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Rumor: Disney Resetting Star Wars

I am not a Star Wars fanatic, I tried to get into it with The Phantom Menace but the hype fell flat from what I experienced in the theatre. Enjoyed the OG trilogy when I watched it though, but recently tried watching Empires again in theatres but couldn’t get into it.

If they do reboot, I feel they could reboot the series from the perspective of The Sith, that would work for me. But perhaps it’s too crazy for Disney to support Naziism. Lol


Crazy how so many people wanted lucas gone after the prequels and now are begging for him back. I don't see them wiping out the sequel trilogy and doing another. That would be a confusing mess to market

Like, I really, really don’t get it. I’m on the same boat agreeing Disney/KK/Rian/JJ/Iger screwed the pooch with the ST but I remember the prequels vividly and yikes yo.

Best case scenario for me is Favreau spearheads things.


Absolutely Cozy
Crazy how so many people wanted lucas gone after the prequels and now are begging for him back. I don't see them wiping out the sequel trilogy and doing another. That would be a confusing mess to market

Having GL as an ideas man. but someone else directing and having good people on the script would most likely be a good combo. But GL alone isn't something I'd want. The prequels had interesting ideas, but the execution was subpar.


Having GL as an ideas man. but someone else directing and having good people on the script would most likely be a good combo. But GL alone isn't something I'd want. The prequels had interesting ideas, but the execution was subpar.
he asked many people to help during the prequels and they chickened out. which is amazing. you would think, after creating Star Wars, then Indiana Jones, then ILM, Pixar, etc. etc. etc. you would be like, "hell yes i will do anything you want."

he actually asked Stephen Spielberg and he turned him down! WTF! WHY? I WANT TO SEE THAT MOVIE!
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problem with The Mandalorian is that it is an interquel, with not too much room to expand. eventually they will be leading up to The Force Awakens, and they already used up most of the OT references in season 01. there are only so many seasons they can do Jawas and Fake IG-88 before they write themselves into a corner. the show is buying them time so that they don't have to come up with something new just yet.

more than likely this is why they keep announcing Mando spinoffs; hoping that something, anything, takes. it is funny how much they want to avoid coming up with new characters and a new story.
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Having GL as an ideas man. but someone else directing and having good people on the script would most likely be a good combo. But GL alone isn't something I'd want. The prequels had interesting ideas, but the execution was subpar.

JJ and Rian are good script writers, people just didn't like what was done to "their" characters. OMG NOSTALGIA!!!!!!!!!!!! MY CHARACTERS. DISRESPEKT!!!!!!

more than likely this is why they keep announcing Mando spinoffs; hoping that something, anything, takes. it is funny how much they want to avoid coming up with new characters and a new story.

But Mando, Care Dune and Moff Gideon are new characters....
Why would they have trouble coming up with more new characters?
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
LOL way to go Rian

After seeing Solo for the first time today, I'm convinced Disney needs MAJOR changes for Star Wars probably starting with giving Kennedy the boot.

Solo was such a disappointment. Literally all the clips I've seen on Youtube and trailers were all the good or exciting parts of the movie.

It was so slow and such a drag. I used to think Rogue One was boring for a Star Wars movie but Solo actually managed to be worse.

And such typical "subversion" now cliched garbage like....

the Marauder or whatever they're called who pulls off the helmet and lo and behold it's a gril! Bonus points: it's a black gril with freckles or something! Representation for all those black grils of Irish heritage or something or whatever.

Why was this movie made?
Star Wars is ruined, any mystique this franchise once had is totally gone now.

I can't even work up the interest to watch The Mandalorian despite the fact that I've heard it's good and I love Jon Favreau, but everything Star Wars related just makes me cringe now.
It feels like a good follow up to Return of the Jedi, though.
It's not perfect, but it feels like real Star Wars to me.

So much, that I consider it the only real Star Wars movie content after RotJ now.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
It feels like a good follow up to Return of the Jedi, though.
It's not perfect, but it feels like real Star Wars to me.

So much, that I consider it the only real Star Wars movie content after RotJ now.
Hm. People told me Solo felt more like real Star Wars too but I thought it was such a drag by the end.

I'm not even as critical as so many others - i.e. Last Jedi as bad as it was still entertained me - but many Solo was just.... ugh eggs.

