I feel like we'll see a bit more "garage projects" like Splatoon in the future.
I agree! They have a bunch of teams and must have a bunch of small things going on all the time. If they can keep them all focused into one ecosystem (all on NintendOS, shared library and all), we'd be getting some great mainline Nintendo titles, their more "indie-ish" projects to see if they take, and everything else outsiders choose to publish.
I can see wireless streaming to the controller being a feature they keep and adding remote play on top of that, but I don't see that being the main gimmick/hook for the system from a control interface standpoint.
I honestly don't think it'll be the "main" gimmick either. With their interest in AR, pedometer-ish things like Pokemon Go, QOL, I think they want more people gaming, period. They've said statements to this effect as well, especially about "gamification." Having a possibly optional screen/tablet (I'm more convinced they are making a cheap dummy tablet with special Nintendo and gaming functions!) is one way to keep games on a person, at least around the house.
But, I think they'll have a few gimmicks this time related to gamification, ease of use, providing options (I'm still thinking they'll have some touchscreen buttons and/or UI things for layouts and such), and present it all in a nice, solid package (shared libraries, one account system, and so on).
I mean...why be so insanely secretive and killing people off over just this one thing? Is it THAT crazy of a gimmick? I believe they've got more going on. I believe they are secretive because they don't want any one aspect of this NX package being taken for granted or misunderstood!
The second screen / touch is almost assuredly true, IMO.
- It was the best part of Wii U.
- It allows NX to play Wii U games and ports.
- Most importantly, it fits into their mobile strategy. A kid can carry around the controller and play Miitomo on their controller or use their phone. It will also let them play with virtual buttons, touch, etc to better pass between mobile phone and controller allowing tighter integration cross platform.
They could even go a step further and have your phone or the next Ninty handheld control parts of the system. Touchscreen on the controller is a way to pull all of this together.
I agree, especially with mobile interactions and things. Again, they want games everywhere and to turn people into gamers.
LOL!!! This is absolutely incredible and didn't get enough recognition!
In theory, if Nintendo is willing to break even or take a small loss at first, a screen controller could add as little as $20-40 to the BOM as compared to a standard controller. With how cheap tablets are these days, it can't cost too much if they use the correct technologies right?
I agree! I mean, a very cheap, small tablet that is quite barebones and that can just process images and take inputs can't be that complex. There are game streaming services that can work on any TV where all the rendering and such is handled on their servers. The tablet could just be like a little TV in this case with the NX (plus your connection, plus maybe additional rendering power based on those Nintendo Account coins from cloud sharing [SCD-related]) handling the grunt work. The thing only needs a bit of functionality, but I'm thinking that functionality would all be game-centric. Provide a hardware base for additional functions and you've got QOL things, such as an alarm or what have you. It can all tie in.
In fact, why can't this little screen snap in or hook into the regular controller, providing that screen without it being a normal part of the controller? Then, you can just take your little screen with you wherever you go if you want and play things. You'd have options. Take the whole controller if you want to do more intensive games, just the screen part for simpler games, managing your account while out and about, etc.
Again, I'm just not super convinced that the main hook (if there is one hook; I think there are multiple) is a screened controller. It seems like an optional (or, at least, a very nice extension of) characteristic of the NX. I just keep thinking back to the rumors regarding remastering some of their Wii U games. I get that they could up the graphics somewhat...but is that really why they would remaster them? Having the second screen not be AS important is a convincing reason though for some remasters as a way to move some of that functionality back onto just one screen, or through different buttons, or whatever. Granted, they could just be wanting to make more money (providing maybe some extras), but I don't know about that!
Thank you 10k for all your work in gathering this information! It's not easy digging around, hunting for connections, and crosschecking every thing! You keep giving us lots to talk about.
(Plus, he/she isn't doing anything bannable guys. Stop that talk.)