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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Exactly..which is why I doubt they try the same tactic.

Well, I don't know. I think this could be one area where we see something new from Nintendo, i.e. being much more agressive. It's true, the tactic didn't work out well for 3DS and Wii U, but both had far bigger problems at launch / after the launch: 3DS would've sold much better from the get go if it were 199.99 and not 249.99 (even with the lackluster-at-best initial lineup), then they got forced to bring the price even lower due to the need to accelerate at a faster-than-predicted rate; Wii U had much deeper and basilar problems, and the slow sales made things even worse (sales not accelerating enough economies of scale could enter in action). I don't think selling at a loss is that impossible.

However, it's true that yesterday's rumours paint a scenario where bringing the console to my ideal scenario of $299.99 at launch including the brand new feature is much more difficult, if not downright hysterical and poisonous economics-wise. Unless there's something that we're missing, like special deals with AMD, lower costs due to no disc-drive/lower HDD. If this is true (big IF), there must be something that bring the price down, because a Nintendo console at 349.99 is difficult to sell, and at 399.99 is suicide.
I would expect NX between XB1 and PS4 priced around $249-299 max. There is no way they can generate momentum and sales if the price greater than $299 when PS4 and XB1 are going to be $299 or lower from holidays mostly along with huge library of 3rd party games (which sells system more than exclusives this gen) to play compared to limited library and higher price of NX. Also we have to consider that PS4 has VR this holiday to push many users to choose that over others unless NX has something revolutionary like Wii which is really hard.

EDIT: Most likely scenario is CPU will be powerful than PS4 but GPU will be underpowered and balanced to CPU.

Don't understand why that is the most likely scenario, when they could easily have better gpu and a better cpu to match it.
It's mystifying how they managed to sell those consoles at a loss but made money at launch with the GameCube. Both the 3DS and the Wii U seemed very expensive for the relatively modest hardware you were getting.

Including a proprietary streaming tech coupled with a huge ass screen on the controller, and then keeping old tech around that won't go down in price as production ramps up,as well as chasing a stupidly low power envelope will do that for you.

Also same story with 3DS, the screen and exotic hardware means that the components alone are expensive.
Main point from the poster you quoted was sony like to have the best possible hardware for there console, the only reason sony doesn't have the most powerful console every gen is cause competition releases later.

The only reason Sony doesn't have the most powerful console this time is, that they can't shit money and never wanna have a disaster like the PS3 launch again.
At this moment I wouldn't post anymore leaks and just wait for the investor meeting.

While we won't get any specific information about the NX, we're going to know if it's gonna be revealed at E3.


And this led to years in red for Nintendo.
Funny you say that.

And then you say something like this:
Being in red? That's false. Playstation is maybe the most profitable Sony department outside insurances now. And Microsoft is trying to expand now their business more on PC to improve this area.

So SCE didn't exists before the PS4? So Sony never lost any money after releasing the PS2? Sony never lost close to $6 billion after releasing the PS3?

(Don't have numbers for when the PSone was released.)
Just expect 33% weaker than XBox One and you probably won't be disappointed. Don't expect lower than that though since if Nintendo manages worse than that they deserve the harshest of backlash.

The most likely specs for the Nintendo we know and love are:

8-core Puma+ @1.8GHz
640SP GCN 1.0 @800MHz (1.0TFLOP)
6GB DDR3 RAM with some exotic small but fast framebuffer

It's weird though. Weren't we getting legit rumors by this time for Wii U? Assuming a launch this year of course.

But yeah, what's coming at this point is clearly a wishlist. Some of it is flat-out impossible. I wouldn't mind if the thread were locked personally.

Yeah we are getting legit rumors. They just don't support the bizarre setup you just posted so you probably haven't noticed them


The PS3 as a system was not only a dumpster fire for like the first 50% of its generation in term of games but for Sony's finances.
If what 10k is saying is true, as I said earlier, I expect NX to be within range of the PS4K and XB1.5, if not slightly weaker but still slightly more powerful than PS4 and XB1.

