Here's why I don't like III and IV as much as people here do. Because it seems obvious to me those movies feature a Stallone who is kind of ashamed of Rocky as a character, and he's trying to figure out how to make him more like Sly than like Rocky.
People love the over-the-top bombastic cartoonishness of those two films (and Rocky III is basically the birth of the '80s movie as we know it, really) but they seriously fuck with what made Rocky WORK as a character, and bury him under Stallone's own hubris. Hell, Clubber is more or less the Rocky character in III. But Stallone has, interestingly, turned Clubber into a monster, and is asking you, the audience, to consider him as such. "You ain't so bad!"
This is all part of why Balboa works as well as it does, because it features a Stallone that seems to be accepting his role. He and his character are in roughly the same place, and it made his writing and direction a lot more empathetic and involving.
but I think Rocky has a better track record overall if you're merely comparing good movies to bad ones.
Maybe, but I'm just saying the quality curve looks pretty similar, to me. Start up high, slide down low (5th film being the nadir), start the climb up the mountain again on part 6.
It looks like Part 7 might be the return to the mountaintop for both, but it's hard to tell what with none of us having seen both part 7s yet.