Just imagine all those drug dealers that are now out of business!
They've made a lateral move to become video-dealers.
Just imagine all those drug dealers that are now out of business!
You only took part of my reasoning, and you think he should stay in office because you like him.
Give me a good reason he should stay, aside from "status quo".
Because I don't think it's right to remove an elected official for ideological and partisan reasons.
When is his ban up? Or was it a perm?My frothing demand for WILLECTRO's return increases.
When is his ban up? Or was it a perm?
Because I don't think it's right to remove an elected official for ideological and partisan reasons.
Timid? She's been rolling out one of the more ambitious regional transit plans in Southern Ontario's history. You don't like her, fine. But lets try to stick with reality here.It's easy to understand why she has been timid but the results have been weak leadership when we need quite the opposite on issues such as transit and our mayor. Oh but she's fine with a law suit against Hudak because she's pure as snow even while elbow to elbow with the shamed out McGuinty. She has been wasting the provinces' time in a vain effort to burnish her image. It's sad we all have to wait while this backbencher tries to grow a set.
I agree the field is utterly pathetic. That's still no reason to let the Liberals or Wynne keep their seats.
Ideological? This is 99% about his conduct.
Partisan? City Hall is pretty much united in wanting him to go.
But please, keep changing what we're all saying. It's fun.
Everything aside, this man was never designed to be mayor. He was a lone wolf councillor, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who only got into politics because his daddy encouraged him (he admitted he never even read the "Code of Conduct" guidebook given to everyone at city hall), and decided he wanted to "fight the system", voting "No" on everything regardless of what it was.
Once he became "the system", he was totally unprepared for it and just bullied everyone underneath him.
Left, right, or centre, that's a bad formula. Add to it massive substance abuse problems and criminal ties, and you have a disaster.
Serious substance abuse is neither of those.
Sir John A McDonald showed up drunk to a debate and threw up on stage.
It's still not enough to kick someone from office. Let the electorate decide if he is fit for office. And just so we're clear, I really hope they vote him out.
Sir John A McDonald showed up drunk to a debate and threw up on stage.
It's still not enough to kick someone from office. Let the electorate decide if he is fit for office. And just so we're clear, I really hope they vote him out.
Sir John A McDonald showed up drunk to a debate and threw up on stage.
It's still not enough to kick someone from office. Let the electorate decide if he is fit for office. And just so we're clear, I really hope they vote him out.
I don't know why you're being so obstinate. A recall implementation could easily include a voting mechanism. As it is now, the system is actually less democratic relying on the whims of the province to keep or get rid of the mayor
Except provincial governments are also elected.
Municipalities serving at the whim of the provincial legislature in the very basis of the delegation of powers and responsibilities of the country. No, we are not a pure democracy, but the relationship between municipalities and provinces are an entirely constitutional matter.
And the reason I am holding on this is because I think most who are arguing in favour of a recall are doing so in knee jerk reaction to the Rob Ford affair and feel no qualms about the implications simply because they don't align themselves with Ford's politics.
Does he at least support the legalization/decriminalization of illicit drugs?
And the reason I am holding on this is because I think most who are arguing in favour of a recall are doing so in knee jerk reaction to the Rob Ford affair and feel no qualms about the implications simply because they don't align themselves with Ford's politics.
He said he wants pot to be legal.
I'm surprised it's still illegal despite so much consensus on this topic. Tories are probably trying to placate their extremist base, especially since they already get so much criticism from them for being too centrist.
I know new thread for new news, but I feel sad if the Ron Ford OT is going to die. I love this guy. So sorry to our Toronto friends, but I mean come on, now North America can rival the idiotic (offensive) "missteps" of prominent European figures like those from Italy and France. It means we're becoming more cosmopolitan yo.
This man needs an Eli Gold.I still can't believe that no one at all on his campaign team figured that maybe they do need to keep the guy who they're working for on a leash and make folks keep him from getting into dumb shit.
Oh, I'm aware of the consequences of a recall mechanism. That's why when I suggest there be one it should be very, very difficult to activate.
It's the last resort. The "We have to stop Godzilla" option.
And the reason I am holding on this is because I think most who are arguing in favour of a recall are doing so in knee jerk reaction to the Rob Ford affair and feel no qualms about the implications simply because they don't align themselves with Ford's politics.
Knee-jerk? Ford has been a rambling, lying, hypocritical mess for a year now. Well, more like a decade. But we'll call it a year because that's when the crack vid story broke.
I really hate how he lied constantly during his conflict of interest trial (his defence was he didn't understand what he was saying or reading -which may actually be valid now that I think of it, because of how damaged his mind must be from all the substance abuse), and no one seems to be bringing that up.
I get that we can't remove him.
But I fully support creating an impeachment process in the future to prevent another pathological liar crackhead from taking office.
And it's not about policy.
If Oliva Chow started doing crack... I somehow think she'd end up being a shitty mayor too. Lying, being violent, showing up late, acting confused, mismanaging projects, calling TTC buses to pick up the football team (that she was coaching instead of attending a council meeting) during rush hour and forcing everyone on that bus to get off it and stand in the rain (which fucking still blows me away that that actually happened) etc. It's not the policy, it's the crack.
Rob Ford ain't no coward, I can tell ya that
I'd say he's a damn coward. The only time he did something 'brave' was initially disclosing he did crack cocaine after being asked about it for months. His back is against the wall and his only option to save face (and his job and his campaign) is to go to rehab. If he could, he'd continue to deny, deny, deny.
Thirty days of treatment for years of substance abuse is a joke. I wouldn't be shocked at all if on the first day he comes back he gets caught hanging out with Lisi at a bar somewhere.
Thirty days of treatment for years of substance abuse is a joke. I wouldn't be shocked at all if on the first day he comes back he gets caught hanging out with Lisi at a bar somewhere.
I think you missed the joke brother. Please reference his avatar.
Timid? She's been rolling out one of the more ambitious regional transit plans in Southern Ontario's history. You don't like her, fine. But lets try to stick with reality here.
OMG only other Canadians will get how funny this is. For outsiders, there have been commercials for as long as I can remember from the Canadian government that details bits of our history and they always ended with that background picture. I'm sure you could Youtube some of them.
This guy man...The saga does not end!
Does he at least support the legalization/decriminalization of illicit drugs?
Rob Ford in 2005 said:Ford declared war on gangs and vowed to "make life for these thugs miserable, to put them behind bars or to run them out of town."
It's a ten year plan! How many long term transit plans have come and gone? How many ten year plans have their been in the past ten years alone?
Rob Ford is such a lovable rascal, I look forward to voting for him in November. He does good work as mayor regardless of his drug use, so that's all I care about really.
OMG only other Canadians will get how funny this is. For outsiders, there have been commercials for as long as I can remember from the Canadian government that details bits of our history and they always ended with that background picture. I'm sure you could Youtube some of them.
My frothing demand for WILLECTRO's return increases.
He does good work as mayor