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Reviews for Creed (Michael B. Jordan, Stallone, dir. Ryan Coogler)

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It's not rocket science

Part of the hook in the trailer is whether he lives to fight another day. The way he framed his question (do we want to see a movie WITHOUT) infers that we will see him in another one, thus killing the anticipation. You might as well advertize that Rocky lives

You could just as well say that the trailer spoils that he's sick in the first place.

Damn you movie trailer.

Or maybe I haven't seen the trailer at all and only know that this could be the start of a new franchise.

The truth is that people who haven't seen movies shouldn't be overly exposed to every trailer, discussion, and thing about it before release unless they're unfazed by potential spoilers.

I knew about the film's plot before I even saw it, and I did not spoil it for anyone else.

As a matter of fact, my question presupposes neither the survival or death of Rocky Balboa, only whether his absence would hurt subsequent films.

Your reply makes it pretty fucking obvious, however.
My family saw it today and everybody enjoyed it, while my wife even thought it was one of her favorite movies ever. It was absolutely fantastic. The acting was amazing, the directing was outstanding, and there overall story was great. It might top the original for me, but I think I'll need to see it a few more times to be sure.


If you've seen a rocky movie before, then you have seen worse choreography.

A lot of those scenes , particularly 4, didn't even bother to edit the shots where you can see the hits come nowhere near the other actor. It was bad. Easy to overlook when you're invested in the characters.

They point was I'd rather watch that cheesy but charming style of fights rather than this Star Wars prequel level choreography in Creed. And Creed is absolutely guilty of some really awful edits, trust me. I've been working on it for hours this week.
They point was I'd rather watch that cheesy but charming style of fights rather than this Star Wars prequel level choreography in Creed. And Creed is absolutely guilty of some really awful edits, trust me. I've been working on it for hours this week.

was all this hyperbolic criticism building to the humblebrag that you worked on the movie?

"Prequel-level" choreography? Really?

Anyway: Congrats on working on one of the best movies of the year.


They point was I'd rather watch that cheesy but charming style of fights rather than this Star Wars prequel level choreography in Creed. And Creed is absolutely guilty of some really awful edits, trust me. I've been working on it for hours this week.

I'm usually able to see what people are talking about even when they criticize something I like, but...what are you talking about?
Wooow, happy to see this getting such great reviews. Thought it would be a decent movie like the previous I'd watch on streaming down the line.

The choreography in Rocky is so ridiculous. I remember being disappointed when I started watching actual boxing because they weren't constantly taking blows to the face.


The choreography in Rocky is so ridiculous. I remember being disappointed when I started watching actual boxing because they weren't constantly taking blows to the face.

And punches don't sound like mini explosions!

I think I'll see this on Saturday.


Just got back.

Creed is the best movie I've seen all year. So fucking good. Didn't slow down for a second, and I watched a 10:30PM showing after a workout. I don't think I even blinked.

That's a modern sequel to a 70s/80s beloved franchise done right. So, so right. Your move Star Wars.


Just got back.

Creed is the best movie I've seen all year. So fucking good. Didn't slow down for a second, and I watched a 10:30PM showing after a workout. I don't think I even blinked.

That's a modern sequel to a 70s/80s beloved franchise done right. So, so right. Your move Star Wars.

Now, I got to go see it!
They point was I'd rather watch that cheesy but charming style of fights rather than this Star Wars prequel level choreography in Creed. And Creed is absolutely guilty of some really awful edits, trust me. I've been working on it for hours this week.

This guy invoked the SW prequel trilogy to try trash the choreography of CREED's fight sequences...which he was somehow working on...this week.

Yeah, no agenda here at all.

Mr. Tibbs

I loved this thing! It's super sentimental and corny, but that's part of the series. Ryan Coogler managed to pull off a ridiculously tricky feat of updating a forty year old franchise while honoring the past. I knew the beats, but I didn't care. After a strong opening scene, the contrived premise slows things down for around 15 minutes, but then it picks up and doesn't stop. I loved the call-backs to Rocky II, the little nod to Raging Bull, but most of all the energy of the film just worked for me. Michael B. Jordan's the man! The ending was pitch-perfect and kind of gorgeous.

