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RESISTANCE 2 - Hype Thread w/latest info


I'm bummed that Play.com sent nonworking codes (at least mine doesn't work). Where do you guys read that they've sent old codes etc.? Also, how does one get in touch with them to tell them of their/Sony's fuckup?


My Arms Your Hearse said:
I'm getting incredibly worried about all the bugs/freezes/shit not working.

"blah blah BETA blah blah"

Yea, that's a valid argument when the game isn't already gold (or very close) and the "beta" is 2 weeks before launch.

Between the servers being down, the game freezing when trying to enter a game (3 out of 5 I'd say), trying to reconnect to PSN which is being a Bitch...

Also, after resigning into PSN and getting back into the game... even if it was up before it is 100% down for at least a few minutes for me. It's a vicous fucking cycle.

It's not really worth the effort so far. Why should I believe it's gonig to be any better come release in a week or two?

Someone console me!

Remember all the "obtaining game settings" delays with COD4 at launch? And that took quite a while for IW to fix. For these issues to be occurring during a beta is normal to me. That being said, I can't wait until they're fixed so I can go from round to round without having to get a bunch of error messages.


JB1981 said:
So more about R2 MP:

I have noticed that diehard members of the Resistance 1 GAF clan have been curiously silent about this beta. Where is M3, Bob, Aeon, Agent X, Beatbox, Queeg, Sutdawg etc? Are you guys unhappy with the changes? I talked to Beatbox last night and he was telling me that he is not even PLAYING R2 multiplayer because of what he calls, "drastic changes and a betrayal on the level of Socom 1 -----> Socom 2." Why are you guys so silent? I would like to talk about this game with people who were loyal to the original.

I am personally happy about a lot of the changes (I put a lot of time into the first game m'self) but I wanted to start a conversation with people who made the first one such a big success online. Let's talk, guys.

We've been absent for the most obvious reason: the biggest RFoM fans from the NeoGAF clan are not happy with multiplayer R2. By "biggest", I mean the dudes that played RFoM almost daily for 1.5 years. Even with many of the changes we asked for in the private beta implemented completely or partially, the game is still broken. R2 is a massive let down.

Now, I did say to many of my PSN buds that I like the public beta, but that's in comparison to the private beta. Do I like R2 multiplayer as compared to RFoM? That's a massive and unequivocal NO.

Insomniac screwed up big time - they have too many employees that believe CoD4 is the end all and be all of FPS games, and too much pressure from higher ups to increase R2 sales to CoD4 levels. Trying to make a FPS monster game more realistic (i.e. in the vain of CoD4) is the dumbest decision they could have ever made.

That being said, here's what I like about the public beta (keep in mind I'm comparing to the private beta):

- running is much faster now: I can actually tell I'm running!
- grenade throwing is improved in terms of distance/accuracy
- graphics are great (I had no doubts about this area)
- sound is awesome (I had no doubts about this area)
- the XP points are no longer a massive distraction
- AI in co-op is much better: Chimera are actually difficult to kill now, and will flank/rush/try to escape
- the reticule is better (no more stupid ass spreading), so my aim is better.
- fall damage is gone (I'm pretty sure about this one...if true, thank goodness)
- improved UI for lobby, stats, etc. - I actually like it now!
- super powerful magnum is no longer super powerful - nice!

Here's what I HATE (keep in mind I'm comparing to RFoM):

- I can run, but damn it, the tiniest thing makes me stop running, which COMPLETELY destroys the run 'n gun game play we all LOVED about RFoM. Why oh why when I start running do I stop running the second I jump onto something or drop off a rock?
- the reticule is FREAKING ASS. Come on!! Why is it so big? Even with the improved version, it STILL sucks compared to the reticule we had in RFoM. I think 50% of my shots are missing.
- it takes forever to take anyone down, but I think it's entirely because the reticule is shit.
- I also have an EXTREMELY difficult time identifying when my shots are hitting the target unless I look for the XP counting up. That's just dumb - I should be to tell if my aim is good without looking for big XP numbers float up above the target's body. I never had this issue in RFoM - I always knew when my aim was good. ALWAYS.
- The bullseye tag sucks now. You know why? Come on, you can guess. No? I CAN'T TELL IF MY TAG AIM IS GOOD BECAUSE THE RETICULE IS SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT.
- grenade throwing still sucks because the grenades don't appear to go as far as in RFoM. the joy of awesome target bomber kills has been taken away. This really sucks because I landed some terrific target bomber kills in RFoM. It's a well honed skill that is now gone.

