Toronto Star said:On March 15, an hour before he disappeared into a washroom at Muzik, Ford ran into pop star Justin Bieber in a common area of the exclusive nightclub near Torontos waterfront, according to witnesses. Ford tried to shake Biebers hand and became enraged when Bieber jokingly asked him, Did you bring any crack to smoke?
Security ushered Ford back to his party booth, where he was entertained, along with the four men, by three paid party hostesses. The Star has been unable to reach Bieber for comment.
So, how long before he's back, swears he is clean and just wants to move forward and focus on the election
Journalism! Although I bet The Star wishes they paid for their video now. lolThe globe paid $10k for the stills of the crack video
Everything he's done still allows him to be mayor. The province could remove him, but the government is about to implode and go to an election soon, so they really don't want to get involved now.How the fuck is he still mayor? Is there no impeachment process that can be done?
Journalism! Although I bet The Star wishes they paid for their video now. lol
Well...1. On Tim Hudak's rainbow flag stance
Ford criticizes Tim Hudak, the leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, for voting in favour of a motion to fly a rainbow flag at Queen's Park provincial legislature during the Sochi Olympics.
"Hudak comes out and says, 'Yeah, I agree with all the gays,'" Ford says.
"Right there, he lost my vote," Ford goes on to say.
2. On why he won't vote Liberal
Ford mulls over which party he could vote for if he cannot vote Conservative.
"I can't vote Liberal 'cause I don't like what [Ontario Premier Kathleen] Wynne is doing. Not because she's gay. I just don't like corruption," he says.
"NDP? I'm just not left wing," he continues. "I might have to vote Green."
5. On his wife, Renata Ford
At another point in the tape, someone asks Ford, "How do you f--k your wife?"
"Brother, I'd f--k her wife every f-----g," he says before the audio becomes indiscernible.
6. On drinking alcohol
"F--k bro, I'd pound this every day," Ford says, apparently referring to shots of alcohol.
At that point, someone can be heard saying that it is 9 p.m.
At another point in the tape, Ford says to someone, "If you don't get a shot in two seconds, I'm going to knock your f-----g teeth out."
8. On his plans if he loses
"Once I'm done, I'm done. I'm going to California," he says.
Naw, most people resign with some dignity and try to hide in shame for a few years before coming back. He's telling everyone to fuck off because he is still fairly popular and has a lot of support.I don't know much about this whole situation but how the fuck is this guy in any sort of power?
Usually when someone higher up is caught doing anything wrongly they're kicked the fuck out. Why hasn't he been?
Everything he's done still allows him to be mayor. The province could remove him, but the government is about to implode and go to an election soon, so they really don't want to get involved now.
Nope. The council limited his powers last year, but the only way to remove him is if he is actually incarcerated - which he hasn't been. Alternatively, he misses 3 months of meetings. The province can remove him, but it's basically a Liberal government removing a Conservative mayor and I assume that's political death for the Liberals (who are basically on the verge of losing anyway).But there's no impeachment process as in, if you do something illegal, you can be removed from office by the legislative body.
This is such an odd thing done in such an extreme fashion that I can barely fault the Torontonian government for not having something in the books. I mean, anybody else would have stepped down if they were so steeped in this level of embarrassment.
At another point in the tape, Ford says to someone, "If you don't get a shot in two seconds, I'm going to knock your f-----g teeth out."
I think I heard someone on CP24 saying that he doesn't remember anything that he says when he's drinking, so *shrug*. I still can't believe that no one at all on his campaign team figured that maybe they do need to keep the guy who they're working for on a leash and make folks keep him from getting into dumb shit. No wait, never mind. I forgot he's surrounded by enablers.
Oh god, you're not being serious, are you?
So you're saying that if you vote someone in, and that person turns out to be a defective piece of shit, you should be stuck with that person for the entire term?
The recall process should only be available in extreme circumstances, but really, there should be one.
Please define what a 'piece of shit' means in this case. Because, as it as been established in this thread, there are already mechanisms in place to remove the mayor from office if he imprisoned or if he misses a set amount of council meetings. Barring that, you cannot remove an elected official just because you don't happen to like his character. That opens a whole nasty can o' worms.
Look, I don't like it any more than you do, but the power of the electorate is the foundation of democracy. If you get an idiot holding the mayor's office, it's because the people voted an idiot to the mayor's office.
Recall elections exist for a reason. Don't hold voters hostage because they were misled or made a mistake.
It's an easy process to envision, anyway -- if 2/3rds or something like 75% of the councilors vote to recall, it goes to a city-wide election. You're still giving democracy the power.
Please define what a 'piece of shit' means in this case. Because, as it as been established in this thread, there are already mechanisms in place to remove the mayor from office if he imprisoned or if he misses a set amount of council meetings. Barring that, you cannot remove an elected official just because you don't happen to like his character. That opens a whole nasty can o' worms.