If Newman got an Oscar for reprising Fast Eddy in the underwhelming Color of Money, Stallone has to walk away with a best supporting actor nod for his work in Creed. Easily his best performance.


Gonna watch it in 3 hour's time over here :3
Just gonna get a change of clothes after i get home then straight to the movie.
I'm gonna risk assuming there'll be 15 mins. of commercials before the movie starts so won't worry about being a few mins late to it.


Got back from watching it an hour ago, for the most part I enjoyed it!
I enjoyed it so much I decided to rewatch Rocky 1 and its sequels.

Fights were really good too and there some really touching moments.
This movie was phenomenal.

Ryan Coogler is going to take over Hollywood. So many unique artistic moments throughout this that at no point felt gimmicky or forced. Not just entertaining, but intelligent filmmaking.

MBJ will be the next Denzel.


This is one of those movies where I had to piss for about half of it but I couldn't take my eyes off it. So damn good.

The only weird thing is that it seems a little at odds with the last couple of Rocky movies. No mention of Rocky's previous managing experience, and whatever brain damage he had in the last movie seems to have dissipated. Almost feels like this and Balboa are separate interpretations of retirement-age Rocky.


Worst behaved crowd for a film I've ever seen, holy shit. This town needs a culling. GREAT film though, can't wait to catch an early, empty showing. The end fight was incredible, and I am excited for Donnie's further adventures.
This is one of those movies where I had to piss for about half of it but I couldn't take my eyes off it. So damn good.

The only weird thing is that it seems a little at odds with the last couple of Rocky movies. No mention of Rocky's previous managing experience, and whatever brain damage he had in the last movie seems to have dissipated. Almost feels like this and Balboa are separate interpretations of retirement-age Rocky.
I think they scrapped the idea from part 5 completely. And I think that was a good decision. Part 5 was so bad.


Movie was dope as fuck. Goddamn. Still amped, like I was a little kid. Hits all the right notes but never overplays them. Wow. If you are a fan of the series, you are in for a treat. If you are new to the series, welcome to a franchise that just picked itself up off the mat with a great showing.
The only weird thing is that it seems a little at odds with the last couple of Rocky movies. No mention of Rocky's previous managing experience.

Adonis: "I want you to train me."

Rocky: "I don't do that no more."

That was all the reference to his previous management experience that I needed. Rocky 5 was abysmal.
Worst behaved crowd for a film I've ever seen, holy shit. This town needs a culling. GREAT film though, can't wait to catch an early, empty showing. The end fight was incredible, and I am excited for Donnie's further adventures.
They really weren't into it?? What were they doing instead??
The new Philadelphia compared to the images of Rocky's Philadelphia was on point. I've never lived in the city (I've visited once or twice) but the movie captures that Yuppie/Hipster vibe I got from the city while visiting it.

It's a great backdrop to a modern update to the franchise.


They really weren't into it?? What were they doing instead??

Tons of talking, tons of phones. I asked the guy next to me to stop talking, and he replies, "You know you have two ears, right.?" So I called him a piece of trash. I don't know if he had a moment of self reflection or what, but at least I got one guy to shut the fuck up.


Tons of talking, tons of phones. I asked the guy next to me to stop talking, and he replies, "You know you have two ears, right.?" So I called him a piece of trash. I don't know if he had a moment of self reflection or what, but at least I got one guy to shut the fuck up.

Wow, I don't even... It's reasons like this the more I care about the film I'm going to see, the more I worry about getting a terrible audience. Had nothing close to this though. Glad you enjoyed the film regardless.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Fucking awesome film! Probably my favorite movie of 2015. Glued to the screen the entire time and I had to piss like a fucking race horse but couldn't leave my seat haha. I realllly hope this movie gets some awards consideration, especially for Sly Stone's performance.
*reads all the impressions*
It has begun.