I have other issues with the public beta:

- co-op is starting to get old because the AI, though better than in the private beta, is still shitty. The titans don't do anything. The stalker just sits there and spins his turret. The other chimera don't rush enough.
- the big bosses are just bullet sinks. what's the fun of sitting there and just railing on the same enemy for 10 minutes? what a waste of my life.
- no text chat = 50% less laughs in the lobby. The NeoGAF clan used the text chat A LOT. It was a great feature.

That's about it for now. I'll be buying R2 primarily for the single player campaign. But, I'm starting to believe I won't be having as much fun in R2 multiplayer as I did in RFoM.

It's also sad that other clan members, guys that I very much enjoy playing all manner of games with, won't be spending near as much time in R2 for the very reasons I outlined above.


My play code did work but at the same time it made me download the private beta which means I cant play. One question. When I was checking out the control scheme I couldnt find a way to make the controls the way I wanted them like in Resistance 1. Please dont tell me that they took it out because I gave Insomniac alot of praise for putting it in in the first place.


sullytao said:
My play code did work but at the same time it made me download the private beta which means I cant play. One question. When I was checking out the control scheme I couldnt find a way to make the controls the way I wanted them like in Resistance 1. Please dont tell me that they took it out because I gave Insomniac alot of praise for putting it in in the first place.
Im pretty sure I heard people in here talking about setting up their own controls


M3Freak I agree with a lot of what you wrote but would also like to add that the fire is beyond annoying. I will take damage even if I don't directly touch it and I am having a really hard time telling if I am on fire or if I am being shot at.
M3Freak said:
...AI in co-op is much better: Chimera are actually difficult to kill now, and will flank/rush/try to escape
I still haven't seen any flanking. Enemies spawning from different sides give the illusion of flanking but I've yet to see enemies spawning from a single point actually spread out and maneuver. They seem to just stand still and fire or, at most, move from side to side if they're not rushing forward.

M3Freak said:
...co-op is starting to get old because the AI, though better than in the private beta, is still shitty. The titans don't do anything. The stalker just sits there and spins his turret. The other chimera don't rush enough.
- the big bosses are just bullet sinks. what's the fun of sitting there and just railing on the same enemy for 10 minutes? what a waste of my life.
The AI in co-op needs serious work. Only so much can be covered up by rushing in from different spawn points. Some of the areas - the parts with houses - really expose the lack of AI. Enemies just stand and fire. They don't react to player movements or direction of attack other than to pivot and continue firing.

I agree completely on the big bosses. They do absolutely nothing but absorb damage. After a minute or so of holding down the fire button and pouring in clip after clip, it's just not fun.


I don't know if some of us were playing completely different games, but since I've started playing the public beta after playing the private one recently, I've loved the co-op. They definitely tweaked what I wanted them to tweak, and I've had some amazing times playing with a buddy in my living room and 6 other people online (but can't figure out why it puts the screen in 4 X 3 ratio?). The game definitely rewards you for using teamwork and each class doing what they're supposed to. Had a couple times where we got completely wiped out and only 1 would be alive, or one time all of us died. Was in a game where everyone semi-did what they were supposed to (which was pretty fun), was in one where no one was doing what they were supposed to (medics only firing at enemies, not healing... Spec ops not dropping any ammo) and it was horrible, and was in a final one where everyone was playing perfectly and we were plowing through the enemies. With my luck, the final and best game ended up kicking me out due to a network error. :D

With this being said, I haven't even played the competive multiplayer yet, but I think that Insomniac is probably going to lose some of the hardcore GAF Resistance clan that was extremely attached to how finely tuned the multiplayer was in R1. At the same time, they're probably going to keep some people like me that were in the GAF clan but didn't make a nightly habit of it. I have several friends that are pretty good at shooters, but after playing Resistance 1 for about 2 or 3 minutes, getting killed 5 times while not killing anyone, that they were done. Resistance 1 felt like a PC shooter that was put on a console, which is why so many users on here loved it. The learning curve was pretty steep.

