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Rumor: Wachowski's and James McTeigue might do the Superman reboot

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The problem with Super Man is that he's ultimately a boring character with no really interesting enemies. Especially ones that will translate to the big screen in a believable manner.

Super Man is just boring.


Busty said:
Seriously. Dye her hair brown and we have a female protagonist.

Either that or Wonder Woman.



Oh, and Sarah Lancaster looks more like Wonder Woman to me.





Jibril said:
I still can't believe WB approved Singer's take, over JJ Abrams'.

Well Singer was still hot off of the first two X-Men movies it was a no brainer decision.
I quite liked SR but can see in a climate where a superhero movie is expected to have certain things it was a little undernourished in terms of epic setpieces.


bluemax said:
The problem with Super Man is that he's ultimately a boring character with no really interesting enemies. Especially ones that will translate to the big screen in a believable manner.

Super Man is just boring.
The problem with a script that hasn't yet been written is that there are no interesting enemies, and it is just boring.

I see.



bluemax said:
The problem with Super Man is that he's ultimately a boring character with no really interesting enemies. Especially ones that will translate to the big screen in a believable manner.

Super Man is just boring.
So wrong. Darkseid, Brainiac, General Zod and Lex Luthor would all be great for movies (and some have been great). Possibly Mongul too.

I think they should start the series off like All-Star Superman started. Give a quick recap of the origin and hit the ground running with a new main villain (like Brainiac) with Luthor operating in the background. An extended take on "What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way?" could be a great reintroduction to Superman too.

I'm also one of the crazy people who thinks a Crisis movie involving just Supermen could work with the right writer/director.

ETA: Superman Returns' biggest problem was that Bryan Singer doesn't understand Superman or Lois Lane. Plus it was just a rehash of the first movie without the wit, charm or energy.


The studio seem to be scared to greenlight a superman movie that is too fantastical and that lets Supes let loose so to speak.


Hey it worked for the Incredible Hulk. It sucks though because most people didn't see that because of their experience with the other Hulk movie. I suspect the same thing will happen with this movie. The only thing I liked about the other movie is how it started(with him as a teenager). Why not make a movie like that? Like smallville the movie, but without any of the actors from the show, and non of the sucking.


Grant DaNasty said:
Were the Matrix sequels even profitable?

They went way overbudget, and the third one especially underperformed at the box office.

They were definitely profitable. Reloaded set a new record for box office take for an R-rated movie.


Grant DaNasty said:
Were the Matrix sequels even profitable?

WB gave them a $300 mil budget to make back-to-back movies which ended up making nearly $1.2 billion worldwide excluding dvd and merchandise sales.

...yeah, they were kinda profitable.


Isn't Grant Morrison writing a treatment for a superhero movie for WB? I really hope that he it is superman.


Yeah, the profit from the matrix sequels easily covered the cost of Speed Racer, and then some.


I am Korean.
bluemax said:
The problem with Super Man is that he's ultimately a boring character with no really interesting enemies. Especially ones that will translate to the big screen in a believable manner.
Huh? An alien that flies and can shoot heat rays from his eyes, who is only damaged by magic and rocks form his own planet that magically found their way to Earth too is believable.

Any other character with similar characteristics? No audience would ever believe it!!!!! :lol

Hell, look at Shazaam vs Superman in JLU. Not only was he fighting a guy with similar powers, but hey looked into the fallout of two super powered characters hurling each other through buildings etc. There's a lot of potential for that kind of a storyline in a movie.

Grant DaNasty

Neo Member
DMczaf said:
WB gave them a $300 mil budget to make back-to-back movies which ended up making nearly $1.2 billion worldwide excluding dvd and merchandise sales.

...yeah, they were kinda profitable.

Yeah, it looks like the R rating really hurt them domestically. The foreign/domestic grosses seem out of whack.

Why the hell do the Matrix movies get R ratings while The Dark Knight gets PG-13?

The only scene in the whole trilogy that strikes me as patently R is when the guy who pilots the mech gets his face ripped up.

Grant DaNasty

Neo Member
evil solrac v3.0 said:
a lot people felt it didn't have enough fighting.

Don't forget that Kate Bosworth was 21 when she filmed Superman Returns.

In it, she has a 5-year old by Superman.

