SleazyC said:
We are in a Team Deathmatch game right now with 11 members on our side and 0 on the opposition. Jstevenson how do we win?
Yeah, what the hell was that? We were all like - FASTEST WIN EVER!
Some cool stuff while we broke the game:
1. Chucking frag grenade straight into the air: go really high, and explode way up there.
2. Chucking the spike grenades in the air: go really high, start coming back down, and then explode about three to four meters above head - massive spread damage.
3. We could only kill ourselves.
Stupid me quit the game from inside instead of from the PS3 XMB or by simply turning the PS3 off. Anyway, I mistakingly quit the multiplayer game and then I couldn't get back in - network error (got lots of those earlier toda).
Oh yeah, that last meltdown game before we broke the team deathmatch was brilliant. Parked Lark - BEST STRATEGY EVER!!!! After we took all the nodes, we stormed the other teams base. Someone (don't remember who) got the Lark and fired it into their base entrance, but parked it right there. Then he let it hang until the other guys tried comig out and he let launched - instant hilarity.
Good games all around, guys. I wasn't expecting to play today, but I'm glad I did.
Note: I should keep a camera close by when we're online. Too much good stuff happens - it needs pictures!