What I'm trying to say is that, from what I've played, I think that Insomniac is going to attract a much broader audience than the first game and that the hardcore R1 players are going to be semi-disappointed by the competitive multiplayer.


The Beta is awesome, I do have a few pet peeves though. People respawn behind you just a couple seconds after you spawn which gives them a free kill, vice versa. When I do coop online with friends why does it take us back to the main menu if we fail the mission? I want it to take us back to the room I created so we can try again.


Spy said:
The Beta is awesome, I do have a few pet peeves though. People respawn behind you just a couple seconds after you spawn which gives them a free kill, vice versa. When I do coop online with friends why does it take us back to the main menu if we fail the mission? I want it to take us back to the room I created so we can try again.
this is my biggest issue. i absolutely hate that. i want to continue playing with the people i was with but i lose them forever. but i guess in the full game it would take you to the next level in the coop campagin, not to the main menu right? because it is a story mode.


M3Freak said:
- I can run, but damn it, the tiniest thing makes me stop running, which COMPLETELY destroys the run 'n gun game play we all LOVED about RFoM. Why oh why when I start running do I stop running the second I jump onto something or drop off a rock?

I completely agree with this, even going up stairs makes me stop running sometimes.

M3Freak said:
- the reticule is FREAKING ASS. Come on!! Why is it so big? Even with the improved version, it STILL sucks compared to the reticule we had in RFoM. I think 50% of my shots are missing.

- it takes forever to take anyone down, but I think it's entirely because the reticule is shit.

I completely disagree with this, I think the reticule is fine. People go down pretty fast with a carbine to the head.

M3Freak said:
- I also have an EXTREMELY difficult time identifying when my shots are hitting the target unless I look for the XP counting up. That's just dumb - I should be to tell if my aim is good without looking for big XP numbers float up above the target's body. I never had this issue in RFoM - I always knew when my aim was good. ALWAYS.

I don't see a problem with this one either, I think seeing the XP numbers go up is kind of cool.

M3Freak said:
- grenade throwing still sucks because the grenades don't appear to go as far as in RFoM. the joy of awesome target bomber kills has been taken away. This really sucks because I landed some terrific target bomber kills in RFoM. It's a well honed skill that is now gone.

Grenade throwing is perfect, what are you talking about?

I skipped a couple of questions just because I wasn't a hardcore Resistance: Fall of Man player, the online multiplayer was just okay, but the online multiplayer in Resistance 2 is absolutely awesome in my opinion.


Spy said:
I skipped a couple of questions just because I wasn't a hardcore Resistance: Fall of Man player, the online multiplayer was just okay, but the online multiplayer in Resistance 2 is absolutely awesome in my opinion.

Thus, cementing my opinion that R2 multiplayer is tuned for a completely different demographic than the one that played RFoM multiplayer to death.


dork said:
stuff like text chat could be in the final version.

Meh forget text chat. More PS3 owners need to get headsets. The voice comm in R2 is pretty nice. I've heard everyone loud and clear. And the people with headsets (random people other than the few GAF i've run into online) dont just spout off the first thing that comes to mind.


Is this the medic in R2 more like an ET medic (good at healing and shooting) or more like a TF2 medic (A SISSY MEDIC!)?

I hope it's the ET kind, best game evar!


dhelfric said:
Is this the medic in R2 more like an ET medic (good at healing and shooting) or more like a TF2 medic (A SISSY MEDIC!)?

I hope it's the ET kind, best game evar!

Medic weapons in TF2 seemed pretty lethal.

Pulled off quite a few target bomber awards last night as well. Though I have to ask about the bullseye homing pin, is it as effective as R1? Hope not, because in R1 multiplayer, it seemed like people would just run around with the bullseye, tag and spray. You'd die in a split second.


