djkimothy said:I regret bailing out early and missing out on the WaR fun. Just that a 10 PM start for me is a little late, especially on work nights. Sucks to that I have to whisper in the mic cause everyone is asleep.
djkimothy said:I don't know how the point scoring goes, but it's wierd. There was a couple of times I was 4th-3rd in kills but I was placed 15th overall, does recaps of nodes really count for that much? If so, I should stop defending our base and go capture nodes.![]()
It would definitely make a difference, but I checked in last night and hadn't received any system message about an auto-decline, which usually happens...unless the system's behind or something.BuddyC said:If it makes any difference, I don't think I'd left my former clan until yesterday, so maybe the invite was auto-declined?
M3Freak said:The DD 5.1 sound track is awesome as it is: how much better does it sound compared to DD 5.1?
I've been considering upgrading our receiver, but it won't happen for another year or two (most likely two).
J-Rzez said:Coming from my old 5.1 rig (optical in), there is a noticeable difference in the clarity... and everything has a little more crisp sound to it... Between voices, booms, hearing the hedgehog spears piercing different walls at the same time from different speakers, the guns sound a new level of fantastic, it was worth a quick change to me... The sound quality is phenominal, never realized it'd be that much a noticeable difference like this... Insomniac really deserves more credit than they received, that's for sure...
I hope Rachet utilizes this audio as well... I'm spoiled now... hehe... I'm always skeptical when people say "it's soo much more awesome now" in blogs and posts, but color me impressed after hearing it... The one individual that wrote up that IGN blog on this sound was correct...
JB1981 said:You get all your points in Breach/Meltdown by capping or recapping nodes. Racking up kills gets you squat. I believe I was defending with you during that long (AWESOME) Nottingham Breach match. Someone's gotta do it, right? We had our hands full.
So guys how many of you have a mic? And do you guys use a bluetooth mic? And if so which one?
J-Rzez said:Coming from my old 5.1 rig (optical in), there is a noticeable difference in the clarity... and everything has a little more crisp sound to it... Between voices, booms, hearing the hedgehog spears piercing different walls at the same time from different speakers, the guns sound a new level of fantastic, it was worth a quick change to me... The sound quality is phenominal, never realized it'd be that much a noticeable difference like this... Insomniac really deserves more credit than they received, that's for sure...
I hope Rachet utilizes this audio as well... I'm spoiled now... hehe... I'm always skeptical when people say "it's soo much more awesome now" in blogs and posts, but color me impressed after hearing it... The one individual that wrote up that IGN blog on this sound was correct...
djkimothy said:I'd say at least half the players have mics. There's one guy though that has it but refuses to use it and type instead.
I have a mic but am not that vocal, mainly because every is sleeping and the gaming rig is in the living room. This weekend though I have the house to myself!![]()
mckmas8808 said:What kind of mic do you have?
djkimothy said:I'm using the USB Logitech one for the PS2.
M3Freak said:I use a Logitech USB headset too. I have to use a USB extension cable with it, and hope no one trips over it, but other than it's fine.
The frequent MIC dropouts can be lessened by unplugging and then plugging in your headset in the party lobby between games. That way you're less likely to suffer from a dropout while gaming. Hopefully Insomniac can fix that with a patch.
TTP said:Hey jstevenson, I've got two questions for you (which I'm sure were already asked but I dont recall the answer).
1 - Is it technically possibile to add online co-op to Resistance with a future patch? (I'd really LOVE to play it again with a friend even if I already completed it like 10 times)
2 - Is the PAL version going to include the already released patch or will Eurofellas have to download it?
mckmas8808 said:So do any of you guys use a bluetooth mic?
ghostmind said:BTW, what's the story on CTF matches? Were they taken out? Are they coming back? Or is it just that nobody plays them?
djkimothy said:Was that the one where we won by default. I remember that.
Someone was like, shit we have 5 minutes or the other team wins by default. So there was a mad rush to the other bases Master node. managed to damage them just enough and let teh clock run out. I can't believe that lasted 30 minutes, and I can't believe we won. I liked our effort.
