True or not, it really doesn't matter to me anymore. The damage has been done, the canon has been altered, characters and actors have died, so whatever they do, it's too late. As a lifelong SW fan I was skeptical when TFA came out, I grieved when TLJ came out and I haven't cared since. They obviously don't know what they are doing and I doubt that will change.
How do you come back from decimating the EU, handing over all of your video game development to EA, undoing the end of Return Of The Jedi, rendering the entire OT pointless, divorcing Han and Leia off screen, killing Han, killing Luke, killing Leia, hiding important plot information in Fortnite, handing everything sacred that's left to Palpatine's granddaughter, and as the cherry on top, use the failure and divisiveness of these movies as an excuse to call your fanbase toxic, misogynist, racist, homophobic and 'too white and male'.
Answer: you don't. Especially when you go on to say stupid shit like:
It would be like going to my favorite childhood restaurant, that recently got a new owner, and being served a plate of shit. Then, after I complain, they rinse off my plate with water, and tell me that a new meal is coming that won't taste like shit. Like, sorry, but I still have the taste of shit in my mouth, so I think I'll pass.