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Royal Rumble 2015 |OT| 30 Men enter. Roman remains.

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Brock retains. Batista #29. Rock #30. Goldberg distracts Batista resulting in Rock winning.

WM 31

Brock vs. Rock
Batista vs. Goldberg
Sting vs. HHH
Undertaker vs. Hogan
Cena vs. Rusev

Bryan, Rollins, Wyatt, Ambrose, etc. all in the battle royal.

Holy fuck that would be hilarious.
Brock retains. Batista #29. Rock #30. Goldberg distracts Batista resulting in Rock winning.

WM 31

Brock vs. Rock
Batista vs. Goldberg
Sting vs. HHH
Undertaker vs. Hogan
Cena vs. Rusev

Bryan, Rollins, Wyatt, Ambrose, etc. all in the battle royal.

I'll allow it.


miz is eliminated

he expects mizdow to jump over the top with him

he teases it




he's then eliminated by reigns
If I were a heel I'd handcuff either a wrist to the middle rope a leg to the bottom rope...

Or I'd just go out of the ring and hide somewhere. Hell, the whole McMahon/Austin thing involved them going all over the arena IIRC before coming back into the ring and Austin getting eliminated.

They have a different meaning of dramatic than I and the 92 ending always makes Hogan seem so petty


He was also least deserving of the bunch.
Rumble prediction time:

What should happen (while still giving Vince what he wants DAMMIT!)
Rollins wins title via cash in after the title match (off Cena of course cause Cena wins lol )
During the Rumble Reigns is eliminated in the late 20's
Bryan stands alone in the ring after eliminating entrant #29
The countdown ends but no one comes out for #30. Countdown goes again but once more nothing. While Bryan is standing in the ring in bewilderment he is attacked by Show and Kane. While this is happening we see on the tron HHH talking to Reigns over a beaten Dean Ambrose (Who had previously been #30 since he had all the number and was beaten by show and kane before coming for Bryan. We find all this out on monday) Reigns and HHH shake hands and the countdown begins again. Reigns comes out as #30 and easily tosses a beaten Bryan out. Reigns celebrates to a course of boos as the authority sans Rollins comes out to congratulate him.

The next night on Raw. We find out that Rollins (and J&J) had no idea about the plan to help Reigns. HHH comes out and cuts a promo on Seth about how it was always Reigns that he wanted not Seth, Seth was just the weakest willed on the Shield and the only one he could get to turn at the time.
Ambrose comes out and is pissed that not only was his Rumble spot taken but by his "brother"
Over the next few months Rollins is still champ and still with the Authority though it is clearer each week that they don't give a shit about him and are all about Reigns. Rollins slowly distances himself from the authority while still being caught in the crossfire of Ambrose and Reigns

Mania Main Event
Rollins (tweener) vs. Ambrose (face) vs. Reigns (heel)
Bryan vs. Brock
Cena vs. Rusev
HHH vs. Sting
Cesaro vs. Ziggler vs. Barret vs. Wyatt Fatal Four Way IC title

Reigns can still win, We get Bryan vs. Brock, everybody wins which is why this won't happen.

What will Happen
Brock wins after Cena AA Brock, Rollins goes for curb stomp on Cena but Cena counters into another AA on Rollins. Brock pushes Cena out of the Ring and pins Rollins.

During the rumble Bryan eliminates Kane, who then goes back in and eliminates Bryan. (This elimination does not count for kane just like last year when they didn't count his elimination of Punk keeping his still one shy of HBK)
As Kane is walking up the aisle Roman enters the Rumble. Reigns superman punches Kane into retirement on the way to the ring.
Reigns eliminates 13 people including Big Show to win the Rumble and come to 25 total eliminations

Reigns vs Brock
Rollins vs Cena
HHH vs Staaanng
Bryan vs. Kane in a loser retires match (Sheamus shows up and takes them both out in 17 seconds)
Ziggler/Cesaro/Wyatt/Orton vs. Relevancy

The next year at the Rumble Reigns eliminates 14 and ties HBK's record.


or or.. bonus
Brock wins
Reigns wins
Rock is at Rumble
Reigns is like we ain't waiting until mania and beats Brock for the title on Raw
Reigns vs Rock for the Title at Mania
better than thrice in a lifetime i guess

Rock enters rumble. Eliminates Rusev. Rock/Reigns final two. Reigns wins. Hug it out. Fade to black.


If it's not Reigns's or Bryan's year in 2015, it's really shaking it up. It's been the assumed future for over a year now.

It's shaking it up in the same way shitting the bed is. The total admittance that they can't build anyone to headline Wrestlemania since putting all their eggs in the Cena basket, with just a couple dropped towards Batista and Orton.



Bray wins the rumble.

Brie causes Bryan to get eliminated..(would they go there?)

Roman and Big Show continue their drudgery.

Heyman turns on Brock

At least one of the returning fired wrestlers turn on Cena (Ziggs?)

Orton returns on Seth.
Real talk though. If this isn't zigglers year then I don't know what is. They've been building him so much and now he isn't burdened by the intercontinental title. It's time.


Hey, remember when "anything could happen"? The way This Fucking Company spoils everything these days just baffles me.

If they don't, someone else will.
Why not them getting the hits instead of some ass backwards spyware ad click filled site like nodq or one of the many others.

El Topo

Real talk though. If this isn't zigglers year then I don't know what is. They've been building him so much and now he isn't burdened by the intercontinental title. It's time.

I don't really follow wrestling all that much anymore, but no one named Ziggler is going to win the Rumble.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Romania runnin' wild and straight into the crowd's brick wall of disappointment and anger is the only result I'm expecting to be satisfying. Add in the possibility of Jern Cema winning the title, and this show could frustrate the live audience before the ramble even starts. It looks like they have learned nothing from last year's Royal Rupture. Vince's stubborn tantrum booking style does not bode well for the most over guy in this shit company.


Formerly Gizmowned
My WWE Network subscription expired this week but I can't renew. For some reason it's not showing United Kingdom in the country list for billing. Anyone know of this issue?


"Breaking news" from WWE.com will never stop being hilarious
"We let this shit leak out ahead of time. Fuck, now what are we supposed to do?"
"Quick, report about it on WWE.com so we appear dialed in to social media. We can pretend we meant for that news to come out. Now we look smart."


Hey, remember when "anything could happen"? The way This Fucking Company spoils everything these days just baffles me.

GOD DAMN IT we can't advertise rock on raw, it has to be a surprise! people love surprises! surprises are ratings, damn it!

*one week passes*

GOD DAMN we need to advertise rock coming back at the rumble, or else no one will buy the network to see it!

um vince it's the day of the show

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