The issue though, as I've brought up in this same thread, and that a couple others have now brought up too, is that the console would need to be £350-399 for those specs to fly. Nintendo isn't selling shit if NX costs that much, and that thing will be DOA. And I don't know if they're boneheaded enough to do that.

Who knows, but this year will be interesting. I'm really conflicted on these rumours. 10k is toast if this ends up being bullshit.


Everything makes sense except the GPU being a 14 nm Polaris chip and Wii U-type streaming to the controller + "remote play" being the primary gimmick of the system.

From everything Iwata, Miyamoto, and Kimishima have said about the system it's a "brand-new concept" and something different than the Wii U.

That doesn't mean there won't be a screen on the controller and that it won't have remote play, just that it's not going to be what they're crazy paranoid about keeping secret.

Also I'm expecting something they can launch with a $299 model so you can't have both an expensive controller and PS4++ power.
Man something about nintendo really brings out the cynicism and pessimism in people lol.

At this point even if nintendo checked all the boxes i feel like it wouldnt matter.



Membero Americo
I just can't believe Nintendo would be cutting-edge after 10 years of being left in the dust.

I just can't.


If what 10k is saying is true, as I said earlier, I expect NX to be within range of the PS4K and XB1.5, if not slightly weaker but still slightly more powerful than PS4 and XB1.

The issue though, as I've brought up in this same thread, and that a couple others have now brought up too, is that the console would need to be £350-399 for those specs to fly. Nintendo isn't selling shit if NX costs that much, and that thing will be DOA. And I don't know if they're boneheaded enough to do that.

Who knows, but this year will be interesting. I'm really conflicted on these rumours. 10k is toast if this ends up being bullshit.

How much would ditching a DVD/Blueray/UHDVD player for a cartridge system save Nintendo? Surely those dollars not spent lisencing proprietary technology could be spent on bumping up the power
10k is toast if this ends up being bullshit.

I really don't see why he should be. He brought us these rumours in good faith, and was perfectly transparent about his sources and his intentions in sharing them. Even if they don't turn out to be true, I don't see why he needs to be punished for them.

I can understand the insider verification process that GAF does, and it is, on the whole, a good thing, but I do think that we can be a little bit vociferous when reports don't turn out to be true. The same goes for ShockingAlberto, by the by- he reported that he had heard that the NX controller fake might be legitimate from one of his sources, and got banned for the privilege. That was pretty daft, and it'd be pretty daft if 10k got similarly punished for being misled.


The Birthday Skeleton
Funny you say that.

And then you say something like this:

So SCE didn't exists before the PS4? So Sony never lost any money after releasing the PS2? Sony never lost close to $6 billion after releasing the PS3?

(Don't have numbers for when the PSone was released.)

Yes, Sony learned from their mistake and I assume Nintendo will too, that's why I don't see them releasing a console on which they will take too much of a loss if none.


Only 10k "leaks" that are more than doubtful are the T1 ones.

Reading that new rumor post and seeing some people actually believing it.. you will have a very rough E3

This can go to both groups really, those expecting too much and those expecting the worst.


El Capitan Todd
Yes, but a certified insider doesn't need confirmation for every bit of info he posts.

But he is not. He was the first saying that he his reporting second hand info.
This doesnt debunk the original info.
This is not as the Reddit 3d printed pad topic.
That said I prefer to not believe the second bunch of "leaks"


If not at launch certainly launch window. Mario 3D team will have been done with 3D world over 3 years this year. So whatever comes next should be well near finished

Come. Be realistic. This is Nintendo. You really should expect Mario 3D within a couple months after Zelda. They like having Mario 3D games in November. 2D Mario, though? Different story. That could slip in at launch or launch window.

Edit: Sorry for DP.
How much would ditching a DVD/Blueray/UHDVD player for a cartridge system save Nintendo? Surely those dollars not spent lisencing proprietary technology could be spent on bumping up the power

They could cut costs there, although it sounds to me like we could be looking at a controller with a BoM that isn't cheap. Also, a cartridge system would almost fly in the face of all this talk about Nintendo courting 3rd parties. Cartridges are part of the reason 3rd parties gave them the middle finger two decades ago.

