Yep.The Jer said:I believe the auger rounds both lose speed and gain power as they travel through an object.
BobTheFork said:damnit, we have to get to 10k posts before i leave for NYC. BTW great games tonight. The auger only match was teh best.
Bearillusion said:That's why you need an announcer.
'You gained the lead'
*two seconds later*
'You lost the lead'
ah, that was you? :lol you were annoyingtanod said:I don't know if you were on, but I was doing some "announcing" during a game last night. I was annoyed with myself. I can imagine how other people felt.
"Sutdawg is in the lead"
"Three kills left"
"Bobthefork is in the lead"
"Sutdawg is in the lead"
"Bobthefork is in the lead"
"Bobthefourty has won the game"
Yeah... no. *barfs*
tanod said:I don't know if you were on, but I was doing some "announcing" during a game last night. I was annoyed with myself. I can imagine how other people felt.
"Sutdawg is in the lead"
"Three kills left"
"Bobthefork is in the lead"
"Sutdawg is in the lead"
"Bobthefork is in the lead"
"Bobthefourty has won the game"
Yeah... no. *barfs*
Nightz said:Fun stuff last night. I was able to find my old SOCOM headset but I don't think the mic works. Oh well, just gotta wait until Warhawk to be able to talk to you guys.
Nightz said:Fun stuff last night. I was able to find my old SOCOM headset but I don't think the mic works. Oh well, just gotta wait until Warhawk to be able to talk to you guys.
TTP said:Did u check it in the System Setting?
tanod said:A lot of people use Socom or PS2 USB headsets. They work just fine. You just need to make sure you enable it under the sound options in the game or on the XMB.
Yeah all the settings are correct and I know about X-Ray. I tried out a buddy's SOCOM headset (exact same one I have) and it worked fine. We also tried talking to each other and he said that sometimes he could hear me, but the sound was cutting out.LJ11 said:Nightz, I could have sworn that I heard you speaking at one point. Make sure the Logitech option is checked in your mic settings, and that you switch to squad X-Ray when we get in game.
dralla said:it's hard to get hyped for a game we know nothing about. I asked a question on the Epic forums about the features on the PS3, and my post was deleted.
but why are you talking about UT3 in the Resistance thread?
dionysus said:What is the feeling in the clan about the upcoming ps3 multiplayer games? Warhawk or UT3 getting more hype? I didn't really get into resistance multiplayer, but I figure I will play one of the other two pretty heavily. And since none of my real life friends own ps3s, I need a group to play with. There is only room for one multiplayer game in my life, so tell me what to buy!
tanod said:I think the people who are playing now, will probably keep playing until Resistance 2 comes out
Proc said:Not I. I probably won't touch it once Warhawk + Halo 3 come out.
Nice, i will be on tonight if you want to play a few matches. Sorry i missed out on the Auger match last night. Not sorry that i missed out on Tanod's announcing debut.Maverick said:Just picked up a mint, used copy of Resistance for $35.
Now to get that PS3 today...
johnFkennedy said:How come we never play on the new maps? They're very good.
Some games tonight?Beatbox said:We're pretty much waiting for them to be integrated in the normal game searches (TDM/Objective). Most of us got sick of playing regular non team based convergence over and over and over and over.
Aeon712 said:Some games tonight?
I lied and said I would be on last night, damnit. I need to get this last bit of money in before classes start in 3 weeks.Beatbox said:If you haven't noticed I play every night :lol
I'm bout to play some games with Cdubb:lol, feel free to join us....pleaseBeatbox said:If you haven't noticed I play every night :lol
Aeon712 said:I'm bout to play some games with Cdubb:lol, feel free to join us....please
tanod said:I think the people who are playing now, will probably keep playing until Resistance 2 comes out QUOTE]
I will be playing until Resistance Fall of Canadia Land comes out.
Welcome to the foldpswii60 said:Damn I love this game. Was playing it for the first time properly online tonight, really enjoyed it. Nottingham with 32 people was insane.
