I cannot WAIT to see it this Friday. I'm about as hyped as I can be.
Everybody says it's the best performance Sly has done in a decade and god damn when that man wants to act, he can fucking ACT.
I just hope they don't go cartoon stupid with the new franchise and let it lead a natural, normal progression and then let it go. Don't beat it to death.
The Rocky I final fight is the GOAT. I get chills every single time with "what is keeping him up, Phil?" "I don't know" and then Creed knocking him down and finally the look of complete and utter disbelief on Creed's face when Rocky gets back up. Combine all that with Conti's immaculate score and you've got a cinematic moment that never fails to evoke strong emotions in me.
That's not just my favorite scene in a Rocky movie, it's one of my favorite scenes in American film. Sure, it's a boxing movie, but you would be hard pressed to find a sequence in any film that better evokes the pain, perseverance, resignation, and hope of the human condition.
Got back from it just a little bit ago. As a longtime Rocky fan, it's pretty much pitch perfect for me. The story is familiar, but it's a fresh take on it as well. Also, Stallone is seriously fantastic in this. I mean, Jordan is excellent in his own right, don't get me wrong, but yeah this is some of Stallone's best work. One more thing to give some props to; the cinematography during the fights, especially around the middle of the movie, is awesome.
I can't believe I'm gushing so much over a spinoff/sequel to a franchise that's already had six installments, but here we are. I really hope it's a one and done kind of deal, though. I suppose this could last another installment or two, but I highly doubt they could really match what they've done with this one.
Creed is damn close... damn close, to pulling off what Rocky pulled off back in 1976. And what's crazy is how easy Coogler made it look. The pacing, the cinematography, the performances, the music; It's just as emotional, just as involving, but in completely different ways. The formula is there, absolutely, but everytime you think you're keyed into how a scene is going to play out, it unfolds in a different way. Naturally, though. Nothing in this movie is really forced at all, nothing jarring.
If anything, it's not as mean as Rocky. Donnie never sinks so low as Rock did, and Rocky isn't as chewed up inside as Mick is. But because of the way the film moves, because of the performances Coogler's getting from everyone involved, it doesn't affect how much you want everyone involved to succeed. Lesser storytellers might let a crowd start feeling like "why do I give a shit if this spoiled motherfucker gets the shot he wants" but that never happens in this movie. That question is never asked. Michael B. Jordan makes sure you never want to, and Sylvester Stallone's interaction with him makes you think you'd be a giant asshole for even considering the question.
And the fights WHOOOOOOOO SHIT. Easily (and by a damn sight) the best fights in any Rocky film. It's not even a question. Granted, Coogler still shoots some of the action the way Avildsen and Stallone used to as sort of an homage to the roots of this series (Said roots being never put your gloves up and eat haymakers like you're trying to win the Nathan's championship) But the choreography of both the camera and the fighters is flat-out beautiful at times.
Can't wait to see this again.
BONUS: Sequel speculation I had in the car on the drive home:
Creed II: Creed finally fights Wheeler back in LA for not only the championship (vacated by Pretty Ricky once he goes to jail) but for his mustang.
Creed III: Pretty Ricky gets out of jail and wants his belt back.
Didn't know about this film until today when I saw an ad on the drive home... just a silhouette with CREED, and I thought, "No way...can this be an Apollo Creed prequel??" So I was disappointed to learn coming in here that it's another son-of movie, as I hated Rocky 5. I would've rather seen a prequel, showing Apollo coming up in the '70s. But, the trailer did look pretty good, so maybe...
I saw it tonight, with cautious hype, and it met my expectations. What a wonderful film.
The mid movie fight is one of the most amazing things I've seen in a long time on film. I would love to know how they filmed it. I especially liked seeing the progression of damage on Michael B Jordan's face as that fight progressed. The moment of realization that it was a one-shot fight came when I first saw that bit of damage appear, and my mouth was agape throughout the rest of that fight.
Both Michael B Jordan and Sylvester Stallone put in great performances. My wife cried a few times, and I was choked up a bit. The final fight stylistically was less impressive than the mid movie fight, but the resolution and the pay off at the end was well done.
And I also thought the chemistry between Jordan and neighbor woman was great.
Oh. My. God. What a movie. If you're a rocky fan, you'll love this. If you're a boxing fan, you'll love this. If you're a movie fan, you'll love this.
Fantastic movie. Amazing soundtrack. The boxing action had me on the edge of my seat. Loved it, loved it, loved it.
Michael B. Jordan does a great job as Adonis Creed and Stallone is great too.
The neighbor woman Bianca is great too and has a fantastic voice. She and Jordan get alone very well.
It's modern, it's funny, and best of all, it's a damn fine film. Even got a tear in my eye near the end.
Go see it, y'all.
The two hour and twelve minute runtime flew by, great pacing in this flick. You wanna know what blows my mind? It's 2015, and my top films of the year might end up being Mad Max, a Rocky flick, and Star Wars (granted it pulls it off).
The two hour and twelve minute runtime flew by, great pacing in this flick. You wanna know what blows my mind? It's 2015, and my top films of the year might end up being Mad Max, a Rocky flick, and Star Wars (granted it pulls it off).
