Korey and Martin (and Billy too, I guess) >>>>>>>
Anyway, movie was incredible, everything ya'll said was right and,
Stallone at Premiere with his family. Some good genes there. Guy still looks good at his age.
That's the thing though.He was raw as fuck, beating cans in the Mexican underground but had no legit training. When he stepped in the ring with Wheeler (Andre Ward) he got dropped and lost his car. He knew he needed training and sought Rock out. Then, he had to train his ass off to fight Sporino, a guy that was just Philly famous, not big time. The ONLY reason he even got a shot at the title was because Conlan needed a hook (no pun intended) to get one last payday before he potentially went to jail. When Sporino's manager leaked his true heritage, Conlan wanted in on that money potential. He wanted Creed on the ticket to drive up buy rates. He didn't go "straight to the title" under Rocky.
Conlan was alreadyThought theSort of a clashing tonally with the rest of the movie. Small nitpicks but they bothered me in a movie that was otherwise gritty and grounded. The movie delivered on the most important aspects: character, emotion, theme. It's a good movie just think it had some missteps that rubbed me the wrong way a littleConlan contrivance was kind of silly. He's a hothead who punches his opponent at the presser, gets sued and faces jail time. As an adversary I thought he was a little lame. A little cartoonish in presentation. I also thought the onscreen graphics showing the fighters histories were a little out of place.
The running sequence with the bikers also didn't hit right for me. Was a little cheesy.
Stallone at Premiere with his family. Some good genes there. Guy still looks good at his age.
im watching this again. Next weekend.
Watching the trailers just makes me want to rewatch the shit out of it.
Also there's a Rocky marathon currently on Esquire.
I'm not talking about just Stallone in this movie. I'm talking about the Rocky character as he's portrayed in the original. The character just won me over and I was welled up with emotion seeing him succeed. This movie didn't have that same depth of feeling for me. It's still has affecting emotional beats but not to the same degree as rocky. Different movies with different characters but just think Michael B is a little one dimensional as an actor.
No Balboa in the marathon.
I forgot how much pop-rap is injected into Rocky 5.
it's terrible.
I think Creed did a better job of it. I prefer:
by far.
Just got out of it.
I want to take this movie behind the school and get it pregnant.
Just got out of it.
I want to take this movie behind the school and get it pregnant.
That's the thing though.He was raw as fuck, beating cans in the Mexican underground but had no legit training. When he stepped in the ring with Wheeler (Andre Ward) he got dropped and lost his car. He knew he needed training and sought Rock out. Then, he had to train his ass off to fight Sporino, a guy that was just Philly famous, not big time. The ONLY reason he even got a shot at the title was because Conlan needed a hook (no pun intended) to get one last payday before he potentially went to jail. When Sporino's manager leaked his true heritage, Conlan wanted in on that money potential. He wanted Creed on the ticket to drive up buy rates. He didn't go "straight to the title" under Rocky.
It's a 30 Rock reference and I feel nothing but pride.That was a terrible metaphor and you should feel bad.
There are zero cringe moments.
Rocky is perfect.Aside from just being generally excellent, I'll give huge kudos to this movie for one thing in particular. There are zero cringe moments.
That's not true of one other Rocky movie.
Rocky is perfect.
Rocky 4 is a perfect 80s movie.
Neither movie has any cringe moments.
Rocky is perfect.
Rocky 4 is a perfect 80s movie.
Neither movie has any cringe moments.
Rocky's cringe moment comes when he has Adrian trapped in the corner. That's kinda uncomfortable to watch.
Aside from just being generally excellent, I'll give huge kudos to this movie for one thing in particular. There are zero cringe moments.
That's not true of one other Rocky movie.
My audience died laughing during that scene; I kind of enjoyed it. I thought the movie was solid, was hoping to love it more than I did after those great trailers though. Still I think it's the only movie in the franchise that can legitimately contend with the masterpiece that is the first film. The final fight really tied the movie together and elevated it for me. Prior to it I was wondering what all the fuss was about, to be honest.Street bikes and Adonis shadow boxing in the middle of them pointing at Rocky up in the window. Super cringe
As did I. And yeah it did. Bolboa tried for the same sentimental moments in this one and just failed. Not sure what it was but this one definitely made me up well up a bit.Just watched Rocky Balboa again. Creed shit on that movie
Just watched Rocky Balboa again. Creed shit on that movie
Street bikes and Adonis shadow boxing in the middle of them pointing at Rocky up in the window. Super cringe