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Reviews for Creed (Michael B. Jordan, Stallone, dir. Ryan Coogler)

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Holy shit I just realized the reason Rocky has that bad eye in Rocky II is because that's the eye he had them cut at the end of Rocky I



Going to try and make it to an evening screening tomorrow after work.

No holiday in Canada to coincide with American Thanksgiving, so it's a regular day for me.


You're fucking with me, right?

The joke is pretty obvious.

The first tweet makes a statement; the second poses a question - one that is likely rhetorical considering the first tweet and conclusion they arrive upon in the video (which I assume you could find in the official review):
It's taking something formulaic, and yeah, it's injecting a slightly more human dimension.

It's clickbait. Not necessarily contradictory or all that funny, but whatever floats your boat.


Reading the entire thread. BronsonLee commuting suicide after Creed breaks all box office records this weekend would almost be appropriate.

My work here is done. PEACE!


Reading the entire thread. BronsonLee commuting suicide after Creed breaks all box office records this weekend would almost be appropriate.

My work here is done. PEACE!

Um...why would BronsonLee kill himself? He liked the movie I thought.


2 is just kind of a waste of time as a premise, but has moments. It's the Ghostbusters 2 of the franchise.

I love both, but I can see what you mean.

In a bottle, you can like Rocky II and Ghostbusters 2. More could have been done, but neither are ultimately bad movies to me. Rocky II is funny in that it's kind of necessary for the likes of III to happen- you need that specific relationship with Rocky & Apollo to emerge by the end of II.

II is a good movie and respectable sequel to the original, but it doesn't really break much new ground other than the different ending. I just love the way Rocky has to battle his way back and redefine himself in III. It's more inventive and forward moving, as you say.

Bobby tuned me into this video essay on Rocky III by Matt Zoller Seitz few months back. Quite worth watching/reading for Rocky fans.


Oh, I love this guy. I think Bobby actually exposed me to this guy's piece on Superman Returns a few years back.

Looking at my avatar, this post, and this thread... I'm laughing at myself a bit.


I love both, but I can see what you mean.

In a bottle, you can like Rocky II and Ghostbusters 2. More could have been done, but neither are ultimately bad movies to me. Rocky II is funny in that it's kind of necessary for the likes of III to happen- you need that specific relationship with Rocky & Apollo to emerge by the end of II.

I normally refer to GB2 as the blueprint of comedy sequels. It's pretty much pound for pound the same movie, and what new films normally do. The caveat is there are some solid scenes following the progression of the Ghostbusters. Notably courthouse.

Rocky 2 didn't need to happen. It's like some producer asshole said, "now he has to win!"

Like GB2, it has moments of him being a lovable mentally handicapped type individual. The "smeel like a man" and scenes with Adrian are great. Just the end game is kind of pointless.

Rocky is best when he is honest and dumb. He is a relatable blue collar icon with a heart of gold. That is why Balboa was so spot on. It brought you back where you wanted to be with the character at that point.


I normally refer to GB2 as the blueprint of comedy sequels. It's pretty much pound for pound the same movie, and what new films normally do. The caveat is there are some solid scenes following the progression of the Ghostbusters. Notably courthouse.

Rocky 2 didn't need to happen. It's like some producer asshole said, "now he has to win!"

Like GB2, it has moments of him being a lovable mentally handicapped type individual. The "smeel like a man" and scenes with Adrian are great. Just the end game is kind of pointless.

Rocky is best when he is honest and dumb. He is a relatable blue collar icon with a heart of gold. That is why Balboa was so spot on. It brought you back where you wanted to be with the character at that point.

I wonder what else you could've done with Rocky II other than the rematch. I know Sly said he considered taking Balboa out of the ring and having him stick to blue collar pursuits, but I feel that if you had to make a follow up to the original film you sort of had to do the rematch & win angle.

The texture is all there, though, and the cast returned in top form. The weakest part of Rocky II for me has to be the montage where the entire city seems to want him to win. It felt like a cartoon erupting out of nowhere, whereas Rocky IV was at least a cartoon from frame 1.

I think that my personal ranking of the Rocky movies has changed this month (having rewatched a lot of the movies and talked about them so much on GAF today). I think II and IV are kind of neck and neck quality wise but for different reasons- they're weaker attempts at the kind of films Rocky I and III are, to me.
My tastes are different, my ranking of the series would be:

IV (first Rocky movie I ever watched it might not be the quint essential version of the character, but I still see it as an epic movie just the same as I did when I was little).
VI / Balboa

III Had Thunderlips and Mr T and yes it lead to the awesomeness that is Rocky IV.... I just couldn't stand it.