Teknoman said:
Meh forget text chat. More PS3 owners need to get headsets. The voice comm in R2 is pretty nice. I've heard everyone loud and clear. And the people with headsets (random people other than the few GAF i've run into online) dont just spout off the first thing that comes to mind.

yeah doing coop now, its pretty awesome

most people are helpful and work together


Teknoman said:
Meh forget text chat. More PS3 owners need to get headsets. The voice comm in R2 is pretty nice. I've heard everyone loud and clear. And the people with headsets (random people other than the few GAF i've run into online) dont just spout off the first thing that comes to mind.

Text chat should be in. No reason not to be esp. considering the fact that the userbase will be split w/ mics.


I didn't play much RFOM1 online, I couldn't get into it for some reason, but I find the beta to be totally enjoyable and impressive in most ways.

My gripes are:
- The fire needs to be less burning :lol
- I do not like in shooters where I can empty a magazine and it doesn't kill someone, but setting it to 'high damage' fixes that. Power to the people to pick I suppose. But I also hate when headshots are over emphasized...look, one bullet to the head will kill you, but it doesn't take 15-20 slugs in the body to kill a human or alien.

Besides that, Im way cool with this. The running feels good to me as it is...perhaps it could be adjusted to let you go over slightly larger 'bumps' without stopping though.

The reticule seems OK to me..could be tighter I suppose, but not a major issue to me.

Weapon range could be better...sniper rifles are lacking killing power at range, the grenade launcher is way under powered, and all the other guns need about 25% more range.

The more I play, the more I like it and look past the issues I have though...totally cool game.
GodofWine said:
- I do not like in shooters where I can empty a magazine and it doesn't kill someone, but setting it to 'high damage' fixes that. Power to the people to pick I suppose. But I also hate when headshots are over emphasized...look, one bullet to the head will kill you, but it doesn't take 15-20 slugs in the body to kill a human or alien.

Well, technically, you couldn't kill somebody (human or not) even by shooting hundreds of bullets in the foot :D


M3Freak said:
Thus, cementing my opinion that R2 multiplayer is tuned for a completely different demographic than the one that played RFoM multiplayer to death.
i think this is probably true- i tried RFoM multiplayer and didnt really enjoy it at all, but i am really enjoying this beta. i guess i started trying to play RFoM online a little late because i didnt buy my system at release, but r2 is really enjoyable for me so far. some of your complaints are things i have seen too- AI for bosses is ridiculously bad, i think its annoying that you dont deal mobs more damage by shooting them in the head instead of the foot, running can be kind of silly too.
however, i dont mind the reticule, i enjoy the COD4 style pop up to aim instead of the UT3 style of FPS games, and although the AI may not do everything that you want, if you run in front of a bunch of mobs without support or a plan, you will get shot and die pretty damn fast in the co-op. i am disappointed that some of the original big fans would not be happy with this game, but i for one was on the fence about picking this up and now i feel pretty sold.


Spy said:
I wasn't a hardcore Resistance: Fall of Man player, the online multiplayer was just okay, but the online multiplayer in Resistance 2 is absolutely awesome in my opinion.

I feel 100% exactly the way you do now.

And M3Freak, I DO get your point, but I think the fact is that Insomniac owes you nothing... And this is in no way to offend you, but they made the changes that they feel make the game better and funner, and I would agree with those changes...

As you said, maybe it's just to appeal to another demographic and I completely sympathize with your feelings of "betrayal", but as a result, I and several others love the game alot more, so it's tough to feel completely sorry....


jjasper said:
Text chat should be in. No reason not to be esp. considering the fact that the userbase will be split w/ mics.

Well yeah, there is no reason not to include text chat...but im fairly biased in the fact that I believe more PS3 users that play online games that require teamwork in either a co-op setting or competitive setting NEED headsets.

Especially in a 4 person squad setting. Its not like you'll have 63 additional people blabbing at the same time.

With that out of the way, R2's multiplayer thus far, both in fun factor and scale, is alot better than R1.

Still want to know the actual range of the bullseye tag. Also glad that there really isnt any fall damage to speak of.

