Barnett was one of the staffers who was with Ford during his drunken St. Patrick's Day party in his City Hall office back in 2012.
The night included Ford knocking Brooks off his feet in an apparent rage, jumping on his giant Cut the Waist challenge scale and stripping off his clothes, smashing his cellphone on the wall, crying uncontrollably and even throwing racial slurs and his business cards at a cab driver.
Oh my god, you couldn't write this shit:
Say whaaaaat?
Nice. There needs to be more of this.
This reached UK news yesterday, but we skimmed over it - I read this thread today and geeze. London's Mayor Boris may be a bit of a joke when it comes to media events, but at least he doesn't go about smoking crack or almost-openly associating with drug lords, if that happened here. The media and public wouldn't let up till the person in office resigns.
I can't believe the fact police can't touch this guy. It's so obvious he's absolutely off his head half the time (or just really stupid) . It's sad to see people defend this sort of nonsense too, I mean, if you want to be on drugs fine, but I sure as heck don't want a druggie in charge of where I live. They might come up with some radical ideas at best, but they'll be even more likely to be pie-in-the-sky ideas that are not exactly logical.
It's a shame because I visited Toronto about 3 years ago and was rather charmed by the place. I hope for the residents this gets sorted well before the election, is there no Canadian parliament or something higher up that can deal with this guy?
This reached UK news yesterday, but we skimmed over it - I read this thread today and geeze. London's Mayor Boris may be a bit of a joke when it comes to media events, but at least he doesn't go about smoking crack or almost-openly associating with drug lords, if that happened here. The media and public wouldn't let up till the person in office resigns.
I can't believe the fact police can't touch this guy. It's so obvious he's absolutely off his head half the time (or just really stupid) . It's sad to see people defend this sort of nonsense too, I mean, if you want to be on drugs fine, but I sure as heck don't want a druggie in charge of where I live. They might come up with some radical ideas at best, but they'll be even more likely to be pie-in-the-sky ideas that are not exactly logical.
It's a shame because I visited Toronto about 3 years ago and was rather charmed by the place. I hope for the residents this gets sorted well before the election, is there no Canadian parliament or something higher up that can deal with this guy?
Like yyzjohn said, the Mayor doesn't really do much, he is just a figurehead. He can't do any real damage in terms of laws or ideas.
This doesn't apply across the board. A mayor who understands the system and can work the councillors can get a lot done. Ford is nothing but a figurehead but that is only because of his incompetence, not the structure of the system.
But Ford also had a lot of the right wing councillors falling into line with his ideas and policies and idiotic way of thinking (ie: no compromises, my way or the highway). You have to be more than a figurehead to have that happen.
"Had" is the key word here. Apart from his brother, I can't see how many staunch supporters he has left, even from the right.
From what I've seen, there's Doug, Kelly, probably Nunziata, and that idiot councillor (forgot her name) that spreads the propaganda on Portuguese radio.
Josh Matlow.
He's wants Ford to resign pretty badly
Well, I guess this is over. No arrests, no more news conferences, back to work folks.
I thought something redacted was supposed to come out on Friday?
From what I've seen, there's Doug, Kelly, probably Nunziata, and that idiot councillor (forgot her name) that spreads the propaganda on Portuguese radio.
What about Mamoliti? I havent heard a peep from that rat.
Uhhhh so legendary wrestler Iron Shiek is actually there now and he wants to fight
Uhhhh so legendary wrestler Iron Shiek is actually there now and he wants to fight
As if this circus couldn't get any weirder
Uhhhh so legendary wrestler Iron Shiek is actually there now and he wants to fight
As if this circus couldn't get any weirder
CBC reading Facebook comments of Rob Ford supporters right now. I sincerely, sincerely, sincerely hope a second video comes out showing this asshole doing even worse shit.
Also, all these supporters keep glossing over the racist and homophobic comments he made on the video. Maybe people should wait until they see the actual video before they throw their support at him.
I thought you couldn't make this shit up before.