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Rise of Skywalker premiere press impressions are streaming in

Damn, that doesn't give me confidence..

As a life long Star Wars fan since 1980, this feels so depressing.
They could have made so great movies.

Instead they released turd after turd after 1999.


Sometimes I wonder if the problem with Star Wars is that I am trying to like something that just isn't for me.
I genuinely want them to be good but they genuinely don't really see people like me as their audience.

When I saw the originals, I was just a kid.
The first one was awesome and then it's sequel had this massive, instant, impact on me.
I always remember feeling like Empire scared the shit out of me and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
That was a movie I'd just watch over and over again as a kid and always when Luke faced Darth Vader it was just so terrifying.
At that age, I think the good guys failing to come out on top just fucked with my head.

By the time the prequels came along I was grown up and Episode 1 just didn't land with me at all.
The movie is definitely fun but it's just not what I would have wanted at that age.
My brother is eight years younger than me and he absolutely fucking loved Episode 1 and still has fond memories.
Episode 2 and 3 is more of the same. They just aren't movies that appeal to my tastes at all and I would have made so many different choices.

When The Force Awakens came along it was almost like it had some rejuvenating effect.
I still believe it is a very good Star Wars movie and a movie that absolutely "gets" the appeal of Star Wars.
It's a rip off of A New Hope, sure, but at least it made Star Wars feel relevant and vibrant and there was enough laid out in that movie to carry out a decent trilogy.

The Last Jedi was just a massive, massive, reminder that these movies are not for me.
So I am a lot more relaxed about this new one. I may not even see it in the cinema to be honest.

I am starting to liken this to how I feel about From Software games.
I am showing up to a Star Wars movie and then moaning because I don't like it.
The creators of the movies are almost actively saying though "yeah dude, this isn't for you".
So I end up feeling like those people moaning about difficulty in Sekiro.

Right now it feels like the only interesting aspect of Star Wars is the fun that everyone has completely ripping the movies apart.


Sometimes I wonder if the problem with Star Wars is that I am trying to like something that just isn't for me.
I genuinely want them to be good but they genuinely don't really see people like me as their audience.

When I saw the originals, I was just a kid.
The first one was awesome and then it's sequel had this massive, instant, impact on me.
I always remember feeling like Empire scared the shit out of me and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
That was a movie I'd just watch over and over again as a kid and always when Luke faced Darth Vader it was just so terrifying.
At that age, I think the good guys failing to come out on top just fucked with my head.

By the time the prequels came along I was grown up and Episode 1 just didn't land with me at all.
The movie is definitely fun but it's just not what I would have wanted at that age.
My brother is eight years younger than me and he absolutely fucking loved Episode 1 and still has fond memories.
Episode 2 and 3 is more of the same. They just aren't movies that appeal to my tastes at all and I would have made so many different choices.

When The Force Awakens came along it was almost like it had some rejuvenating effect.
I still believe it is a very good Star Wars movie and a movie that absolutely "gets" the appeal of Star Wars.
It's a rip off of A New Hope, sure, but at least it made Star Wars feel relevant and vibrant and there was enough laid out in that movie to carry out a decent trilogy.

The Last Jedi was just a massive, massive, reminder that these movies are not for me.
So I am a lot more relaxed about this new one. I may not even see it in the cinema to be honest.

I am starting to liken this to how I feel about From Software games.
I am showing up to a Star Wars movie and then moaning because I don't like it.
The creators of the movies are almost actively saying though "yeah dude, this isn't for you".
So I end up feeling like those people moaning about difficulty in Sekiro.

Right now it feels like the only interesting aspect of Star Wars is the fun that everyone has completely ripping the movies apart.

I'm trying to work if this post is supposed to be some kind of avant-garde poem or not.


I haven't seen the movie yet, but I feel like it's gotta be more is how do you make a sequel to that was written to be a dead end in nearly every aspect. Fuck TLJ, and fuck Rian Johnson. This movie never had a chance to be good. Even if you like TLJ, you can't follow it up with anything interesting, because there's nothing left to care about. Rey is already perfect, there's no growth for her.

Yeah. One of TLJs biggest problems is that it is written almost as an entirely stand alone movie.
So it doesn't really build on TFA and it doesn't really do anything to set up ROS.

The movie just puts the whole series into a holding pattern while Rian goes off and explores how to subvert expectations and whatnot.
TLJ would have been better as a spin-off movie telling it's own story with it's own characters in a different part of the timeline.

Instead it's weirdly wedged between a movie that is CLEARLY setting up ideas for the next 2 episodes and a movie that then has to try and tie off the storyline.

Defeating or killing off Snoke in episode 2 of 3 is not a terrible idea of you establish before hand that he is not the big bad (or if you reveal immediately that he is just a front for something far worse). Having Snoke be the Saruman to Palpatine's Sauron would work kind of well.

Same with Rey being a perfect Mary Sue. If you want to have something there then you basically make it that just because she can use all of this power doesn't mean she should. I mean where did she get her powers etc? The thing with Luke in the OT was always that there was some kind of inherent danger in messing about with these powers. Even if it was just something like "he is too old so training him is too dangerous". So in that context Luke's hiding does make sense and maybe the lesson Rey needs to learn is not that she can become the most powerful Jedi ever but that she needs to actually ease off on the force usage. This can be further explained through Leia who is strong with the force but doesn't seem to ever use it that much.

