frAntic_Frog said:so any news on whether or not the online portion of this game will move beyond the tired CTF/KingoftheHill/Deathmatch variants that been in every FPS online shooter since Quake3? i mean cmon add some vehicles for chrisake! or secondary weapons like pistols knives or other melee weapons. maybe this is why Resistance sales have fallen outta the top10 npd charts since jan....since people see it as more of the same ol' same ol'.........
Remy said:You bought the wrong version of Resistance. Return it to your store.
JB1981 said:well, it wasn't terribly long. Took about 10 minutes. But updates like this on 360 take less than 30 seconds, usually.
My Arms Your Hearse said:OH. MY. ****ING. GOD.
This must be somehow related to the PS3 freezing, BUT FOR THE THIRD TIME, MY RESISTANCE SAVED DATA HAS BEEN CORRUPTED. **** this shit. I'm not even going to bother TRYING for the black-ops shit now, as every time I do my data just gets ****ing deleted before I can finish and I have to start over from SCRATCH.
Surely this has happened to someone else? shit. After the 1st time that's what he should have done. but then again game saves should be reliable but then again he should have backed it up after the 1st time but then again game saves should be reliable but then again he should have backed it up after the 1st time but then again game saves should be reliable but then again he should have backed it up after the 1st time but then again game saves should be reliable but then again he should have backed it up after the 1st time but then again game saves should be reliable but then again he should have backed it up after the 1st time but then again game saves should be reliable but then again he should have backed it up after the 1st time but then again game saves should be reliable but then again he should have backed it up after the 1st time but then again game saves should be reliable but then again he should have backed it up after the 1st time but then again game saves should be reliable but then again he should have backed it up after the 1st time but then again game saves should be reliable but then again he should have backed it up after the 1st time but then again game saves should be reliable but then again he should have backed it up after the 1st time but then again game saves should be reliable but then again he should have backed it up after the 1st timelynux3 said:You should probably try backing up your game save data.
frAntic_Frog said:so any news on whether or not the online portion of this game will move beyond the tired CTF/KingoftheHill/Deathmatch variants that been in every FPS online shooter since Quake3? i mean cmon add some vehicles for chrisake! or secondary weapons like pistols knives or other melee weapons. maybe this is why Resistance sales have fallen outta the top10 npd charts since jan....since people see it as more of the same ol' same ol'.........
My Arms Your Hearse said:Assault is some good shit, so far it seems at least.
Unfortunately, there are some SERIOUS issues with this patch. Namely, after a match, and maybe before, there is massive game wide lag... and by that I mean... in the menus and everywhere else and I've had four different games freeze on me since the patch. The matches actually stuck around, but I kept freezing... joining matches, the end of matches, you name it...
Pretty much every match I've been in so far has frozen my PS3 at some point.
Big-E said:JS why did you guys get rid of the reload sound on the rifle? I miss it and plus it helped knowing when you could shoot again.
you mean episode 301? its awesome by the wayAeon712 said:I played a quick game with M3 earlier, we were hoping for Assault but got Meltdown instead. The Laark losing some splash damage is a good thing. I died less from it but I sucked the 2 shots I had with it. I'll be getting on after I finish watching the new One Piece.
Remy said:We need to do single weapon conversion more often. Those sniper rounds were fun.![]()
Remy said:Assault is amazing. It's really, really different from both Breach and Meltdown. I'm doing up a strategy post now for the clanblog - should be up by Thursday evening at the latest (if I don't finish it right now).
Post-results lag needs fixing ASAP.
The new map/health bar for nodes is great and was much needed.
New spectator mode is much appreciated, although I wish the "roaming cam" had some noclip - but I can understand why it doesn't.
We need to do single weapon conversion more often. Those sniper rounds were fun.![]()
Better then Awesome, I need 302 nowg35twinturbo said:you mean episode 301? its awesome by the way![]()
Good thing you left nades in, I wouldn't have stood a chance. I didn't even fire one sniper shot that second gameWe need to do single weapon conversion more often. Those sniper rounds were fun.
