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Rumor: Wachowski's and James McTeigue might do the Superman reboot

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Actually, all I'm really doing is trying to tweak the Lynda Carter formula. She was 5'10", fairly athletic, a model and aspiring actress, and only 24 years old when she landed the role that defined her career and gave a lasting face to an iconic character.

Who knows, maybe lightning can strike twice.
I can certainly appreciate Lynda Carter these days; but honestly - ignoring her figure, she isn't quite my picture of Wonder Woman.


Is it too much to ask? :D


love on your sleeve
Height is the least important aspect. For one, it can be fudged on screen and two, you're a dickhead if you would seriously think to complain about that. Honestly, combining athleticism and beauty is the key.
Chamber said:
Height is the least important aspect. For one, it can be fudged on screen and two, you're a dickhead if you would seriously think to complain about that. Honestly, combining athleticism and beauty is the key.

There is a thread full of dickheads here then if you use the search button. ;)


love on your sleeve
Hey, you never heard me say GAF wasn't full of dickheads!

Seriously though, I doubt most people can accurately tell the height of people on screen. If they find a beautiful, athletic woman to play WW (who can also act), are you really going to be upset because she's 5'6" and not 6'?


bluemax said:
The problem with Super Man is that he's ultimately a boring character with no really interesting enemies. Especially ones that will translate to the big screen in a believable manner.

Super Man is just boring.

They can still do some fairly interesting things with Superman due to his powers being so archetypal. Audiences will never get tired of Superman as long as he's flying around and melting things with his eyes.

I think Iron Man may be more at risk as far as a long-term franchise, since he has no superhuman powers and no interesting villains at all. Tony Stark's most compelling enemy has always been himself. Luckily, they have Robert Downey Jr. whose massive talent overshadows these issues.
The really shitty thing about Superman Returns being shitty is that I am pressed to think of any actor who looks the part for Superman better than Brandon Routh.


They could make a good Superman movie, but it would pretty much have to be the antithesis of the Matrix, where the whole time he is being raised/taught that he has to hold back on his abilities or else he'll destroy everything and kill people (as opposed to Neo having to extend his abilities because he's "the one") and then he finally has to go all-out to protect Earth from some threat.
favouriteflavour said:
Brandon Routh needs to come back. Man was perfect for the role. I will even go as far as to say even more perfect than Reeves.

Routh was great but what you just proposed is downright crazy talk.
Superman needs to wear a mask because it is just simply stupid to think that the world is completely fooled of his real identity by Clark Kent simply taking off his glasses.

That is just stupid, in my opinion.


the walrus said:
And it actually makes sense. Batman is the only believable, and well known person who could actually pose a threat to Superman (and his popularity :p). of course, now that the Nolanverse is established and successful, I'm not sure I would want some crossover unless it would be completely cheese-free, which, as we've seen time and time again, is just too fucking difficult for comic-book movie directors.

Then Nolan isnt your man. There is plenty of cheese in both BB and TDK. Most Batfans simply overlook it in their rush to praise everything else.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Nolan is pretty good on the overall idea behind a character and fits that to an overlining story. BUT, he's bad at both the action and direct dialogue, it just doesn't seem as natural when his characters are speaking. Compared to things like, Reservoir Dogs etc. Where the flow of a conversation is natural. It's like they're sort of half real, half comicbook character. Don't feel it.

TDK crusaders, please this is just my humble opinion elaborated. So don't bother.


Solo said:
Then Nolan isnt your man. There is plenty of cheese in both BB and TDK. Most Batfans simply overlook it in their rush to praise everything else.

I know. All superhero movies have some element of cheese to them, and if Nolan did it, I'd really hope there's no water-main guy, or stupid kids, or gordon's dumb passanger, etc. I think it could be well done, but nobody wants to risk it at the box office (Nolan included)
Chamber said:
Height is the least important aspect. For one, it can be fudged on screen and two, you're a dickhead if you would seriously think to complain about that. Honestly, combining athleticism and beauty is the key.
Hey, you never heard me say GAF wasn't full of dickheads!