I really don't see why he should be. He brought us these rumours in good faith, and was perfectly transparent about his sources and his intentions in sharing them. Even if they don't turn out to be true, I don't see why he needs to be punished for them.

I can understand the insider verification process that GAF does, and it is, on the whole, a good thing, but I do think that we can be a little bit vociferous when reports don't turn out to be true. The same goes for ShockingAlberto, by the by- he reported that he had heard that the NX controller fake might be legitimate from one of his sources, and got banned for the privilege. That was pretty daft, and it'd be pretty daft if 10k got similarly punished for being misled.

No that I want him to be banned, it's just that this thread is almost entirely revolving around his leaks. If they all turn out to be a massive lie, I don't see him surviving, which is a shame.

Couldnt believe sony would put out a product like the initial ps3 after the ps1 and ps2.

PS3 was Sony through and through. I'd actually argue that PS4 is the least 'Sony' console they've ever made. It's so conservative.
This is all starting to feel a bit too scattergun, lots of info and a few titbits will probably be true, but I suspect people may be getting suckered by promises of more and more power.

When there's too much info, and it's starting to tell you exactly what you want to hear, it's usually a sign that something's not right.
No that I want him to be banned, it's just that this thread is almost entirely revolving around his leaks. If they all turn out to be a massive lie, I don't see him surviving, which is a shame.

I don't think anyone's suggesting that he's the one who's lying, though.

I mean, I suspect you may be right, but it'd be a little crap if you are.


Big enough to have some people to start preprod on LM3 while people are crunching on MPFF.
If there's a LM3 by NLG, doubt it'd be there in the first year with this size.

Gotcha. Thank you for the clarification. Perhaps if it was a heavier co-prod w/ NCL & Tanabe it could be there sooner, though?

Come. Be realistic. This is Nintendo. You really should expect Mario 3D within a couple months after Zelda. They like having Mario 3D games in November. 2D Mario, though? Different story. That could slip in at launch or launch window.

Edit: Sorry for DP.

I think given that NSMBU didn't do much for Wii U at launch, there is less of a chance than I'd otherwise expect for 2D Mario to be a staple at launch or in the launch window, though it depends on who the target audience for the NX console is. At the same time, with SMM being a thing and from comments Nintendo has made, I think NSMB as a series is on hold or complete for now.

Also, based on previous comments from Nintendo about accessibility of Mario games, I wouldn't be surprised if the next mainline Mario is a mix of 2D and 3D levels. We did see a bit of that in the last 2-3 3D Mario games, IIRC, but in this one I'm speculating it could have more 2D levels than those did.
They could cut costs there, although it sounds to me like we could be looking at a controller with a BoM that isn't cheap. Also, a cartridge system would almost fly in the face of all this talk about Nintendo courting 3rd parties. Cartridges are part of the reason 3rd parties gave them the middle finger two decades ago.

No that I want him to be banned, it's just that this thread is almost entirely revolving around his leaks. If they all turn out to be a massive lie, I don't see him surviving, which is a shame.

PS3 was Sony through and through. I'd actually argue that PS4 is the least 'Sony' console they've ever made. It's so conservative.

Expensive? Hard to program for?

Id say the ps3 was the least sony console and the ps4 was them coming back to reality. The sales dont lie (though id also argue microsofts blunders this gen has certainly hwlped).


I feel like we'll see a bit more "garage projects" like Splatoon in the future.

I agree! They have a bunch of teams and must have a bunch of small things going on all the time. If they can keep them all focused into one ecosystem (all on NintendOS, shared library and all), we'd be getting some great mainline Nintendo titles, their more "indie-ish" projects to see if they take, and everything else outsiders choose to publish.

I can see wireless streaming to the controller being a feature they keep and adding remote play on top of that, but I don't see that being the main gimmick/hook for the system from a control interface standpoint.