Kind of like how LotR has this cast of characters that could use the One Ring and would be super overpowered if they did but it's just too dangerous.
It should be legitimately dangerous that there is this random chick out there who can just do anything and beat anyone.



Wow, are you me?
Exactly my experience and thoughts about this..

How do you feel about the Mandalorian, though? I really like where they are going with that..


I see the Mandalorian pretty much the same way as I see a lot of the old books and video games etc.
It's enjoyable and cool Star Wars content but in some ways it isn't "REAL" Star Wars stuff.

I love the Old Republic stuff mostly. The books are great Star Wars stuff. The Revan character especially is amazing stuff.
The Darth Bane books are fantastic also.

It's great spin-off content that is far enough removed from the OT that it can stand on it's own without needing to "live up to" something that can't really be replicated.

I think no matter how much great side content is out there people would always see a "main story" Star Wars movie as the biggest event possible.
Of course, this is what probably makes them so incredibly difficult to get right.

You end up trying to position inferior contend beside the OT as if it belongs there.
With the prequels there is kind of a logic to it. People would always wonder how Lukes father became Dart Vader.
With the sequels there is no need at all because we already gave everyone a happily ever after.

This all brings me to the conclusion that Star Wars content should try to steer clear of the Original Trilogy as much as possible.
I don't need to know why Han Solo is called Han Solo.

Don't do prequels, sequels but instead try to make new stories set in the same world that still allows the main movie trilogy to stand alone as the absolute peak of Star Wars greatness.

I definitely think they should have never tried to make any content at all that goes beyond Return of the Jedi on the timeline.


Gold Member
they had 200 EU books and a george lucas outline and didn't borrow from any of it.
here is an opening from the chronologically first eu book.

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Don't do prequels, sequels but instead try to make new stories set in the same world that still allows the main movie trilogy to stand alone as the absolute peak of Star Wars greatness.
Exactly what I would say...
I definitely think they should have never tried to make any content at all that goes beyond Return of the Jedi on the timeline.
I concur, but am still happy about what we got with Mandalorian. It feels like it has those little new side stories set in this amazing universe, not really touching anything that happened in the OT.


Exactly what I would say...

I concur, but am still happy about what we got with Mandalorian. It feels like it has those little new side stories set in this amazing universe, not really touching anything that happened in the OT.

I think the problem with any stories set after Return of the Jedi is that it's difficult to set up stakes that feel like they have actual weight.
Obviously in real life there will never be an end to threats and crises but in a fictional world I think a solid ending is needed.

Setting things before Return of the Jedi works so much better because you can set up legitimate threats that also have the effect of building up Darth Vader and the Emperor even more since they are the biggest villains in the history of that particular world.

At least it'll be interesting to see where they go from here.
rebels at 100% fucking lol proves it means NOTHING (painful show)

resistance is trash-tier ps2 animation and its one of the highest rated (never watched an ep, only clips but looks shite)
TV Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes should be ignored. I was doing TV reviews a few years ago and they would cherry pick reviews for the pilot episodes or for the first episode of a season and establish an entire percentage for the series based on that.


funniest thing to come out of all this is people going "Why didn't he follow TLJ's leads?"

im like LOL, he IS following them, what little there were. Luke/Snoke died that's it. no Han needing to be saved. no "I just learned this terrible secret about my father". absolutely no hooks to get people in for the final entry. not even a teaser for Palpatine. zero. zilch.

that's why this is a huge shitshow to begin with. there WAS NOTHING to follow.

TLJ created nothing, it only destroyed.
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TFA is a masterpiece compared to rest of the ST. It actually did a lot of things right, even though it retreaded a lot of old ground.
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TV Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes should be ignored. I was doing TV reviews a few years ago and they would cherry pick reviews for the pilot episodes or for the first episode of a season and establish an entire percentage for the series based on that.

I don't trust the critics either but the writing was on the wall for this trilogy as soon as The Last Jedi released.

JJ was given a basically impossible task since TLJ didn't do much to drive the trilogy forward and suddenly you have to squeeze an ending into about 2 and a half hours of movie.

I think the way people have so zealously supported and defended TLJ meant that they really have no choice but to trash the new one.
No way they were going to come out saying actually this is better than TLJ and no way they were going to give JJ credit for standing on the shoulders of TLJ.

The narrative is clear. TLJ was the best Star Wars ever. Trashing the new one just reaffirms that narrative.

However the movie is most likely not good.

TFA was fine for what it was.
The pressure on them to not fuck it up must have been incredible.
So to get good critic reviews, good audience feedback and a shit ton of money was great for them.
Plus TFA had people wanting more.

Then TLJ comes along and simultaneously renders TFAs set-ups irrelevant and takes the trilogy into a corner that the next director will have to write their way out of. TLJ honestly felt like a deliberate attempt to trash Star Wars. How subversive is that when the newest entry in a franchise is actually an attempt destroy that franchise?

