I thought Disney liked their movies being woke?
No no no, they failed because they weren’t woke ENOUGH.
Next time the force won’t be female, the force will be trans.
I thought Disney liked their movies being woke?
No no no, they failed because they weren’t woke ENOUGH.
Next time the force won’t be female, the force will be trans.
Too late Lucasney, fucking blow me.
Disney is a corporation that likes making money by following trends. If their bean counters surmise that they can now make more money by not following the SJW agenda then they'll go right back to how they used to do things - business as usual.
About as likely to happen as The Last of Us 2 being re-written.
The Force Awakens at best is a semi-remake of New Hope. Best to just start from a clean slate.
Keep The Force Awakens and say the other two movies were "the bad ending."
Or sure, just reset it completely. The Force Awakens was fine, but nothing I would greatly miss.
Doubt it will happen, though.
Here’s Doomcock’s update from yesterday
Grain of salt as always, his info is only as good as what is passed to him.
Yeah that’s why Splash Mountain has been rebranded black princess beastiality the ride.
Totally a bean counter move.
Here’s Doomcock’s update from yesterday
Grain of salt as always, his info is only as good as what is passed to him.
If they do reset it, I suspect it won’t be the last.
I suspect we will be seeing a remake based on the Lucas outlines debuting in the early 2030’s.
I doubt Disney really gives a fuck about the opinion of some Internet Nerds. They made tons of money with these movies, so why even bother? We will get a new Trilogy at some point that'll probably plays hundreds of years before or after the events of the last 9 movies, so it hardly matters. Just my 2 cents.
I don't think they need to reset as much as place it 100 years ahead of the sequel trilogy. Make it to where all the systems are in disarray because of a lack of central government. Systems have formed their own governments instead of a galaxy wide collective government. Part of the problem with the ST is that it didn't even make sense that systems would be super on board to join a new centralized government after the empire fell when the Republic became the empire in the first place.
Most of the cast have acted like they're done with Star Wars after ST anyways. Placing it far into the future of the ST wipes the board clean and gives you creative control to do something different without being constrained to previous films.
They will reboot so they can make another EP4 remake.
They will reboot so they can make another EP4 remake.
Cuck Prince of Bel AirYeah!
Brie Larson can play Luke
Carrie Fisher's daughter can play Leia
That dude from Solo can come back as Han
Will Smith can play Vader
Go Disney, you can do it!
No way in hell is that happening.
Absolutely not going to happen lol..
But eh. Whether it’s Taika, Favreau, or Rians shit, I feel like eventually timey-wimey bullshit will be introduced.
TFA started the trash pile to begin with by carbon copying ANH, seriously TFA awakens is trash because it didnt do anything originalKeep The Force Awakens and say the other two movies were "the bad ending."
Or sure, just reset it completely. The Force Awakens was fine, but nothing I would greatly miss.
Doubt it will happen, though.
“There’s no source material. We don’t have comic books. we don’t have 800-page novels, we don’t have anything other than passionate storytellers who get together and talk about what the next iteration might be. We go through a really normal development process that everybody else does.”
True or not, it really doesn't matter to me anymore. The damage has been done, the canon has been altered, characters and actors have died, so whatever they do, it's too late. As a lifelong SW fan I was skeptical when TFA came out, I grieved when TLJ came out and I haven't cared since. They obviously don't know what they are doing and I doubt that will change.
How do you come back from decimating the EU, handing over all of your video game development to EA, undoing the end of Return Of The Jedi, rendering the entire OT pointless, divorcing Han and Leia off screen, killing Han, killing Luke, killing Leia, hiding important plot information in Fortnite, handing everything sacred that's left to Palpatine's granddaughter, and as the cherry on top, use the failure and divisiveness of these movies as an excuse to call your fanbase toxic, misogynist, racist, homophobic and 'too white and male'.
Answer: you don't. Especially when you go on to say stupid shit like:
It would be like going to my favorite childhood restaurant, that recently got a new owner, and being served a plate of shit. Then, after I complain, they rinse off my plate with water, and tell me that a new meal is coming that won't taste like shit. Like, sorry, but I still have the taste of shit in my mouth, so I think I'll pass.
This is a brilliant post and I agree with everything but Battlefront 1 was decent and Battlefront 2 is currently brilliant.
I hear Fallen Order is good too and Squadrons looks promising. EA were fucking slow to get going but at least the games weren't a disaster lol
Yeah I can agree with that. Battlefront 2 had a PR nightmare of a launch but ended up being a great game, and I've heard good things about Fallen Order.
What I meant was that previously, the Star Wars license was open to many different developers, so you got a large variety of games in different genres and eras from many different studios. I loved games like KOTOR, Tie Fighter, Jedi Knight and Empire at War, just to name a few.
I much prefer that approach over handing the license over to the biggest and arguably one of the most greedy publishers in the world and standing by as they barely release any games, cancel the ones that are in development, and generate record-breaking controversy.
It's just another example of the franchise being mismanaged, and of opportunities being squandered. (Although it doesn't change that BF2 and FO ended up being good games).
The bloke who leaked this also leaked the entire story of the Rise of Skywalker, scene for scene and was 100 percent right, as an fyi
Your point? What about that guy?
True or not, it really doesn't matter to me anymore. The damage has been done, the canon has been altered, characters and actors have died, so whatever they do, it's too late. As a lifelong SW fan I was skeptical when TFA came out, I grieved when TLJ came out and I haven't cared since. They obviously don't know what they are doing and I doubt that will change.
How do you come back from decimating the EU, handing over all of your video game development to EA, undoing the end of Return Of The Jedi, rendering the entire OT pointless, divorcing Han and Leia off screen, killing Han, killing Luke, killing Leia, hiding important plot information in Fortnite, handing everything sacred that's left to Palpatine's granddaughter, and as the cherry on top, use the failure and divisiveness of these movies as an excuse to call your fanbase toxic, misogynist, racist, homophobic and 'too white and male'.
Answer: you don't. Especially when you go on to say stupid shit like:
It would be like going to my favorite childhood restaurant, that recently got a new owner, and being served a plate of shit. Then, after I complain, they rinse off my plate with water, and tell me that a new meal is coming that won't taste like shit. Like, sorry, but I still have the taste of shit in my mouth, so I think I'll pass.