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Resistance 3 |OT| You ARE the Resistance

Pistol with unlimited bullets, firing it aimlessly
Awesome ending!!

Why is the MP STILL an absolute unplayable lag fest? Selling this game and never supporting Insomniac at launch again.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Pistol with unlimited bullets, firing it aimlessly
Awesome ending!!

Why is the MP STILL an absolute unplayable lag fest? Selling this game and never supporting Insomniac at launch again.

Patch is due out today that should resolve some of this.

Lord Error said:
I don't think the engine is very optimized tbh. There's frame drops even when there's unquestionably unimpressive stuff on display (like staring at the wall with the oil lamp for example)

I noticed in MP that a LOT of things get loaded into memory, even if you can't see them (ever). There are train cars and tunnels in Train Yard (MP) that you literally can NEVER see...yet for some reason, they are rendered. I'd assume that this is the same for SP, which probably explains some of the slowdown in certain areas.



Thank FUCK for that!

Most boring gaming experience of my life, nearly as bad as F.E.A.R Files on Xbox 360 :\
CozMick said:
Most boring gaming experience of my life, nearly as bad as F.E.A.R Files on Xbox 360 :\

I actually like it and it has to get top accolades for not holding some popup into my face after every click to "buy" chimeran saliva which in turn can be used to buy more command points.
Also the "share this on facebook" is not as annoying as in Dragon Age Legends (I still don't get why that game seems to get so much praise).

Then again, it would be cool if they could make MP matches have effects on the different regions (maybe just speed up the capture rate). It also needs to guide players a bit more on the strategy part, because right now it always feels completely random to me.
I think it is their first social game, right?
Good start and enough ground to build upon further, I'd say.


I don't think GR is boring, but it can be if you're just staring at the screen waiting for CP to refill.

I play it passively between classes on my tablet, or while I knock out homework (I check on it every 30 mins or so to start missions or deploy things).

I've deployed somewhere around 753,437 troops.

Edit: Also, Patch 1.03 is due out later today, with 1.04 currently on track for a release next week.


CozMick said:

Thank FUCK for that!

Most boring gaming experience of my life, nearly as bad as F.E.A.R Files on Xbox 360 :\
''Lord Mayor of Belfast'' cool

there's a tricolour
I wonder if someone would complain to IG

i'm really lucky, I haven't experienced any of the lag you lads are talking about


MrPliskin said:
Edit: Also, Patch 1.03 is due out later today, with 1.04 currently on track for a release next week.

Sorry to ask but is 1.03 absolutely confirmed for today? I didn't see anything about it, only that it's stuck at Sony.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Why is the MP STILL an absolute unplayable lag fest?
I've been tempted to buy the game a few times now, but the beta was just about unplayable to me and from what I'm reading, that hasn't improved. That's a shame. I hope this patch fixes things so I can stop ignoring this game.


Fuck Cancer
Not a single Gaffer on my PSN list plays this game online. If you guys are up to some co-op action please add me. My PSN is kamorra.
Well, to defend my crazy statements on the ending, in short because I'm typing on a phone...

The last act of the game wasn't any different than any other sci fi shooter in concept... ie you vs 1 million aliens/monsters as you make your way to the core/mother brain of whatever spaceship/alien homeworld is your target. In that way it was generic.

The execution is what blew me away. First off, I played the game in 3D so that might be part of it, and even though the story was barebones, I was into it, and a bit moved by both his speech to potentially no one on the radio and also by his wife's response.

So with those caveats, what i loved about the last act was the scope. Even though all sci fi shooters end like this, I never quite felt like I was there like I did with R3. It felt like an absolutely giant place, especially as it was crumbling (which was mind-blowing in 3D btw). Also, with the series already establishing it has no issues killing major or even the protagonist I did think Joe was done for. So lambchops flying in to save the day also didn't strike me as corny as it seems to have for most of you.

But overall it was the size of everything. Halo always goes for these epic endings but they always feel small to me. Not to say I didn't enjoy those games, because I did, but I feel like Resistance 3 is the first time 'storming the castle' was fully realized.

I was also moved by the radio montage at the end. Sue me!
Loudninja said:
Sony is taking there sweet ass time, and its really pissing me off.

I am really pissed to. This game is pretty much unplayable even after 2 patches and all the issues that the beta had. It makes no fucking sense. I think they had some positive buzz going, but now that is all being killed off.


yankeehater said:
I am really pissed to. This game is pretty much unplayable even after 2 patches and all the issues that the beta had. It makes no fucking sense. I think they had some positive buzz going, but now that is all being killed off.
EH you really cant say that, you have no proof.Not everyone is having the lag issues.
Loudninja said:
EH you really cant say that, you have no proof.Not everyone is having the lag issues.

