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Resistance: Fall of Man - The Official Thread


Took some pics myself:





jstevenson said:
Right, but it all ties into creating a game with finite resources, for a launch platform, on a deadline.

Thats true, and Resistance is easily the best most featured and polished launch game I've ever played but, no online co-op :(

Maybe Insomniac will go the way of Halo 3/Haze and have 4 player co-op in the sequel? Seems like its the new FPS fad.


when is my burrito
So, I'm getting to the last bit of the game on my Superhuman run. I just made it to London last night which means I'm at the "mall." dum dum dum :(

I found this to be the most difficult part when I was playing on Hard so I'm not really looking forward to it. There's nothing inherently hard about the level, it's just that the first checkpoint is sooooo far into the level, it's not remotely funny. By this point in the game, I'm a surgeon with the weapons in SP. Playing in Superhuman though, you almost have to play it in a very specific way to get through the levels. It becomes more of a skill-based puzzle than an action game.

I don't even have the "no hits by crawler or berserker" skill points yet. That's how difficult this level is. I tried playing it on easy to get those points and those are definitely the hardest skill points to get. Still haven't gotten them.

I just really want the special ops and skeleton head. I've put the time into SP and would really like to extract some of that to have some more fun in MP.

If there's something I really think they need to improve in RFOM 2, it would have to be an increase in the frequency in checkpoints. It works in Ratchet to spread them out but Ratchet doesn't get HARD like Resistance does. Even if you die in R&C, you still don't have to go and break all the boxes again. In RFOM, you have to do everything again. :( I don't want Halo checkpoints where there's 1 every 10 seconds, I think that would make game too easy, just make them a little more frequent.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
tanod said:
If there's something I really think they need to improve in RFOM 2, it would have to be an increase in the frequency in checkpoints..

tanod said:
So, I'm getting to the last bit of the game on my Superhuman run. I just made it to London last night which means I'm at the "mall." dum dum dum :(

I found this to be the most difficult part when I was playing on Hard so I'm not really looking forward to it. There's nothing inherently hard about the level, it's just that the first checkpoint is sooooo far into the level, it's not remotely funny. By this point in the game, I'm a surgeon with the weapons in SP. Playing in Superhuman though, you almost have to play it in a very specific way to get through the levels. It becomes more of a skill-based puzzle than an action game.

The lower London/Mall section is TOUGH on Superhuman. It took me a couple weeks at least to get through that whole section. I remember back when I was doing it, reporting my progress (or lack thereof,) from time to time with the Clan in lobby chat, and my wonderful teammates having a good laugh at my expense.

You do have to be surgical with the weapons. You have to know every nook and cranny and dissect each piece with strategy and execute that strategy with skill.

It will give you a tremendous sense of accomplishment when you get through it though, and, if you aren't already, you'll be a beast with the Auger (and probably a few other weapons in the arsenal) as a result.

Good luck!


~Devil Trigger~ said:
Yes. I went back to SP Resistance yesterday having left in frustration at one point and after getting past that part it was annoying as fuck to fight through like four separate skirmishes without a checkpoint. It's the worst part of the game, without a doubt.


jstevenson said:
Right, but it all ties into creating a game with finite resources, for a launch platform, on a deadline.

soooooooo, then if you weren't creating this game on a launch timeline with more resources?

Resistance 2 - Online CO-OP Confirmed!



Helpful hint for the Mall: Lay down a big circular Sapper patch before you approach the door/archway that connects the two courtyard areas inside. This should wipe out the majority of that first leaper spawn when you trigger their appearance. If you're going for the Skill point this helps a ton as there's only a relatively few randoms outside by the helicopter to deal with before you enter the tunnels. Sapper near the egg clusters when you get inside the tunnels and you should be able to get those skill points.
On a more general note, Superhuman really taught me the absolute beauty of the Fareye's secondary fire ;)


when is my burrito
Pristine_Condition said:
It will give you a tremendous sense of accomplishment when you get through it though, and, if you aren't already, you'll be a beast with the Auger (and probably a few other weapons in the arsenal) as a result.

I used the Auger a ton in Bracknell (the Tunnels) last night. :D That would have been damn near impossible without it.