If I'm doing my math right that makes Superman a Super-Statutory Rapist.


Lakitu said:
I still can't believe Superman Returns cost like $250 million. What did they spend it on, lollipops?

Like $70 mil went toward dead Superman projects that never got off the ground, so they just bundled it all into Return's budget for tax purposes I think. Tim Burton and Nick Cage were both paid their full salaries without ever shooting a second of footage :lol
J.J Abrams Superman Treatment said:
Abrams story re-imagined Superman as a Kryptonian prince sent to earth as a baby to avoid an impending civil war between king Jor-El and his brother Kata-Zor. Raised as Midwestern teen Clark Kent, and in love with his high school sweetheart Lois, Superman becomes humanity's defender when Kata-Zor invades Earth, aided by CIA Agent Lex Luthor, who is actually a Kryptonian in disguise. The film ended with Superman returning to Krypton to rule over his people after the death of Jor-El.

Anything would be better than that heap of shit.

Grant DaNasty

Neo Member
DMczaf said:
Like $70 mil went toward dead Superman projects that never got off the ground, so they just bundled it all into Return's budget for tax purposes I think. Tim Burton and Nick Cage were both paid their full salaries without ever shooting a second of footage :lol

In Tim Burton's defense he spent a year working on the damn thing.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I wasn't really a big Superman fan until I started watching the Justice League cartoons. I think too many people think of the old Superman movies when they think of Superman. I'd be thrilled if the next Superman movie has Darkseid in it. They really do need to introduce film goers to a Superman villain that he can pummel mercilessly. I don't mind Lex as a background character, but I really don't want to see a villain that has to pull out the kryptonite in order to be a threat.


Zeitgeister said:
I can imagine that working if Cage would be allowed to play Superman as the dick he is (or was, anyway). Seriously, why shouldn't Superman be a total dick?

Well, actually...


It's no suprise that Superman 5 was stuck in development hell for so long, considering the various scripts and names attached. For example, that JJ Abrams script would have either been: Ungodly expensive, long, and just plain terrible, though, it might appeal to the TF audience. Then, you see who was going to direct it: McG. And then he opted out to go direct Charlie's Angels. :lol :lol :lol I don't know if he truly knew he just wasn't up to par, didn't like the script or what, but I would certainly take the chance to direct a fucking Superman movie over Charlie's Angels. And thanks to SR's relative underperformance, it seems there is yet again a shitton of ideas and no original way to take this movie. Hopefully the Wachowskis can bring some interesting ideas, because if there's one thing they have, it is a ton of passion for whatever material they are working with, whether it be the Matrix or Speed Racer.

Edit: WTF? Superman being an asshole? Why would anyone want to turn that into a movie?


evil solrac v3.0 said:
Superman vs. Darkseid. Darkseid as the polar opposite of everything superman stands for. (not bizarro) there's your conflict. make happen WB.

yes that's the villian I want in the next Superman Movie.
Just let Singer make Man of Steel with Brainiac like he said he would (well he said alien). He said it would be the brutal Wrath of Khan approach to Superman. After X2 I trust Singer to make an awesome sequel. They could have Brainiac come, reveal him to be the reason for Krypton's destruction, he could kill Superman's kid, and then we could have our battle royale.


gdt5016 said:
My God, Nolan's Batman 3 with Superman would be the event of the century.

And it actually makes sense. Batman is the only believable, and well known person who could actually pose a threat to Superman (and his popularity :p). of course, now that the Nolanverse is established and successful, I'm not sure I would want some crossover unless it would be completely cheese-free, which, as we've seen time and time again, is just too fucking difficult for comic-book movie directors.


Scullibundo said:
Just let Singer make Man of Steel with Brainiac like he said he would (well he said alien). He said it would be the brutal Wrath of Khan approach to Superman. After X2 I trust Singer to make an awesome sequel. They could have Brainiac come, reveal him to be the reason for Krypton's destruction, he could kill Superman's kid, and then we could have our battle royale.

As good(ish) as that sounds, that'll never happen. He had his shot.

And WB just didn't like the results.


Anticitizen One said:
How come everyone hates that they gave Superman a son in Returns but praise Grant Morrison for giving Batman a son in the comics?

'giving a son' is kind of oversimplifying it. There's a ton of different things going on that separate the two events you are talking about.