I honestly don't think it'll be the "main" gimmick either. With their interest in AR, pedometer-ish things like Pokemon Go, QOL, I think they want more people gaming, period. They've said statements to this effect as well, especially about "gamification." Having a possibly optional screen/tablet (I'm more convinced they are making a cheap dummy tablet with special Nintendo and gaming functions!) is one way to keep games on a person, at least around the house.

But, I think they'll have a few gimmicks this time related to gamification, ease of use, providing options (I'm still thinking they'll have some touchscreen buttons and/or UI things for layouts and such), and present it all in a nice, solid package (shared libraries, one account system, and so on).

I mean...why be so insanely secretive and killing people off over just this one thing? Is it THAT crazy of a gimmick? I believe they've got more going on. I believe they are secretive because they don't want any one aspect of this NX package being taken for granted or misunderstood!

The second screen / touch is almost assuredly true, IMO.

- It was the best part of Wii U.
- It allows NX to play Wii U games and ports.
- Most importantly, it fits into their mobile strategy. A kid can carry around the controller and play Miitomo on their controller or use their phone. It will also let them play with virtual buttons, touch, etc to better pass between mobile phone and controller allowing tighter integration cross platform.

They could even go a step further and have your phone or the next Ninty handheld control parts of the system. Touchscreen on the controller is a way to pull all of this together.

I agree, especially with mobile interactions and things. Again, they want games everywhere and to turn people into gamers.


LOL!!! This is absolutely incredible and didn't get enough recognition!

In theory, if Nintendo is willing to break even or take a small loss at first, a screen controller could add as little as $20-40 to the BOM as compared to a standard controller. With how cheap tablets are these days, it can't cost too much if they use the correct technologies right?

I agree! I mean, a very cheap, small tablet that is quite barebones and that can just process images and take inputs can't be that complex. There are game streaming services that can work on any TV where all the rendering and such is handled on their servers. The tablet could just be like a little TV in this case with the NX (plus your connection, plus maybe additional rendering power based on those Nintendo Account coins from cloud sharing [SCD-related]) handling the grunt work. The thing only needs a bit of functionality, but I'm thinking that functionality would all be game-centric. Provide a hardware base for additional functions and you've got QOL things, such as an alarm or what have you. It can all tie in.

In fact, why can't this little screen snap in or hook into the regular controller, providing that screen without it being a normal part of the controller? Then, you can just take your little screen with you wherever you go if you want and play things. You'd have options. Take the whole controller if you want to do more intensive games, just the screen part for simpler games, managing your account while out and about, etc.

Again, I'm just not super convinced that the main hook (if there is one hook; I think there are multiple) is a screened controller. It seems like an optional (or, at least, a very nice extension of) characteristic of the NX. I just keep thinking back to the rumors regarding remastering some of their Wii U games. I get that they could up the graphics somewhat...but is that really why they would remaster them? Having the second screen not be AS important is a convincing reason though for some remasters as a way to move some of that functionality back onto just one screen, or through different buttons, or whatever. Granted, they could just be wanting to make more money (providing maybe some extras), but I don't know about that!

Thank you 10k for all your work in gathering this information! It's not easy digging around, hunting for connections, and crosschecking every thing! You keep giving us lots to talk about.

(Plus, he/she isn't doing anything bannable guys. Stop that talk.)
I don't think anyone's suggesting that he's the one who's lying, though.

I mean, I suspect you may be right, but it'd be a little crap if you are.

I think that unless a mod comes out and says that 10k's sources are legit, everything should be taken with a pinch of salt. 10K clearly states that he's simply passing the info on, which in itself should be a signal to be very wary about the legitimacy of these claims.


Yeah we are getting legit rumors. They just don't support the bizarre setup you just posted so you probably haven't noticed them

No, that "set-up" is basically meant to be a minimum to avoid disappointment. What I'm really expecting is more than that. I think it'll have 8GB, probably GDDR5, and I think the GPU will have either 896 or or 1280 active units. 28nm yields should be good enough now that Nintendo won't need to have inactive CUs wasting silicon like PS4 and XBone do. The thing that concerns me is that either of those cases would be a carbon copy of one of the other two consoles, which is why I'm kinda thinking that 14nmFF isn't totally off the table.