Creed is damn close... damn close, to pulling off what Rocky pulled off back in 1976. And what's crazy is how easy Coogler made it look. The pacing, the cinematography, the performances, the music; It's just as emotional, just as involving, but in completely different ways. The formula is there, absolutely, but everytime you think you're keyed into how a scene is going to play out, it unfolds in a different way. Naturally, though. Nothing in this movie is really forced at all, nothing jarring.
If anything, it's not as mean as Rocky. Donnie never sinks so low as Rock did, and Rocky isn't as chewed up inside as Mick is. But because of the way the film moves, because of the performances Coogler's getting from everyone involved, it doesn't affect how much you want everyone involved to succeed. Lesser storytellers might let a crowd start feeling like "why do I give a shit if this spoiled motherfucker gets the shot he wants" but that never happens in this movie. That question is never asked. Michael B. Jordan makes sure you never want to, and Sylvester Stallone's interaction with him makes you think you'd be a giant asshole for even considering the question.
And the fights WHOOOOOOOO SHIT. Easily (and by a damn sight) the best fights in any Rocky film. It's not even a question. Granted, Coogler still shoots some of the action the way Avildsen and Stallone used to as sort of an homage to the roots of this series (Said roots being never put your gloves up and eat haymakers like you're trying to win the Nathan's championship) But the choreography of both the camera and the fighters is flat-out beautiful at times.
Can't wait to see this again.
BONUS: Sequel speculation I had in the car on the drive home:
Creed II: Creed finally fights Wheeler back in LA for not only the championship (vacated by Pretty Ricky once he goes to jail) but for his mustang.
Creed III: Pretty Ricky gets out of jail and wants his belt back.
No one is surprised they're being made. They're surprised because they're actually making movies as good or better than the originals. It's easy to be critical of Hollywood and the prevalence of sequels and reboots. I just don't think that skepticism is warranted when the movies are as good as mad max and creed.
Just got back from it, and all I can say is WOW. Went in with high expectations, and they were thoroughly blown away. It's crisp, entertaining, and evokes every emotion you want to feel in this sort of story. I mean, holy shit...
The second match, the one done in one continuous shot... Just how? It's fucking wizardry.
Just got back from it, and all I can say is WOW. Went in with high expectations, and they were thoroughly blown away. It's crisp, entertaining, and evokes every emotion you want to feel in this sort of story. I mean, holy shit...
The second match, the one done in one continuous shot... Just how? It's fucking wizardry.
Favourite movie of the year. They hit the perfect balance between relying on nostalgia and being original. Great movie. Fucking amazing performance from Stallone.
Ok so I saw the 10:30 showing last night. My thoughts are all over the place but I will jot some things down.
First off, I loved this movie. It is truly the sequel to Rocky Balboa. The performances were crisp and never felt overly cliched. You can tell that Coogler did his research and understood these characters, especially Rocky. He got him. He wrote logical motivations for him and maintained the spirit of who Rock is.
His initial decision to just allow cancer to beat him was completely believable when set against what we have witnessed life take from him. (Adrian, Paulie, in many ways, Rocky Jr.)
Stallone was incredible and his transition from the Italian Stallion into Mick didn't feel forced or unnatural. From his remarkably consistent Rocky to
his realistic portrayal of going through chemotherapy (complete with the sickness, loss of health, etc. showed that Rocky was in the fight of his life, without being in a single match).My mother went through chemo and seeing the uglier side of it onscreen was surprising. I wasn't prepared to see Rock in that condition but it gave everything in the movie more weight.
Michael B. Jordan's Adonis portrayal was also great. He made you believe that Adonis was a byproduct that never really understood why he was on earth and what his purpose was. He was a likable kid with all the talent in the world but no focus. His relationship with Rocky felt natural, complete with the growing pains you would have being suddenly thrust into a situation where your only commonality is a father that you never met or knew and the man that "let him die".
The way the fight sequences were shot was nothing short of incredible. I felt so connected to what was happening onscreen in a way that I hadn't in previous Rocky films. Coogler made it intimate. Made you feel the intensity of the sweet science. That alone deserves recognition.
The fight with Sporino was a fucking masterpiece.
Tessa Thompson was an excellent choice in female lead. She wasn't an Adrian redux and that is what made CREED great in general. It was a nod to the series without being a complete retread. Each new character brought something interesting to the franchise.
In closing, I was blown away by how much this story about a young, hungry son of established greatness trying prove that he belonged was so meta in a movie made by a young, hungry director writing a film in a series of established greatness that he needed to prove HE belonged. And in their own ways, both have succeeded.
Oh and BronsonLee, when the
Rocky score fired up at the start of the final round, you are right. I was not ready and that shit was so perfectly timed, it made me emotional. Lose the match, win the respect.
Amazing...just like Adonis' Jordan shoe game. (I had just about every pair of Js he was wearing in the movie)
Rocky score fired up at the start of the final round, you are right. I was not ready and that shit was so perfectly timed, it made me emotional. Lose the match, win the respect.