I just meant because you hear about it so much online. Everyone should be focused on how good the campaign is and how much better designed the mp is, rather then people asking for the next patch because the game still has problems. It has been a lot better for me since the last patch, but the lag is still there. Sony should be doing everything they can to get this shit fixed.


TTP said:
Nope. Move controls customization is perfectly fine for Sony.
That's not what James said, unless I misunderstood him.

Also, RxForWar said he got word patch should deploy today from Admins (who are Tim and James).


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
WOOOOOOO!! Got the game. Gonna play some chapters before sitting through 3 hours of patches.

Wheres your god now Patsu?


Trophy Question:

How do you get
ROOPS!. I know you are suppose to knock a hybrid down a cliff after exiting the first mine. I killed the hybrid, melee him until he get push near the cliff and melee him one last time so he falls down.
But for some reason I done it a million times but doesn't seem to work.

CozMick said:
[im g]http://i1010.photobucket.com/albums/af225/CozMick-GAF/Untitled.png[/img]

Thank FUCK for that!

Most boring gaming experience of my life, nearly as bad as F.E.A.R Files on Xbox 360 :\

lol i got that recently too, now you have to be on the winning side of the war to get the other skin. human lost last round :(
Achtius said:
Trophy Question:

How do you get
ROOPS!. I know you are suppose to knock a hybrid down a cliff after exiting the first mine. I killed the hybrid, melee him until he get push near the cliff and melee him one last time so he falls down.
But for some reason I done it a million times but doesn't seem to work.

Lot's of the trophies in this game are SUPER glitchy and fussy.
It took me about 10 hybrids to be pushed or melee'd off of the cliff before the trophy popped. The trophy notifications take forever to pop up too (the longest I've seen on any PS3 title) so stick about for anything up to 30 seconds after you've done it to make sure.

Other broken trophies in R3 is the Backstabber which has you kill 20 enemies from behind. I must have done 30 or 40 before it registered. Did them the same place on the same enemy in the same way. Lame.

The worst of all is Juggler, have fun with that. Burn, Poison and Freeze an enemy simultaneously. You have to do it with four enemies. I probably did it 25 times before it registered. I then gave up, carried on playing and the trophy popped up nearly a minute later.

I am really beginning to dislike the game playing it on Superhuman. I just hate the health system in this game, it doesn't need to be as cunty as it is. I can't help but feel the game is a bit of a mess really in many areas and the stupid unfairness of this difficulty just exacerbates things. It's hard to believe this comes from the same guys that make the stunning Ratchet and Clank games. Massive disappointment.
I would just love to know the reasoning to going back to that way of doing health where every other FPS/3RDPS uses regenerating health. If you're going to have health like R3, at least have a fucking shield system of some kind which DOES regen (like Halo).

Whilst on the subject, why can't you upgrade your health or shield? You can upgrade your weapons, so why not your health/shield? I'd like to have upgraded my weapons beyond Lv.3 for Superhuman too, that would of been a cool extra for that difficulty mode.


KennyLinder said:
Whilst on the subject, why can't you upgrade your health or shield? You can upgrade your weapons, so why not your health/shield? I'd like to have upgraded my weapons beyond Lv.3 for Superhuman too, that would of been a cool extra for that difficulty mode.

They probably wanted to keep it simple. How would you upgrade the health, by taking damage?

Grenade upgrades would have made more sense.
I think people is too used to the health regen and hand holding.. I'm currently in my first playthrough, in hard, with Move, no pause in the weapon wheel, and in the chapter
16 or 17, when you arrives to New York
and I have 16 deaths, but until now the game has not given me any major problems. You aren't the bullet sponge from other FPS, and you're health is LIMITED, so you have to be cautious and skilled in the encounters with the chimera. For me this game has a fantastic gameplay, and if you say that the health system "has stupid unfairness", go back to COD or another similar game.


CozMick said:

Thank FUCK for that!

Most boring gaming experience of my life, nearly as bad as F.E.A.R Files on Xbox 360 :\

Dude, I pity you, did you really play Global Resistance just to get that multiplayer skin (which you can't even use yet?)
DigiMish said:
They probably wanted to keep it simple. How would you upgrade the health, by taking damage?

Grenade upgrades would have made more sense.

Just increase the health bar (well circle) so there is more to lose. Yep, grenade upgrades would have been cool too.


KennyLinder said:
Just increase the health bar (well circle) so there is more to lose. Yep, grenade upgrades would have been cool too.

I'm not sure about this, but it seemed to me that you take less damage when you don't have much health left.


Sailor Stevenson
Still waiting on all the territories to clear the patch, good to go in US/EU, but not everywhere, sigh.

also, the Move thing was not having a specific screen for it, you can't let people remap based on the Dualshock screen, and we didn't have time nor space for a new screen when we figured that out.

we are patching the ADS to allow you to point around the screen while zoomed though


KennyLinder said:
Lot's of the trophies in this game are SUPER glitchy and fussy.
It took me about 10 hybrids to be pushed or melee'd off of the cliff before the trophy popped. The trophy notifications take forever to pop up too (the longest I've seen on any PS3 title) so stick about for anything up to 30 seconds after you've done it to make sure.

