Damn Utah-GAF, you just gonna take that insult?
I mean I hate Mitt Romney as much as any other intelligent person but as an American I don't like it when people talk shit about one of our states. Mitt needs to respond with "Well obviously a city is going to be busy when it is the only city in the country."
I live in Utah. I'm happy it's "middle of nowhere." We have a good life here. I don't think what he said was particularly insulting but rather a recognition of the massively different scale between the two locations.
Also, nobody will ever run an Olympics as smoothly as they went here in Utah. We're stacked with multilingual people here and it made it so a huge number of the employees and volunteers spoke English as well as a second language. Our facilities were easy to build and transportation was simple when you're dealing with a smaller local population that was prepared years ahead of time.
So Romney isn't wrong, but he was playing with a stacked deck.