But yeah, I was just suggesting something outlandish on purpose that's realistic-ish and people believing something along those lines wouldn't be disappointed. That would be a great setup for a $249 price point though! But perhaps with 8GB.

(Plus, he/she isn't doing anything bannable guys. Stop that talk.)

Wt, who's talking about banning him? Banning him from posing information from these sources sure, but being tricked isn't a reason to call for bans.


I think given that NSMBU didn't do much for Wii U at launch, there is less of a chance than I'd otherwise expect for 2D Mario to be a staple at launch or in the launch window, though it depends on who the target audience for the NX console is. At the same time, with SMM being a thing and from comments Nintendo has made, I think NSMB as a series is on hold or complete for now.

Also, based on previous comments from Nintendo about accessibility of Mario games, I wouldn't be surprised if the next mainline Mario is a mix of 2D and 3D levels. We did see a bit of that in the last 2-3 3D Mario games, IIRC, but in this one I'm speculating it could have more 2D levels than those did.

Even so I wouldn't expect a 3D Mario launching so close to Zelda.


I dont think he should be banned. And i have a feeling what he is posting is most likely true in some capacity.

Go back to the first real leak. Wall Street Journal, not some random twitter person said NX will use industry leading chips. It was mostly ignored due to lol Nintendo.

Indie gamerchick hears its easy to develop forvand more powerful than ps4. Again people find ways to jump through hoops to not believe.

Now 10k posts things he heard which line up with the previous two "hard" rumors. So either WSJ is doing shitty reporting and indiegamerchicks rral insiders are lying, or there is some validity to these power rumors.

And obviously Nintendo is not leak proof. Just ask trev and the entire marketing budget leaked.

So i will choose to believe that they will put out a machine as or more powerful than PS4. Not like PS4 is a beast to begin with.


I think that unless a mod comes out and says that 10k's sources are legit, everything should be taken with a pinch of salt. 10K clearly states that he's simply passing the info on, which in itself should be a signal to be very wary about the legitimacy of these claims.

But 10k has said himself to take this with a pinch of a salt. I mean he can't stress that enough lol. You should wary of a rumor because it's a rumor lmao. That's just common sense.
Expensive? Hard to program for?

Id say the ps3 was the least sony console and the ps4 was them coming back to reality. The sales dont lie (though id also argue microsofts blunders this gen has certainly hwlped).

PS1 and PS2 especially weren't easy to program for either. Another reason why PS4 is so radically different to their last systems. PS3 embodied everything that had made Sony's except for it's price, and even that was actually 'cheap', relative to what was inside the thing.
But even then sony made the best possible hardware they could for 400$ and took a loss early on.

Lol. They sold the console for 600 Euros here and that was because they had their horrible processor self developed. The main reason for the loss. Bzt I doubt we are here to talk about the PS3.^^ The PS4 was way better from Sony from the price and the hardware so they learned from their mistake.


Gotcha. Thank you for the clarification. Perhaps if it was a heavier co-prod w/ NCL & Tanabe it could be there sooner, though?

There'll obviously be some studios/people out of NLG and Nintendo helping, like for most games in this industry, but it can only speed up the development so far.
All depends on the scope of the game in terms of gameplay, graphics, etc. Doubt we'd have to wait too long though.


Rumors about the controller and NX power sound logic. Nintendo needs a competitive console , so everything above PS4 power will be good.

Remote play with a cheap controller compared to WiUU pad is interesting just hope the battery life is long.

Do not care about what games will come , Nintendo will deliver and pretty sure they will change 3rd party support with NX, games will come.

Anyway those are just rumors and is fun to speculate about them , saddly some people take them as facts and this generates conclusions with little value.


I dont think he should be banned. And i have a feeling what he is posting is most likely true in some capacity.

Go back to the first real leak. Wall Street Journal, not some random twitter person said NX will use industry leading chips. It was mostly ignored due to lol Nintendo.