As for bullet amounts for death in competitive mode, the humans are part of the sentinel program and the chimera are hybrids infused with technology...makes sense they dont die as fast as normal peple right?:D


RockmanWhore said:
Well, technically, you couldn't kill somebody (human or not) even by shooting hundreds of bullets in the foot :D

Well then I want strategic dismemberment and them to limp around!!!! :lol


After rereading M3's complaints, it seems like they really arent that numerous. Just wants the crosshair to be spruced up abit. I do agree that the grenade launcher (while great primary and secondary fire) could have its damage upped abit. Sniper Rifle damage is fine to me. And im glad they reduced the number of held weapons to one primary, one secondary, and a variety of grenades. The different berserk power ups are nice too.


So for all those who have played the beta:

How does this game stack up to your favorite shooters? (Halo 3, COD4, etc.)

I was in the private beta, and I will echo co-ops awesomeness. The fire thing doesn't sound too hot though, and I am hoping competitive isn't being overlooked. This game has the potential to break down the walls from the sheer amount of modes, a few tweaks here and there could make it go from "Good" to "Greatness." I hope Insomniac is reading this, and I hope a patch is in place for launch. The running thing does sound like a pain in the ass, and I completely agree with those sentiments.

I would like to hear what you guys think of Competitive. Lots of Co-Op love, but we need more competitive impressions :D.



thuway said:

I know its just a beta, but I think it has a real chance to be the best online FPS on consoles (I have no PC to play on, so I will not assume anything with regards to them).

It feels pretty damned right in all ways. 60 player battles are epic...6 person battles are full of sneaking and stealth..just a lot of fun with solid game play.

I was going to use this beta to decide on whether or not to wait for KZ2 for a new shooter, and just rent this (I love the story and have to play it), but after playing it Im keeping the pre-order in and playing the hell out of this online.
I guess I saw this coming, since most of my complaints with R1 was in direct contrast with what the hardcore players liked about the game. It kind of sucks that everyone can't be pleased, but I think you guys will grow to love the game... just give it time.

Ploid 3.0

M3Freak said:
We've been absent for the most obvious reason: the biggest RFoM fans from the NeoGAF clan are not happy with multiplayer R2. By "biggest", I mean the dudes that played RFoM almost daily for 1.5 years. Even with many of the changes we asked for in the private beta implemented completely or partially, the game is still broken. R2 is a massive let down.

Now, I did say to many of my PSN buds that I like the public beta, but that's in comparison to the private beta. Do I like R2 multiplayer as compared to RFoM? That's a massive and unequivocal NO.

Insomniac screwed up big time - they have too many employees that believe CoD4 is the end all and be all of FPS games, and too much pressure from higher ups to increase R2 sales to CoD4 levels. Trying to make a FPS monster game more realistic (i.e. in the vain of CoD4) is the dumbest decision they could have ever made.

That being said, here's what I like about the public beta (keep in mind I'm comparing to the private beta):

- running is much faster now: I can actually tell I'm running!
- grenade throwing is improved in terms of distance/accuracy
- graphics are great (I had no doubts about this area)
- sound is awesome (I had no doubts about this area)
- the XP points are no longer a massive distraction
- AI in co-op is much better: Chimera are actually difficult to kill now, and will flank/rush/try to escape
- the reticule is better (no more stupid ass spreading), so my aim is better.
- fall damage is gone (I'm pretty sure about this one...if true, thank goodness)
- improved UI for lobby, stats, etc. - I actually like it now!
- super powerful magnum is no longer super powerful - nice!

Here's what I HATE (keep in mind I'm comparing to RFoM):

- I can run, but damn it, the tiniest thing makes me stop running, which COMPLETELY destroys the run 'n gun game play we all LOVED about RFoM. Why oh why when I start running do I stop running the second I jump onto something or drop off a rock?
- the reticule is FREAKING ASS. Come on!! Why is it so big? Even with the improved version, it STILL sucks compared to the reticule we had in RFoM. I think 50% of my shots are missing.
- it takes forever to take anyone down, but I think it's entirely because the reticule is shit.
- I also have an EXTREMELY difficult time identifying when my shots are hitting the target unless I look for the XP counting up. That's just dumb - I should be to tell if my aim is good without looking for big XP numbers float up above the target's body. I never had this issue in RFoM - I always knew when my aim was good. ALWAYS.
- The bullseye tag sucks now. You know why? Come on, you can guess. No? I CAN'T TELL IF MY TAG AIM IS GOOD BECAUSE THE RETICULE IS SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT.
- grenade throwing still sucks because the grenades don't appear to go as far as in RFoM. the joy of awesome target bomber kills has been taken away. This really sucks because I landed some terrific target bomber kills in RFoM. It's a well honed skill that is now gone.