But yes, I definitely believe in team defense, some one has to watch the base while the others swarm the other base. Even at the expense of some points. :/
I'd say at least half the players have mics. There's one guy though that has it but refuses to use it and type instead.
I have a mic but am not that vocal, mainly because everyone is sleeping and the gaming rig is in the living room. This weekend though I have the house to myself!![]()
ghostmind said:I had to drop out early last night after the WaR slaughter as I was just out of it from this cold I am fighting, plus the Nyquil I took... hope to be back on Tuesday...
BTW, what's the story on CTF matches? Were they taken out? Are they coming back? Or is it just that nobody plays them?
djkimothy said:I was wondering that too. I've never played CTF and would like too. Instead of Breach/meltdown (which I really like) all the time.
And LOL at the Chimera starts for all our games. I still like them though, seeing through walls is a big advantage.![]()
Remy said:The "flying wedge" is the term given to our tendency to mob together in a violent swarm and shoot the everliving hell out of anyone who dares get near us. It leads to multiple assists per kill which leads to a 20-60% increase in points. 16 points for a kill is far better than 10!
It does not, despite its name, resemble a true flying wedge - although generally whoever is at the front of the pack will get gunned down while those behind break through and destroy the opposition. So maybe it's not completely inaccurate.
I forget who came up with the term in context. Wasn't my idea, although I seem to be the Preacher Of All That Is Wedge-like.
mckmas8808 said:How do you make the Chimera see through the walls?
JB1981 said:You get all your points in Breach/Meltdown by capping or recapping nodes. Racking up kills gets you squat. I believe I was defending with you during that long (AWESOME) Nottingham Breach match. Someone's gotta do it, right? We had our hands full.
Kittonwy said:I swear to god when I'm at Alpha in the Nottingham map shooting in the direction of the enemy base that I thought I had caused damage a couple of times but I'm still not sure if this is actually possible. It would be cool to get Alpha and just keep pumping the base through that sweet spot instead of having to go through the tunnel and getting shot... which I don't like.![]()
ghostmind said:Yeah - I use a Motorola H500... perfect so far - never drops out
The Jer said:I use the same and I've had some problems with it....
It seems like it picks up sound either too easily or not at all. If i put the sensitivity on two the sound icon never shows up, but if I put it on three, it is there too often. It also doesn't grip to my ear very well; I have to keep my head still to keap it from falling off.
It seems like I have to go to the audio device settings in the XMB when i turn it on, everytime I want to use it. Are you able to turn it on whenever and use it to play, or do you have to do the same thing?? I was able to borrow someone else's headset briefly and pair it and I could turn it on and off mid-game (and without going to the XMB before playing) and it would work fine.
jstevenson said:1. Well, I'm sure it's technically possible, but it's not something we're going to do for this game. It would be a lot of re-engineering, testing, etc.
2. PAL players will have to download it. But I think the plan is that any future patches will contain all patches. So you'll only need to download one patch and it'll have the changes from whatever patches we've released at this point.
Kittonwy said:I swear to god when I'm at Alpha in the Nottingham map shooting in the direction of the enemy base that I thought I had caused damage a couple of times but I'm still not sure if this is actually possible. It would be cool to get Alpha and just keep pumping the base through that sweet spot instead of having to go through the tunnel and getting shot... which I don't like.![]()
mckmas8808 said:What's the other headset that you use?
The Jer said:I use the same and I've had some problems with it....
It seems like it picks up sound either too easily or not at all. If i put the sensitivity on two the sound icon never shows up, but if I put it on three, it is there too often. It also doesn't grip to my ear very well; I have to keep my head still to keap it from falling off.