Other broken trophies in R3 is the Backstabber which has you kill 20 enemies from behind. I must have done 30 or 40 before it registered. Did them the same place on the same enemy in the same way. Lame.

The worst of all is Juggler, have fun with that. Burn, Poison and Freeze an enemy simultaneously. You have to do it with four enemies. I probably did it 25 times before it registered. I then gave up, carried on playing and the trophy popped up nearly a minute later.


Alright i'll keep trying :(

DigiMish said:
Dude, I pity you, did you really play Global Resistance just to get that multiplayer skin (which you can't even use yet?)

it is actually quite addictive, even if it is repetitive.
DigiMish said:
I'm not sure about this, but it seemed to me that you take less damage when you don't have much health left.

Possibly, can't say I've noticed that myself. You can't even hide half the time 'cause the fuckers have the Auger :D


KennyLinder said:
I would just love to know the reasoning to going back to that way of doing health where every other FPS/3RDPS uses regenerating health. If you're going to have health like R3, at least have a fucking shield system of some kind which DOES regen (like Halo).

Whilst on the subject, why can't you upgrade your health or shield? You can upgrade your weapons, so why not your health/shield? I'd like to have upgraded my weapons beyond Lv.3 for Superhuman too, that would of been a cool extra for that difficulty mode.

The health system is designed so you actually feel a bit of tension in combat instead of just hiding away for a few seconds. Not only does it work, but it also gives them more freedom to design the levels in the absolutely superb way that they did.

People having trouble with it can always bump the difficult down to casual.
I kid, of course.
Massa said:
The health system is designed so you actually feel a bit of tension in combat instead of just hiding away for a few seconds. Not only does it work, but it also gives them more freedom to design the levels in the absolutely superb way that they did.

People having trouble with it can always bump the difficult down to casual.
I kid, of course.

Nah, is more cool to shoot like a boss knowing that you'll return to cover and heal in five seconds. Sure people would suffer now in Half-Life 2 in Hard lol

jstevenson said:
we are patching the ADS to allow you to point around the screen while zoomed though

YES! YES! I'll be able to properly counter those camping bastards in the MP!


DigiMish said:
Ran into a game-breaking bug where it would freeze on the skull loading icon before the main menu. Tried to delete the R3 game data off my HDD, but it froze. I restarted the system, it now shows as corrupt data.

Were you ever able to get rid of it? Just ran into the same issue trying delete the game data.
Picked this up as more of an alternate to my Dead Island play sessions. I am blown away at how much fun this game is. Every single moment feels epic and intense. I am playing it on the hardest difficulty (unless there is an unlockable mode) so that might be part of it. Got a few rounds in online and clearly see they improved over the beta.

Long story short, I am very satisfied with the game thus far.
sleepykyo said:
Were you ever able to get rid of it? Just ran into the same issue trying delete the game data.

Worked for me doing this:

1. Delete Game Data
2. Turn off the console (you can also wait for a long time with pretty much the same result)
3. Game Data is now flagged as corrupted
4. Start the game again and install over the corrupted data

The problem only occured during the installation for me, though. Never had a problem afterwards (except for one of the scripts not being triggered in a mission).

Agent X

I just completed the campaign a few minutes ago. What an awesome game!

Hats off to Insomniac, Sony, and all those involved in making it.


KennyLinder said:
Lot's of the trophies in this game are SUPER glitchy and fussy.
It took me about 10 hybrids to be pushed or melee'd off of the cliff before the trophy popped. The trophy notifications take forever to pop up too (the longest I've seen on any PS3 title) so stick about for anything up to 30 seconds after you've done it to make sure.

Other broken trophies in R3 is the Backstabber which has you kill 20 enemies from behind. I must have done 30 or 40 before it registered. Did them the same place on the same enemy in the same way. Lame.

The worst of all is Juggler, have fun with that. Burn, Poison and Freeze an enemy simultaneously. You have to do it with four enemies. I probably did it 25 times before it registered. I then gave up, carried on playing and the trophy popped up nearly a minute later.

I am really beginning to dislike the game playing it on Superhuman. I just hate the health system in this game, it doesn't need to be as cunty as it is. I can't help but feel the game is a bit of a mess really in many areas and the stupid unfairness of this difficulty just exacerbates things. It's hard to believe this comes from the same guys that make the stunning Ratchet and Clank games. Massive disappointment.

You can "buy" health regen from Extras > Shop !


I am enjoying the campaign. It has a half life feel to it overall I think the weapons may be better, but I enjoyed the level designed of HL2 more. Regardless, despite frustrating bug or two, it's a pleasure to play.

MP still isn't playable?... that is just sad on Insomniacs part.
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