Beat the game in one sitting on Hard. Overall, R1 > R3 >> R2.
-The game really did give off a strong desperate and sad vibe the entire time. You really never felt save, especially on the levels where the flashlight comes out. Pretty creepy. Very creepy, actually. Atmosphere is top notch.
-Music was pretty solid.
-Most of the weapons were pretty satisfying to use. There were usually a few weapons that were better for certain scenarios than others, but finding enough ammo for the right guns could be hard at times, which is nice.
-Old school touches like the health system are sweet. Same with the secondary fire.
-Enemy AI could be kind of dumb at times, especially when killing them from range.
-Resolution is definitely noticeable. A lot of blurry things going on at times.
-Audio doesn't always sync up (mouths, kill sounds, etc).
-The game chugs at times. I don't know if this is disc/hdd loading, but it's very noticeable in game and in menus sometimes.
-Levels where you are given unlimited health and ammo are way too easy.
-In fact, the game itself was too easy I thought. I remember struggling a lot more on Hard in both R1 and R2.
-The story is WEAKSAUCE. Absolutely nothing is addressed from the previous lore. On top of that, there really aren't very many references to things that have happened in past events.
-To relate to the last point, there aren't very many intel pickups at all.
-Did I mention that the ending is abrupt and dumb? You had the balls to do something drastic like kill Hale last time around. Regardless, even if the ending was going to be a happy one, it still could have been handled better.
-The final room has been done before. Too reminiscent of R1.
Right now, I'm a little bit less than lv30.
-The same chugging/lag mentioned in SP occurs here too. Some of this was fixed in the beta, but it kind of seems undone right now. Yes, I know 1.03 is supposed to address this.
-Atomizer is CHEAP as hell. Too many people use it to get easy kills.
-Spawns are completely messed up... still. It's too easy to spawn in front of a horde of bad guys. Not to mention that spawning in the same general area as the rest of your team while the enemy completely slaughters everyone over and over is just retarded.
-I still feel that the cloak is too gimped when humans get the shield. At the very least, take away some of the time it takes for the cloak to kick in. Same with going back into cloak mode after coming out if it.
-Remember how you said that the leaper perk wasn't going to be used as much when the final game came out and there were other choices? Yeah, so not true. I've played a few games where LITERALLY EVERYBODY was using it. It's really fucking annoying seeing 32 leapers and spitters where enemy corpses used to be. Even worse trying to run through them or have a gun battle in that area.
-The GR unlockables should have been good to go on launch.
-Prison is an awful map on so many accounts. All the fighting essentially happens in one area, and it is primed and ready for Atomizer rape.
-Breach is damn near impossible to win. 50 lives to shoot out a bunch of fuel rods that have loads of health?
-I wish you could at least melee with the flag.
Side note, I ran into loudninja last night. First GAFfer I've ran into post-beta. But his friends list was full