The funny thing is the right image looks like it's the real version and the left is supposed to be the joke.
The funny thing is the right image looks like it's the real version and the left is supposed to be the joke.
People are trying to talk about this somewhat seriously in this thread so I don't get the shit takes. MS is going to be going through a period of contraction. GP being sustainable currently may not be the case in 3 years if they move out of hardware, get less 3rd party sales, etc. They're going to have to shrink down a bit, make money on hardware at very, very low volume, and then increase money on software multiplat. GP subs also contribute of course, but we have to see how many of the current subscribers will stick with it during this transition. Multiplatform sales are going to be the bulk of what's funding all of MS gaming. This is just common sense if you look at what's coming. The more money MS gaming is making as a whole, the more likely they are going to keep GP going.I thought Game Pass was already "sustainable". Now it depends on "Sony bros"?
I swear that goalpost was right over there.....
He preordered a PS5 Pro (and got a 4070)
Coping mechanism.Dafuq?
Nice. I'm really looking forward to this game. It looks so cool it has that Half-life and Fallout vibe in it.Stalker 2 is just a 3 month timed exclusive so your in luck there.
I'm pretty sure your $240 a year to rent games they choose for you is funding GamePass.More than happy for ps5 players to continue to fund these games being day one on gamepass. Thanks Sony bros.
Because you can always play your Xbox library on PC.
Because you can always play your Xbox library on PC.
Friends don't let friends use Windows store.Because you can always play your Xbox library on PC.
People are trying to talk about this somewhat seriously in this thread so I don't get the shit takes. MS is going to be going through a period of contraction. GP being sustainable currently may not be the case in 3 years if they move out of hardware, get less 3rd party sales, etc. They're going to have to shrink down a bit, make money on hardware at very, very low volume, and then increase money on software multiplat. GP subs also contribute of course, but we have to see how many of the current subscribers will stick with it during this transition. Multiplatform sales are going to be the bulk of what's funding all of MS gaming. This is just common sense if you look at what's coming. The more money MS gaming is making as a whole, the more likely they are going to keep GP going.
He literally quoted a shit take, ya mung.People are trying to talk about this somewhat seriously in this thread so I don't get the shit takes.
I didn't mean to get too personal on the shit take thing, so sorry about that part. I guess I don't really understand the part about Sony or narratives. I'm not really talking about narratives, but just trying to talk about what's actually happening. GP could be sustainable now, or a year ago. That could change in 3 years. That's not talking about the narrative as much as I'm just trying to talk about what's happening. PS could previously thrive on exclusives (and so could 3rd party publishers), but that's not the case now with costs rising faster than their console sales are growing. Whatever the narrative is is largely irrelevant to me I guess. The state of the market changes. If Xbox is selling games on PS that's obviously a huge boost for their gaming division. If PS is selling stuff like Helldivers on Steam, that's a huge boost for them. Just me personally, I treated it the same so I dunno. They're both adapting to a changing landscape.Don't really disagree with any of that as far as the state of Xbox right now. If the post I replied to had framed it as well as you did then I'd just post a thumbs up and move on. But if my post was "shit take" then time for folks to reflect a bit every time they call out a fairly huge change in narratives that have been hammered over and over again. If Sony goes day one on PC and the narratives from Sony fans change to accommodate that....are we really going to pretend that isn't going to be pointed out?
I don't agree. I made the same point. Multiplat sales just strengthens MS' gaming division if they go multiplat. That helps people interested in MS gaming or GP. It doesn't carry it entirely, but it's only a good thing if MS is not losing money on gaming. I don't get where anyone disagrees with this. It's like saying Steam money doesn't help PS or help support Helldivers. That's even more true of an expensive thing like a sub service.He literally quoted a shit take, ya mung.
I didn't mean to get too personal on the shit take thing, so sorry about that part. I guess I don't really understand the part about Sony or narratives. I'm not really talking about narratives, but just trying to talk about what's actually happening. GP could be sustainable now, or a year ago. That could change in 3 years. That's not talking about the narrative as much as I'm just trying to talk about what's happening. PS could previously thrive on exclusives (and so could 3rd party publishers), but that's not the case now with costs rising faster than their console sales are growing. Whatever the narrative is is largely irrelevant to me I guess. The state of the market changes. If Xbox is selling games on PS that's obviously a huge boost for their gaming division. If PS is selling stuff like Helldivers on Steam, that's a huge boost for them. Just me personally, I treated it the same so I dunno. They're both adapting to a changing landscape.
I don't agree. I made the same point.
