Some weapon impressions
Shotgun- The shotguns primary fire is very weak, takes a lot of blast (even at close range to down someone) but the R2 function is still lethal, you're just fucked if you miss first time.
Did have an awesome game with the shotgun.
Bullseye-One of my faves from FoM, but the aiming ridicule is broken. Way to big and inaccurate, not good when trying to tag people. It's even posible to miss point blank. :/
Bellock- I don't get it at all. Seems to be some sort of grenade launcher, secondary fire shoots flame grenades (wasn't this is one of the TS games). Found the bellock fucking useless tbh, but maybe I'm using it wrong.
Splicer- Awesome gun, as we expect form Insomniac. Fires spinning disks. Takes at least a few to down someone with primary fire, but secondary fire is awesome. It spins the disk wildly in the gun and when fired at an enemy it continues spinning inside them doing MASSIVE DAMAGE! Think you can sixaxis shake it out or something. Best tactic is fire off one R1 shot then an R2 shot, run off and leave him to die. Mwahaha.
Marksman- Battleriffle like. Great in co-op play. Undecided about it in competitive though. Others seem to like it though. Has a weird electricity charge R2 fire. Not totally sure what this does.
Carbine- Lethal. Probably even more so than in the first game.
Magnum- Haven't used it a lot. Killed a few with it but it was as last resort. Secondary fire (I think) implants an explosive in the enemy which they've to shake out. Could be a sticky grenade even.
Auger- Haven't really used it at all, but it seems fucking powerfull. The shield is far larger than in FoM, and grenades can't come through it anymore. Seems a little to powerful to (the shiled)
Wrath(minigun)- Not a fan really. Good for taking down hordes in co-op, and I assume if you see a group of enemies in competitive it'd be good too (possibly in skirmish). But in a one on one fire fight it's darn useless, carbine will utterly own you.
renade/hedgehog/fuel grenade- Hedgehog (lovely gore explosion on these) and air fuels are the same basically, only you can throw as far. Grenades seem less powerful though, don't seem to explode on impact anymore which I don't like.
Berserks (perks)- Gain ep to unlock these.
Projectile bullet (or something). Makes bullets do more damage. Pretty useful in one on ones but not great gainst a pack, you'll still get raped.
Ironheart. Probably the most usefull. Enemy bullets do less damage. Pretty useful for CTC. I've started using this one.
Hybrid vision. Allows you, and anyone near you to see enemies through walls. Used this one for a while, and it's pretty good. Would work well with shotgun in an indoor map.
Some electric bullet malarcky. Not used it. Think it causes some extra damage or something.