Let it go. Your childhood can never be reclaimed.
The originals weren’t all that effing great either other than for a popcorn flick.
lol i am sorry, when you have to trash the old movies in order to make the new ones seem good. whatever.
the first movie was amazing. not just a popcorn flick, it saved the industry. it won 7 Academy Awards. it single handedly created a multi billion dollar empire. it reinvigorated the genre of sci fi and the summer popcorn movie and led us directly into the Blockbuster sci fi 80s. it is a piece of film history. it is a piece of American mythology. it also has a beautiful, unique look to it. if you don't think the first
Star Wars was all that great, I don't know what to tell you. this is as much as I am going to argue about that one. lol. get real.
The Empire Strikes Back is another work of art, i would consider it the best, because it combines both formal excellence (one-upping the flat comic book lighting from the first film ) with positive narrative drama (Luke and his friends caring for one another driving more or less every plot point) as well as the spiritual & culture significance of Yoda's force speech (you cannot deny the Force is itself a religion to millions). this film invented these things. it also invented the concept of the franchise, the first film to have a subtitle. "Episode V" it read, instantly communicating that there would be more to come in the future, but also the past. by giving Empire that title, Lucas suggested any number of movies, which was both a brilliant marketing move (worth $4+ billion) and good for creativity. were it not for this film JJ and Rian Johnson and all those other flunkies would have no source material to work with and copypaste.
Jedi, yeah that's just nostalgia. it is basically a Lucas copypaste Scooby Doo finale. but with some amazing stuff in it that i love. prequels, i love those but won't get into it. ST was trash the moment they met Han Solo. worse than the prequels, not that much worse, but i would rather watch the prequels any day.
what do they need to do? they need writers. look at who wrote the movies. they didn't even try to find qualified sci fi fantasy writers. they let the directors work on extremely tight schedules while also writing their films alone. i bet this was done for money reasons, which, good for JJ and Rian, but also, bad for the story. they needed someone else's eye on things. but the money printer was rolling, so whatever...
i'm afraid the people in charge are mostly incapable of telling stories that aren't horrible, showy, meta, winking, ironic, nihilist, detached, deconstructionist, social justicey, male feminist, ultra woke, etc. all these problems keep coming up. it is like writers are too afraid to come up with an original idea, they have to tear down another one. perhaps this is why you like
The Last Jedi, this is what it does, it tears down old ideas. im afraid they need new ideas. it isn't hard. there are sci fi writers doing this now, they have been doing this. the problem is they don't hire sci fi writers. George Lucas, when he wanted to make
Empire, he hired Leigh Brackett, a female sci fi writer who had been working for decades, and had written two acclaimed Hollywood movies. today they hire people who are friends of the social media online media cliques they all run in. they wouldn't hire a sci fi writer unless they were doing explicitly intersectional science fiction. they hire woke film producers and documentarians. they hire friends of people who retweet Film Crit Hulk. they don't hire longtime pulp fiction writers. they still exist, they just don't get to work on this franchise. look at the Lucas Story Group, none of the people have any experience with sci fi writing, or much comic books, or much of anything. poor management. sigh. we all know the rest. i'll cut this rant here.