My Arms Your Hearse said:Hey, I had to get off early tonight to work out... then I chilled with friends and went out to eat. I had like eight party invites when I got back :lol
I'm kinda like Patsu... I just leave my PS3 on all the time... if I don't join the party/message back, that means my PS3 is just sitting there on, but I'll try to be better about at least closing out of Resistance.
Remy said:Oh, I also forgot:
To everyone involved in that epic Meltdown match, I salute you.
To everyone who wasn't: We were playing Nottingham Meltdown 32, which is the 5 nodes pattern. It was the second round, and we had already rocked them a bit the first round. But that's no excuse for what happened next:
At exactly two minutes into the round - I checked the game clock, it read 23:00 - all nodes were either in our possession or being converted to ours. It was the quickest Meltdown lock-down we've ever done.
We did the usual "lob all grenades into the base" thing that we do after a lockdown on Nottingham, but something curious happened maybe 30 seconds after that...
They stopped coming out.
That's definitely part of today's update. I played last night so I made a point of checking Players Met before logging into RFOM today and updating. No players from last night's games were on the PM list. After updating and playing a few rounds, PM list was working.shagg_187 said:Pinch me if im late but...
"Players Met" has been fixed for Resistance...![]()
When was that fixed? I Just noticed it (Unless it was part of the current update)
ChryZ said:It's awesome how Insomniac keeps improving and supporting the game. *cheers*
Playing Resistance online is a real blast. I really could jump in and play the game without any issues even though it is the first console fps game i play, and the first one i have played online. Also, i havent finish a single level of the single player campaign, i just got my ps3 a couple of days ago and since gaf was playing online, i decided to join the party without having played the game before handAeon712 said:Fun games tonight, Angelcurio you should really get a mic. Playing with Gaf is awesome but hearing us all talk is a blast. Also there were a couple times I wanted to warn you of people.
Are we game on Friday to try out the new modes or waiting till the normal Saturday? Ross wouldn't tell what time the modes were going up, now I'll be checking all day
I feel you... I'm getting my ass handed to me this quarter but I hope to be on during the weekend maybe for 1 out of the 2 days to try some of the new game modes. I got a lab to write up so I'm not sure how it will all turn out but I'll try to finish it up to get some playing time in.tanod said:Hi everybody. I'm finally back from my 2 week vacation. Some would call it a ban.![]()
Tanod + LBP/Home Excitement + Miyamoto keynote disappointment-ton thread = IQ - 150
Even though I'm back on the boards, don't expect to see me on clan nights for a while until after the 1st. Grad school is kicking my ass and I have officially made the request (1UP article got me thinking) to my wife to have her hide my controller until I get through some school stuff. I did "get permission" to turn my PS3 on today to get all the updates. But tomorrow, the controller goes back into hiding. Not gonna get a chance to check to see how the updates/new modes play yet so I'm really disappointed because it sounds so awesome. *grumble*
See you on the boards.
PS: MotorStorm is waaaaaaaay fun but God of War 2 is awesome-er so MS got bumped. How awesome is MotorStorm, you ask? So awesome!
bigswords said:Damn you Sony Asia Where is my goddamn patch, in fact where is my FIRST patch....I just cant wait for international servers when everyone is being forced to update at the same time.
Edit: No offense to Insomniac of course, they do fix the gameit's just that Sony Asia which runs the Asian side of the Sony network is not releasing us the patch!
TheGuardian said:As the resistance servers are region locked, maybe we should create a Euro GAF Clan?
TheGuardian said:As the resistance servers are region locked, maybe we should create a Euro GAF Clan?
That would be awesome, the mode would have to be Assault. Followed by a Breach game to see who can lock the other team inside their base.Steroyd said:Yeah that should happen, then when the WW servers are open we celebrate the occasion with a US vs EU epic GAF battle no prisoners and no pussies.
I should have a PS3 by then definately.
Diggler said:Do we have a date on the world-wide patch? Sorry if already asked.
Awesome, thanks a lot.kaching said:You don't have to press to talk in the pre-game lobby, Gadeus. Otherwise, your assumptions are correct.
Also, got your PMs, so I'll send you a clan invite tonight.
kaching said:You don't have to press to talk in the pre-game lobby, Gadeus.
Aeon712 said:Has Wollen played his Resistance yet? I'm really interested in seeing what he has to say about Resistance.