the immediate hot take upon beating it isn't the best one. Some games once settled you realize were worse than you thought, and others you come to like more over time.


Man I actually loved the multiplayer for ORC so much.
I would have given Capcom so much money for additional heroes(Chris, Rebecca) and costumes.
They really should have had a mode that was like ~6 players versus a player controlled Nemesis or Tyrant based on the map.
I personally will not forgive your placement of RE2 as the worst and I think you objectively have bad eyesight but I imagine it's a typo.

jk, list wars are list wars. but seriously. RE2 worst in the series?



That's true. And one thing I want to mention in particular...these unlockable difficulties work more like in RE4 as compared to the newer RE titles...meaning you have to start fresh and can't just bring your collected skills and weapon with you to higher difficulties. That's kinda nice.

Just so my previous comment about this doesn't drown before Fancy Clown has a chance to see it...no-one has to suffer the DualShock OST. Both the japanese and european PSN stores have the normal Director's Cut with the original music. Europe gets a shitty PAL conversion though, so the game runs slower. I'd grab it from the JP store.

Doesn't the JP version only have Japanese text, though?
I personally will not forgive your placement of RE2 as the worst and I think you objectively have bad eyesight but I imagine it's a typo.

jk, list wars are list wars. but seriously. RE2 worst in the series?

I was an 8 year old kid,
I could not forgive the lack of Chris Redfield(or Jill), it hurt my enjoyment at the time.

Its kinda like 4 as the quality is up there at the top of the list but I was disappointed by something and it just did me in.
4's intro narration after CV's ending was a total wet blanket for me.

Like Zero I initially thought was the worst, but I replayed it(for the first time since release) a couple weeks ago and enjoyed it way more than I originally had.
2 however I played so much over the years it can't really shift very much.
Doesn't the JP version only have Japanese text, though?

Yeah, doesn't really matter though. VA is still english. The documents and letters throughout the game are mostly the same as REmake. The flavor text for almost everything, portraits, bookshelves, etc. is "Nothing interesting" and the puzzles don't really require any language knowledge except for one and that is this one right here:


Very simple to figure out but hard to do without being able to read the descriptions. Now with this video everything's set.

To be honest, before I'd go for the PAL version, I'd rather play the DualShock version.

Oh btw, while we're speaking of regional and music differences.

My favorite piece is still the vocal opening song during the Cast Intro in the original japanese version.


Yes, this is real, everything, from the random woman screaming in terror, to "BARRY BURTON *alright!*" is in the game like that.

Unfortunatly they replaced it with the instrumental music from the international release in the Director's Cut.
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