The level of vitriol that followed TLJ also messes with the reviewers too as I think there would be a lot of pressure on anyone trashing TLJ.
Look at how Youtubers who dislike the movie are treated. It's like the weird combination of Trump and "Russian-bots" and all that stuff created a movie that has an completely unearned influence.

With the new one it looks like the gloves are off and anything goes.

Seems to be the case that Star Wars episode 9 is trying, but failing, to appeal to it's fanbase and as a result everyone hates it.


TLJ would have been better as a spin-off movie telling it's own story with it's own characters in a different part of the timeline.

That's the EXACT thing I thought when I rewatched it last night. I had the bluray and never watched it becuse in a way after all the negativity about the movie since its release I kinda avoided doing so.


Seems to be the case that Star Wars episode 9 is trying, but failing, to appeal to it's fanbase and as a result everyone hates it.
IX is failing because JJ has to do the work RJ put off. he has to make ESB and ROTJ at the same time. and because of the rushed release schedule, he has to do it all in 2 years while Lucas had 6.

honestly i think had everything been planned out, Palpatine seeded from the start, and Rian's bullshit moral relativism left out, things would be different. TFA had fans even in the Fandom Menace, it left things in a good place. TLJ just poisoned the well irrevocably.
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Then TLJ comes along and simultaneously renders TFAs set-ups irrelevant and takes the trilogy into a corner that the next director will have to write their way out of. TLJ honestly felt like a deliberate attempt to trash Star Wars. How subversive is that when the newest entry in a franchise is actually an attempt destroy that franchise?

And whose fault was this for letting RJ get what he wanted? Yes, he wrote it, but who gave him carte blanche? Why was there no three film outline that needed to be followed, aside from the fact that they threw the one George gave them in the trash?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
IX is failing because JJ has to do the work RJ put off. he has to make ESB and ROTJ at the same time. and because of the rushed release schedule, he has to do it all in 2 years while Lucas had 6.

Remember that Disney originally wanted this out in May, which is when the Disneyland Galaxy's Edge park attraction opened.


I'm surprised it hasn't receive good critic reviews so far, given how low of a bar a 90% RT is for a Star Wars film.
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rebels at 100% fucking lol proves it means NOTHING (painful show)

resistance is trash-tier ps2 animation and its one of the highest rated (never watched an ep, only clips but looks shite)
Rebels has some of the best moments of animated Star Wars. It’s full of TV filler unfortunately but the highs are very high.


Coz it ignores and even mocks the TLJ!

Or maybe Rise of Skywalker isn't a very good movie. I've seen some leaked clips and read some plot stuff from the movie and it's laughably bad.

I didn't like Last Jedi much, but I respect Rian for trying something new. He wasn't fit for SW, but he is a great filmmaker. His latest movie, Knives Out, is apparently really great.
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How did he rehash Empire and Jedi? I haven't seen the movies in a long time, so please explain.
Luke is a hermit Jedi teacher stranded bc his student fell to the darkside. exact same as Obi Wan/Yoda

Luke is a jerk to Rey at first refusing to train her then he trains her anyways. same as Yoda.

Luke buried his x-wing in the ocean same as Empire.

Rey training and having dark side visions in a cave same as Empire

Rey ignores the wishes of her master to go try and save her friends same as Empire.

even the Poe/Holdo side story about being chased the whole movie by the Empire was in Empire.

then of course the throne room, ripping off entire lines of dialog from Jedi.

then the AT-ATs on Not Hoth. "salt" doesn't make a new planet.

im leaving a lot out but pretty much everything in the movie is ripped from the OT, even the "subversion".
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Came here to post this if nobody hadn't yet.

Worst of the 9 he says. That's a big claim after 8.
That video is fucking brutal. But through some of it I was like yeah well that’s a JJ film though. Like half of what he’s complaining about it JJ the other half is the result of having no set plan and script.


Luke is a hermit Jedi teacher stranded bc his student fell to the darkside. exact same as Obi Wan/Yoda

Luke is a jerk to Rey at first refusing to train her then he trains her anyways. same as Yoda

Luke buried his x-wing in the ocean same as Empire

Rey training and having dark side visions in a cave same as Empire

even the Poe/Holdo side story about being chased the whole movie by the Empire was in Empire

then of course the throne room, ripping off entire lines of dialog from Jedi

then the AT-ATs on Not Hoth.

im leaving a lot out but pretty much everything in the movie is ripped from the OT, even the "subversion"

I get it now, thx.

I still somewhat like TLJ, don't see that changing.



This is so true that when my friends and I were leaving the lot last night after seeing the movie, one said "Have you ever wanted to see what would happen if Reddit made a Star Wars movie?". He decided to NOT Tweet that because he's avoiding Twitter over psychopathic fans at the moment.
If TLJ left them with nothing to work with, why didn't they make more movies?
Imagine the S U B V E R S I O N if Palpatine was a third act surprise and a threat to be dealt with in a fourth movie.

George's old 12 movies plan already had an odd structure, with Episode 1 as a prologue. Traces of this can be seen in the prequel trilogy, with TPM being sort of disconnected.
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