I actually enjoy V for what it is, yes Rocky Balboa told a similar Rocky story in a much better way, but V was still good in taking Rocky back to his roots - coming full circle to the Rocky he was in the original in a way.


The Rocky I final fight is the GOAT. I get chills every single time with "what is keeping him up, Phil?" "I don't know" and then Creed knocking him down and finally the look of complete and utter disbelief on Creed's face when Rocky gets back up. Combine all that with Conti's immaculate score and you've got a cinematic moment that never fails to evoke strong emotions in me.



Rocky 1 is the goat. No denial here.

That conversation allowed me to rip into the cunts this weekend who told me Ghostbusters 2 was the rare sequel to surpass the original.

He defeats Communision and the "superior white man" in 4. So I understand why a place full of white liberals like GAF hates it.

It also has the most 80's soundtrack.
The Rocky I final fight is the GOAT. I get chills every single time with "what is keeping him up, Phil?" "I don't know" and then Creed knocking him down and finally the look of complete and utter disbelief on Creed's face when Rocky gets back up. Combine all that with Conti's immaculate score and you've got a cinematic moment that never fails to evoke strong emotions in me.


Absolutely, then Adrian comes out and I start crying.

Edit: 15 minutes until the shit starts. I'm ready.


Super Member
Balboa was a tiny bit flat for me. I wanted to see him get his license and do random matches like at the start of Rocky 1. After a lifetime of winning and losing, Rocky ends up fighting forever.

Instead we get a handful of speeches to Rocky Jr., Marie, the licensing committee, etc. He stands around and talks a lot. Then after 16+ years in retirement, Rocky only needs a training montage to get into shape.

Rocky should've been getting into fights and stuggling with the "stuff in the basement" rather than crying about it to Paulie.

I dunno it was just too formulaic for a sequel nearly 2 decades later


If a 30 year old unknown beating the heavyweight champion with sheer will is not farfetched to you, then a 60 year old man can do it too.


1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > Balboa

I never understood what was so different about 5 and Balboa. I didn't like 5 when it came out because I didn't want to see Rocky be mopey and depressed for most of the movie. After everything he's been through and fought for, that's how he ends up? I don't want to see him like that. Until the fight at the end, it was a downer of a movie. I didn't enjoy it and I feel the same way about Balboa.

Some may be thinking that you could say the same thing about the others, but no, there was an strong undercurrent of hope throughout those. You had the feeling that if he just started believing in himself and had enough heart or he found the eye of the tiger, everything would turn out fine. Even when he was a poor bum in the beginning of the first Rocky, he was not constantly miserable.There was a sweet relationship between him and Adrian in the beginning of the first Rocky. They were already making out in his apartment before he was asked about a fight with Apollo.


Just got out of the film. Loved it!

Hit all the right notes, and steered away from being a cookie cut Rocky film. I loved how his first fight in the states was shot.
Just got out of the film. Loved it!

Hit all the right notes, and steered away from being a cookie cut Rocky film. I loved how his first fight in the states was shot.

You're gawddamn right you did

Creed spoilers

Looking at the trailers, Marie and Steps are a couple of assholes, leaving Rocky in his time of need.

What about his son? They got close in the last one, if he ditches rocky while he's sick that's weak of him

Though I understand if he's absent in creed, they want to build up a father/son bond between Adonis and rocky I imagine


What about his son? They got close in the last one, if he ditches rocky while he's sick that's weak of him

Though I understand if he's absent in creed, they want to build up a father/son bond between Adonis and rocky I imagine

If you know about Stallone's personal life, there is an absolutely heart breaking scene in the film.


Rocky II's final fight, as cheesy as it was, is probably the most hype ending for me.


Wow...Rocky has turned into Mickey now.

End of an era.

I think I'm watching all the Rocky movies this week.
I'm watching the Balboa deleted scenes and holy shit the scene with the bartender from Rocky I

They should've used that scene to introduce Marie!


That video review kind of nails some of the exact things in my mind leaving the cinema.

Stallone absolutely steals this film with his performance. Coogler doesn't play favorites here in shifting the narrative to only Creed. He flawlessly blends the existing universe while bringing in the new audience without alienating or making the experience cheap.
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