Kev Kev

im one of the weird ones who like all of them. OT, PT, ST, spin off, tv shows, not you holiday special, books, comics... i love it all!

however, the franchise may benefit from having having to get a movie made with less money. could lead to people working on it who really love it and pour their hearts into it 🤷‍♂️

i know thats a weird take. but weve heard all the gloom and doom takes over and over again so its nice change of pace?


They should make it rated R. Star Wars could benefit greatly from something more mature.

They did. It's called Revenge of the Sith. Honestly, the Obi Wan versus Anakin Duel is extremely violent. It's right up there with the best violent action scenes in a R rated movie.

But Disney doesn't care about making good movies (or even just attempting to do stuff correctly, like a proper sword fight), it's just a checklist of items cobbled together in a disgusting mixture of political & economic putrid. Sell toys? Check. Appeal to kids? Check. Insert Marvel "humor"? Check. Push the diversity religion? Check. Replace/denigrate old heroes so new "heroes" can shine for new generation? Check. Put old heroes in the movies & abuse the nostalgia card to get the original fans on board despite the fact they're crapping all over them? Check. Rehash the original trilogy in a sort of bizarre quasi remake (The Force Awakens) because they're creatively bankrupt & would rather remake the old movies in their own image? Check. Treat Star Wars like a cultural weapon which can alter real life politics? Check.

Seriously, in the context it was made, The Last Jedi is one of the most ambitious movies ever created because of the sheer massiveness of its intent (political, social, economic etc.). The fact it fell on its face was also very predictable because what it was attempting to achieve with all the different ingredients listed above cannot be done (hence the tone issues where it would jump from social critique of men/capitalism to Spaceballs-esque "your mom" jokes the next minute, i.e. the assholes who made it believe people absorb a message better if they're laughing, are in a good mood & have their brains switched off). But they're so talentless & incapable even the lightsaber duels were crap in the Disney films, i.e. swinging them like baseball bats & not swords (special award goes to Daisy Ridley's "I'm a fierce womanz!" angry face whilst she's swinging her lightsaber like a moron).

I could write a page of complaints but I can't be bothered. I don't even care for any of the new TV series because this stuff no longer means anything or has any relevance.


The Last Jedi is one of the most ambitious movies ever created
hahah no it wasn't. deciding instead of having a new story or setpiece to have a character just mope around on one planet is not ambitious.

deciding to rip off the student-teacher relationship from ESB but make it worse for a solid third of the movie was not ambitious.

deciding to rip off Dark Side Cave but with a boring GOT style Harry Potter mirror wall was not ambitious.

deciding to introduce some new force stuff and entirely ignore it, giving it the lazy name "Ancient Jedi Texts" like you came up with that on your first draft and just never came up with something better, that is not ambituous.

deciding to rip off ROJT throne room confrontation was not ambitious.

deciding to rip off ESB Hoth battle for the ending was not ambitious.

deciding to have the mary sue character who saved the day in the last movie also save the day in this, not ambituous.

the whole plot being a slow motion traffic jam which makes no sense = not ambitious.

the ending being our space military being unable to escape from a cave (a story as exciting as the Andy Griffith episode it was ripped from, i guess they don't have explosives or drills in this space military) was also not ambitious.

the "Don't Join" and Rose's moralizing and Johnson's nihilist moral relativism shown by Luke (Jedi/Sith are the same!) was cowardly as fuck (not ambitious) and probably doomed the trilogy. they made a point to stop and say in slow motion "Sllllaaaavvveeerrry iissss baaaaddd" with that little kid and then they still don't save him. cowardly political messaging that doesn't follow through, not ambitious.

really sick of the "you got to hand it to him, it was an ambituous movie!" no it wasn't.

even the "amazing never before done" things people claim the movie did, are all ripped from other movies made 40 years ago. the whole "Kylo Ren almost turned good and worked with Rey" thing people think is mindblowing is literally him saying the exact same things Darth Vader said in Empire. her "not getting the answer she wanted" wow no shit u think Luke wanted to hear Vader was his father? again this is just ripping off 40 year old ideas and passing them off as this brave subversive new thing. somehow he fooled a LOT of people.