If you guys want to get a bit more in-depth, join us in the Spoiler Thread. It's fun.

The new Philadelphia compared to the images of Rocky's Philadelphia was on point. I've never lived in the city (I've visited once or twice) but the movie captures that Yuppie/Hipster vibe I got from the city while visiting it.

It's a great backdrop to a modern update to the franchise.

Exactly. Philly is such an incredible city. I've lived here for almost ten years now, and I'm still not quite used to it. Every neighborhood had something new. Rocky mostly took place with the big landmarks like Italian Market, City Hall, Art Museum, etc. Creed went way local. Johnny Brenda's is a small bar/music venue off of Frankford Ave, with that stupid shimmering curtain. Electric Factory is a decent size venue out near Spring Garden. Frankford is rough as hell. Independence Hall is legit. etc, etc etc.

You'll never see those in a Rocky movie. But you'll see them in Creed for sure.


I enjoyed it quite a bit but also didn't seem to love it like a lot of people here. Kind of thought Michael B Jordan was the weak link in the movie. I mean he looked great and his performance is fine but I didn't feel for him like I felt for Rocky. Stallone stole the movie and the movie instantly shot up in quality whenever he was onscreen. Definitely a well made film and a fine addition to the Rocky canon but the the original still stands alone as a timeless classic.
I enjoyed it quite a bit but also didn't seem to love it like a lot of people here. Kind of thought Michael B Jordan was the weak link in the movie. I mean he looked great and his performance is fine but I didn't feel for him like I felt for Rocky. Stallone stole the movie and the movie instantly shot up in quality whenever he was onscreen. Definitely a well made film and a fine addition to the Rocky canon but the the original still stands alone as a timeless classic.

Donnie just got here; Rock has been here as an American institution for 40 years. Not shocking Stallone really resonated with you. I expect similar feelings with SW7 (not necessarily with you):

Kind of thought John Boyega was the weak link in the movie. I mean he looked great and his performance is fine but I didn't feel for him like I felt for Han. Ford stole the movie and the movie instantly shot up in quality whenever he was onscreen. Definitely a well made film and a fine addition to the SW canon but the the original still stands alone as a timeless classic.



Just saw it.

I can barely put into words how much I loved this movie. Performances were all great, and the action was just amazingly well done.

I teared up at one point, and that hasn't happened to me in a movie since I was a kid.


Donnie just got here; Rock has been here as an American institution for 40 years. Not shocking Stallone really resonated with you. I expect similar feelings with SW7 (not necessarily with you):


I'm not talking about just Stallone in this movie. I'm talking about the Rocky character as he's portrayed in the original. The character just won me over and I was welled up with emotion seeing him succeed. This movie didn't have that same depth of feeling for me. It's still has affecting emotional beats but not to the same degree as rocky. Different movies with different characters but just think Michael B is a little one dimensional as an actor.


Saw the movie for a second time with the gf. That 2nd fight is still a highlight for me. And the Creed theme song is running on me.


I didn't see it that way but I am glad you liked the movie on a different level and still enjoyed it.

I was a little miffed that we didn't see his career a bit more. In fairness the original is the same way but I kind of wanted to experience his
evolution as a fighter under Rocky's tutelage a bit more before going straight for the title
I was a little miffed that we didn't see his career a but more.
In fairness the original is the same way but I kind of wanted to experience his evolution as a fighter under Rocky's tutelage a bit more before going straight for the title

That's the thing though.
He was raw as fuck, beating cans in the Mexican underground but had no legit training. When he stepped in the ring with Wheeler (Andre Ward) he got dropped and lost his car. He knew he needed training and sought Rock out. Then, he had to train his ass off to fight Sporino, a guy that was just Philly famous, not big time. The ONLY reason he even got a shot at the title was because Conlan needed a hook (no pun intended) to get one last payday before he potentially went to jail. When Sporino's manager leaked his true heritage, Conlan wanted in on that money potential. He wanted Creed on the ticket to drive up buy rates. He didn't go "straight to the title" under Rocky.
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