It seems like I have to go to the audio device settings in the XMB when i turn it on, everytime I want to use it. Are you able to turn it on whenever and use it to play, or do you have to do the same thing?? I was able to borrow someone else's headset briefly and pair it and I could turn it on and off mid-game (and without going to the XMB before playing) and it would work fine.
hukasmokincaterpillar said:Defensive Kills give you one point, those are basically any kill within a set radius around a node. But yeah still not a lot of point reward there. I like playing D though, it's fun teaming up with a couple players and holding the fort from an attack.
ghostmind said:I can turn it off and on mid-game, postmatch, in the lobby, whenever, and it never gives me problems... sorry to hear yours is being tempermental...
JB1981 said:still using the same speaker set-up, right? My Integra DTR 5.5 is acting funny. I get intermittent lose of video signal lately (using component). I have to jostle the thing around to get the picture back to normal. I'm sending it out today. Hopefully, when I get it back, it's fixed and I can sell it.![]()
jjasper said:No wonder my ranking sky rocketed when I started playing with the clan.
jstevenson said:Pretty sure we made it so you can't hit the opponent's reactor with the Auger through the walls of the base for that very reason. But I do remember going commando inside their base while you were attempting to do that. Your covering fire was much appreciated as it sliced through their tunnels though.
I kept managing to get inside their base and chuck a grenade into their reactor. Slow but steady.
jstevenson said:Remember though, everyone on the team gets the same amount of experience from the team game, and the total number of experience is determined by how well your team does (as well as by winning!).
So the guys who are hanging back and finishing low are still helping the team and ensuring more experience for all - including themselves.
I spent a good chunk of time in our Nottingham base when we got down real low in that first round.
Kittonwy said:So I see, the shots fired from alpha can hit things in the tunnel (sometimes I can "see" enemies in the tunnel with the auger reticule which turns red) and not the reactor then? When you're actually in the tunnel, you can hit the reactor with the auger, right? The problem with that is I have to actually go into the tunnel.![]()
The Jer said:I never noticed this. Thanks for the info. *feels foolish for not knowing*
That's awesome. It encourages teamwork over rank building. (I also prefer defense, the first Nottingham breach game was a blast for me) Is this mentioned in the multiplayer help section? It seemed like it was worded as being an individual thing.
Wollan said:Standard meet up times (for whenever you have the opportunity):
Tuesdays 6pm PST
Saturdays 6pm PST
Sundays 6pm PST
(Monday Jan 29th: Times adjusted slightly in favor of the ESTeemed)
Wollan said:I think earlier than 6 PST would make it difficult for those living there as many of them come home from work at 4-5 (besides JS of course). I think 6 is the sweet spot as it is the start of 'the evening' as well as it fits with the rest of NA.
Kittonwy said:So I see, the shots fired from alpha can hit things in the tunnel (sometimes I can "see" enemies in the tunnel with the auger reticule which turns red) and not the reactor then? When you're actually in the tunnel, you can hit the reactor with the auger, right? The problem with that is I have to actually go into the tunnel.![]()
M3Freak said:Cool. A 9:00 p.m. EST start is much better than 10:00 p.m EST. Let's see how that works out.
Of course, if people get in earlier, start the party anyway and get some gaming in before the offiicial start. I think I'm going to start signing in at 8:00 pm EST regardless.
M3Freak said:Cool. A 9:00 p.m. EST start is much better than 10:00 p.m EST. Let's see how that works out.
Of course, if people get in earlier, start the party anyway and get some gaming in before the offiicial start. I think I'm going to start signing in at 8:00 pm EST regardless.
Aeon712 said:Yes 9pm is much better, that gives me a good 3hrs before I have to force myself that anything under 5hrs of sleep isn't right. I'm also usually on beforehand jumping into Sony Cowboys CTF games. Wonder if he knows I'm there. Is anyone playing tonight? I usually check online to see if anyone is on when I see them on their XMB.
jstevenson said:Probably does work well for folks who don't live in L.A. (yay traffic).
I suppose I could force myself to quit work a little early and stick around late on Tuesday nights to play from the office --- though I do greatly prefer my couch, 7.1 surround and my 50" TV.