I have other issues with the public beta:

- co-op is starting to get old because the AI, though better than in the private beta, is still shitty. The titans don't do anything. The stalker just sits there and spins his turret. The other chimera don't rush enough.
- the big bosses are just bullet sinks. what's the fun of sitting there and just railing on the same enemy for 10 minutes? what a waste of my life.
- no text chat = 50% less laughs in the lobby. The NeoGAF clan used the text chat A LOT. It was a great feature.

That's about it for now. I'll be buying R2 primarily for the single player campaign. But, I'm starting to believe I won't be having as much fun in R2 multiplayer as I did in RFoM.

It's also sad that other clan members, guys that I very much enjoy playing all manner of games with, won't be spending near as much time in R2 for the very reasons I outlined above.

Ok I wasn't a gaf resistance clan vet and I agree with most of those negatives. I thought the vets were mostly upset about the pickups being gone, and the restriction of weapons you could carry. That type of stuff. I'd really like the text chat in there, I hate being helpless when a gaffer tries to get my attention and I cant type to him (late at night, and I use headphones so I don't use the bt).

Edit: I think the crosshairs are fine, and I can tell if I'm hitting someone, or something just fine. I also don't have a problem with the grenade throws I think.


thuway said:
So for all those who have played the beta:

How does this game stack up to your favorite shooters? (Halo 3, COD4, etc.)

I was in the private beta, and I will echo co-ops awesomeness. The fire thing doesn't sound too hot though, and I am hoping competitive isn't being overlooked. This game has the potential to break down the walls from the sheer amount of modes, a few tweaks here and there could make it go from "Good" to "Greatness." I hope Insomniac is reading this, and I hope a patch is in place for launch. The running thing does sound like a pain in the ass, and I completely agree with those sentiments.

I would like to hear what you guys think of Competitive. Lots of Co-Op love, but we need more competitive impressions :D.


Well I usually look for servers with 40-64 max player limit (really nice war like fights). That being said, the battles still feel hectic, and unless you've got a decent aim with the sniper rifles, you'd do better to run and gun. Sometimes it takes awhile to get your bearings when dropped in the middle of a game. People dont seem to use the bullseye as much as other weapons, or at least spam the bullseye tag anymore.

The maps are structured nicely from what i've played. Plenty of spots for taking cover, open buildings for setting up ambushes, and rooftops for sniper battles. Still trying to figure out the best way to use the wraith (full on spray or just tap shots).


GodofWine said:
I know its just a beta, but I think it has a real chance to be the best online FPS on consoles (I have no PC to play on, so I will not assume anything with regards to them).

It feels pretty damned right in all ways. 60 player battles are epic...6 person battles are full of sneaking and stealth..just a lot of fun with solid game play.

I was going to use this beta to decide on whether or not to wait for KZ2 for a new shooter, and just rent this (I love the story and have to play it), but after playing it Im keeping the pre-order in and playing the hell out of this online.

I really want this game to succeed, this is why I am hoping people will hammer on about what they don't like in the game. Insomniac has a pedigree of making some amazing games that just fall short of greatness, hopefully with this beta they can flesh out the small stuff and purport it into greatness.

Oh and any impressions on graphics - likes / dislikes? I wish that damn kittonwy was here, he always had a knack for criticism.


Byakuya769 said:
I do miss pick ups. Perhaps have limited pick-ups here and there.

You never know man, CoD4 had that hardcore old-school mode with weapon pickups and such.

I can DEFINITELY see a gamemode/playlist that has an oldschool mode coming in an update.