Here's the thing. We all know the user's history, we all know how a sentence is structured to entice outrage bait. i.e. trolling. There was no long drawn out explanation other than to get a tit for tat dig bait.I don't agree. I made the same point
More than happy for Game Pass to continue to be stagnant, unsustainable really, so Sony players can get all those newly purchased MS IPs/games . Thanks to the few, the proud, the Xbox bros.
People don't play on PC.. they just say that when they wrote "I don't need an xbox ,i have a pc" over the last 10 years
He's calling you a liar,Calverz
He's calling you a liar,Calverz
Bookmarking this mess of a paragraph to come back to some time in 2026.I gotta be honest lol i own all platforms so no bias here but i think its pretty clear there are a large group of either playstation fanboys or just microsoft haters who want the xbox platform to fail because while anything is possible for some reason i find this highly difficult to believe. They are clearly still all in on competing given their recent giant investments but theyve also been quoted as saying their next console is not leaving any stone unturned. Bond saying their next console is the biggest technical leap in console history. Understand that can be marketing talk obviously but it still tells me they expect to compete in the next generation and giving flagship titles day and date to their direct competition seems like an odd strategy to say the least. Halo and Gears day one is not the same as Indiana Jones , Grounded , and Sea of Thieves. One a new ip in terms of recent gaming history (im aware there are retro indiana jones games) so obviously you dont want to limit its market and the latter two being much older games and them strategically pumping new life into their social engagement. Which worked flawlessly given their charting on ps store. They are strategic but not insane it seems. Also where is Starfield on Ps5 ? I remember that rumor. So no Starfield yet but Halo and Gears day 1 ? Yeah im not buying it. And to make this rumor seem even less likely is their obvious acknowledgment of a lack of first party titles for the last several years and their obvious effort (fable perfect dark south by midnight clockwork revolution avowed blade etc ) to change that narrative then why just give them your two staple ip day and date to make investing in your ecosystem, which youre clearly still trying to sell people on , that much more less enticing. Makes ZERO sense. Miss me with this nonsense lol
First thing you gotta do, and I don't say this only regarding Microsoft/Xbox execs, is to stop believing what execs say. I lost the count of how many times Phil Spencer and Jim Ryan lied or said something and then did the opposite.I gotta be honest lol i own all platforms so no bias here but i think its pretty clear there are a large group of either playstation fanboys or just microsoft haters who want the xbox platform to fail because while anything is possible for some reason i find this highly difficult to believe. They are clearly still all in on competing given their recent giant investments but theyve also been quoted as saying their next console is not leaving any stone unturned. Bond saying their next console is the biggest technical leap in console history. Understand that can be marketing talk obviously but it still tells me they expect to compete in the next generation and giving flagship titles day and date to their direct competition seems like an odd strategy to say the least. Halo and Gears day one is not the same as Indiana Jones , Grounded , and Sea of Thieves. One a new ip in terms of recent gaming history (im aware there are retro indiana jones games) so obviously you dont want to limit its market and the latter two being much older games and them strategically pumping new life into their social engagement. Which worked flawlessly given their charting on ps store. They are strategic but not insane it seems. Also where is Starfield on Ps5 ? I remember that rumor. So no Starfield yet but Halo and Gears day 1 ? Yeah im not buying it. And to make this rumor seem even less likely is their obvious acknowledgment of a lack of first party titles for the last several years and their obvious effort (fable perfect dark south by midnight clockwork revolution avowed blade etc ) to change that narrative then why just give them your two staple ip day and date to make investing in your ecosystem, which youre clearly still trying to sell people on , that much more less enticing. Makes ZERO sense. Miss me with this nonsense lol
You go on right ahead and do that mr. cliche grammar police snarky internet manBookmarking this mess of a paragraph to come back to some time in 2026.
Yeah see even with you i can tell theres bias and you are emotionally charged about the subject. Very odd phenomenon with xbox where people just hate them enough to want to see them fall but truthfully , as someone who mostly plays on pc and ps5 , they have enough capital to sustain their last several years of shortcomings and there is tangibility in their investments that they are still here to compete and turn things around so yeah i mean i hear you they obviously have not done well in many regards but a company as large as theirs is capable of turning things around and thats just a fact. Doesnt mean it will happen but i got sad news for everyone who wants Xbox to go away. Its not. And money does buy talent so if theyre motivated to produce exclusive experiences for their platforms then they will and its evident that these said experiences are on the way given their summer showcase.First thing you gotta do, and I don't say this only regarding Microsoft/Xbox execs, is to stop believing what execs say. I lost the count of how many times Phil Spencer and Jim Ryan lied or said something and then did the opposite.