No additional functions
I say bring in Braniac and Darksied for at least two more movies. These images provide a good tone of how a modern Superman movie could look placed in a futuristic sci-fi setting. I could see everything in Metropolis looking bright and clean and then these guys have a dingy decrepit setting. It's too hard to replicate the innocence and general goodness displayed by Christopher Reeves, so instead make a movie where earth is in peril against some baddass gangsters from outer space whom which only Superman can defeat.



MadOdorMachine said:
I say bring in Braniac and Darksied for at least two more movies. These images provide a good tone of how a modern Superman movie could look placed in a futuristic sci-fi setting. I could see everything in Metropolis looking bright and clean and then these guys have a dingy decrepit setting. It's too hard to replicate the innocence and general goodness displayed by Christopher Reeves, so instead make a movie where earth is in peril against some baddass gangsters from outer space whom which only Superman can defeat.




darkseid could be the uber-powerful alien/god that subjugates his adopted planet(apokolyps, an earth like planet) instead of helping it unlike superman.
I don't know how to work brainiac but he has lots of potential depending on which version you do.

let geoff Johns or Grant Morrison write it and get out of their fucking way and you'll see people finally stop all this crap about needing their heroes to be "mortal" or "relatable"what crap. i want to see fun stuff on the big screen, not this emo-bullshit that passes for character development these days(i'm looking at you spider-man)

Superman is from middle America, loves the beautiful girl next door and goes to the big city to get a job and make it big. how much more relatable do you need it to be?


Scullibundo said:
Just let Singer make Man of Steel with Brainiac like he said he would (well he said alien). He said it would be the brutal Wrath of Khan approach to Superman. After X2 I trust Singer to make an awesome sequel. They could have Brainiac come, reveal him to be the reason for Krypton's destruction, he could kill Superman's kid, and then we could have our battle royale.

I've been hoping for this since the lights went up after the midnight screening of SR I went to. Sadly it appears to be hopeless now.


Revelations said:
:lol Wait, didnt we already have a reboot...lol

They seriously going to call this a reboot to the reboot? Despite the last film it is still considered such, they cant go back.

Sort of like the new hulk movie
Geez, GAF is in my head or something... not more than two hours ago I was looking at potential actresses for Wonder Woman, a search sparked (this time) by Jennifer Love Hewitt's comments about wanting to play her. :lol

Rena Sofer is too old and too short to play WW in a movie franchise, TToB. You gotta consider the four key factors: age, athleticism, sex appeal, and height.
Spike Spiegel said:
Rena Sofer is too old and too short to play WW in a movie franchise, TToB. You gotta consider the four key factors: age, athleticism, sex appeal, and height.

Paranoid heterosexual male stereotypes will outright reject a physically fit WW. Not to mention Hollywood wouldn't employ a fitness model.

Additionally big pussy guys tend to cry about tall chicks.

I predict failure for WW fans either way. We'll probably get Hannah fuckin' Montana as Diana. :|
I didn't say fitness model... for one thing, they're all too damn short. Jamie's only like 5'2" for example. :lol

Second, they're not actresses. No, I'm thinking about a professional actress, 5'10" to 6'0" tall, late- 20s to early- 30s, with screen presence and a background in collegiate or HS sports -- namely, track. Somebody who could easily get back into running shape for the role without looking like one of these older, low bodyfat muscular freaks (see: Madonna. *shudder*).
Spike Spiegel said:
I didn't say fitness model... for one thing, they're all too damn short. Jamie's only like 5'2" for example. :lol

Second, they're not actresses. No, I'm thinking about a professional actress, 5'10" to 6'0" tall, late- 20s to early- 30s, with screen presence and a background in collegiate or HS sports -- namely, track. Somebody who could easily get back into running shape for the role without looking like one of these older, low bodyfat muscular freaks (see: Madonna. *shudder*).

I can't think of anybody that fits the bill.

Additionally I think you're feeding into the youth obsessed culture of our time. People live longer these days and chicks still look fucking awesome well into their 40's now.

I at least expect a face with some worldliness to it to sell WW as the timeless archetype she is.

Not to mention you're totally overlooking Stallone playing Judge Dredd; who's massive in the comics. Never underestimate the power of creative filming. ;)
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