Rian Johnson didn't do anything ambitious, he leaned on nostalgia, just as much as JJ, maybe even more (do people just ignore the fact he brings Yoda back and brings back the Leia hologram and does all these on the nose nostalgia references? why he gets a pass when JJ gets scorn?) only he did it with an eye to upset people. critics took the upset as "oh he is being ambitious". it's not. when you look at what he added to the world (Rose, Holdo, Porgs, that's about it), he took away far more.
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Rian Johnson didn't do anything ambituous, he leaned on nostalgia, just as much as JJ, maybe even more (do people just ignore the fact he brings Yoda back and brings back the Leia hologram and does all these on the nose nostalgia references? why he gets a pass when JJ gets scorn?) only he did it with an eye to upset people. critics took the upset as "oh he is being ambituous". it's not. when you look at what he added to the world (Rose, Holdo, Porgs, that's about it), he took away far more.

You missed my point entirely, i.e. it was literally ambitious, not in terms of moviemaking but because its intent far, far outweighed any cinematographic objectives. You're looking at a product fashioned by political agitators & economists. They subverted the Star Wars brand & attempted to create a cultural defining feature film in 2017 - using all the narrative & visual tools at their disposal to achieve their goal. They don't care about good movies, they care only for the real-world politics & money derived from the product.

The Last Jedi is described by the shill media as the best Star Wars movie since 1980 & an equally important moment in the diversity push. All criticism was vehemently put down, with a defense-force which accused the film's critics of hate/bigotry/racism/misogyny & also employed a hilariously ironic "it's just a movie, don't take it so seriously!" dishonest handwaving (i.e. extremely ironic considering Kathleen Kennedy, the press & co absolutely took it seriously in their culture war).

As Roosevelt once said, "nothing happens by accident in politics". Ditto Disney Star Wars. People shouldn't approach criticism of their movies with the assumption they're even worthy of the title of "filmmakers". They're not. They're just politburo stooges, bean counters & creeps exploiting a world renown brand for ulterior motives. Making a "good" Star Wars movie was the least of their concerns.


I know there is a large nerd faction of 50 year olds that love old school star wars while panning the new ones but here’s a newsflash.....the new movies are loved by many young people, including kids. Disney did exactly what they needed to do by passing the torch to a new gen of folks loving it. It’s not made for the old timers.


I know there is a large nerd faction of 50 year olds that love old school star wars while panning the new ones but here’s a newsflash.....the new movies are loved by many young people, including kids. Disney did exactly what they needed to do by passing the torch to a new gen of folks loving it. It’s not made for the old timers.

I do not think this is true,
All the kids i know think its just another movie, no one has any of the toys, i never hear about it in my kids circles or friends kids.
It might as well be Jumaji.

Also, the toys suck and no one bought them.

Its just another movie to the kids, but to the 50 year olds it was a huge part of their childhood.



It feels like a good follow up to Return of the Jedi, though.
It's not perfect, but it feels like real Star Wars to me.

So much, that I consider it the only real Star Wars movie content after RotJ now.
Hm. People told me Solo felt more like real Star Wars too but I thought it was such a drag by the end.

I'm not even as critical as so many others - i.e. Last Jedi as bad as it was still entertained me - but many Solo was just.... ugh eggs.

What does real Star Wars feel like? The original and prequel trilogies feel extremely different to each other if you ask me. And then the sequel trilogy feels different again.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
What does real Star Wars feel like? The original and prequel trilogies feel extremely different to each other if you ask me. And then the sequel trilogy feels different again.
The prequels were quite different aesthetically from the originals but still felt like Star Wars to me.

Sure the new movies LOOK like the originals but with the exception of maybe Force Awakens, they feel different.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service


1) Erase the sequel trilogy.
2) Cast this guy for Luke Skywalker.
3) Thrawn trilogy with Feige producing, Lucas advising, Taika Watiti directing.

I don't see it happening, but they have a slim chance of success.


Let it go. Your childhood can never be reclaimed.

The originals weren’t all that effing great either other than for a popcorn flick.
New hope and empire stand with pretty much any sci fi or action cinema ever. New hope literally blew minds at the time. We’re you even alive then? It set all kinds of standards for special effects at the time and literally transported people into their imaginations. It also was one of if not the first to do the dirty gritty space motif. I was 5 when I saw a new hope and Darth Vader was serious villain shit back in the day. Tar wars wasn’t derivative it was Fresh and innovative in a grand way that nothing before has been able to pull off in the space setting.



1) Erase the sequel trilogy.
2) Cast this guy for Luke Skywalker.
3) Thrawn trilogy with Feige producing, Lucas advising, Taika Watiti directing.

