I have dinner plans, but I'll be on after that.
See ya'll on the field.
See ya'll on the field.
Remy said:The "flying wedge" is the term given to our tendency to mob together in a violent swarm and shoot the everliving hell out of anyone who dares get near us. It leads to multiple assists per kill which leads to a 20-60% increase in points. 16 points for a kill is far better than 10!
It does not, despite its name, resemble a true flying wedge - although generally whoever is at the front of the pack will get gunned down while those behind break through and destroy the opposition. So maybe it's not completely inaccurate.
I forget who came up with the term in context. Wasn't my idea, although I seem to be the Preacher Of All That Is Wedge-like.
PM kaching your PSN id and be online at 9PM EST ready to go. If you still haven't got an invite then just message me that you want an invite (I think I'll be on tonight). If that doesn't work just post on the forums that you need an invite and someone in the clan should be browsing the forums and spot it.davepoobond said:how do i join the clan? i wanna play tonight with you guys
Kittonwy said:I will play tonight, so everybody please join up so I don't feel that everyone hates my guts. Go wedge!!! ~_~
SleazyC said:Hmm... seem to be having trouble logging into PSN at the moment. Going to keep trying and see whats up.
davepoobond said:i dont have an invite yet![]()
SleazyC said:Hmm... seem to be having trouble logging into PSN at the moment. Going to keep trying and see whats up.
squicken said:Sweet games fellas.
"What's gaffed?"
"You'll see."
Aeon712 said:Has anyone ever had the problem where they'll be playing and the screen will leave for like a second or two? Happened to me last night in the middle of a gun fight. The screen just went to the blank HDMI screen and then switched back to the game. Good thing I came out on top of the fight or I'd be sad. I'll be able to play some games tonight till about 11pm est since tomorrow is one of my get up at 5am for work days
tekneek2k6 said:I just got a PS3 and Resistance. I wan't to get in on tonight's session. My PSN id is Tekneek007.
Kittonwy said:Last night in the lobby I said I'm enjoying HD programming for the first time and someone said I would watch ANYTHING. He was RIGHT, freakin' Metallica going emo "OMG I FEELZ SO DARK AND LONELY INSIDE SOMEONE PLZ HOLD MEEEEE, OH OH YALL DON'T LUV MEEEEE WAAAAAHHHHH I'M GOING REHAB NOW KTHXBYE", and I'm watching it, OMFG I want to punch them in the face. I don't even like Metallica.
Anyway I think I'm going to be on tonight, maybe earlier than last night.![]()
Big-E said:Good games guys. We only lost once at that was our last match but we kind of rolled over everyone like a garbage truck.
teiresias said:I was playing the campaign and decided to log into the lobby for kicks. There were a bunch of GAF people in games, but I couldn't figure out how to see what games the people were in or even how to find a listing for it - I suck.
I did do a random ranked game of Breach and was getting my butt kicked - not to mention I had little idea of what was happening.
In the campaign I just got past, and now I'm inThe tunnels - that tall part where you're climbing the tubes is pretty "wow" inducing, IMO.the part where you get dropped in London - though I'm unclear how in the story Hale ended up from like the third floor of that tower and suddenly he's in London.
In any case, I can't get out of the freaking building they start you in. It's a freaking mob in there and I always run out of freaking ammo and get cornered. The game's starting to feel a little cheap there, but I guess I'll muddle through it somehow.
careksims said:Sorry guys X_x People came over and it just ruined things. I was overwhelmed by the game and it's great! I will practice learning the maps more. Thanks guys!
3 or more guys spaced about 5 to 10 feet away from one another, moving together as a group, killing anything they see before them.davepoobond said:can someone tell me what the wedge is?
squicken said:Man, I just am not good playing as a human. As a chimera, I do really well, but my game takes a major hit when I'm human. I think I'm getting too reliant on tagging people and constantly having sprint engaged as a hybrid, so I feel really off playing as a human. But we're still winning most of the time so I'm happy.
squicken said:Edit: And might I humbly make a suggestion to any developer reading this threa? Please level some sort of quitting penalty. Maybe if someone quits a ranked game, bar them from entering another ranked game for 10 minutes. We've been running into lots of quitter recently.
M3Freak said:Yeah, that will be helpful. The more we play together, the more other players hear about us. Even though we're not the best, we're good enough to make some people not want to bother playing, so they take off - that sucks. The other problem is that on clan nights there are so many of us, the opposing team goes O_- looking at all the GAFers, has a nervous breakdown and quits instead of just trying to kick our ass.
Still, it's nice to be able to steamroll. Feels good. hahaha
You mean theRagnarok10 said:Has anyone found the "glitch" in the somerset level?
Kittonwy said:Kittonwy: PREPARE TO BE GAFFED!!!111!!! RAWRRRRRRR!!!!!1111!!!
XXXXX has left the game
YYYYY has left the game
ZZZZZ has left the game
They fear my taunts. RAWR!![]()