Seriously though, I doubt most people can accurately tell the height of people on screen. If they find a beautiful, athletic woman to play WW (who can also act), are you really going to be upset because she's 5'6" and not 6'?
A couple of things... First, the average height of an actress in Hollywood is 5'5" tall, which is at or just above the national average for women in America... Wonder Woman is not supposed to be average. It's part of her damn name, for crying out loud, she's supposed to stand out. So an actress who comes in to the role at 5'10" is going to seem more extraordinary than one who comes in at 5'6" or less.

Second, look at the actors DC/Warner is getting to play its male superheroes... Bale comes in right at 6' tall. Routh is 6'3" and as Superman looks like the biggest guy in the room. Reynolds is set to play Green Lantern, and comes in to the role at 6'2" tall. All well above the average actor height of 5'10" tall. Are you honestly going to sit there and tell me that there's enough lens trickery in Hollywood to make an actress who barely edges past 5' measure up to guys like that?

EDIT: Look, I'm not saying a shorter actress couldn't play Wonder Woman... I'm just saying it would make the production a whole lot easier and, in the end, more believable if they hired an actress for the part who more closely fits the ideal image of Wonder Woman.


love on your sleeve
5' is too short, I agree. ~5'6" is fine in my view.

I just think Wonder Woman's ideal image is tough to live up to. 5'11, ages 20-30, fitness model type physique, one of the most beautiful women in the world. I have to imagine that's much harder than finding a guy to play Batman when keeping in mind this person has to be able to act.

Does anyone care that Hugh Jackman is a foot taller than Wolverine's stated height?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
favouriteflavour said:
Brandon Routh needs to come back. Man was perfect for the role. I will even go as far as to say even more perfect than Reeves.

I'm a huge fan of Routh as Supes, but no one can touch Reeve.


well not really...yet
Slashfilm asked McTeigue about Superman

Last week IESB reported a rumor that Warner Bros and DC Comics were in talks with Andy and Larry Wachowski to produce a Superman reboot directed by McTeigue. I asked James if there was any truth to the rumors what-so ever, and he laughed kinda nervously, and paused for a second, before giving me an interesting non answer:

“You know… I… I would say… I’ll keep you guessing, actually. It’s good not to dispel every rumor, right?”

James had been so forthcoming on previous questions, and quick to deny false rumors. I hate to read too much into his answer (or as it may be, his non-answer) but his hesitation seems to suggest there might be something to it.
Maybe there have been some early talks, or possibly it is something the Wachowski Brothers are developing. But the non denial seems rather odd, especially coming off of denials on a handful of other rumored projects.



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Non-story. Even if he hasn't had any discussions about it, a Superman movie is being made eventually, it'll be through WB where his entire directing career is based, and there's absolutely no sense in stopping fans from talking about what it might be like with him involved. It's as he says, it's good to keep people talking.
Spike Spiegel said:
A couple of things... First, the average height of an actress in Hollywood is 5'5" tall, which is at or just above the national average for women in America... Wonder Woman is not supposed to be average. It's part of her damn name, for crying out loud, she's supposed to stand out. So an actress who comes in to the role at 5'10" is going to seem more extraordinary than one who comes in at 5'6" or less.

Second, look at the actors DC/Warner is getting to play its male superheroes... Bale comes in right at 6' tall. Routh is 6'3" and as Superman looks like the biggest guy in the room. Reynolds is set to play Green Lantern, and comes in to the role at 6'2" tall. All well above the average actor height of 5'10" tall. Are you honestly going to sit there and tell me that there's enough lens trickery in Hollywood to make an actress who barely edges past 5' measure up to guys like that?

EDIT: Look, I'm not saying a shorter actress couldn't play Wonder Woman... I'm just saying it would make the production a whole lot easier and, in the end, more believable if they hired an actress for the part who more closely fits the ideal image of Wonder Woman.

James Marden had to stand on platforms when in scenes with Famke.

Also, hobbits.
Chamber said:
Does anyone care that Hugh Jackman is a foot taller than Wolverine's stated height?

it does kind of irk me. Wolverine was always the world's baddest short man.

What he lacked in height and handsomeness he more than made up for with crazy. :D


The Take Out Bandit said:
I can certainly appreciate Lynda Carter these days; but honestly - ignoring her figure, she isn't quite my picture of Wonder Woman.


Is it too much to ask? :D

No no no, we need the animated one. 6'5", 40" chest 20" waist 36" hips.
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