I don't see it happening, but they have a slim chance of success.
Sebastian Stan was made to play Luke Skywalker. It’s such a stupid decision for Disney to literally plant Luke on that dumb island and say he’d been there for a decade. Even then they have about 30 years to play with where Stan could be Luke and have original not tied down content.
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Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Like, I really, really don’t get it. I’m on the same boat agreeing Disney/KK/Rian/JJ/Iger screwed the pooch with the ST but I remember the prequels vividly and yikes yo.

Best case scenario for me is Favreau spearheads things.
Star wars outside of the original trilogy is a cursed franchise.


Like, I really, really don’t get it. I’m on the same boat agreeing Disney/KK/Rian/JJ/Iger screwed the pooch with the ST but I remember the prequels vividly and yikes yo.

Best case scenario for me is Favreau spearheads things.
I can only surmise that the prequels have been bad since childhood so, due to familiarity, the sting of their shittiness wore so thin that it began to be seen as charming.

A KOTOR movie would be terrible for me. I have no interest in the Jedi looking bad again. I want my heroes back. Fuck that.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I can only surmise that the prequels have been bad since childhood so, due to familiarity, the sting of their shittiness wore so thin that it began to be seen as charming.

The prequels do indeed suck. But what a lot of people don't acknowledge is that Episode 1 has some decent stuff in it. The first 15 minutes or so are decent. You get to see Jedi more in their prime, fully trained, using more force powers than we're used to. Casting Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor was a great call. Darth Maul has two solid fights in the movie. His ambush scene is cool. His final fight scene is cool. Probably a solid 30-40 minutes in that movie, and that also established most of the art style which stood out.

Episode 2 is just shit all the way through basically. Dooku is not bad though.

Episode 3 is definitely better than 2, and has a couple decent scenes as well.
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Let it go. Your childhood can never be reclaimed.

The originals weren’t all that effing great either other than for a popcorn flick.
lol i am sorry, when you have to trash the old movies in order to make the new ones seem good. whatever.

the first movie was amazing. not just a popcorn flick, it saved the industry. it won 7 Academy Awards. it single handedly created a multi billion dollar empire. it reinvigorated the genre of sci fi and the summer popcorn movie and led us directly into the Blockbuster sci fi 80s. it is a piece of film history. it is a piece of American mythology. it also has a beautiful, unique look to it. if you don't think the first Star Wars was all that great, I don't know what to tell you. this is as much as I am going to argue about that one. lol. get real.

The Empire Strikes Back is another work of art, i would consider it the best, because it combines both formal excellence (one-upping the flat comic book lighting from the first film ) with positive narrative drama (Luke and his friends caring for one another driving more or less every plot point) as well as the spiritual & culture significance of Yoda's force speech (you cannot deny the Force is itself a religion to millions). this film invented these things. it also invented the concept of the franchise, the first film to have a subtitle. "Episode V" it read, instantly communicating that there would be more to come in the future, but also the past. by giving Empire that title, Lucas suggested any number of movies, which was both a brilliant marketing move (worth $4+ billion) and good for creativity. were it not for this film JJ and Rian Johnson and all those other flunkies would have no source material to work with and copypaste.

Jedi, yeah that's just nostalgia. it is basically a Lucas copypaste Scooby Doo finale. but with some amazing stuff in it that i love. prequels, i love those but won't get into it. ST was trash the moment they met Han Solo. worse than the prequels, not that much worse, but i would rather watch the prequels any day.

what do they need to do? they need writers. look at who wrote the movies. they didn't even try to find qualified sci fi fantasy writers. they let the directors work on extremely tight schedules while also writing their films alone. i bet this was done for money reasons, which, good for JJ and Rian, but also, bad for the story. they needed someone else's eye on things. but the money printer was rolling, so whatever...