Good for him if he's actually sincerely getting help, but I seriously doubt it.
My guess is that it's a shtick to get himself some sympathy in preparation for running for election. Probably some advisor made him do it and now he's just gonna go through the motions and then come back trumpeting about how he's a changed man blah blah blah.
A) What makes you think that Ford would get voted out with such a system? Would he be allowed to run? What if he won?
B) You also realize that such a mechanism would have to be created by the province, right? A municipality does not have the authority to that kind of decision for itself.
Kathleen Wynne allowed this spectacle to go out of control and did nothing about it for short term electoral reasons.
Which is why I'm not going to vote for her
Then who would you vote for? All three provincial leaders are treating the matter equally out of fear of upsetting voters. Sorta like during the last election, when all three leaders promised to cancel the gas plant, and then piled onto the one who did after the election.
Kathleen Wynne allowed this spectacle to go out of control and did nothing about it for short term electoral reasons.
She's been timid as fuck on all issues and seems WAY too comfortable in her appointed position. Dalton ran a skeevy operation at the end and she is deluded if she thinks she will be able to fully separate herself from her own party boss.
As for Ford, the fool can't even manage his liquor on a frikken Monday. Anyone who thinks he can manage a city is an ass at this point.
As for Ford, the fool can't even manage his liquor on a frikken Monday. Anyone who thinks he can manage a city is an ass at this point.
She's timid because she knows she has a tenuous hold on power and McGuinty's legacy weighing her down.
But from what I've seen of her, especially during the ice storm, she's generally got her head on straight. Especially compared to Hudak, who is a lunatic, and Horwath, who appears to be an opportunist.
But man, does Ontario get stupid during election season.
Rob Ford has needed help for a long time. The more important issue; how will Toronto be able to cope in his absence?
Resign as in quit before you're fired.Naw, most people resign with some dignity and try to hide in shame for a few years before coming back. He's telling everyone to fuck off because he is still fairly popular and has a lot of support.
Aside from his wacky antics, how is he as a mayor?
As I said, it shouldn't be a simple mechanism to activate, otherwise it would get used politically, but when you have a worldwide embarrassment, political gridlock, and all but two members of council (left, right, and centre) voting to strip him of his powers, there should be an option.
Resign as in quit before you're fired.
Why is he so popular? Do people just find him funny? It's pretty embarrassing.
Rob Ford's recent "I will only go as high as 0.25% taxes to fund subway" gets praises. And the glaring flaw that his supporters ignores only comes in when you realize at that rate, it will take 176 years to build a 3 KM stretch of tunnels.explodet said:Rick Mercer said:What about all those people in Ford Nation who say they will vote for him tomorrow? What they are saying loud and clear, and what everyone on the left should pay attention to, is this: They are saying, we would rather have a guy on crack, than a mayor who will raise our taxes. They are saying, we don't care if he drives his Escalade drunk through the city; we care that he wants to privatize garbage collection. They are saying, we will vote for a gerbil if we get a dollar back.
Rob Ford's popularity has nothing to do with the man himself he is a circus act but his politics are very real. And they should not be written off just because he's about to be.
In all three clips, the mayor is wearing a white shirt and a dark-coloured tie with a pattern of thin white marks. This is the same shirt-and-tie combination he was wearing Friday afternoon at a press conference where he was critical of the dismissal of Gene Jones, who was appointed by the mayor to run the Toronto Community Housing Corporation and was removed after a damning ombudsman investigation. The drug dealer who showed The Globe the videos said that the mayor was also ranting about Mr. Joness ouster in his sisters basement. In one of the video clips, the camera pans onto a second cellphone, which is flipped open and shows the time and date.
1) worldwide embarrassment: why should international sentiment dictate Toronto municipal politics?
2) political gridlock: It's an unfortunate byproduct of the system we live in. Should Obama be impeached because of the gridlock in Congress?
3) lost support of council: you should not assume that those who voted to strip him of powers would be equally in favour of removing him from office.
It's really easy to look at Ford and conclude that he shouldn't hold any kind of political office, but your reasoning seems to conclude that is in part because you don't align with him ideologically. And that's a dangerous game to play.
It's easy to understand why she has been timid but the results have been weak leadership when we need quite the opposite on issues such as transit and our mayor. Oh but she's fine with a law suit against Hudak because she's pure as snow even while elbow to elbow with the shamed out McGuinty. She has been wasting the provinces' time in a vain effort to burnish her image. It's sad we all have to wait while this backbencher tries to grow a set.
I agree the field is utterly pathetic. That's still no reason to let the Liberals or Wynne keep their seats.