This "where is starfield where is this where is that" argument is similar to what some people were saying before and after the "only 4 games" debacle. First it was a rumor, "where is hifi rush on ps5?? lololol" then it got confirmed and we moved to "just 4 games and they are OLD and gaas lol lol lol ". After that came Doom day 1 on PS but "it was IDs choice bro. Phil is a cool dude so he let them to it!".
Now it's Indiana Jones just a few months after its initial release on xbox and the goalposts are moving again. You gotta stop making excuses and moving the goalposts, because one of these days when you less expect it you will see some other Xbox game announcement for playstation: Starfield, Forza Horizon 5, Hellblade 2, Halo MCC...whatever. There are not a lot to chose from so we are getting closer to those.
Because you can always play your Xbox library on PC.
I gotta be honest lol i own all platforms so no bias here but i think its pretty clear there are a large group of either playstation fanboys or just microsoft haters who want the xbox platform to fail because while anything is possible for some reason i find this highly difficult to believe. They are clearly still all in on competing given their recent giant investments but theyve also been quoted as saying their next console is not leaving any stone unturned. Bond saying their next console is the biggest technical leap in console history. Understand that can be marketing talk obviously but it still tells me they expect to compete in the next generation and giving flagship titles day and date to their direct competition seems like an odd strategy to say the least. Halo and Gears day one is not the same as Indiana Jones , Grounded , and Sea of Thieves. One a new ip in terms of recent gaming history (im aware there are retro indiana jones games) so obviously you dont want to limit its market and the latter two being much older games and them strategically pumping new life into their social engagement. Which worked flawlessly given their charting on ps store. They are strategic but not insane it seems. Also where is Starfield on Ps5 ? I remember that rumor. So no Starfield yet but Halo and Gears day 1 ? Yeah im not buying it. And to make this rumor seem even less likely is their obvious acknowledgment of a lack of first party titles for the last several years and their obvious effort (fable perfect dark south by midnight clockwork revolution avowed blade etc ) to change that narrative then why just give them your two staple ip day and date to make investing in your ecosystem, which youre clearly still trying to sell people on , that much more less enticing. Makes ZERO sense. Miss me with this nonsense lol
Yeah see even with you i can tell theres bias and you are emotionally charged about the subject. Very odd phenomenon with xbox where people just hate them enough to want to see them fall but truthfully , as someone who mostly plays on pc and ps5 , they have enough capital to sustain their last several years of shortcomings and there is tangibility in their investments that they are still here to compete and turn things around so yeah i mean i hear you they obviously have not done well in many regards but a company as large as theirs is capable of turning things around and thats just a fact. Doesnt mean it will happen but i got sad news for everyone who wants Xbox to go away. Its not. And money does buy talent so if theyre motivated to produce exclusive experiences for their platforms then they will and its evident that these said experiences are on the way given their summer showcase.
That isn’t even the case for all first party games, like Diablo. For third parties it’s way less than that.Because you can always play your Xbox library on PC.
Pretty bizarre to assume anything about me seeing as to how you dont know me lol pretty large reason to assume you dont know my feelings on things dont ya think ? But anyway ill clarify my thoughts. Im 33. I was a console warrior around the ages of 12-15 id say. And it was for Nintendo. I am a fan of all three platforms. I have wonderful memories with all of them and i root for all of them to have success and compete directly which they are not currently doing(nintendo probably never will because they have their successful niche). And as for the nitpicking of Bond not using the word “console” they have confirmed they’re working on a new console. And also have heavily hinted at a handheld as well. But yeah i mean onward with your assumptions lol omw home to finish sh2Few points. 1) Owning a platform doesn't remove bias. You cannot buy objectivity. 2) Microsoft has actively avoided the word "console" when talking about their next gen hardware so no they didn't say "biggest technical leap in console history" 3) The Indy rumor was just a "rumor" until it became real. So there is going to be a ton of speculation about what is and what isn't going to get ported. That's on Microsoft. They could easily clear this up but they just don't.
"It’s been nearly six months since we came together as an organization. Our collective achievements in that timeframe are tremendous. Everyone should feel incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved and excited about the opportunities ahead," Sarah said, "We are moving full speed ahead on our next generation hardware, focused on delivering the biggest technological leap ever in a generation."
~Sarah Bond on next gen hardware.