I seriously wonder if the game is even completeable at Super Human without the extra weapons you get from your first play through like the Arc Charger and the Backlash Grenades. Has anybody at Insomniac tried it?

BTW: The Arc Charger is the perfect weapon for crawlers and leapers and the Reapers are the best melee weapons ever. There are spots in the game where I wouldn't have made it past if not for the Reapers.
tanod said:
I used the Auger a ton in Bracknell (the Tunnels) last night. :D That would have been damn near impossible without it.

I seriously wonder if the game is even completeable at Super Human without the extra weapons you get from your first play through (Arc Charger is the perfect weapon for crawlers and leapers). Has anybody at Insomniac tried it?

I know I did it without the Arc Charger (I used to think it was useless. Boy was I wrong.) and I don't recall using the pistols either. I may have used the Backlash though!

FredFish: Yeah, the Fareye secondary fire is an absolute necessity in Superhuman mode.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
NekoFever said:
Yes. I went back to SP Resistance yesterday having left in frustration at one point and after getting past that part it was annoying as fuck to fight through like four separate skirmishes without a checkpoint. It's the worst part of the game, without a doubt.

to have save/checkpoints after every fight just makes you seem invincible i a way(not literally). its like...you die, and you're back exactly where you were but with ful health and what..more ammo sometimes.

checkpoints need to be broken into parts that make sense to the lenght or size of that level.

im one with no problem with original DMC3 so....


You know, after ALL this time, I still don't know how to dual aim with the machine pistols. I just hold both triggers and hope for the best.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Maggot9 said:
You know, after ALL this time, I still don't know how to dual aim with the machine pistols. I just hold both triggers and hope for the best.

primary fire one enemy, secondary fire(new crosshair appears) on other enemy on screen while shooting at the first....

...at least thats how i do it


when is my burrito
~Devil Trigger~ said:
to have save/checkpoints after every fight just makes you seem invincible i a way(not literally). its like...you die, and you're back exactly where you were but with ful health and what..more ammo sometimes.

I did say no to Halo 3-like checkpoints, or to a lesser extent, BioShock. There is a big gulf between checkpoints after every fight and checkpoints after 10-15 minutes. There is a happy medium there.


FredFish said:
Helpful hint for the Mall: Lay down a big circular Sapper patch before you approach the door/archway that connects the two courtyard areas inside. This should wipe out the majority of that first leaper spawn when you trigger their appearance. If you're going for the Skill point this helps a ton as there's only a relatively few randoms outside by the helicopter to deal with before you enter the tunnels. Sapper near the egg clusters when you get inside the tunnels and you should be able to get those skill points.
On a more general note, Superhuman really taught me the absolute beauty of the Fareye's secondary fire ;)

That level represents everything I hate about FPS design. It is 100% trial and error. There is absolutely no way to beat that level without dying first and then rethinking (while you're dead) how to reapproach things.


Maggot9 said:
You know, after ALL this time, I still don't know how to dual aim with the machine pistols. I just hold both triggers and hope for the best.
LOL, me too. One should also close the eyes while pulling the triggers ... just for maxium hilarity!


Isn't L1 auto aim with the "Reapers" thats how I always used it (been awhile since I played SP). I loved the reapers, but the ammo went so fast & there weren't enough ammo pick ups for it.



Firewire said:
Isn't L1 auto aim with the "Reapers" thats how I always used it (been awhile since I played SP). I loved the reapers, but the ammo went so fast & there weren't enough ammo pick ups for it.

Ya, I wish there were was more ammo for the reapers - those things rock!


when is my burrito
patsu said:
Free from what ? M3

He got banned.

Better be careful M3. You've been banned twice in the last couple weeks. At least you went down in a blaze of fuck-laced tirades. I was entertained. :D


tanod said:
He got banned.

Better be careful M3. You've been banned twice in the last couple weeks. At least you went down in a blaze of fuck-laced tirades. I was entertained. :D

No - I got banned once. I knew I was risking it with all the caps, but YELLING IS FUN!!!!