i'm afraid the people in charge are mostly incapable of telling stories that aren't horrible, showy, meta, winking, ironic, nihilist, detached, deconstructionist, social justicey, male feminist, ultra woke, etc. all these problems keep coming up. it is like writers are too afraid to come up with an original idea, they have to tear down another one. perhaps this is why you like The Last Jedi, this is what it does, it tears down old ideas. im afraid they need new ideas. it isn't hard. there are sci fi writers doing this now, they have been doing this. the problem is they don't hire sci fi writers. George Lucas, when he wanted to make Empire, he hired Leigh Brackett, a female sci fi writer who had been working for decades, and had written two acclaimed Hollywood movies. today they hire people who are friends of the social media online media cliques they all run in. they wouldn't hire a sci fi writer unless they were doing explicitly intersectional science fiction. they hire woke film producers and documentarians. they hire friends of people who retweet Film Crit Hulk. they don't hire longtime pulp fiction writers. they still exist, they just don't get to work on this franchise. look at the Lucas Story Group, none of the people have any experience with sci fi writing, or much comic books, or much of anything. poor management. sigh. we all know the rest. i'll cut this rant here.
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New hope and empire stand with pretty much any sci fi or action cinema ever. New hope literally blew minds at the time. We’re you even alive then? It set all kinds of standards for special effects at the time and literally transported people into their imaginations. It also was one of if not the first to do the dirty gritty space motif. I was 5 when I saw a new hope and Darth Vader was serious villain shit back in the day. Tar wars wasn’t derivative it was Fresh and innovative in a grand way that nothing before has been able to pull off in the space setting.

Sebastian Stan was made to play Luke Skywalker. It’s such a stupid decision for Disney to literally plant Luke on that dumb island and say he’d been there for a decade. Even then they have about 30 years to play with where Stan could be Luke and have original not tied down content.
I was actually. Look. I get it. But it’s a little like the jump from 2d to 3D videogames. It can be done once.


A New Hope is a tad boring these days, it's hard to get through to the end without doing some sort of other activity as well. It's great that it helped create the summer blockbuster and the effects were amazing for the time. But there are much better and engaging movies to watch these days.

Han, Leia, Luke and Obi are very cliche characters these days. And Darth Vader is no better than an average MCU villain in A New Hope.


Star Wars is ruined, any mystique this franchise once had is totally gone now.

I can't even work up the interest to watch The Mandalorian despite the fact that I've heard it's good and I love Jon Favreau, but everything Star Wars related just makes me cringe now.
Same. I liked Star Wars as a kid, and I had hopes for the sequel trilogy prior them being released, but I wasn't like a huge fan who adorned my room with Star Wars stuff except for maybe 1 movie poster, which was common for me because I collected movie posters. If anything though, I was always more a trekkie growing up, but that franchise has become another shit show of a different kind right now. Either way I was a big enough fan that when Star Wars movies or games came out, I was into them, I loved the KOTOR game when it was new, I had fun with the Jedi Knight games, I even liked some parts of the prequel trilogy, always kinda hated Attack of the Clones though, but I thought episodes 1 and 3 were fine, so I can find good even in the weaker parts of the franchise.

Anyway, my point is, they fucked up Star Wars so bad that my interest in the series is just kaput. I feel so bad for Mark Hamill because this was a man who seemed to want to do right by the legacy of the character he created, but he was forced to eat the shit sandwich that Rian Johnson fed him.

They fundamentally broke the universe with these movies on so many levels. I can't even bring myself to play Jedi Fallen Order, even though I hear good things about that too.

Some people like to divert criticism from people like me and say that I'm just living in the past and that we just don't like new things based on old things we love, but I call that bull shit. A recent example of a sequel to an old classic came out last year, and it was one of my favorite movies in recent years. Doctor Sleep was a sequel to The Shining, probably my favorite Stanley Kubrick film, and yet they somehow managed to make a film sequel that was not a rehash, but also added and enriched the original story I felt. Very different genres, I know, but my point is that no...people like me don't just hate things that are new. We love things that are new, we hate things that suck.
Same. I liked Star Wars as a kid, and I had hopes for the sequel trilogy prior them being released, but I wasn't like a huge fan who adorned my room with Star Wars stuff except for maybe 1 movie poster, which was common for me because I collected movie posters. If anything though, I was always more a trekkie growing up, but that franchise has become another shit show of a different kind right now. Either way I was a big enough fan that when Star Wars movies or games came out, I was into them, I loved the KOTOR game when it was new, I had fun with the Jedi Knight games, I even liked some parts of the prequel trilogy, always kinda hated Attack of the Clones though, but I thought episodes 1 and 3 were fine, so I can find good even in the weaker parts of the franchise.

Anyway, my point is, they fucked up Star Wars so bad that my interest in the series is just kaput. I feel so bad for Mark Hamill because this was a man who seemed to want to do right by the legacy of the character he created, but he was forced to eat the shit sandwich that Rian Johnson fed him.