EXCLUSIVE: Xbox President Sarah Bond has set up a new team dedicated to game preservation and forward compatibility
The backward compatibility program will continue to future Xbox
You are no more unbiased than anyone else expressing an opinion my man so I'd suggest dropping that argument. Phil Spencer has made it clear that Xbox has to succeed as a business within Microsoft so I don't know why anyone thinks Microsoft is just going to open up the checkbook and pour more money into Xbox consoles. It just hasn't worked and there is little reason to believe it will turn around. Microsoft has made it clear that they are not exiting the gaming hardware business however, but what that really means at this point has been widely speculated. Could be PCs and/or PC handhelds. Either way, I'm thinking they are done with subsidized hardware. Time will tell.
I thought Game Pass was already "sustainable". Now it depends on "Sony bros"?
I swear that goalpost was right over there.....
Pretty bizarre to assume anything about me seeing as to how you dont know me lol pretty large reason to assume you dont know my feelings on things dont ya think ?
Yeah see even with you i can tell theres bias and you are emotionally charged about the subject.
Microsoft under Nadella never abides bad news, the company has become far more PR-focused under him than it was during the Gates or Ballmer days.I think if the concluded strategy is to revert to 3rd party publishing only, then from a business perspective the Xbox would be put to sleep quickly - no point stringing out its final months/years on costly life support. To me it looks like MS is putting GP at the forefront of its strategy, and at present the xbox is the only means to take GP to the casual market, which it needs if its going to succeed (a PC/Mac only GP strategy is too boxed in). Unless of course someone else steps in with a genric GP-focused device that can sit under the TV that is... which is plausible.
I think generally, Gamepass is being massively retooled from an instrument of growth into an instrument of profit.Ah what I meant was exposing people on PS to the potential delights of GP with a stripped back sub, enticing them to subscribe to full sub on another platform (PC or whatevs). A bit like hanging around schools offering some pre rolled joints to kids, but they have to go around the corner to experience the good stuff. Insidious marketing strategies etc.
Bro are you ok ?Your background is irrelevant. I didn't say a thing about your "feelings", now did I? I simply said you owning a console doesn't make you unbiased. You don't know E evolve either, now do you? And yet....
You trying to be the "bias" police? lol
That is referring to the exact same quote I provided above which says nothing about a "console". And you didn't actually read the article.
"Although Bond did specify what this hardware news would entail, leaked documents published last year revealed that Microsft is planning to launch hardware refreshes for both the Xbox Series X and S this year." time go beyond just reading the clickbait headline.
Enjoy your game, by the way.
Oh yeah. I definitely trust bots on reddit. No agenda there.
I'm happy to fund your rental service while MS funds Sony's slimy platform things.
Oh yeah. I definitely trust bots on reddit. No agenda there.
Just seem quite fired up there pal lol listen man ive shared my opinion. Think its unlikely. Made what i think are salient points. Maybe you disagree. Thats fine. Idk what else to tell you. Me pointing out that persons bias was based on their response which seemed emotionally motivated. I see my reasoning and thought process as clearly objective even to someone who isnt familiar with my inner thoughts lol. Just stating some obvious truths. Youre being nitpicky and assumptive and you also seem a little emotional but hey man idk one way or the other for sure. And quite frankly idgaf lol i just spoke my peace about the original post and i disagree. Go head and theorize my angle all you want lol. And yes i suppose youre correct in them not saying the word console lol but yeah theyre going to make a new console. Along with a strongly hinted at handheld. Take care bud love you a lotDoing fine. You?
Yes it willThe first DF video that shows the PS5 Pro running something significantly better than the XSX will be brutal. New levels of console warring will be ushered.
For 2 years?Yes it will
For awhile![]()
For 2 years?![]()
Oh so silly! You have your tag for a reason. Why should I trust you?Thank you for funding my day 1 free Black Ops 6, you parasite.
No one's stopping you from trusting "MAGG"![]()
Just seem quite fired up there pal lol listen man ive shared my opinion. Think its unlikely. Made what i think are salient points. Maybe you disagree. Thats fine. Idk what else to tell you. Me pointing out that persons bias was based on their response which seemed emotionally motivated. I see my reasoning and thought process as clearly objective even to someone who isnt familiar with my inner thoughts lol. Just stating some obvious truths. Youre being nitpicky and assumptive and you also seem a little emotional but hey man idk one way or the other for sure. And quite frankly idgaf lol i just spoke my peace about the original post and i disagree. Go head and theorize my angle all you want lol. And yes i suppose youre correct in them not saying the word console lol but yeah theyre going to make a new console. Along with a strongly hinted at handheld. Take care bud love you a lot![]()
The poor Kin on the outside looking in...Satya Nadela will put an end to the next Xbox hw, he doesn’t see the point. He is fine releasing sw on the ps5 and pc, mobiles. He doesn’t make any money on hw. It’s time to let it die like zune, windows phones and HDDVD.