Indie gamerchick hears its easy to develop forvand more powerful than ps4. Again people find ways to jump through hoops to not believe.

Now 10k posts things he heard which line up with the previous two "hard" rumors. So either WSJ is doing shitty reporting and indiegamerchicks rral insiders are lying, or there is some validity to these power rumors.

And obviously Nintendo is not leak proof. Just ask trev and the entire marketing budget leaked.

So i will choose to believe that they will put out a machine as or more powerful than PS4. Not like PS4 is a beast to begin with.

Puma+ or A72 would be enough to make it industry-leading, as would GCN 1.2. GCN 1.3 is pushing it though.

APUs are so damn limiting. The chip can't be too big, so I can't see anything better than PS4's APU with all CUs active working on 28nm. I wonder if Tonga could be ported to 20nm? That would work with 4 CUs disabled.


Even so I wouldn't expect a 3D Mario launching so close to Zelda.

Right, I potentially agree--perhaps it'll be a 6 months to 1 yr launch game. OTOH, they've had a few years over at EPD Tokyo since their last "full" game, or at least last Mario game, so we're about due for one, and Zelda being available multiplatform means it's possible we get Mario or another huge Nintendo franchise at launch. But, with that said, thinking about it further, it wouldn't surprise me if Mario was the big May 2017 game, with Zelda, a showcase game like Nintendo Land, and some other moderate IPs (like Pikmin 4) and ports (as speculated) during/after the holiday. I guess I expect Pikmin this year to ensure there at least a couple FP NX exclusives this holiday. :)

There'll obviously be some studios/people out of NLG and Nintendo helping, like for most games in this industry, but it can only speed up the development so far.
All depends on the scope of the game in terms of gameplay, graphics, etc. Doubt we'd have to wait too long though.

Awesome. Thanks for the info!

I think that unless a mod comes out and says that 10k's sources are legit, everything should be taken with a pinch of salt. 10K clearly states that he's simply passing the info on, which in itself should be a signal to be very wary about the legitimacy of these claims.

But 10k has said himself to take this with a pinch of a salt. I mean he can't stress that enough lol. You should wary of a rumor because it's a rumor lmao. That's just common sense.

Not only that, but 10k also said his source at least in the OP rumors were verified by the mods. So some significant verification did occur.


The Birthday Skeleton
It mentions in the rumour only a few have devkits, I'd assume one ofthe people he's talking has access to the devkit or knows someone that does

If only a few have the actual devkit it means that it is very very easy to identify the leaks. Which makes a leak very unlikely to happen from one of these devs. Nobody risks the career and money over 10k's celebrity on GAF.


Right, I potentially agree--perhaps it'll be a 6 months to 1 yr launch game. OTOH, they've had a few years over at EPD Tokyo since their last "full" game, or at least last Mario game, so we're about due for one, and Zelda being available multiplatform means it's possible we get Mario or another huge Nintendo franchise at launch. But, with that said, thinking about it further, it wouldn't surprise me if Mario was the big May 2017 game, with Zelda, a showcase game like Nintendo Land, and some other moderate IPs (like Pikmin 4) and ports (as speculated) during/after the holiday. I guess I expect Pikmin this year to ensure there at least a couple FP NX exclusives this holiday. :)

So this is my inkling here. I think we will see Pikmin 4 and Luigi's Mansion 3(my personal belief outside the rumor lol) within the launch window. Say December and February. Obviously Nintendo will have their own NX-centric game like Nintendoland because I think they like doing that. No clue what could come in May, but maybe Retro's game falls here. But if Retro's game is Metroid Prime(unfortunately) then an August release is more likely imo.

I've always said I think Nintendo will go the Wii route and showoff 3D Mario at E3 but release it Holiday '17. But hey I would love for Nintendo to shock me and go guns blazing and have it out at launch or launch window.


Even if the info turns out to be bogus, 10k shouldn't be banned. They've made it abundantly clear that they're just passing along info that should be treated with scepticism at nearly every turn.
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