Every time I go into a game it seems like everyone makes a comment about my "space boots". I feel special since no one else has them [except 90% of GAF clan]


dralla said:
Every time I go into a game it seems like everyone makes a comment about my "space boots". I feel special since no one else has them [except 90% of GAF clan]

I thought everyone had access to the whole Clank getup?


dralla said:
Every time I go into a game it seems like everyone makes a comment about my "space boots". I feel special since no one else has them [except 90% of GAF clan]

Those boots were pretty funky! :lol


Wait a sec firewire you got a weeks ban?

Dayum I only realised you got banned the day before your sentence was up lol.

Wait when did these boots happen?


Steroyd said:
Wait a sec firewire you got a weeks ban?

Dayum I only realised you got banned the day before your sentence was up lol.

Wait when did these boots happen?

Yeah got it about the same time as M3, in the same Harmonix thread. I don't even know what got me banned.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
M3Freak said:
how? i can't find them in the loadout screen.

unlock them by registering to myresistance.net and visiting your profile page after having linked your PSN account to the website. In the loadout screen, press start (brings up the virtual KB) and enter the codes you find there.

Here is a pic of the whole "Ratchet setup" (Boots + Wrench + Clankpack)



TTP said:
unlock them by registering to myresistance.net and visiting your profile page after having linked your PSN account to the website. In the loadout screen, press start (brings up the virtual KB) and enter the codes you find there.

Here is a pic of the whole "Ratchet setup" (Boots + Wrench + Clankpack)


How do you link your PSN account to the web site. i just registered but I don't see anything about linking?


Login go to My Profile and under your name (my name is Frodo for some reason) it says link account, you're supposed to put in your PS3's Mac address along with your PSN ID and wala you can see your Kill Death ratio.

Mine is .591 :(


Steroyd said:
Login go to My Profile and under your name it say link, you're supposed to put in your PS3's Mac address along with your PSN ID and wala you can see your Kill Death ratio.

Mine is .591 :(

K I gotta get the MAC address from the PS3 (were do I find it on the PS3?)

PS: Don't worry about your Kill Death Ratio, mine is utterly disgusting! Seriously!


Wow either the new patch changed the whole balance on resistance or I'm just plain rusty!

I used to be awesome at resistance and end up coming 1st or 2nd but now i cant even see my self getting 3rd place! O_O

my stats are slowly declining :(

Wins 53
Losses 168
Games Played 221
Streaks -4
Quits 7
Incompletes 2
Kills 3297
Deaths 2378
Assists 1107

Kill/death 1.386
Headshots 783
Stealth Kills 14
Melee Kills 61
Best Weapon Bullseye
Worst Weapon Flamethrower

to be fair i haven't played in 2 months tho >_>


I played today for the first time in months, after playing so many other FPS's I was doing terrible. I thought they changed the auto-aim strength but I just needed to change my sensitivity and I was back to my first place ways.

I might have to get back into the weekly GAF games again. I just don't want to play Somerset and it seeems like it's the most common map :[


dralla said:
I played today for the first time in months, after playing so many other FPS's I was doing terrible. I thought they changed the auto-aim strength but I just needed to change my sensitivity and I was back to my first place ways.

I might have to get back into the weekly GAF games again. I just don't want to play Somerset and it seeems like it's the most common map :[

Yea i thought they changed the lock on strength too

btw what sensitivity are your running at ?

the defualt is 3 but i might consider dropping it to 2 until i get used to it again.


TEH-CJ said:
Wow either the new patch changed the whole balance on resistance or I'm just plain rusty!

I used to be awesome at resistance and end up coming 1st or 2nd but now i cant even see my self getting 3rd place! O_O

my stats are slowly declining :(

Wins 53
Losses 168
Games Played 221
Streaks -4
Quits 7
Incompletes 2
Kills 3297
Deaths 2378
Assists 1107

Kill/death 1.386
Headshots 783
Stealth Kills 14
Melee Kills 61
Best Weapon Bullseye
Worst Weapon Flamethrower

to be fair i haven't played in 2 months tho >_>

Its probably just rust. In online games its difficult to take a long break and come back expecting to be just as good as before. My stats have been declining too. I was approaching a 2.5 kd and I am now slightly less than a 2.1.


Big-E said:
Its probably just rust. In online games its difficult to take a long break and come back expecting to be just as good as before. My stats have been declining too. I was approaching a 2.5 kd and I am now slightly less than a 2.1.

Yea man true dat

i'll have to get back into it :D
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