They fundamentally broke the universe with these movies on so many levels. I can't even bring myself to play Jedi Fallen Order, even though I hear good things about that too.

Some people like to divert criticism from people like me and say that I'm just living in the past and that we just don't like new things based on old things we love, but I call that bull shit. A recent example of a sequel to an old classic came out last year, and it was one of my favorite movies in recent years. Doctor Sleep was a sequel to The Shining, probably my favorite Stanley Kubrick film, and yet they somehow managed to make a film sequel that was not a rehash, but also added and enriched the original story I felt. Very different genres, I know, but my point is that no...people like me don't just hate things that are new. We love things that are new, we hate things that suck.
I love "Cobra Kai' and even think it's of higher quality than the original movie.
It's difficult to create a late sequel, though.
You need to strike a delicate balance between respecting the audience and the old characters but also introducing something new.


I love "Cobra Kai' and even think it's of higher quality than the original movie.
It's difficult to create a late sequel, though.
You need to strike a delicate balance between respecting the audience and the old characters but also introducing something new.
I still haven't watched Cobra Kai, I should maybe check it out. Mr. Miyagi and Daniel's relationship was the part I loved about those original movies, so I've kinda avoided watching it because I'm afraid I won't like it.

Kinda off topic, but a couple years back in one of my Japanese college course, I did a short research project on the origins of karate. It really give me an even bigger appreciation for The Karate Kid films, because I learned how different parts of Japan had different types of karate. Mr. Miyagi was supposed to be from Okinawa, and his form of a karate emphasized the defensive rather than the offensive, which is true of the origins of karate for that region. It just seemed really awesome to me how the film makers even back then had such respect for their original martial art to even explore that aspect of it.

Most films today do not do that shit at all. Shit, we had that stupid remake with Jaden Smith who learns kung-fu in China, and it was still called The Karate Kid, even though karate is specifically a Japanese martial art. Such bull shit. It's that kind of not giving a shit about the details attitude that leads to films like the Star Wars sequels. They not only insult the legacy of the films they're following, but they insult their audience for assuming they're all stupid.


The first movies had laughs, but I’d prefer more darker films. The comedy seems out of place now.

Depends on the comedy. Mandalorian has some nice subtle comedy that is really great and it made the TV show way better and "Baby Yoda" is the greatest thing since the Ewoks. Those pinguin rats from the new Star Wars movies were crap.

If the new star wars movies were more like "The Mandalorian" it would have made them more successful i guess.
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Empire was peak star wars and I dont think anyone can disagree
As a whole, it might be a better movie, but I still think my favorite moments are from Return of the Jedi. The scenes with the Emperor, and Luke and Vader fighting...they have more emotional weight I always felt.

I think this is my favorite scene in the entire series.

And then after Luke overcomes his hatred, sees what the Emperor is doing, and stands up for what he believes in.
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As a whole, it might be a better movie, but I still think my favorite moments are from Return of the Jedi. The scenes with the Emperor, and Luke and Vader fighting...they have more emotional weight I always felt.

I think this is my favorite scene in the entire series.

Thats a problem i have with many modern movies. They feel too light on a emotional level even in dramatic scenes. Dont know why.
I know there is a large nerd faction of 50 year olds that love old school star wars while panning the new ones but here’s a newsflash.....the new movies are loved by many young people, including kids. Disney did exactly what they needed to do by passing the torch to a new gen of folks loving it. It’s not made for the old timers.

My son couldn't care less about Star Wars. I went to the Toy store last week with him, and when I asked him if he wants some of those Star Wars toys lying around he said no.

Also none of his friends do care about Star Wars. The older children I know around my circle of friends don't care about Star Wars either.

I really don't like the prequels, but it seems to me the captured young boys minds, since I saw some of them playing "lightsaber battle" etc on the yard ten to fifteen years ago.

They completely lost the track with the sequels, though.

How should they, though? Sci Fi is traditionally boy's stuff, and they don't really identify with Rey.
"Daredevil" Poe was made a loser that gets downgraded by old hag in purple night gown in TLJ without any reason, and Finn's development stalled in TLJ as well.

There is literally nothing in there for young boys, and girls go on to not give a shit about Star Wars anyway.
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Empire was peak star wars and I dont think anyone can disagree
Films? Absolutely. But as far as SW as universe I think the mid/late 90's was the highpoint. The EU fleshed out the all the good bits and we had yet to get the terrible prequels.
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