I just dont like it when a game turns into a pick up spawn camp fest. Never had the chance to play with GAF in R1, but each game I ran into on my own was a bullesye tag fest, or just someone running around with the LARK all day.

If you're going to have pick ups, at least give the most powerful weapons limited ammo count on the map.


M3Freak said:
Thus, cementing my opinion that R2 multiplayer is tuned for a completely different demographic than the one that played RFoM multiplayer to death.
I was a hardcore R1 player who played competitively, as well as a bunch of my clan mates. Shit I have friends who met Js in NY for the gamestop tourney. I have the pictures from it lol. The clan I'm in also won the gamespot tourney etc etc. We dedicated a shit load of time to R1, forever, we skipped tons of MP games cuz of how solid R1 was.

We are on R2 and we are enjoying it immensely, sure somethings suck, grenades need distance still, but Insomniac fixed lots of things from the private beta that made the game so much better.

Overall I like the direction they went in with R2 and so did the majority of hardcore competitive players that I've talked to.

In terms of need tons of bullets to kill someone, thats false. R1 took 11-12 shots to the head to drop someone. This game feels the exact same. I get dropped so fast at times its ridiculous. The carbine is a beast again(Pbeta it sucked). Marksman turned out a lot better, its R2's BR(halo).

Fareye is easy, than again it was easy on R1 as well.

I agree on running but I figured it was just not working properly, nonetheless I got use to it. Everything else has been fine to me.(havent tried co-op)

JB I played r1 so much its ridiculous, just never talked about it here on gaf since they had thier own click. I was/am in top clans from R1(competitively speaking) and we'll be on R2 no doubt as well as Socom(some of us). I can answer any questions you may have, no need to direct them to just the gaf clan :p


thuway said:
So for all those who have played the beta:

How does this game stack up to your favorite shooters? (Halo 3, COD4, etc.)

I was in the private beta, and I will echo co-ops awesomeness. The fire thing doesn't sound too hot though, and I am hoping competitive isn't being overlooked. This game has the potential to break down the walls from the sheer amount of modes, a few tweaks here and there could make it go from "Good" to "Greatness." I hope Insomniac is reading this, and I hope a patch is in place for launch. The running thing does sound like a pain in the ass, and I completely agree with those sentiments.

I would like to hear what you guys think of Competitive. Lots of Co-Op love, but we need more competitive impressions :D.


COD was to easy(IMO) so it got old after so much time for me. Resistance 2 is easily better imo. I played H3 for a month, I like R2 more. Halo is just the samething and a lot less likable maps for me.

Those are the only other shooters worth mentioning lol. Rainbow Six sucked balls, both 1 and 2. I love WH but I dont categorize it with Halo/Cod/R2 due to planes, tanks, and what not.

Competitively, we gb all the time, we matched up against a rival last night and smacked him up to where he camped with fareye and than a couple of my boys smacked him up there. Last few rounds got really close though and you could feel that competitiveness(lol) that we felt from R1. It felt good and we will def be on R2 competing.

So are we good with saying there are only two main issues with the game? Running and grenade distance.
In terms of gameplay, you can say that. Some minor changes could be made later, but we need the to play the retail version to find those things. As of now run and grenades are the only problems imo. Grenades need to be like R1 and running needs that fix.


oneHeero what's your PSN ID? I'd like to see how well I do with good players. I pretty much exclusively play deathmatch games on the Resistance 2 beta and almost consistently come in 1st place but I'm sure the story will be different playing with people who aren't new to the game.

My PSN is Rexram.


Spy said:
So are we good with saying there are only two main issues with the game? Running and grenade distance.

I'm going to have to spend some time with competitive over the next few days, but running in co-op works great. Problem is you're running through wide open areas so the issues of stopping on stairs may not be a problem, so I'd have to leave it to these guys that play competitive regularly to comment. I'm way too addicted to the co-op right now. It really is like a MMO battle almost because you've got the classes, the objectives, and the leveling up. I keep feeling like I've got to keep playing it over and over again. :D
Have you guys noticed how the Myresistance forums is using the PSN avatars with urls directly from Sony's servers? I hope this is available to all third parties.
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