So smooth, no lag. The pinaccle of my console online gaming experience so far.
yeah I used to have a old socom mic. It would cut in and out. It would work, then in the middle of a match it would die for the rest of the night. I got a good deal on a nice padded usb headset.dralla said:the socom mic has stopped working after one of the firmware updates. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I don't even bother with mine, just waiting for Warhawk
So I'm not the only one having problems with it. Guess I'll just stick it out until I get my copy of Warhawk in the mail.BobTheFork said:yeah I used to have a old socom mic. It would cut in and out. It would work, then in the middle of a match it would die for the rest of the night. I got a good deal on a nice padded usb headset.
We need to set up Eagles vs Packers for Tuesday. This game can set the tempo for the season opener.Greg said:I lied and said I would be on last night, damnit. I need to get this last bit of money in before classes start in 3 weeks.
I'll try to log on tonight after Rescue Me at 11 EST.
:'(sutdawg said:Cdubb>Aeon712 :lol
Thanks for the support, ended that horrible 7game losing streak.TONX said:Going online now. Chimera beware.
O-o massive packers fan!!! Too bad they are going to suck again. and for the next few years until they get a crazy QB draft pick. At least the eagles will play like an expansion team this year and I don't have to grieve alone. I'll be on in the next hour or so.Aeon712 said:We need to set up Eagles vs Packers for Tuesday. This game can set the tempo for the season opener.
BobTheFork said:yeah I used to have a old socom mic. It would cut in and out. It would work, then in the middle of a match it would die for the rest of the night. I got a good deal on a nice padded usb headset.
johnFkennedy said:Soooooo,who wants to play on the new maps tonight?
FightyF said:If I get my PS3 back tonight, I'm down.
Not sure if I'm buying the game right away, so hopefully I can find someone that rents it out soon after release. Ahhhh, I can't wait.Aeon712 said:We need to set up Eagles vs Packers for Tuesday. This game can set the tempo for the season opener.
Hell yes Packers! They won't suck this year - Favre will play like the man of 10 years ago and we can win this superbowl so he can retire in peace.BobTheFork said:O-o massive packers fan!!! Too bad they are going to suck again. and for the next few years until they get a crazy QB draft pick. At least the eagles will play like an expansion team this year and I don't have to grieve alone. I'll be on in the next hour or so.
Steroyd said:Okay I would like to say SCREW YOU GAF. >_<
I got banned for a freaking month, A FREAKING MONTH okay the first few days were okay, i was cool but then the urge to get a PS3 was rising... rising and then I got one, no Gaf no post make Steroyd go crazy.
Okay so i get the predictable launch titles, Motorstorm and Resistance, Motorstorm is a awesome game didn't like the triggers at first got used to them, then after a while the controller started to hurt my hand after long periods of use, i was pissed off at using the triggers until a few days ago when i learned you can change the configuration so that accel is X.
Anyway this thread isn't the I've got a PS3 thread so to the point.
I am shocked and amazed Resistance is a LAUNCH TITLE WTF!?! The first few levels weren't something to shout home about, I was starting to believe the criticisms the game was receiving until I got to the Manchester level and realised how much of a sinner I was for letting such thoughts creep in and because i haven't played a FPS in ages I kept getting WTFPWNED at the Church (and those bastards with the augers afterwards didn't help me past that bit either), the game has variety I like that, it's neither a definitive fast pace FPS or a Scary slow one, it mixes them up nicely.
Right now I'm up to the level that's very Doom-esque in the darkness using a torch thingy haven't even tried that level yet cause I've been playing online which is friggen awesome, been tagging along with the clan for the last couple of weeks, not very European Friendly, i has to get up 3AM just to play with you guys.... but it's worth it.
Oh yeah how the fuck does everyone kill me faster when I'm one on one with someone (i.e Carbine vs Bullseye, Bullseye vs Bullseye or Carbine vs Carbine), I swear they've gimped the weapons I hold because the bullets must be weaker even when i aim at their heads it's like 70/30 not in my favour, and damn those shotgun bastards. >_<
Do I just generally suck with the machine guns, because when we went the Auger only match I killed BobtheFork twice in one round.... I'd probably never be able to say that ever again and it was most probably because of the slower rate of fire.
Oh and give the heads up when your going to use those purchasable maps, for GAF nights, i haven't purchased them yet, because i fear the PSN stores incredibly low pricing on everything will make me spend a crapton unintentionally.